JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 19



  • vanilla_frosting
    vanilla_frosting Posts: 104 Member
    @vanilla_frosting Omg reading your updates is a crazy emotional roller coaster! Keep up the good work x[/quote]

    It really, really is! Thank you :)
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,962 Member
    @tishawj OH! I understand that completely! Now with just 2 of us and retired, I fix my "stinky" vegetables and DH just has to suffer. :#:#

    @clynnwoodard I feel your pain! I've been at the same weight +/- 0.5 for a month. GIVE IT UP BODY!!!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,962 Member
    JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS Round 19
    Weight on 1/17/17 174
    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5 SW Rnd 10 167 AW 165.3
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5

    *Travel no scale part of the time
    SHORT TERM GOAL Get to 153 but any loss is good!

    I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.

    10/10 155.5
    10/11 158 WTH? I have no words! Maybe what I ate for dinner was high sodium? As a side note, it's finally cooling off in Las Vegas so I will need to be mindful of water intake! No high above 88 (today) for the next 15 days.
    10/12 155.5 Right on macros, over calories- 10 oz white zin because I couldn't dump it down the drain, 5 or 6 quarts of water!
    10/13 155.5 AGAIN!
    10/14 155 Such a busy day yesterday! We spent about 5.5 hrs at the Ren faire, took the cat for booster shot, and went to grandson's football game! 253% of my (super low) step goal and most of it with a gallon of water in my backpack! Only allowed to take 1 bottle of drinking water into the fair so a liter lasted me all day. Since I do IF & Keto, and I'm not a breakfast person, I was going to get something to eat at the fair BUT $7 for a hot dog or $12 for a turkey leg (chips, drink, etc extra!) is insane, IMHO. So I didn't eat anything until we were almost home and stopped at McDonald's. Not good food but satisfying. I had to make up the water deficit after we finally got home at 9:30pm. Today quilt guild board meeting. Need to get going!
    10/15 155 (naked as always) I really want to see 154 by the 18th. At WW - official weigh in clothed 157, exactly what my scale said. Still feeling water deprived from Friday. My mouth feels shriveled.
    10/16 155 No appetite, feel as if I'm catching a cold. Loading up on supplements! Finally my mouth does not feel shriveled! I have never noticed that after a low water day.
    10/17 155.5. Let it go, let it go... (Can you hear the music?)
  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
    End R7: 215 - End R8: 213.6
    End R9: 213.8 - End R10: 209.4
    End R11: 207.8 - End R12: 207.4
    End R13: 206 - End R14: 202.6
    End R15: 201.8 - End R16: 200
    End R17: 194.6 - End 18: 194.8

    Goal R19: Last round was tough (lax tracking, going over calories, less exercise, generally not giving a *kitten* -- though I did keep walking). My goal this round is to track religiously and eat and drink mindfully (slowly, tracking hunger cues, eating less restaurant and processed food). No weight goal this time because I need to focus on getting my head back in the game.

    10/10: 194.2
    10/11: 195.2 — sick. Horrible scratchy sore throat.
    10/12: 193.8
    10/13: 193.8 — still battling this cold. Didn’t do great with enormous piece of cake spouse brought home last night, but didn’t do terribly either. There’s still some left in the fridge. Goal is to ignore it today and save it for spouse after work.
    10/14: 193.8
    10/15: 193.8
    10/16: 194.3
    10/17: 193.4