what's the story with the Atkins diet?



  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    I've been on Atkins for about 4 weeks now. I did the initial induction phase, which is 2 weeks long, or longer if you desire a faster weight loss or you have a lot to lose. The first few days are hell because you are coming down off all the sugar you consume. I've lost 15lbs this month. Basically it was all water weight. I have been lifting weights 5 days a week and doing low impact cardio 5 days a week for 50-60 minutes. I have also increased my carb intake to about 30-40 carbs a day. I have never felt this good in all of my life. And I've tried so many ways of losing weight...I have never had this much energy or have I been able to stick to anything for a long period of time. Over time, after you have lost most of the weight you want to lose, you slowly introduce more carbs back into your life. You do this slowly to find out how many carbs you can eat a day before you start to gain again. Most people at the end of the road find that they can maintain on 150 carbs or as much as 300 or more. It really depends on the person. But you don't restrict carbs for the rest of your life. Of course people that do the lifestyle change for 2-3 weeks and then jump directly back into consuming large amounts of carbs a day will gain alot of weight back. They will definitely gain all of their water weight back and have probably binged from the restriction they previously had. It is completely normal. You have to be entirely dedicated to eating this way, otherwise this is not for you. If I was you and you are truly interested in learning more, I would pick up the new book or go to atkins.com and learn more. BTW, my days consist of 6 small meals. 3 of which are a low fat protein and a veggie...and 3 are my snacks. BTW, my cholesterol was slightly elevated a few months back, and it is normal now. :)

    For everyone that will quote this and criticize, I don't care to argue. I am just stating my opinion and everyone is entitled to one.
  • kittrelle
    Wow- so much MISinformation here! In the day of the wide world web, we can't research a lifestyle change thoroughly before we throw out what we "HEARD" a way of eating is about?? Amazing.

    Atkins focuses on REAL food and lower carb living. Yes, the first 2 weeks are hard. After that, you GRADUALLY add in more carbs week by week. They can include MORE veggies (because YES, you DO eat veggies during induction), dairy, fruit, nuts, etc. The point is to find YOUR personal carb allotment that you can ingest and STILL maintain your weight and/or lose weight, whichever you prefer.

    Those of you who know someone's sister's cousin's aunt's brother-in-law who gained all the weight back- did NOT take it as a lifestyle change, and went hog wild for carbs and gained it back. I don't think that's Atkins' fault anymore than someone who would blame Breyer's for gaining weight when they eat a tub of ice cream a day and lie on the couch watching tv.

    It's a lifestyle choice. Maybe lowfat works for some of you ... it worked for me, but even with 6 small meals a day, I was sometimes hungry, sometimes just CRAVING what I couldn't have, sometimes just mindlessly wanting something else. One m&m led to another. Fruit smoothie made me want ice cream. Ice cream made me want cookies, and on and on.

    In my 4 weeks of Atkins I stopped craving sugar, bread, rice, what have you because I am satiated. I'm satisfied. I eat, then I'm done until the next meal time. I've lost 9 pounds this month, which is more than I lost in 6 months of 'doing the right thing' ie: lowfat and exercising. I welcome the strictness of it because I needed boundaries, and it makes food such a nonissue. What did I have for lunch today? A huge salad with cheese, bacon, ranch dressing ,red onion, tomatoes, boiled eggs and cucumbers. It was DELICIOUS. And I bet this weekend I will have lost another pound!! Thank you, Dr. Atkins.

    Long story short- do your research and decide what's right for you. I did, and I LIKE the way I feel when my body is burning fat instead of glycogen for energy!
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    Agreeing w/the poster who suggested researching Atkins yourself rather than asking for information (and possibly MISinformation) on an internet chat board. There is tons of info on the internet and at your local library, not hard to find.

    I would also like to suggest, if you are interested in going this direction, that you do some research on Paleo and Primal ways of eating. They are a variation on the theme and work well for some people. It all depends on the individual.

    A good book to start with on this topic in general is "Why We Get Fat and What to do About It" by Gary Taubes. It explains the theory behind this way of eating. I would be almost certain your local library has it or can get it for you. If you really want an exhaustive discussion, try "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by the same author.

    Best wishes!
  • xalligator
    xalligator Posts: 33 Member
    Do your research and make sure it's what you really want to do. Like others have said, it's a lifestyle choice. It's not one of those 30-day, whatever-fast, lose-weight-then-go-back-to-eating-weird things. If you want your achievements from low carb to stick around, you're going to have to commit.

    Low carb in general has done wonders for me. As long as I'm low carb, I have no problems with blood sugar(hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia). Although I never had much weight to lose, I'm full longer(therefore eating less), my skin is better, and in general my body feels better than it ever did on low-fat fare.
  • Strelok2500
    Strelok2500 Posts: 12 Member
    A lot of the people who become unhealthy on the Atkins diet are doing it wrong. An Atkins diet done properly won't be deficient in anything except for potassium. Fiber won't be a problem if you get the right vegetables in your daily diet. I think people tend to focus too much on the fact they can eat a lot of meat, and don't realize that they're supposed to eat other foods (like fruits and vegetables; within your carb limit, of course).

    I'm not on the Atkins diet because I like to eat a big variety of foods. I do, however, think that the Atkins diet, if done right, is fantastic for weight loss (and subsequently your health). The induction phase may be hard, but it does pass.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    For example, you need fruits and veggies. Every. Day.
    I know, wild concept.

    i love this comment!
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    For example, you need fruits and veggies. Every. Day.
    I know, wild concept.

    i love this comment!

    Wondering where Atkins (or any other low-carb plan) says no fruits or veggies? Did you read the last few posts here?
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    Wow- so much MISinformation here! In the day of the wide world web, we can't research a lifestyle change thoroughly before we throw out what we "HEARD" a way of eating is about?? Amazing.

    Atkins focuses on REAL food and lower carb living. Yes, the first 2 weeks are hard. After that, you GRADUALLY add in more carbs week by week. They can include MORE veggies (because YES, you DO eat veggies during induction), dairy, fruit, nuts, etc. The point is to find YOUR personal carb allotment that you can ingest and STILL maintain your weight and/or lose weight, whichever you prefer.

    Those of you who know someone's sister's cousin's aunt's brother-in-law who gained all the weight back- did NOT take it as a lifestyle change, and went hog wild for carbs and gained it back. I don't think that's Atkins' fault anymore than someone who would blame Breyer's for gaining weight when they eat a tub of ice cream a day and lie on the couch watching tv.

    It's a lifestyle choice. Maybe lowfat works for some of you ... it worked for me, but even with 6 small meals a day, I was sometimes hungry, sometimes just CRAVING what I couldn't have, sometimes just mindlessly wanting something else. One m&m led to another. Fruit smoothie made me want ice cream. Ice cream made me want cookies, and on and on.

    In my 4 weeks of Atkins I stopped craving sugar, bread, rice, what have you because I am satiated. I'm satisfied. I eat, then I'm done until the next meal time. I've lost 9 pounds this month, which is more than I lost in 6 months of 'doing the right thing' ie: lowfat and exercising. I welcome the strictness of it because I needed boundaries, and it makes food such a nonissue. What did I have for lunch today? A huge salad with cheese, bacon, ranch dressing ,red onion, tomatoes, boiled eggs and cucumbers. It was DELICIOUS. And I bet this weekend I will have lost another pound!! Thank you, Dr. Atkins.

    Long story short- do your research and decide what's right for you. I did, and I LIKE the way I feel when my body is burning fat instead of glycogen for energy!

    Dear lord, THANK YOU for posting this. My head was about to explode from all the misinformation and downright ignorance I was reading in most of the previous posts. Seriously, if you don't have a clue about something it is ok to keep that fact to yourself.
  • SugarBaby1987
    SugarBaby1987 Posts: 62 Member
    Wow- so much MISinformation here! In the day of the wide world web, we can't research a lifestyle change thoroughly before we throw out what we "HEARD" a way of eating is about?? Amazing.

    Atkins focuses on REAL food and lower carb living. Yes, the first 2 weeks are hard. After that, you GRADUALLY add in more carbs week by week. They can include MORE veggies (because YES, you DO eat veggies during induction), dairy, fruit, nuts, etc. The point is to find YOUR personal carb allotment that you can ingest and STILL maintain your weight and/or lose weight, whichever you prefer.

    Those of you who know someone's sister's cousin's aunt's brother-in-law who gained all the weight back- did NOT take it as a lifestyle change, and went hog wild for carbs and gained it back. I don't think that's Atkins' fault anymore than someone who would blame Breyer's for gaining weight when they eat a tub of ice cream a day and lie on the couch watching tv.

    It's a lifestyle choice. Maybe lowfat works for some of you ... it worked for me, but even with 6 small meals a day, I was sometimes hungry, sometimes just CRAVING what I couldn't have, sometimes just mindlessly wanting something else. One m&m led to another. Fruit smoothie made me want ice cream. Ice cream made me want cookies, and on and on.

    In my 4 weeks of Atkins I stopped craving sugar, bread, rice, what have you because I am satiated. I'm satisfied. I eat, then I'm done until the next meal time. I've lost 9 pounds this month, which is more than I lost in 6 months of 'doing the right thing' ie: lowfat and exercising. I welcome the strictness of it because I needed boundaries, and it makes food such a nonissue. What did I have for lunch today? A huge salad with cheese, bacon, ranch dressing ,red onion, tomatoes, boiled eggs and cucumbers. It was DELICIOUS. And I bet this weekend I will have lost another pound!! Thank you, Dr. Atkins.

    Long story short- do your research and decide what's right for you. I did, and I LIKE the way I feel when my body is burning fat instead of glycogen for energy!

    Dear lord, THANK YOU for posting this. My head was about to explode from all the misinformation and downright ignorance I was reading in most of the previous posts. Seriously, if you don't have a clue about something it is ok to keep that fact to yourself.

    LOL. I love you guys!
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    A lot of the people who become unhealthy on the Atkins diet are doing it wrong. An Atkins diet done properly won't be deficient in anything except for potassium. Fiber won't be a problem if you get the right vegetables in your daily diet. I think people tend to focus too much on the fact they can eat a lot of meat, and don't realize that they're supposed to eat other foods (like fruits and vegetables; within your carb limit, of course).

    I'm not on the Atkins diet because I like to eat a big variety of foods. I do, however, think that the Atkins diet, if done right, is fantastic for weight loss (and subsequently your health). The induction phase may be hard, but it does pass.

    Just curious... but why would a properly done Atkins plan be at risk for potassium deficiency? Red meat, salmon, fruits and veggies are loaded with potassium.
  • kittrelle
    A lot of the people who become unhealthy on the Atkins diet are doing it wrong. An Atkins diet done properly won't be deficient in anything except for potassium. Fiber won't be a problem if you get the right vegetables in your daily diet. I think people tend to focus too much on the fact they can eat a lot of meat, and don't realize that they're supposed to eat other foods (like fruits and vegetables; within your carb limit, of course).

    I'm not on the Atkins diet because I like to eat a big variety of foods. I do, however, think that the Atkins diet, if done right, is fantastic for weight loss (and subsequently your health). The induction phase may be hard, but it does pass.

    Just curious... but why would a properly done Atkins plan be at risk for potassium deficiency? Red meat, salmon, fruits and veggies are loaded with potassium.
    I honestly can't tell you, but feel free to look at my food diary. Its low in potassium and shockingly, sodium as well.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I honestly can't tell you, but feel free to look at my food diary. Its low in potassium and shockingly, sodium as well.

    Add some more potassium-rich veggies to your diet. I'm usually able to get in about 1k or so of potassium/day.
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