Paleo Diet 30 days (starting Monday October 16th!)



  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    @Tried30UserNames Thank you for the information! I looked up info for getting vegies into my fruit smoothies and will be making sweet potato/squash/carrot puree frozen cubes to add to them.
  • Nomseys
    Nomseys Posts: 43 Member
    Hey I've been paleo around two months and I am loving it so far. I am also down nine lbs. :) I have gotten so much more energy.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    I have lost 5# quickly. I am within a few pounds of my goal weight and chose this challenge to help me replace the carbs and dairy that were high in my daily diet with more vegetables and healthy snacks. I now need to maintain my weight. I am grocery shopping today for more paleo friendly foods and excited about cooking up some actually paleo meals instead of just smoothies and salads and plain meat/fish. I want to try banana pancakes with maple syrup today for a treat.
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    k1ttykaz wrote: »
    Have been doing great lots of salads and veg a little bit of chicken and fruits. Until tonight. Failed miserably with almond milk icecream and I'm paying for it. Feel sick as. And didn't fix the emotional stuff it was intended too haha :/
    I totally understand you on the emotional eating! Keep your head up and start tomorrow fresh again, you can do it :)

    For breakfast, I often make vegetable/meat hash. Just chop up (or use frozen) a variety of your favorite vegetables like parsnip, carrot, kale, onion, spinach, mushroom, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, butternut squash, zucchini, etc. Brown some ground beef or homemade beef/ turkey sausage or leftover chicken or roast from last nights' dinner. Add the vegetables and cook until tender. Add any salt, pepper, herbs that you like to taste. If you want, break an egg into the pan and put the whole thing in the oven for about 5 minutes to let the egg cook. You can make a big batch and then just reheat portions of it all week.

    That breakfast sounds delicious. Great tips and ideas thanks!!
    I have lost 5# quickly. I am within a few pounds of my goal weight and chose this challenge to help me replace the carbs and dairy that were high in my daily diet with more vegetables and healthy snacks. I now need to maintain my weight. I am grocery shopping today for more paleo friendly foods and excited about cooking up some actually paleo meals instead of just smoothies and salads and plain meat/fish. I want to try banana pancakes with maple syrup today for a treat.
    That’s awesome congrats! Great place to be in.
    Have you tried protein banana pancake?
    It’s amazing. I use 1 scoop vanilla (no sugar added) pea protein powder (vegan) and 1/2 banana and 1 egg and a bit of water. Mix it up and it’s exactly like pancake consistency -and tastes better than pancakes IMO. I sometimes add blueberries too. Makes 2 small pancakes.
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    Sorry I haven’t posted it got crazy hectic the past couple of days. I can feel my pants looser which is great but won’t weigh myself until end of this upcoming week. Will start posting what I eat again tomorrow.

    Also question, are you guys eating potatoes or no? Some places I read you can some places I read you can’t.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    @stephyyyo I'll try your pancakes recipe, miss them. I'm not eating white potatoes, it's another comfort for me and too easy to choose them over more nutritional vegies.
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    @stephyyyo I'll try your pancakes recipe, miss them. I'm not eating white potatoes, it's another comfort for me and too easy to choose them over more nutritional vegies.

    You’re right, it is definitely more of a comfort food!
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    Week 2 - Monday - bowl of fruit for breakfast, chicken breast with red peppers for lunch, and a big salad for dinner :)
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    I've noticed I don't have my usual afternoon loss of energy with this way of eating. I'm consuming many more vegetables than before. I did cheat and tried buttermilk chicken strips for lunch.
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    Joining late but I I want to give this a try!
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    Trying new foods in my daily smoothies, last night cubed up a couple baked sweet potatoes and added a couple cubes to my fruit smoothie. Still tasted great to me. I added cooked carrots another day. Trying to sneak in more vegetables into my daily diet.
    @ MzRuthy Welcome !
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    I'm sticking with the basics of Paleo diet except my diet coke. Lost 7# and getting in plenty of fruits and vegetables which is my goal. Hope you are all doing well as well. Have a good Friday.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    Down another pound. I need to maintain weight now and strengthen my muscles. Eating mostly chicken and fish, fruits, vegies, few nuts and seeds. Need to increase my water intake.
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    I can see how this paleo diet can cut many calories from a daily diet and help a person choose healthier foods to fill up on. I've done this for 2 weeks. I will be moving on to more of a low carb, real food lifestyle