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Do you think obese/overweight people should pay more for health insurance?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited October 2017
    _emma_78 wrote: »
    One of the cons is that employers could say they don't want to hire people based on weight because of health insurance costs. Many employers do this with smokers already though.
    I just went "Woo" at this comment and don't even know what "Woo" is supposed to express. What I wanted to remark is that if employers can refuse to hire people based on weight, isn't that discrimination?

    Well, first, the suggestion is based on a misunderstanding/incorrect premise. Small employers who pay based on overall costs, pay based on overall costs (i.e., risk estimates and quoted costs will take into account past years overall costs), so a high percentage of people with higher health risks would likely cost the employer more under the current system (although this was one of the things ACA is supposed to fix).

    Charging individuals more wouldn't matter to employers, as they would pass those costs on to the employer, as with smokers. It's actually when they can't charge more specifically that in theory there would be a desire to avoid such employers (or to find a way out of giving them health care, as with part time and so on).

    Re discrimination, we make illegal certain specific kinds of discrimination. Age and religious-based discrimination are illegal.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    jdlobb wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    jdlobb wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    NoxDineen wrote: »
    Nobody should pay for health insurance. Not directly anyway. Single payer system.

    Then brace yourself for single-payer quality.



    There is a lot more to life expectancy than health care, lifestyle habits are far more relevant. Have you ever traveled throughout Western Europe and taken a look at the physical composition and habits of most of the people? A lot of bike riding, a lot of sensible portions, and not a lot of waddling.

    and you explain Canada...how?

    Also, as someone who used to live in the UK, their fitness and behavior isn't appreciably different than ours.

    If I were to grant you that socialized healthcare is the sole reason for the increased longevity for the sake of argument - Canada and the UK get an additional 2 years of life. That isn’t a very compelling case for the government to completely take it over.

    It is also much cheaper... and everyone has access to healthcare. The only benefit you can point to for the U.S. system is that some people make a ton of money from it. It isn't cheaper, it isn't better, and it doesn't work at all for millions of Americans. We are fine with "the government completely taking it over" for veterans and the elderly (Medicare) and some poor/disabled people (Medicaid).

    We should either decide between:
    1. We're okay with poor people dying due to not having access to healthcare and stick with a for-profit model or
    2. Go more towards a single payer/Medicare for all system.

    What we have now is no healthcare to many poor people until they are close enough to death that they can go to an ER.

    Veterans are absolutely not "fine" with government healthcare administered by the VA, it has been a disaster and done a disservice to millions of vets - if that is a model for single-payer healthcare, we are in deep trouble if this ever gets implemented.

    I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with the VA. I think the quality of care depends on the facility. There are a few, high-profile notorious VA hospitals giving the rest a bad name. You never hear the positive stories. My husband has received amazing, super attentive and timely care at the Loma Linda VA. They saved his life - literally. We're very grateful for the excellent service that goes above and beyond. We wouldn't even want private care after our experiences there. (In fact, I wish I could go there...)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited October 2017
    emma wrote:
    do you think people who are overweight and/or obese should have to pay more?
    Do you think this would be a deterrent to gaining weight for people that are not in this category?
    Should people with medications/medical conditions that cause weight gain be exempt?
    Anyone whose voluntary actions causes them to cost a health insurance company more should be charged more for their insurance, and maybe care. Whether that's riding a motorcycle without a helmet, driving a car without a seatbelt, smoking, eating too much, listening to very loud music, drinking too much alcohol, using illegal drugs, having a dozen babies...
    Maybe there could be a pool for people at average risk, and a pool for people with unhealthy lifestyles.

    Too much weight is caused by eating more than you burn.
    Whether that's because I'm depressed, or on steroids, or just really like Oreos doesn't matter - the cause is eating too much, the result is being overweight.
    As long as there are periodic (quarterly?) re-evaluations & corrections in the price paid for insurance, I think it would be an incentive to get to a healthy weight.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I'm a veteran, technically classified as disabled, and find the VA system unusable. While follow-up care is available to me for service related issues the process and time involved make it nearly impossible to hold a full time job and use the services.

    The medical care provided while in the military was absolutely top notch. I went through three traumatic injuries and the care I received was state of the art and all involved were among the best and highly motivated. I think this is key to understanding the difference between the military and the VA. There is no motivation to do better within the VA. This is the inherent problem with all single sourced systems.
  • Clarknt67
    Clarknt67 Posts: 3 Member
    The problem with this idea is it undermines the idea of risk pooling. (Charging smokers does too.) The slippery slope is what about genetic markers that indicate some people are predisposed to cancer? You can slice and dice up the pool a millions ways to penalize people "who should have known better." Red meat eaters? People near toxic waste dump sites?

    Insurance companies introduce these ideas to maximize their profits and minimize their liability to pay out when people actually get sick.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    jdlobb wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    jdlobb wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    jdlobb wrote: »
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    NoxDineen wrote: »
    Nobody should pay for health insurance. Not directly anyway. Single payer system.

    Then brace yourself for single-payer quality.



    There is a lot more to life expectancy than health care, lifestyle habits are far more relevant. Have you ever traveled throughout Western Europe and taken a look at the physical composition and habits of most of the people? A lot of bike riding, a lot of sensible portions, and not a lot of waddling.

    and you explain Canada...how?

    Also, as someone who used to live in the UK, their fitness and behavior isn't appreciably different than ours.

    If I were to grant you that socialized healthcare is the sole reason for the increased longevity for the sake of argument - Canada and the UK get an additional 2 years of life. That isn’t a very compelling case for the government to completely take it over.

    It is also much cheaper... and everyone has access to healthcare. The only benefit you can point to for the U.S. system is that some people make a ton of money from it. It isn't cheaper, it isn't better, and it doesn't work at all for millions of Americans. We are fine with "the government completely taking it over" for veterans and the elderly (Medicare) and some poor/disabled people (Medicaid).

    We should either decide between:
    1. We're okay with poor people dying due to not having access to healthcare and stick with a for-profit model or
    2. Go more towards a single payer/Medicare for all system.

    What we have now is no healthcare to many poor people until they are close enough to death that they can go to an ER.

    Veterans are absolutely not "fine" with government healthcare administered by the VA, it has been a disaster and done a disservice to millions of vets - if that is a model for single-payer healthcare, we are in deep trouble if this ever gets implemented.

    I'm a vet, who gets care at the VA, and this is absolutely untrue. The conservative media blows up every little problem with VA healthcare and pretends like the VA is some uniquely bad system.

    It's not.

    Every survey shows that veterans are, on average, highly satisfied with the care they get at the VA, and it consistently rates higher than private hospitals.

    There are numerous studies out there that compare quality of care, patient satisfaction, and health outcomes between private hospitals and VA and they consistently find the VA to be as good or better than private hospitals.

    I've had issues with VA doctors in the past, and I've had issues with private doctors. But as someone who's been regularly going to the VA for care, even though I have good private insurance, I have had a great experience.

    The ONLY problem I have ever had is in getting an initial appointment with a primary care doc when I move to a new city and have to chance clinics. This takes too long, and is a serious problem. HOWEVER, after getting that initial appointment I consistently get fast appointments with specialists, tests, and follow up appointments with the primary care doc. I have experienced the exact same level of service in 4 different cities (Baltimore, New York, Fort Worth, and Dallas).

    I'm not alone. My grandfather has been going to the VA for all his healthcare needs for over 40 years, he refuses to go anywhere else. Every time they move they make sure they're close to a VA facility. I've seen him get visibly enraged watching republicans and those *kitten* stains at "Concerned Veterans" talk *kitten* about the VA on television.

    Regrettably, VA quality varies wildly from region to region and state to state. In some regions/states, VA care is superior to private care. In others, VA care is slightly more dangerous than standing in traffic.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    Anyone whose voluntary actions causes them to cost a health insurance company more should be charged more for their insurance, and maybe care. ...

    Too much weight is caused by eating more than you burn.
    Whether that's because I'm depressed, or on steroids, or just really like Oreos doesn't matter - the cause is eating too much, the result is being overweight.

    This belief is what causes a lot of problems for those who are overweight, and it has as its underlying premise something that, IMHO, ignores the entire reality of limited choice.

    The more negative the consequence of a choice, the more limits there are ON that choice, until it gets to a point where we wouldn't consider it a choice at all. Like, choosing which path to take for your morning jog has little negative consequences, right?. Choosing to, oh, marry the villain who is holding your brother hostage and will kill him if your refuse? Not much choice there.

    If someone complained about the scenery on their jog, we'd probably say, 'why are you complaining? You chose it.'
    But if someone complained about their marriage to the villain, we would not usually say, 'why are you complaining? You chose to marry him.' We'd be more likely to say, so sorry, we know you had no choice but to do what you did.

    The same thing applies to being overweight, in many cases.

    There are medications that cause people to gain weight EVEN IF they do not change their previously fine eating habits. There are medications that create such cravings for certain foods (carbs is one I can think of off hand) that a person can either eat, or feel like they are starving, constantly, every single day. There are injuries and conditions that make it extremely painful to move, which not only make it hard to exercise, but make it hard to COOK, so your only choice is to get all premade food, and good luck getting healthy choices for that with enough calories.

    Not to mention that for some people, they spend most of their worrying, and often money, on the people they care for rather than themselves (I can think of a lot of single parents for this one). If you only have enough money to buy SOME healthy food, who are you gonna give it to, yourself or your kids?

    There are a lot more examples, but treating overweight folks as though all skinny people and all overweight people have had the exact same experiences and the exact same stressors and skills and opportunities affecting their ability to stay in shape, is ignoring the reality of human existence.

    Treating overweight folks as though YOU would do better if you were in THEIR place - which I know this poster of this didn't say, but is rather implied by many of the posts on this issue so far - is both ignorant and rather arrogant as well, I think.

    You literally don't know what it's like for someone else, nor do you know what led to their being overweight. And if you have not HAD any mental illnesses, or taken meds, or been an addict, or lived in poverty...you have no freaking idea how that impacts a person.

    I am not saying that everyone who is overweight did nothing wrong, or had no choice. But the point is, none of us know, looking at someone. We don't know why someone lost a limb, why they are wearing black clothing, why got a perm, OR why they are overweight.

    We don't ACT as though we know why someone lost a limb or are wearing black or got a perm, though. So why do so many of us treat people who are overweight as though we 'know' why they are overweight?
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,199 Member
    well if "they" begin charging heavier people more, at least we have the upper edge being here on our journey of losing weight! Imagine a future of charging us by the pound for insurance and air fare too. . .
  • Eden_Goldie
    Eden_Goldie Posts: 283 Member
    edited October 2017
    In England it is the NHS and I believe that those who have medical problems relating to obesity should have to make a higher NI payment because they are at greater risk and type 2 diabetes, for example, is a lifelong medication costing far more than the individual is likely paying in.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    edited October 2017
    jdlobb wrote: »
    hold on. I'm one of the ones here advocating for higher premiums for the obese. This isn't a "you" vs "they" argument. I AM they. I AM obese. My parents ARE obese. Most of my family IS obese.

    This is about math and risk. Not about profits. I don't give a *kitten* about health insurer profits.

    But increasing premiums for the morbidly obese would lower premiums for people with a healthy weight. This would also encourage people to lose weight, thus lowering health care expenses across the economy.

    There are plenty of people in the health care industry making a FORTUNE on obesity, and the fact that insurance has to eat it when it comes to people making poor life choices.

    So no, this isn't YOU vs THEY. This is reality vs mindless idealism.

    I know you want to try and frame this as "fat people did nothing wrong," but that's naive. The percentage of overweight people whose weight is due to things outside their immediate control, is minuscule in comparison to the number of people who have just had a lifetime of *kitten* choices around diet and exercise.

    People like me, who got fat because they made bad decisions, shouldn't get to free ride on the backs of people who made good decisions and gain sympathy or "benefit of the doubt" on the backs of people who have legitimate issues that caused their weight problems.

    Sorry, you're right on the you vs them issue- I get on my high horse sometimes. Mostly you got hit with some of my frustration after having this conversation with someone where it was very much a 'all the fat people in the world are lazy' and then coming on this posting. Myself, I have super skinny people in my family, I have obese people in my family. For both, some of them are the way they are due to their own choices, and some are not.

    However, I truly do not think increasing premiums will in any way help anyone but the insurance company. Sure, they COULD lower premiums if some people with higher risks paid more, and healthy folks paid less. The real question is: would they? And I think idealism mostly comes in thinking that they would.

    The entire history of our insurance companies would contradict that. Because being obese used to be a pre-existing condition. People DID have to pay higher premiums. And it in no way made for lower premiums for anyone else. Premiums were high, coverage was pretty pathetic in many cases, and going BACK to that is not likely to go any better than it did in the past.

    Literally, why would they? The insurance companies, in my experience, very rarely 'eat it' with anything. They make sure WE eat it. If they have to pay legitimate costs because of a horrible accident, or costs because someone made poor life choices, it does not seem to matter to them. Best I can tell, they will make sure that as much of that cost is paid by the people buying insurance, If they can get away with paying no money at all to a patient, without too much negative press, in my experience they absolutely will.

    I used to have to work with medical insurance companies, and frankly, well...if you've ever seen that scene in the children's cartoon, The Incredibles, with the insurance company and their amoral little boss whose whole purpose was to make the shareholders money? That has honest to god been my own experience with them. I'm sure there ARE good people working in many of these companies, and maybe even good companies too, but some of the crap I have seen with them has to be seen to be believed, seriously.

    I never, in any way, expect insurance companies to do anything that will cost them money, and I always expect them to do everything that will make them more. And the only factor that I've seen that keeps them in check is that bad press will cost them a bit of money. So it is literally in THEIR best interest to peddle the idea that WE will pay more money if anyone with ANY increased health risks gets health insurance as easily as healthy folks, and more importantly, that is is entirely out of the insurance company's control that we all pay more money.

    As for 'fat people did nothing.' I don't believe that. I just believe that WE don't know what the situation is for someone else. And I honestly don't know that the majority of people ARE actually doing it due to bad choices, or if it's the other way around. I have no idealistic view on this subject, honestly. I just know there can be many reasons for obesity.

    But here in the USA, while we have a lot of hype that the majority are obese due to their own choices, I don't think we actually have good statistics on the subject. I haven't seen any, anyway. Have you? (And I mean that sincerely, if you've seen studies, I'd love to see them).

    We have a big cultural view of 'you can do anything if you try hard enough.' So admitting that sometimes you can't, that sometimes you will be ugly, or sick, or overweight, or poor, no matter what you do, doesn't play into that national outlook. Which means that if you're overweight, the assumption more often is that a person is solely at fault, with the only factor being poor choices in diet and exercise.

    But just assuming that doesn't make it true (doesn't make it false either. Again, just saying we don't know, is all). I guess, in the end, I see it from the other angle. You said, "People like me, who got fat because they made bad decisions, shouldn't get to free ride on the backs of people who made good decisions and gain sympathy or "benefit of the doubt" on the backs of people who have legitimate issues that caused their weight problems."

    I guess I would say, people who have legitimate issues causing their weight problems shouldn't be penalized because we want to punish people who made bad decisions. Because, going by the history, insurance companies will NOT make any distinction between the two. They'll just charge people more for being obese, period.

  • Cynthia1066
    Cynthia1066 Posts: 21 Member
    No. I happen to believe that EVERYONE regardless of health, personal habits, income, or age should have access to basic healthcare. We need a single payer system like other civilized countries. If anything, barring the obese (or the old, poor, unemployed) from medical attention costs our country more in terms of lost productivity. Not to mention the humanitarian concerns. Look, it's hard enough to be fat. Why punish people further?
  • Cynthia1066
    Cynthia1066 Posts: 21 Member
    People who say that it's unfair that the healthy pay for the sick have no basic understanding of how insurance (and a decent society) works. Trust me, at some point, no one reaches the age of sixty without SOME sort of pre-existing condition.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    No. I happen to believe that EVERYONE regardless of health, personal habits, income, or age should have access to basic healthcare. We need a single payer system like other civilized countries. If anything, barring the obese (or the old, poor, unemployed) from medical attention costs our country more in terms of lost productivity. Not to mention the humanitarian concerns. Look, it's hard enough to be fat. Why punish people further?

    What is BASIC health care? The potential cost of services provided by an ACA health plan could be tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on the person's issues.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    shaumom wrote: »
    jdlobb wrote: »
    hold on. I'm one of the ones here advocating for higher premiums for the obese. This isn't a "you" vs "they" argument. I AM they. I AM obese. My parents ARE obese. Most of my family IS obese.

    This is about math and risk. Not about profits. I don't give a *kitten* about health insurer profits.

    But increasing premiums for the morbidly obese would lower premiums for people with a healthy weight. This would also encourage people to lose weight, thus lowering health care expenses across the economy.

    There are plenty of people in the health care industry making a FORTUNE on obesity, and the fact that insurance has to eat it when it comes to people making poor life choices.

    So no, this isn't YOU vs THEY. This is reality vs mindless idealism.

    I know you want to try and frame this as "fat people did nothing wrong," but that's naive. The percentage of overweight people whose weight is due to things outside their immediate control, is minuscule in comparison to the number of people who have just had a lifetime of *kitten* choices around diet and exercise.

    People like me, who got fat because they made bad decisions, shouldn't get to free ride on the backs of people who made good decisions and gain sympathy or "benefit of the doubt" on the backs of people who have legitimate issues that caused their weight problems.

    As for 'fat people did nothing.' I don't believe that. I just believe that WE don't know what the situation is for someone else. And I honestly don't know that the majority of people ARE actually doing it due to bad choices, or if it's the other way around. I have no idealistic view on this subject, honestly. I just know there can be many reasons for obesity.

    "Although there are genetic, behavioral and hormonal influences on body weight, obesity occurs when you take in more calories than you burn through exercise and normal daily activities. Your body stores these excess calories as fat.

    Obesity can sometimes be traced to a medical cause, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, Cushing's syndrome, and other diseases and conditions. However, these disorders are rare and, in general, the principal causes of obesity are:

    Inactivity. If you're not very active, you don't burn as many calories. With a sedentary lifestyle, you can easily take in more calories every day than you use through exercise and normal daily activities.
    Unhealthy diet and eating habits. Weight gain is inevitable if you regularly eat more calories than you burn. And most Americans' diets are too high in calories and are full of fast food and high-calorie beverages."

  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    So do people just not want to penalize individual people by charging them more than the group for insurance? Because at some point, everyone who causes more medical expenses will result in the company they work for being charged more for insurance. At that point, they're being charged more irrespective of how overweight people got that way.
  • andyphin
    andyphin Posts: 38 Member
    I do not agree with charging more for being overweight. Where does that end and why only obese people? What about alcoholics and drug seekers/users? What about anorexics and other eating disorders, why don't they pay more too then? Not to mention the logistics would be a nightmare, at what point are you weighed and what happens when you yo-yo up and down in weight going over and under the threshold? Then there are the numerous exceptions you would have to consider. I have had back surgery twice, I could claim it keeps from being active (and for many people this does). This would create a really big mess for an already stressed health care system.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    andyphin wrote: »
    I do not agree with charging more for being overweight. Where does that end and why only obese people? What about alcoholics and drug seekers/users? What about anorexics and other eating disorders, why don't they pay more too then? Not to mention the logistics would be a nightmare, at what point are you weighed and what happens when you yo-yo up and down in weight going over and under the threshold? Then there are the numerous exceptions you would have to consider. I have had back surgery twice, I could claim it keeps from being active (and for many people this does). This would create a really big mess for an already stressed health care system.

    Eating more calories than you burn causes one to be overweight. Claiming one gained weight due to an orthopedic operation preventing them from being active is really fooling themselves.

    If you can't move as much, eat less. Problem solved.
  • andyphin
    andyphin Posts: 38 Member
    Right... so you won't mind being one of those who waits for 4 years for a hip replacement, I assume.

    Don't confuse the VA system with single payer. No one on medicare has to wait 4 years for a hip replacement.