my august challenge



  • IM IN!!! Im new to the website and could use the challenge.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'm not weighing myself until at least Friday, this week is bad timing for me to start with an accurate weight if you ladies know what I mean.

    I'm still super determined to lose those 10lbs! Got up early for Mandy's Version of C25K and some uppder body. Ate well all day, lots of water and plan for tonight is to do lots of crunches and stretching out! Can't wait to get going!!!!
  • MsWriter
    MsWriter Posts: 44 Member
    Still sniffly but still went out for a nice walk with the dogs in the afternoon - we're having some beautiful sunny days in Winter!! Hoping to be better tomorrow as I'm planning to do a boxing class in the evening. Absolutely LOVE boxing!! I'm enjoying reading all your posts. Hope you've had a great day 3!!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Started P90X this morning which should cover the cardio AND muscle goals :)
  • Day 3!

    I can handle the dieting ... but, I am not looking forward to the gym today. I am going to try to do my strength training there. However I am looking into some DVDs for at home use (THANKS FOR THE ADVICE). I guess I am a little shy. I don't want people to watch me try to lift, I am such a weakling.

    Good luck to everyone! I hope it hasn't been rough getting into a routine!!

  • sesefeeney
    sesefeeney Posts: 71 Member
    Started P90X this morning which should cover the cardio AND muscle goals :)
    wow!!! amazing stuff!!! welldone!!
  • sesefeeney
    sesefeeney Posts: 71 Member
    Day 4!

    3 days to first weigh in and 28days till end of challenge! soory i couldnt post yday internet was down and i was crazy busy! yday went really well. i was super busy, forgot to eat!!! me!! haha and spent an hour working out ! it was a good day yesterday but as a result i'm exhausted today so i'm making today my day off. hope everyone is doing ok! it seems like a few of us have fallen off the forum, hope you're all doing well.
    wiil check back at the end of day 4!!!
  • sesefeeney
    sesefeeney Posts: 71 Member
    Day 3!

    I can handle the dieting ... but, I am not looking forward to the gym today. I am going to try to do my strength training there. However I am looking into some DVDs for at home use (THANKS FOR THE ADVICE). I guess I am a little shy. I don't want people to watch me try to lift, I am such a weakling.

    Good luck to everyone! I hope it hasn't been rough getting into a routine!!


    haha!! hope you get dvds you like!! let me know how you get on!!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Surprise weigh in today! I know I should be a little bloated but I was down 3.5 lbs for a total of 231.5 :) Motivation to keep up the hard work! Does that count as 3lbs lost for me so far??
  • sesefeeney
    sesefeeney Posts: 71 Member
    Surprise weigh in today! I know I should be a little bloated but I was down 3.5 lbs for a total of 231.5 :) Motivation to keep up the hard work! Does that count as 3lbs lost for me so far??
    it does!!!! hahahaha!!! go you!!!! i had a cheeky weighin myself today and i've lost 1lb aswell!!!! 9 more to go!!!!
    hour in the gym tomorrow morning me thinks!!!! hows everyoneelse doing?
    sorry for the lack of motivation, quotes and goal setting!!! my internet is a bit rubbish ar the moment so just trying to checkin quickly before it goes off again!!!
    day 4 over people!!! 27days left till you're 10lbs lighter and 3 days left till weighin!!! keep the fire burning!!!!
  • MsWriter
    MsWriter Posts: 44 Member
    Yesssss! Cold is gone! I did a boxing class this morning in the sunshine! Was awesome. I did a sneaky weigh-in and lost 0.8kg (nearly 2 pounds) YAAYY. Back on track!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    2 days of P90X done! Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X tonight :)
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    loved exercise this week, need to get some sort of routine in place though as i am busy trying everything, have swam three times this week, now managing a mile in 40 minutes,which isn't great but it is for me :-) have cycled, and completed the 30 day shred, oh an not to forget my walks with my puppy dog blue, which i always enjoy. My entire body aches :-) which i am liking as it means i am pushing myself. had a sneaky weigh in today and was a little disapointed with 1lb loss so must now also concentrate on my portion sizes!!!

    But am on the whole happy with week 1 of the aug challenge.

    Well done ladies looks like everyone is working hard and doing great things, keep up the hard work and look forward to Monday and seeing all our results up here together xxx
  • sesefeeney
    sesefeeney Posts: 71 Member
    25 days till the end and 1 day till weigh in!!! i'm actually a bit nervous about weighin!!! welldone fiona on your exercise regime!!! everytime i look on here i see people doing sooo much better than me, it just inspires me to do more!!! so extra active today me thinks! getting my dancing traininers on and intend on doing 50 mins high impact cardio dance, 40 mins of muscular structure, lots and lots of cleaning and will take little bubba for a walk!!!
    i'm desperate for 2lbs weight loss by monday!
    welldone to everyone whose already there!!!
    looking forward to reading everyones entries through the course of the day!!!
    goodluck fabulous people!!!! hehehe xxxx
  • MsWriter
    MsWriter Posts: 44 Member
    Day 6! Awesome day today. Early morning bootcamp workout - running, weights, mountain climbers, squats, burpees, pushups argh. Ouch will feel it tomorrow! Food-wise not too bad...however dinner is up next... usually my downfall! :)
  • sesefeeney
    sesefeeney Posts: 71 Member
    DAY 7!!!
    Day 6! Awesome day today. Early morning bootcamp workout - running, weights, mountain climbers, squats, burpees, pushups argh. Ouch will feel it tomorrow! Food-wise not too bad...however dinner is up next... usually my downfall! :)
    nice workout!!! very envious!!!
    on the same note!!! rise and shine lovely people!!! its day 7!!!! first official weighin is tomorrow!! and any weight loss is good!!!!
    fab workout today with ms tracys dance cardio dvd- its not for the faint hearted!!! have got a half hour toning sess to go and then, DETOX!!!! ALL DAY TODAY!!!!
  • MsWriter
    MsWriter Posts: 44 Member
    Day 7! No real exercise for me apart from some light walking while out and about. Food... not the best. Not confident with my weigh-in tomorrow being sick earlier this week. Will be happy to be the same! :) Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • First Weekly Weigh-In

    I didn't lose very much at all. :grumble: But, even .4 off is less than I was last week. It'll just be motivation to work 2xs as hard this week. I hope everyone did well...and better than me :wink:

    Start date 8/1/2011 - 145.4
    First weight in 8/8/11 - 145

    I'll be so happy to clear the 140's and welcome back the 130's
  • MsWriter
    MsWriter Posts: 44 Member
    My first weigh-in...

    Start Date - 1 Aug 2011 - 59.4kg (130.95lbs)
    First Weigh-in - 8 Aug 2011 - 59kg (130.07lbs)

    Loss 0.4kg or 0.88lbs

    Pretty happy with that. Bring on the second week!
  • its day 8!

    how is everyone doing??

    sorry i've been so quiet! i was pretty busy last week.
    you're such a great group! and its so motivatiing to be part of it :D

    i had a week full of ups and downs.. :(
    and i didnt dare to step on the scale... but tomorrow i'm gonna do it. for sure. i dont care if i gained weight. because i know i can lose it all!
    nevertheless im really nervous. i think i'll fast for the rest of the day. (already had a really big breakfast and something for lunch)
    i'm really really scared of that number :S
    wish me luck!
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