Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    I believe the files ARE jpg files. Will play some more when I can get to my laptop.

    Already off to a bad start here. Lunch was good but ...... oh well.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2017
    another person test ...
    test 1 ... used 'insert an image' choose file, choose

    test 2 ... used 'add an image' you can also drag and drop --- dragged and dropped

    @b_lisieux ... the result you got in your test 1 is something that used to happen to me but now I cannot recall how I made that happen ... the image didn't appear inside my post but as an attachment and you had to click on it to open it up in a separate window ... and, of course, now that I'm trying to duplicate that I cannot. But ... here are two tests that I did do .... just for the fun of it while I was sipping my afternoon tea.

    PS ... I made screen shots especially for this post, and then edited them to focus in ... should have cropped them tighter! .... Also, the drag and drop photo was a shot that was on my desktop, not a file in a folder like the first one was ... maybe that's the difference ...
  • mtumale
    mtumale Posts: 17 Member
    I know I am super late to this thread, but I really am in desperate need of encouragement, would you all mind if I jumped in on your challenge so I have somewhere to be accountable for the next few weeks as I try to get started? I need to lose 120lbs but I will take any loss at this time as I haven't lost even .5 in over 5 months. I've lost all motivation and think I am finally ready to get back to it and love myself again!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @mtumate ... Well sure ... I'm just not certain how the person who is keeping track of our numbers this challenge ... @bapcarrier ... feels about it. She's been great, as has everyone who has monitored the challenges of adding people into the spreadsheet to get our numbers. .... Just follow the same format as everyone else ... and if you have the numbers for your weekly weigh-in for the past 5 weeks, go ahead and add them to the data. Weigh-in day is by Wednesday, but we have members who don't weigh in until up to Friday or Saturday ... I'm not certain how the that is handled in the challenge total numbers for the week, maybe not at all.

    I took a look at your profile and see you've been a member of MFP for a while now ... did you have success in the past and just 'fell off the wagon" for a while, so now you are back to 'working it'? Don't fret if that's what happened. We have mostly ALL been there and done that at one time or another; heck, more than once!

    Actually, I like your idea of aiming to lose just 1/2 pound a week for the next several months. That pace will allow you to make the lifestyle changes that you need to make to lose weight, and ... it's only a 250 calorie a day cut from what you need to stay the same weight. ... baby steps, little nibbles, one-step-at-a-time, one habit at a time ... good luck! And welcome. :)
  • mtumale
    mtumale Posts: 17 Member
    @Nikion901 thank you so much. Even if my numbers don't count for the challenge, just having somewhere to talk and get motivation is what I really need right now. Yes I have been off and on MFP for years, I lost 68lbs back in 2013, then gained back 72 ugh. I have had a hard time losing any weight this past year especially, but putting it on has been quite easy! blah none of my clothes fit and I am just super uncomfortable, simple as that. I am putting my music on and dancing while I cook and clean at home to get steps in and get a sweat going.
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    @mtumale It is the same for me. I have at least 100 to lose. The challenges are helping, I have lost 12lbs since July, but that is a very slow loss and it is hard for me to stay motivated. I guess I need to set tiny goals so that I don't feel discouraged.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    edited October 2017
    @mtumale I am doing the challenge reporting for this particular challenge and you are welcome to join in as are any new people. Just follow the format and plan to post your numbers weekly no later than Thursdays. :smile:

    On another note, I am struggling...I seem to have lost all will power and I am once again sabotaging myself. Every time I get close to Wonderland this seems to happen. I know what I need to do, I'm just having a bad time following thru with it. I plan my meals, eat correctly until late afternoon or evening and then go off track. Not a lot of calories over my goal but consistently over this last couple of weeks. I haven't even gone back and changed my daily log ins so to MFP it looks like I'm within my daily goal, when really I'm not. UGH I think I would feel better if I had just one day with a big overage instead of this trend to several days... which just shows I'm not in a good place right now. I know I can get this going again, I just have to regroup and change up some things. I know a couple of others are struggling (more than the normal) right now too, @lydiapassthedonuts and @newjax2017 and anyone else having a particularly hard time right now, we can get thru this!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Tuesday Goal - I have it figured out and will now try something new in addition to what I'm already doing! ...
    Yesterday was DASH Day #1 and thus I stayed well within my calorie target, plus it was also my lawn cutting day so I got in 2 hours of very active aerobic activity. Thus today my weight is down 1 pound from yesterday. Now for the hard part ... DASH DAY #2; bring it on!

    What I have figured out is NET CALS on MFP ... thought I had it before but still couldn't make it work out mathematically until yesterday. I was also able to back into that 5-week weight projection!

    MFP Net Cals is simply Calories In less Calories Out via exercise! ... if no exercise calories were entered, then it's simply Calories IN. As for the 5-week projection, it won't give me an accurate forecast because, like with all calculations ... they work of averages and I am not the average gal. MFP calculations have my calorie need at 1920 calories to maintain my current weight, but my historical record keeping proves that my true calorie needs are 75 calories a day less than that ... so anytime I eat more than about 1850 calories NET, I will gain weight. To lose 1/2 pound a week, my NET calories need to be about 1500.
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Tuesday Goal - I have it figured out and will now try something new in addition to what I'm already doing! ...
    Yesterday was DASH Day #1 and thus I stayed well within my calorie target, plus it was also my lawn cutting day so I got in 2 hours of very active aerobic activity. Thus today my weight is down 1 pound from yesterday. Now for the hard part ... DASH DAY #2; bring it on!

    What is DASH Day?

    Also does anyone know how accurate the calorie adjustment is when MFP is connected with Fitbit? I seem to get quite a lot of extra calories (between 700 and 1100 per day) depending on how much I walk. However, I have no idea if this is realistic. I should say though that I have manually entered my calorie goal because I'm working with a dietician, and have indicated light activity setting. Would love to hear if anyone else has experience with MFP and Fitbit.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Tuesday goals. Take a breath and re evaluate. Weight is bouncing the normal +|- 2 pounds and dropping slooooowly. MIL not doing well. Chemo doesn’t agree with her. My biopsy is Thursday, not really worried about the procedure more worried it’s not what they said it is. Struggling with quasi adult children and my place in their world. Struggling with work and unsolvable problems. Struggling with consistent higher intensity workouts, it’s me not them. Time for a breath
  • verybusybee
    verybusybee Posts: 131 Member
    @ihp2015 I use my fitbit. I utilize it to track my calories burned when I exercise because it seems reasonable (500 for swimming) 200 for a 15 minute walk etc. However I do notice that the fitbit app will say I have burned like 3k calories and I can't figure that out either. Ive never seen that part transfer to MFP and I track all my food in MFP not fitbit. Does that help at all?

    I am not sure if the challenge has changed but I see people posting their Tuesday goals so here goes. The first week or two was about me staying under my calories. Then I gave up soda. Usually I do very well with both of these. Now I am going to add trying to lower my fat intake at least until I decide to do keto full time then it will be carbs. I am noticing that my fat intake is way to high.
  • lizheartsjesse
    lizheartsjesse Posts: 9 Member
    I really found success with Keto! I hope you do too!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @verybusybee no, the challenge hasn't changed what you're seeing is the suggested daily updates/posts for this thread. Our founder, robin's egg (Robin) started this many years ago and on page one you can find suggested posts for each day, I don't have the details right at hand, but one day is to tell us a little something about yourself, one day is for a NSV (non scale victory) , Thursday is truth day, etc. etc. If you go back to page one, don't get confused about some of the other information, which is no longer valid because apparently years ago, MFP would shut down a thread if it got too long and you would have to find it again???
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    ihp2015 wrote: »
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Tuesday Goal - I have it figured out and will now try something new in addition to what I'm already doing! ...
    Yesterday was DASH Day #1 and thus I stayed well within my calorie target, plus it was also my lawn cutting day so I got in 2 hours of very active aerobic activity. Thus today my weight is down 1 pound from yesterday. Now for the hard part ... DASH DAY #2; bring it on!

    What is DASH Day?

    Also does anyone know how accurate the calorie adjustment is when MFP is connected with Fitbit? I seem to get quite a lot of extra calories (between 700 and 1100 per day) depending on how much I walk. However, I have no idea if this is realistic. I should say though that I have manually entered my calorie goal because I'm working with a dietician, and have indicated light activity setting. Would love to hear if anyone else has experience with MFP and Fitbit.

    DASH is a eating plan (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) ... It is a meal plan that recommends specific number of servings of the food groups. I helped my mom follow something like this about 30-35 years ago. I decided to follow the portion sizes for someone eating at 1400-1600 calories a day because I want to check it out to see how it ends up comparing to the food diary in MFP ... just to give me something different to try with my food plan because I'm feeling burned out lately.

    As for the Fitbit, I don't use one but know people who do and, depending on the model and if you wear it round the clock or just while doing aerobic exercise ... it might be reporting your total expenditure from both exercise and 'living'. There are groups and threads on MFP devoted to the topic.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @ihp2015 - I use a Fitbit to track my daily steps and heart rate, and I love it! I have no idea how accurate the "calories earned" numbers are - I never eat those back. I just try to stay inside my daily MFP calorie allotment and see my "steps calories earned" as a bonus. I have seen the calorie counters in the Fitbit app, but I don't know what they mean and I ignore them. My Fitbit app syncs to MFP, and I do all my logging and tracking in MFP. But I DO get excited on a day like today when Fitbit informed me that I've "earned my Sahara badge," meaning that I've walked the equivalent of traversing the Sahara Desert. Hope I packed enough water :D;):p
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    Hi everyone.....have been reading all of your posts. It's cold up here in Amish country and food wise....not doing well at all. It's almost fruitless to even try. I actually had a salad with a meal last night! I did pass up some homemade ice cream today so at least that's one positive. It's been raining and windy a good part of the time here so far. I tried to take a picture in the 30 seconds right before a downpour. Once again I'll try to put it on here. It's a jpg file. I'm going to use attach image and see if it works. If not, then I give up trying to add pictures. I put pictures everywhere.....Facebook, emails,'s only here where it's been a problem. It doesn't show up in Preview either, so I'll just post it and hope for the best.
  • samiyha
    samiyha Posts: 19 Member
    All of a sudden yesterday I was soooooo hungry. I overate probably to about 1600 cal-1800cal instead of my norm of 1000. Now the scale is up 4 lbs even though I worked out yesterday burning at least 600 cals? This is so frustrating why such a huge gain?
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    @samiyha eating higher calories than your norm will show an increase in the scale because 1) you ate a higher volume of food which is of course going to weigh more and 2) when you eat more you get more carbs/sodium/sugar all of which reatains water so most of it is water weight. Get back on the wagon, be good and that weight will be gone in a few days. I know it can be frustrating but understanding that you haven't undone all your hard work in 1 bad day is what has helped me keep trying and moving forward!!!
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    @b_lisieux awesome picture! Would love to Make it to Amish country sometime! And hold on to the small good decisions you are making because they do make a difference, keeps you form saying "the heck with it"!
    @ihp2015 great job being consistent! It shows in your numbers you have found something thats working for you!!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Name: Niki
    Age: 72
    Height: 62.5 inches

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 234.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 229.9

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 235.2
    2. Sept. 27: 234.9
    3. Oct. 4: 230.7
    4. Oct. 11: 231.2
    5. Oct. 18: 233.6
    6. Oct. 25: 230.5
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -3.1
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -3.9

    Total overall weight lost so far: -47.9
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    I had a small cyst on my forehead and vanity won :D had it removed this morning ... now the anesthesia is wearing off ... ouch!! I am feeling a slight headache coming my way :/

    Awesome losses this week, well done everyone!

    Wednesday Wishes!

    To be able to keep up my food within my calorie limit while on vacation the next couple weeks.
  • lydiapassthedonuts
    lydiapassthedonuts Posts: 71 Member

    Name: Lydia
    Age: 45
    Height: 5’8”

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th):240.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 228

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 236.2
    2. Sept. 27: 233.8
    3. Oct. 4: 234.6
    4. Oct. 11: 234.2
    5. Oct. 18: 237
    7. Oct. 25:233
    8. Nov. 1:
    9. Nov. 8:
    10. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -4
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -7.4
    Total overall weight lost so far: 27

    FINALLY! I knew this week had to be better. I'm still struggling with motivation but I'm going in the right direction. I was able to finish 2 projects and I put a hold on something else. I was able to breathe this week for the first time in a while. I'm still crazy busy but it's not as bad as it was.
    I'm not expecting much for the upcoming week though. We have a celebration and though I will be mindful I'm going to enjoy myself a good bit ... more than I should ... just not as much as I normally would have. :smile:

    @jam5660 Congrats!! A big w00h00 to you!!!

    @b_lisieux Enjoy your trip. Looking forward to seeing more photos!
  • kbaus1010
    kbaus1010 Posts: 11 Member

    Name: Karen
    Age: 33
    Height: 5' 3"

    Start Weight: 240
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 230

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    5. Oct. 18: 237.6
    6. Oct. 25:236.8
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -.8
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -3.2
    Total overall weight lost so far: -3.2

    I can't complain. I really was not strict at all with what I was eating this past week, so I am counting any loss at all as a blessing!!
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    I am going to have to post my weight tomorrow. I forgot to weigh myself this morning and I will only weigh myself in the AM.

    @pneschich So sorry to hear of the health problems in your family. All my best wishes for good health on the horizon!

    @mutamale - Welcome! and @bapcarrier @newjax2017 @verybusybee @pneschich Why do we turn back to food? To comfort ourselves. To ease anxiety and stress. Or, out of habit, simply habit.

    Geneen Roth is a great author who writes about food.."When Food is Love" "Breaking free from Emotional Eating" "When You Eat at the Refrigerator Pull Up a chair:" "Why Weight? Ending Compulsive Eating:" "Women Food and God" I've read two of her books and found them very insightful. It gave me an opportunity to really get in touch with myself and why I eat the way I do.

    As I mentioned, my chiropractor recommended and I am doing a gluten free sugar free food plan. It's been about two weeks. The protein powder is delicious... seriously Chocolate/orange flavor. Amazingly, I have abided by the no sugar, no grains piece. So now I pack a big bowl of veggies with hummus and chow down on that. And, amazingly, after bingeing on sugar for at least a half a year, I am finding this satisfying.

    Bottom line: An authority figure told me to do it and I obeyed.

    Ahhh. the child in me lives on!! LOL!!!

    I am excited to weigh in. Fingers crossed!!

  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member

    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6ft

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 182.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 180 to 185 (goal is to MAINTAIN! No need to include my weight fluctuations in group's weekly stats)

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 182.2
    2. Sept. 27: 182.2
    3. Oct. 4: 185.0
    4. Oct. 11: 180.4
    5. Oct. 18: 182.2
    6. Oct. 25: 183.8
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +1.6
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: +1.2

    Total weightloss since April 2016 = +/-120lbs.
    "Maintenance" since June 2017
  • darlin930
    darlin930 Posts: 283 Member

    Name: Connie
    Age: 53
    Height: 5' 7"

    Original start weight 285.6
    Start Weight (as of Sept. 13th): 264.8
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 255

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    9/13 264.8
    9/20 263.6
    9/27 264.8 (retaining fluid terribly today)
    10/4 261.2
    10/11 261.2
    10/18 (goal 259) 259.8
    10/25 257.8
    11/01(goal to meet my 1st 10% goal of 257)

    Weight -/+ this week: -2
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -7
    Total overall weight lost -28