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Over 200 New Year New Me Part 51



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    HeatherMN: I don't blame you for not doing the 8k on Saturday ... it has been so hot - I can't imagine trying to run outside in this weather!

    Purpleprose: You look great! Kind of funny - I was just thinking last week that I was curious to see a before pic of you since you have accomplished so much - and then you posted one! ESP?

    Lilspy: I hope your little one gets over being jaundacy fast - my daughter had a very minor jaundice too, it was the middle of winter and not overly warm in our apartment and we had to lay her on a blanket in the sun in just her diaper as much as we could.
    I know it isn't a very popular choice but I didn't breast feed either of my babies. With my first I had a bad rash on my breasts (I think from the public aparment laundry we had to use - and I think someone washed something with paint thinner or other chemicals in them) so they were already very uncomfortable and had medication on them. Plus I was just uncomfortable with breast feeding. Our daughter was/is very healthy, is smart, and never had a weight problem as a child - I really don't put a lot of stock into some of the breast-feeding beliefs. So I debated the issue when my son was born because I didn't have the same reasons to not breast-feed, and society really pushes breast-feeding ... but in the end I decided that my daughter turned out to be very healthy and I wanted to do the same thing for my son.
    So anyhow - my kids turned out just fine without being breastfed so I really think it is a personal preference and you shouldn't feel bad if you have trouble breastfeeding. I have a couple of friends that felt just terrible when they had trouble breastfeeding and I think it is a shame that they were made to feel that way.

    checking in:
    calories: good - although the weekend was carb-heavy at times
    exercise: great
    water: great
    proud: I am still working on this
  • Morning everyone!

    Julie - I agree with lstpaul and the others. If you're able to breastfeed, then that's wonderful. If you need to supplement with formula or switch to formula, it's not the end of the world! There's such pressure these days to breastfeed that it's giving people anxiety if it doesn't go perfectly.
    Nancy - welcome back!
    Heather - if it's over 80 degrees, I don't like to run, so I don't blame you for not going out either. I like that you toyed with it, though - upping the mileage is scary!
    lstpaul - It must be kismet or something that I posted that picture!

    Thanks for all the encouragement over my progress. I channeled that into an awesome workout with my trainer last night and he said he noticed progress in my squats and lunges (both of which I hate). Today I'm super sore and am not sure I'll be able to go up and down the stairs at work much today, which is unfortunate since we don't have an elevator and the stairs are my only option!
  • Okay, here are the goals for everyone so far.

    *Get to onederland for serious this time (5 pounds)
    *30DS every day I'm not working out with my trainer
    *no night snacking!
    *2 - 3 runs per week
    *only weigh in on Fridays and either Monday OR Tuesday

    *Get my water in
    *lose 8 lbs

    lstpaul: (why can't I remember your name right now!??!!?)
    1. Lose 4 lbs (1 per week)
    2. at least 240 minutes of cardio and 60 minutes of weights per week
    3. at least 90 ounces of water everyday
    4. eat more protein and vegetables!

    *Go to Bikram Yoga at least 3 times a week
    *Drink 96 oz of water a day
    *No weight loss goal - just those two and see what happens!

    ~Running at least once per week
    ~Riding my horse at least once per week
    ~Cutting back on soda and replacing it with water/flavored water. I've replaced my morning soda with iced coffee made at home most days.
    ~Be active 6 of 7 days per week.

    ♦lose 8 pounds
    ♦drink at least 100 ounces of water per day
    ♦Cardio 150 mins per week
    ♦strength 2x per week
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: BAD ... I was way over ... very carb heavy day yesterday
    exercise: good - an hour of step in the morning
    water: probably short - I need to keep track better
    proud: that I brought my 10 year old to step with me - it's fun having him there

    I'm feeling pretty hormonal. I stopped taking my BC pills 2 months ago (because I haven't had a period in over a year and wanted to see if I am in menopause and if my peri-menopause PMS symptoms have topped). I have read that it will take at least 3 months for my own hormone production to 'take over' after stopping the pills so I can't really tell where I am at yet - but I am going crazy about once a month. No period (yet) - but about once a month since stopping the BC pills I have been super PMSy and have had a mini-meltdown (both times at/about my teenage daughter ... who pushes my buttons right now like no one else!). I am almost hoping to get my period back so that I can justify going back on the BC pills to even out my hormones - but I don't want to go back on BC pills if there really is no reason to be on them anymore.

    purpleprose - I don't know if I've ever put my actual name down ... that is probably why you don't remember it - it's Leann

    HeatherMN - good for you on reducing your soda ... I swear that part of my recent weightloss success is because I stopped drinking diet pepsi. My nutritionist says that one of the reasons anything with aspartame is bad is because it causes an insulin reaction in your body just like sugar would - but then has no sugar to consume so you crave sugar/carbs even more and have worse blood sugar ups and downs. It makes sense to me - at least in how much better my cravings have been since quitting diet pepsi (and anything with apartame).
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I am here, but it's a busy week at work. Just popping in to read and say how proud I am of all of you for continuing to post and stay active on the boards.

    Going to my 2nd Bikram class tonight, so the water drinking is on. I will likely count how many times I have to run to the restroom - it will be A LOT! I always wonder how much hydrating I'm actually doing when I'm running to the restroom once/hour!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning girls. I'm just jumping back in. I've got my Biggest Loser competition at work going and I've got until August 20th to kick butt!! I'm going to a cycle class tonight. I feel a new sense of motivation and I really hope it lasts!! So far I'm in the lead. I've only lost a few pounds. The other 2 keep gaining and losing the same weight. Here's to hoping! :drinker:
  • Welcome back, Jess!
    Lauren - is bikram like being in a sauna? Because I really don't like that feeling anyway, so not sure I'd want to do yoga in it.

    I'm totally not feeling it at the office today. Tired, a little cranky, and ravenously hungry.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm going out to dinner tonight with a friend to Doolittle's. I perused the menu, and found some limited nutritional info on some items and I've picked the Roasted pear and chicken salad.... but I can only have 1/2 of it and need to cut back on what I brought for my afternoon snack to stay under calories for the day. I have a really hard time on days that I don't have any exercise calories to use. I guess at least I have a plan.
  • Leann - forewarned is forearmed, in my book, so good for you looking up where you're going later and planning accordingly! I checked out the restaurant website (I'm nosy) and they admitted that the calorie counts are just guides, so they could be too high - I sometimes will double check a posted amount by creating my own recipe in MFP to see which looks more accurate.

    You seem down about the dinner - but if you're worried about not eating enough, chuck half the walnuts and blue cheese off the plate as soon as it arrives. Based on the ingredients, it seems that's where most of the damage comes from, as the chicken, pears, raspberries, and lettuce don't add up to that much, calorie-wise. :heart:

    Or, could you take a walk after dinner to negate some of the damage?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Glad you're making a plan lstpaul! You could also ask for those high calorie toppings (walnuts, cheese) on the side and only put on what you need. Dressing on the side too means fewer cals!

    Allison, Bikram takes place in a room that's like 105 degrees, however it's not like being in a sauna. I think of a sauna as a really wet heat - this is more dry. However, the room is wet because we sweat like crazy! :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Allison - WOW what a huge diff in your pics! You go, girl!!!
    lstpaul, I never knew your name was Leann. That is one of my dearest friend's name. So beautiful!

    I posted my goals on the last thread but I'll post them again because I think they are lost in cyrberspace:
    1.) Come here every day
    2.) Exercise at least three times a week
    3.) Bring my lunch to work
    4.) Stop obsessing over the scale
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks guys for the moral support. I unfortunately ate the whole salad at dinner (it was pretty good), but then I went for a walk after dinner to work some of it off (ESP again purpleprose?). So my plan would have been good - except I got home and my daughter had made cookies - which I had 1/2 of one that also went great with the spoon of peanut butter that I just had to have! Aargh! I didn't do too badly, but back on track tomorrow. I have trouble on my no/little exercise days.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    bump for later
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Leann, glad you had a good dinner AND a walk!

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Under with exercise
    Water - 160 oz - YES 20 glasses!!
    Exercise - 90 min Bikram class
    Proud - Well the class was harder this week than last, but I made it through. I also was a little scandalous (in my eyes) and only wore my sports bar for the class. 105 degrees is hot! It also made me concentrate more on keeping my tummy in - we don't need to be flashing that all over!

    Blue, as always, lovely to see you!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Nancy: I love your goal of getting rid of the scale obsession. I struggle with this one sometimes, too.

    Leann: I think you were the only one on here whose name I didn't know, so I'm glad I do now! I feel pretty good about cutting back on the soda, too, but I'm still drinking Crystal Light, which has aspartame. I don't think it has as much, though. I need to slowly wean myself off the stuff. But, it is helping me drink WAY more water, so it's all good.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over!
    Water: 23.7 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: Scored a great deal on a jacket Nate has been wanting for several months. It makes him look so good, too!

    Yesterday was a high-calorie (using positive or neutral words instead of negative ones) day because I didn't feel well, so I gave myself permission to eat what I was hungry for. Apparently, my body wanted a Whopper with cheese, Dr. Pepper (nondiet), a cherry icee, a cheese pretzel, tacos, margaritas, and chips and salsa. It was all so awesome.

    A friend is bar tending at a new restaurant opening in town and last night was the sneak preview event for employees and their friends and family. The atmosphere was cozy and the food was amazing. The best part was that we didn't have to pay for any of the food; only the drinks because the employees needed a trial run before their VIP event tonight and opening night on Thursday.
  • Yesterday was a high-calorie (using positive or neutral words instead of negative ones) day because I didn't feel well, so I gave myself permission to eat what I was hungry for. Apparently, my body wanted a Whopper with cheese, Dr. Pepper (nondiet), a cherry icee, a cheese pretzel, tacos, margaritas, and chips and salsa. It was all so awesome.

    I do the same thing when I don't feel well - just give myself permission to eat what sounds good (especially if my stomach's been upset or if I've had a migraine). If I go over, well...oh well!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over ... but really not horrible
    proud: I really wanted to get a higher calorie dinner at the restaurant with my friend but I stuck to the salad I had planned on
    August goals:
    weight loss: remains to be seen ... I'm REALLY hoping to lose a pound and see a 21* number on the scale on Friday!
    exercise: just a 20 minute walk - but on track
    water: not enough
    more protein & veggies: pretty good day

    took my 10 year old to step again this morning ... he is SUCH a sweety
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Just wanted to give you all an update and let you know that you will not be seeing too much of me for a while. My oldest daughter is leaving for college August 19th. Before she left I was getting her a physical, dentist, eye exams, the works. She is leaving and I want to make sure things are well. So during the exam the dr. found a mole that does not look right. We went to the dermatologist who agrees so next week we are doing a biopsy on it. I have heard that most moles come back as fine. So I am hoping. But we have to try to get all of this done before the next 2 weeks. my second child is in volleyball and they have all kinds of fundraisers going on. My husband is having some health issues that we need to straighten out. The way things are going I am thinking I will be dropping back on my contact for a couple of weeks. I just don't have time to spend on the computer right now. In addition to all that is going on I am starting to feel so very sad that my first born child will not be sitting at my dinner table every night. Or with us when we read or watch a movie together. (yes, my 17 yo sits with me and the other children as I read to them) I am so happy and excited for her but I am so deeply sad for me!
    .... I will try to check in but if I don't at least you will know what I am doing.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning, long lost sisters!

    I have been MIA for a few weeks... life has struck again!

    For the next several (several, several) months, I will be here logging food and keeping up with the board, but I will not be losing any weight... Adam and I are having a baby :)

    Because of weight (and family history), I need to be paying super close attention to weight gain! The doctor says I'm allowed about 15 pounds.... so I'm going to have to be super diligent!

    I hope everyone is doing well! I plan on "seeing" you all MUCH more often :)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning, long lost sisters!

    I have been MIA for a few weeks... life has struck again!

    For the next several (several, several) months, I will be here logging food and keeping up with the board, but I will not be losing any weight... Adam and I are having a baby :)

    Because of weight (and family history), I need to be paying super close attention to weight gain! The doctor says I'm allowed about 15 pounds.... so I'm going to have to be super diligent!

    I hope everyone is doing well! I plan on "seeing" you all MUCH more often :)

    awww that is so great!! Congratulations!!!

    What is in the water on this board!?