JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 19



  • hedyk
    hedyk Posts: 185 Member
    It's about the daily seemingly unimportant decisions. But consistently making them everyday is what leads to results. I love the way I feel at night & the next morning after having stayed on track.

    Starting Weight: 135 lbs
    Goal Weight: 111 lbs by end of the year
    Goal This Round: Average weight lower than 117 lbs

    10/10 - 119 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/11 - 118 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/12 - 118 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/13 - 118 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/14 - 117 - Played 3 sets of tennis this morning. Went salsa dancing tonight & had 3 units of alcohol.
    10/15 - 116 - Played 3 sets of tennis this morning
    10/16 - 116 - Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/17 - 116 - Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/18 - 117 - Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/19 - 117 - Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights this morning
    Average weight this round: 117.2. I'm happy with my results this round. Looking forward to round 20.

    Days under 1300 net calories: 15
  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    Highest weight: 242 on April 1
    SW: R 14: 226 .......... EW R14: 224.3
    SW: R15: 224.4 ....... EW R15: 222.6
    SW: R16: 222.4 ....... EW R16: 222.8
    SW: R17: 223.1........ EW R17: 219.2
    SW: R18: 220.1........ EW R18: 217.3
    SW: R19: 218.4

    Goal for Round 19: 215
    Ultimate Goal: 141


    10/10: 218.4
    All right! Here we go for another round! Will it be good? Will it be bad? Wo o o o! Only the shadow knows for sure!

    10/11: 217
    Got a call yesterday to come in for the second part of my sleep study! Made sure to ask for a scale this morning before taking a shower; weighed 217. Been riding most of the day; but I resisted stopping for fast food! Hope this number sticks around this time! If I say "pretty please" will you stay?

    10/12: 219
    Well, it is evident that saying 'pretty please' did not work . That Turkey chili I made was low on calories and fat but high on sodium! Watching sodium intake is crucial to weight loss for me! Will do better today; already pre planned my meals for today! Now, I just need to drink enough water to flush away all this salt!

    10/13: 217.8
    Drank lots of water yesterday; was way under on sodium! Had all my meals planned for today then my granddaughter invited me to lunch! Oh well, the best laid plans of mice and men so often go astray!

    10/14: 217.9
    I like this number! Went to lunch yesterday with 2 of my granddaughters and my daughter at Golden Corral. Loaded up on vegetables and baked fish! Couldn't resist the desserts though! Had very small piece of Carrot cake and bread pudding! Didn't get in hardly any water, but only ate 3 waffle cookies (69 cal.) for the rest of the day! Today is my great grandson's birthday, so I expect I won't have the good choices I had yesterday!

    10/15: 220.2
    Too much sodium not enough water! :#

    10/16: 218.1
    Surprise! Made homemade mac n cheese yesterday, and ate too much! Did get in a little more water. Had a doctor appt. this morning, and my water is always slack when I'm away from home. Alarm didn't go off this morning, so I missed my exercise! May work something in tomorrow!

    10/17: 219.8
    Kept hoping this would go down, but it didn't; could it be the 2 pieces of birthday cake I ate :o or the water I didn't drink enough of :# ? But for the good news, I did get my exercise in today to make up for missing yesterday o:) !

    10/18: 219.6
    Got my exercise in today! Drinking my water! Eating wisely! Ok, weight, throw your best at me, but you will find there ain't no give up in this lady!! :D:D

    10/19: 219.1 :'(:'(:'(:(:'(
    Well, there's a first time for everything! This is the first time I've ended a round higher than I started it! And I hope it's the last time!!!!!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Starting weight, January 1: 217.0
    Current weight on October 1st: 191
    1st goal weight: 175
    Second goal weight: 170

    66 years old

    Round 19
    10/10 --- 192.4 (I was down to 191, but gained a little over the past 2 weeks)
    10/11 ---- 191.2 I am trying to follow the South Beach Diet to get myself motivated again, but I can't do completely without carbs. Even though I am on Phase 1, and suppose to just keep away from carbs for 1 week, I am more just using this as a guideline as to what to eat (2 cups veggies lunch and dinner and protein, and 1/2 c veggies and protein at breakfast). We did have popcorn last nite, but I was OK with that. I am now back to where I was on Oct 1st!
    10/12 --- 189.6. I am FINALLY in the 80s!!!! Yesterday my day I did not eat what I had planned, but I am practicing "mindful"eating, and being aware of what I eat. And I think the main thing is the water -- trying to drink more water.
    10/13 - 191. Hate to see it go back up! But, last nite I ate 2 large bowls of popcorn, after a stressful evening. Didn't weight this morning until after my workout, and I drank 2 large glasses of gatorade, so I am hoping that is part of the weight increase as well. But .... I am not going to get discouraged.
    10/14 - 190.2. Not the best day of eating, health wise - chicken tenders and a smoothie from mcdonalds. But calorie-wise, I did better.
    10/15 - 191.2 OH NO!! But ..... I didn't weigh myself until after I went to the gym, and I had drank 2 large bottles of water. I also didn't drink much water yesterday, and some tomato juice in the evening... so hoping this is water weight
    10/16 - 189.8
    10/17 - 189.6
    10/18 -189.8 - but this was after the gym, and after I drank 1 bottle of water. So glad to still be in the 80s!
    10/19 - 188.8 -- YAH!!! Hoping to stay in the 80s

    Will there be another round starting??/ I love this idea and thread!

  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    edited October 2017
    @AshEvelynn so you only lost 1.2! You should be turning flips; my ending weight is higher than my starting weight! But hey, another round starts tomorrow: His mercies are new every morning!! :)<3
  • silkelyss
    silkelyss Posts: 25 Member
    edited October 2017
    SW: 77kg (169,7lbs)
    CW: 65,7kg (144,8lbs) (10/09)
    UGW: 56kg (123,4lbs)

    Goals: Downward trend, average weight of 64,7kg or less; exercise every weekday (= more than 20 active minutes); drink 1L of water every day

    Day || Weight || Comment
    10/10 || 64,3kg (141,7lbs) || Already 1,4kg (3lbs) 'lost' aka I guess my binge-eating from Sunday has gone down haha. I know I'm going to be eating bad today however (I'm having my cheat meal today) so it'll probably show on the scale tomorrow or the day after sadly! | 1L of water✓ | 92 active minutes✓
    10/11 || 64,4kg (141,9lbs) || Not too bad for the day after my cheat meal! I felt hungry throughout the day sometimes though, so maybe I should eat a bit more | 1L of water✓ | 60 active minutes✓
    10/12 || 64,3kg (141,7lbs) || I guess it’s better than going up? | 1L of water✓ | 41 active minutes✓
    10/13 || 63,9kg (140,8lbs) || Yay I needed this kind of motivation! Friday the 13th isn’t always unlucky haha. I ate more throughout the day yesterday but kept within my calories. I also had some sweet things, but all in moderation! Guess that’s the way to go~ | 1L of water✓ | 70 active minutes✓
    10/14 || 63,3kg (139,5lbs) [/b]|| Well, while I am super happy to see that number I doubt it’ll last… I binge-ate yesterday. I stayed within my calories, but I ate a cereal, muesli cookies and a mini magnum (total of 450kcal) that my body did not NEED at that moment, considering I was quite bloated afterwards. Disappointed in myself. I am proud of myself though that I did some ‘exercise’ even though it wasn’t part of my goals and it was only walking. | 1L of water✓ | 55 active minutes✓
    10/15 || 64,1kg (141,3lbs) || Crazy how much a night out (and again some binging) can show on the scale! (that and yesterday’s number was a lie that my scale told me haha). I’m going to pick up some books about binge-eating. I know it’s not magically going to go away with reading a book, but maybe I’ll learn some coping systems or so. I also drank a bit more water today! Hopefully I won’t end up binging again tonight… | 1L of water✓ | 24 active minutes✓
    10/16 || 63,1kg (139,1lbs) || I think both me and my scale are confused haha. I mean, it’s normal to have fluctuations, but I usually don’t get 1 kg fluctuations. You won’t hear me complain though, I prefer this number over yesterdays! So I didn’t end up binging last night and drank a bit more water so I guess there’s what that comes from. I might start a “haven’t binged in … days” like @wannabesmaller2017, it might motivate me and keep track of things. I also went to the gym today and felt great! Tonight I will be having my cheat meal, so I think it might show on tomorrows number, but we’ll see! | 1L of water✓ | 98 active minutes✓
    10/17 || 63,3kg (139,5lbs) [/b]|| Not too bad! I’m posting this right before going to bed. Didn’t have a good day (very bad actually) so I did indulge a bit, but nothing too bad. Still think it will show tomorrow on the scale though! Hopefully I’ll see the 62s once by the end of the challenge, but that might a bit too much to wish for | 1L of water✓ | 42 active minutes✓
    10/18 || 63,3kg (139,5lbs) || Had an absolute terrible day, which showed in my eating habits (went to Mcdonalds, barely drank any water, didn’t work out) siiiigh, sad to probably end the challenge in a high number tomorrow | 1L of water× | 0 active minutes×
    10/19 || 63,5kg (139,9) | ended up binging tonight, but I’m not going to beat myself up about it :) Also TOM has started, so there’s that | 1L of water✓ | 27 active minutes✓


    Downward trend ✓
    Average weight of 64,7kg or less ✓ => 63,75kg!
    Exercise every weekday (= more than 20 active minutes) ✓ with exception of one day
    Drink 1L of water every day ✓ with exception of one day

    So all in all, not too bad! See you guys in the next round!
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,277 Member
    Back for my 6th round.
    BW - 221.8
    R14 - 218.8
    R15 - 216.2
    R16 - 218.2 - vacation
    R17 - who knows what happened here.
    R18 - 219.4

    R19 goal - 216.2 - lofty goal but it would get me back to R15 (pre-vacation) weight.

    10/10 - had to be to work 2 hours early and it was all I could do to drag my sorry rear out of bed and get there in time!
    10/11 - 220.4 - serves me right. I got to the end of the day and saw I had 400 calories left - so had a smallish margarita. Alcohol and losing weight do NOT go hand in hand. Plus I didn't get my morning walk in either of these mornings. My husband says I get "twitchy" if I go too many days w/o working up a sweat, and he's right! I'm feeling pretty on edge right now.
    10/12 - 218.2 - SWEET!
    10/13 - 219.4 - up down up down up down
    10/14 - 218.4
    10/15 - 219.4 - had an epiphany this morning. I haven't had those long (4 - 6 hr) bike rides on the weekend, plus 40 miles or so during the week so apparently that was burning a lot of calories and helping bring my weight down. Without the biking, I'm going to have to be more vigilant about what I'm eating.
    10/16 ---
    10/17 - 220.4 - what? How is that possible? Yesterday - walked 4 miles, biked 25. Stayed under calories. And I'm UP 1 pound?
    10/18 - 220.6 - seriously...and yesterday I was under calories AGAIN.
    10/19 - 219.4 - better - but I wanted to be back to 216 this round so I'm still rather frustrated.

    @SheilaBoneham - thanks for the words of encouragement. I tell myself to drink more water - but easier said than done. I know I don't get enough.
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Seventh round with this glorious group of supportive peeps!

    Been doing amazingly well.  Taking note of daily fluctuations and watching the 10-day averages consistently decrease has really helped!  (Decreases I might have otherwise missed by weighing weekly or irregularly.)

    My recommendations for newbies:  Keep your focus on the average over the 10 days.  Don't let the daily fluctuations get you down.  Instead, notice that everyone's weights go up and down and it can take a few days to see the results of good/bad behavior.  Stay the course, gain from other's experiences, and ask for support when you need it!


    Rounds 13 - 17:
    Round 13: SW 167.6, EW 166.4 (-1.2 lb), LW 165.4, HW 168.4, AVG 167.4
    Round 14: SW 166.4, EW 165.6 (-0.8 lb),
    LW 165.6, HW 167.2, AVG 166.2
    Round 15: SW 165.6, EW 164.0 (-1.6 lb),
    LW 163.6, HW 165.2, AVG 164.4
    Round 16: SW 164.0, EW 162.6 (-1.4 lb),
    LW 162.4, HW 165.6, AVG 163.8
    Round 17: SW 162.6, EW 159.8 (-2.8 lb),
    LW 159.4, HW 161.8, AVG 160.2

    Round 18: SW 159.8, EW 158.0 (-1.8 lb),
    LW 157.4, HW 159.8, AVG 158.7

    Round 19
    SW:  158.0
    GW:  155.4

    10/10:  157.8  I say, if it's going to fluctuate, fluctuate downward please!  :)

    10/11:  156.8  Wooosh!  Hope it sticks around for my Friday team challenge weigh-ins!!

    10/12:  157.2  Boing!  Still less than last round's low, so I'll take it.  :smile:

    10/13:  156.8  Yay!

    10/14:  157.2  Boing!  TOM is coming so probably won't make the round goal weight.  Forgot to take that into consideration (again! ).  A pound less than this will do.

    10/15:  157.0  C'mon 156s!

    10/16:  155.6  Woosh!  Probably won't stick, but nice to see.  :)

    10/17:  156.4  Told ya so!  ;)  Staying here til the end of the round would be just fine.

    10/18:  156.4  Thank you, body!

    10/19:  154.6  Zoinks!  and Gooooaaalllll! 

    Round 19: SW 158.0, EW 154.6 (-3.4 lb),
    LW 154.6, HW 158.0, AVG 156.6

    Wow!  My body has been extremely cooperative.  The most I've lost during a round.  Lowered my calories by about 150 a day this month, which seems to be my sweet spot.

    On to Round 20!

    I believe in my ability to MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES, to LOSE WEIGHT, and KEEP IT OFF!
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    MFP Starting 2012: 201
    MFP Starting 2017: 184

    Round 16 SW: 175
    Round 17 SW: 173.5
    Round 18 SW: 173
    Round 19 SW: 170.5

    10/10: 170.5
    Feeling good, like the changes I've made are sustainable, but I'm nearing my typical low. I've been here probably 5 times (more?) in the last 25 years without ever getting to my goal weight, then gaining back. At this size, I'm still definitely overweight but I'm starting to like how I look and that can cause me to get overconfident and stop worrying about it. I've really got to keep my mindset going. I like the healthy food I'm eating, I'm not deprived, I like being active, I can keep doing this. Anyway, it's early but I'm on track for no added sugar today, good on water and calories, took a nice walk.
    10/11 170.5
    Three days in a row, this number still makes me happy. Good on water, calories, a little exercise, no added sugar. Looking back at my diary, I haven't gone over 1510 calories in 30 days.
    10/12: 169.5 squeee! (What'll happen tomorrow? Oh, the suspense.)
    When I got home my BF left me a big serving of pasta. He makes the sauce, doesn't put sugar or salt in it but he glugs in the olive oil with abandon, bless his Italian mama. I added veggies but should have eaten a bit less. I'm under calories for the day, not enough protein, lots of carbs and fat. Fine on water, no added sugar, just light walking for exercise today.
    10/13: 169.0
    Walked a bit, fine on water, fine on calories, almost no veggies today, no added sugar.
    10/14: 169.0
    Fine on calories, but high in sodium (phooey, might see a bump tomorrow). Lots of veggies. OK on water. Some exercise. No added sugar. Had to be up extra early today and again tomorrow. Today we had a park cleanup, tomorrow I'm leading an early nature walk. I'm looking forward to it but I should go to sleep soon.
    10/15: 170.0
    Worked a very long day (11hrs) but I started with a birding walk at dawn so it was a nice day overall, especially considering tomorrow's my day off. Hardly drank any water til early evening, I'm trying to finish another 500ml. Not on purpose, but was not in my routine today and ate very low in calories. No added sugar, in spite of lots of opportunity for it.
    10/16: 168.5
    No exercise today. It's my day off and except for an errand and going out to eat I didn't move. I didn't hate it. Fine on calories but too much sodium. Good on water, no added sugar.
    10/17: 168.0
    I did everything I was supposed to do today except get enough protein. Oh, and not enough sleep last night. Good on calories, water, exercise, even servings of vegetables. No added sugar. I made a faux lasagna that will be dinner the next several days so I'm ready to start my work week tomorrow.
    10/18: 167.5
    I'm trying to get a lot more water before it gets too late. Woke up early for no reason, I've had a sleep deficit for a couple of weeks now. Walked two miles (to/from work), good on calories, veggies, protein. No added sugar.

    10/19: 167.5
    I was going to post that I had a nearly perfect day, diet and exercise wise, but then I realized I forgot my multivitamin today. It's always something. But - 3 lbs down for these 10 days, that's positive. :) Good on water, calories, protein, veggies today. No added sugar in spite of receiving chocolates in the mail from a friend yesterday. (She means well, but gahhh.)