Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,375 Member
    welcome momofthree224. This is a great group, I'm a voluneer at a dog rescue, why'd you resign? I know it can get to you. I've lost 44 lbs since june 2016, I do fluctuate tho, this morning I was up 3 lbs but the only time I over ate was last saurday at my grand dtr's B day party. I'll post more later, hubby wants me to hand him tools while he's fixing different things in my car so it'll pass smog.
  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    I am going to be completely honest with everyone, I am way too lazy to read all these books! I will say that after grazing through I am hoping everyone can find that kick in the *kitten* they are searching for. I am desperately trying to get off mine. I am still losing, officially 18lbs down! I have only exercised twice since starting this journey, and I am losing in all the wrong places. My booty is shrinking, but I want my tummy and arms gone more than anything. The only way to do that, exercise. and like I said, I am lazy. Watching what I eat is easier, unless I am down. Thanks for reading my book ;)
  • Momofthree224
    Momofthree224 Posts: 11 Member
    Evamutt wrote: »
    welcome momofthree224. This is a great group, I'm a voluneer at a dog rescue, why'd you resign? I know it can get to you. I've lost 44 lbs since june 2016, I do fluctuate tho, this morning I was up 3 lbs but the only time I over ate was last saurday at my grand dtr's B day party. I'll post more later, hubby wants me to hand him tools while he's fixing different things in my car so it'll pass smog.

    I'm taking a break from rescue to get my priorities straight. Rescue 24/7 leaves nothing for husband, kids, pets, friends or myself!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @cayladebra You hit the nail on the head. If you're not doing any exercises to enhance your "*kitten*"ets, they will shrink with weight loss :) I highly recommend weight lifting, especially weighted squats for booty preservation. Congrats on 18lbs down!


    Welcome @Momofthree224! Glad to have you in the group! It sounds like you have a much more manageable long term plan this time around.

    Welcome @AshEvelynn ! I definitely don't have a plan in the bag, but I've made a lot of progress on habit changes so that I'm much closer to a healthy lifestyle now than I used to be. Don't get upset if you can't do everything perfectly from the get go. Small sustainable habit changes over time is key. There is no finish line in a weight loss journey so you have to do things you're okay doing for the next 60+ years if you want to be successful.

    Welcome back @gymprincess1234! Grad school and moving are both stressful and being sick on top of it definitely doesn't help! You'll get that 1cm off in no time!

    Happy Wednesday! I have literally no ambition right now, both the SO and I are feeling really burned out. On the bright side, I had a great workout yesterday and am feeling really body positive today so I'm hoping to keep that ball rolling! My healthy lunch is packed and I have a big *kitten* salad at home waiting for me :) I'm currently on the 2 days per week plan with Crossfit so I feel like I need something else in my workout queue to fill up the rest of the week since I'm sick of workout DVDs and it's about to get very VERY cold where I live. But with just buying a house the budget is a bit tight. I might just have to suck it up with online workouts this year and find something great for next year.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Whoops! @Evamutt- How's your car doing, were you able to get it fixed?
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Great job on the packing and healthy meals. Sounds like your emotions are settling down. I would be irritated with my SO as well. My ex was like that, and I have moved friends who weren’t packed yet. I told her after that, to not ask me to help her move unless everything was in a box. My current guy is super organized, so our last move was smooth. We moved in 3 hours’ time.

    @jessicalifford. You can do this, don’t worry if you mess up some. Just keep trying and you will eventually get there. I live in CO, just NW of Denver. About a 2 hour drive from the Springs. You will love it, it is so beautiful down there. I have a friend in the Springs area that works at a dog rescue place if you are looking for a place to volunteer when you are down here.

    @rachelbachel32 I know how you are feeling. I am struggling too. It is hard to stay positive when the scale is going up, and you know it is because you haven’t been doing what you are supposed to be doing. I love your 10 week challenge.

    @memegirl77 Hang in there. Look to some low calorie snacks to help out. Usually you have between a 250-750 calorie deficit that MFP gives you to lose weight. So even if you go over by that much you will still be within maintenance. If you aren’t sure what I am talking about feel free to PM me and I will explain.

    @gemwolf110 SO good to see you back. Sounds like your life is hectic as usual. Wish I knew you were in CO, You could have met up for a hike/dog walk.

    @momofthree224 Welcome! You can do this. One thing you will see stressed on MFP is that this isn’t a diet. It is a life style change. So start out small. Spend your first week logging everything you eat. You will be amazed at all those calories. The next week look at some of the easiest things to change. Maybe one less pop (140-180 calories per can.) 1 less piece of pizza. A walk (pacing the living room) during a commercial break, walking while you’re cooking. Check out the recipe section. There are some great crock pot threads over there.

    @ashevelyn Welcome to MFP, this thread and a new road.

    @gymprincess123 So glad to hear you are feeling better. Sounds like you have a plan in place. You can do this.

    @cayladebra Hang in there. Watching your food is the most important part anyways.

    Well this week I fell off the wagon head first. I think I have finally been able to roll over and sit up. Trying to find the motivation to stand up and chase after the wagon. In 10 days I have gained 2.5 pounds. I am really hoping it is water weight. I ate a lot of salty food this week, and forgot my meds last night. One of them helps get rid of the water in my body.
    Happy Thursday all my friends.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Jen - I'll help you chase that wagon, we might find mine while we are at it! I've allegedly gained 2lbs in about 10 days - like you, I suspect it is water weight but I'm not happy.

    @rachel0778 - I'm with you on the burnout. I have no ambition or motivation whatsoever - I think it's the time of year and the weather. Tired and feeling like I need a break. Well done with the healthy meals though - that's one area I've just lost a grip of. Hope all is going well for the move. You could always just not pack all his stuff and see how he deals with that :)

    Welcome @mumofthree224 and @AshEvelynn - this is a good place!

    @cayladebra - I'm with you, motivation is zero. Jen is right - watching our food is the key, I need to get a hold of that again and then think about what else I need to do.

    @gymprincess1234 - hang in there, it sounds like you are going in the right direction, even though things are tough.

    @gemwolf110 - welcome back, good to see you!

    Well, what else can I say - blah! At least it's friday and I've prelogged my meals for the day. Not much planned for the weekend - swimming with Alistair sunday morning and seeing family in the afternoon. Hope Friday treats you all well and that you enjoy your weekends.
  • Momofthree224
    Momofthree224 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome! You're all amazing!

    I'm diggin' the mobility of this app...before I put something horrendous in my mouth, I can check to see how bad it will hurt first. Talked myself down from a venti mocha with whipped cream to a tall almond milk latte yesterday. It was still delicious and, even better, guilt free.

    I'm off to water aerobics - for those of you needing motivation and feeling frustrated, I'm sending you good vibes and hopes you'll have an easier day today!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Momofthree224 Way to go on choosing the almond milk latte and hitting up water aerobics! You're doing a great job!

    @janetay01 Great job pre-logging for the day! I'm tempted to leave my SO to his own devices, but I don't want to frustrate the people helping us move when his crap isn't done in time for the moving truck.

    @gemwolf110 I can't believe your wedding is so close, congrats!!!!

    @jdelaroy I'm sure a good portion of that is salt, good job starting to get yourself back on track. Turning the car around is never easy, but it sounds like you're doing a great job!

    Thank goodness it's Friday. I'm just done with this week. Moving stress and work stress and relationship stress. My SO and I looked at each other last night and both said, "why is this process so hard?!" Please tell me it gets better after we move in and housing stress won't become my new normal!

    I was originally supposed to go to a friend's housewarming party, but it's 90 minutes away and the guest list is primarily people I haven't seen since high school and honestly have no desire to see. I think I might skip this one and make it up to her a different time. I think a night on the couch with a good book and the dog is much, much needed!
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    @cayladebra Congrats on your loss! I definitely lost in my boobs and butt, even with working out. I should have known my boobs would shrink, since they were always smaller before I gained weight. My goal is to build a butt once I reach my goal weight, and I'm not eating in a deficit anymore.

    @Rachel0778 I would be very frustrated about the packing thing too! I hope you're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You will be so relieved once you're all moved in! We had a lot of stress while closing on a house/moving too. I know it's hard, but try to focus on the exciting parts. In our case, we hadn't lived together yet, so we were all giddy and excited for that. What are you each looking forward to most about being in our new home? Try to think about and talk to each other about those things. :smile: And I would definitely skip the housewarming!

    @jdelaroy I fell off the wagon hard too. I'm sure a lot of your gain is water weight! I had initially gained 4.8 lbs, as I mentioned before. Now I'm only up 2.2 lbs. Some of that could be a legitimate gain. I'm not beating myself up over it. I'm taking steps to get back on track, and 3 weeks of struggling with diet and exercise doesn't eliminate my almost 6 months of hard work.

    @Momofthree224 It is definitely really nice to have real-time ways to check how much of an impact a certain food item will have on your goals for the day!

    I am happy to report that I have been to the gym every day this week. It has been rough. It's crazy how you can go consistently for so long, and only a few weeks can really set you back. I am really glad to be back at it, though. My husband missed Wednesday and will miss tonight, but he volunteer coaches high school football, so those time-conflicting practice/game days take priority over working out. And he already has to get up at 5 am to get to work, so I don't expect him to go to the gym before that. He would be quite crabby. :smile:

    My weight has been steadily decreasing, and I'm excited to get back to my pre-wedding/honeymoon weight. Only a couple of pounds away! I am recommitting myself to hitting my goal weight in the next 6 months. I am about 20 lbs away. I am also still hoping to do the Tough Mudder in July 2018. At this point, it seems next to impossible, but that just means that I have to stay on top of my fitness and challenge myself.

    Tonight, I'll be watching the HS football game that my husband is coaching at. Tomorrow after the gym, we're finally going to paint our master bedroom and bathroom, then we'll have a date night. We're going to Texas Roadhouse (gift cards, YES!) and to a movie. And Sunday is all about relaxation! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! :smiley:
  • Corima30
    Corima30 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey guys would like some more people to connect with and be there and have someone there through our journey. Add Me!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    My mother in law ended up needing to go to the hospital yesterday morning. So spent all of yesterday with her. Did a few errands this morning and now back at the hospital. My Bf doesn't do well in hospitals and a whole lot of work. So I am the designated family member for this visit. Have to leave in a few hours to do my youngest's birthday party. Then probably back to the hospital
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,375 Member
    It's been a long week.After last saturdays B day party where I ate sandwich, beans & pot salad, I had diarrhea for 2 days. Then Hubby worked on my car to pass smog before due date but it didn't. everything passed but one thing, so I paid the $50 dmv fee to get 60 day extension. Sure runs great tho with the many new parts in it. Can't put any more $ into it till November. All next week we're taking care of our 4yr old grand dtr after pre school, as the other grand parents are going out of town, we usually just have her on thursdays. I'm going to have to get up early to take dogs out, she gets out of school at 11 & I won't be able to volunteer at our animal rescue. Another new thing is I'm going back to work, yup, don't really want to but we need the $$. It's a very part time job I had after I got laid off from the hospital, taking care of a disabled lady. It's on Wednesdays & Sundays. Wednesday will be good, I take her to a bible study for ppl with disabilities, It's at my former church so I knew everyone. It's in the afternoon. On Sunday, I'm only there for 2-3 hrs. The reason I quit last time is because she's very reactive & doesn't want me to do anything, that is any cleanimh but to sit with her & talk or watch tv & take her to McDonalds. I knew her for years as an acquaintance from dog park. She was very athletic & used to teach exercise but she had a stroke she's able to walk again slowly with a cane & learned to talk again tho slowly. She only eats junk food-all fast food & rotisserie chicken & candy and she only drinks root beer, NO WATER but she isn't over weight & she only wears black. Ok, gota get going. Have a great week end everyone
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,375 Member
    It went ok today. She wanted to go to Carl's Jr. I got a regular cheeseburger in lettuce wrap Then I asked her if she wants to come to walmart with me for a few things.She was very happy to do that as she doesn't get out much. I asked her if she remembers how to drive the electric basket cart since last couple times with me, she almost ran over ppl & bumped into a few isles but this time she drove very well (she can only use her left hand/arm) she said the main care giver doesn't let her drive those lol so we talked a little & I left. All in all, it was all good. I was doing something or driving almost the whole time. Id rather be busy than not doing anything
  • heathervo
    heathervo Posts: 36 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi. I was previously using this app and doing great. Lost 40 lbs but lost focus and its back and brought some friends too.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,375 Member
    Today, Sunday I took my big dog, Grizzly for bike run then walked the rest of the dogs then me &hubby put in 3 fence posts. He was waiting on one of our sons to help but hurt his back so it's been over a week of waiting so WE did it! The holes were already dug. I mixed cement, he held wheelbarrow & I scooped the cement in. Now we wait 24hrs then he can secure the fence to it & be done. We both feel so good that we worked together doing this. Went over said sons for BBQ ribs, mashed potatoes & chili beans. Don't know how many calories I had but I may not have gone over my allotment. I just guessed & logged it.
  • Momofthree224
    Momofthree224 Posts: 11 Member
    edited October 2017
    BBQ Friday, relatives visiting Saturday, baby shower Sunday...not a stellar nutritional weekend. I logged everything I ate to the best of my ability and that was really my only goal. My main goal for this week is to walk my dogs every day. We've gotten very lazy together. Some how they still look great but me...not so much.

    @Evamutt - Sorry to hear about your car not passing smog but congrats on your fence building success! I'm dragging my feet about returning to work so I do volunteer work with elderly and disabled members of my church. I was really surprised to find how heavily the elder folks rely on fast food, either out of convenience or by choice.

    @heathervo - Welcome back...hopefully you can regain your focus!

    @jdelaroy - Hope all is well with your MIL
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @MomofThree224 Your dogs are going to love all the extra walks! Great job keeping track of things this weekend!

    @Evamutt Great job putting in that fence! I bet you did just fine at the BBQ, especially with all those extra cals you burned with the fence. Sorry to hear you have to go back to the part time job, thank goodness it's only for a few extra hours every week!

    Welcome @heathervo and @Corima30!

    @jdelaroy How is your mother in law doing?

    @rachelbachel32 I am definitely taking your advice for the housewarming, I hate having mass amounts of people over! I am excited for the yard for the dog, I hope his happiness is contagious! How did the weekend go? Great job getting back on track after the wedding!

    This week is testing week for Crossfit so I'm going to be pretty sore for our move this weekend, yikes! I've packed almost everything I can pack that we don't use on a day to day basis, but I still feel like there is so much left to do. 3 days until closing, eek!
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    @Rachel0778 The yard will be so nice for the dog! We have 2 dogs, but we really need our yard fenced. It's much more expensive than I thought! I'm hoping to use our tax return for that next year. And good luck with testing! It sounds like you've made great progress with the house. I can't believe your closing has come up so quickly!

    The weekend went pretty good. I ate really well on Friday and Saturday. We didn't make the gym those two days, though. We were active all day Saturday painting, sanding, and staining. Our master bathroom still isn't done, but we've made great progress! Our goal is to finish it this week. Our room is basically a disaster area at the moment. :confounded: Sunday was a brunch day, which never ends well. Plus, I started feeling sick. I have a bad cold, I think. I skipped kickboxing yesterday, but I feel worse today. We'll see how I feel as the day goes on in regards to whether I'll make it to the gym or not tonight. I've been mostly sleeping the last couple of days, which has helped. I'm still feeling good about hitting my goal in the next 6 months! I'm .4 lbs away from my pre-wedding weight (and the lowest weight I can remember being in my adult life). I have been doing very well with keeping my eating in check and logging since last week.
  • Momofthree224
    Momofthree224 Posts: 11 Member
    Walking the dogs hasn't worked out with my schedule yet this week. I just can't seem to drag myself out of bed at 5:30 to make it happen. But, tomorrow is a new day...

    @Rachel0778 Good luck with closing and Crossfit testing!

    @rachelbachel32 Hope you're feeling better! Keep up the great work!