Overweight kids

My daughter is 8 and in 3rd grade. I haven't put her on the scale in awhile because I don't want her to grow up thinking she is always to fat. Last time however she was about 82 pounds. My 11 year old daughter is only 68. Anyway yesterday my 8 year old went to put on a pair of shorts that she has worn earlier in the summer and they wouldn't fit. Both of my daughters are in the same size but now I'm worried that my 8 year is bigger. Any tips or suggestions on helping her lose some weight but not making her feel bad about herself? I'm thinking about having her walk with me. I also need to learn to tell her NO when she wants junk food. I went yesterday and bought a lot of fruits. I know I'm not a good role model as far as weight since I am big myself but I'm working on it and don't want this for my kids!


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    My niece is obese. She was bigger and bigger every time I went home to visit at 2 yr intervals. Her mother kept saying that her pediatrician said she was fine and very active. I'd see her walking around with bags of candy. I kept my mouth shut. Now I'm sorry I didn't speak up. She became very obese, depressed, had surgery and now is obese again. Her life is a mess.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 145 Member
    I was always bigger than my older sister growing up. I over took her when I was eight. I am also 10 inches taller than her. I didn't become overweight until I was a teen with a car. First thing to start would be taking away the junk foods. Maybe not eliminate them completely because when they get out that is the first thing they will want but make it a treat. I don't drink pop often. Mostly only at my grandpa's. When I was a kid every Friday grandpa would come over for movie night and we would get pop. Or you could try buying less each shopping trip and when you are out you are out. She will learn she needs to spread the junk through the week. I had a friend whose parents would not keep junk food in the house. Every thing was home made no chips, pop, candy, or heat up in the microwave foods. We lived together for a year after moving out of our parents house. I could not get him to eat a home cooked meal. His diet consist of frozen pizza, McDonald, chips, pop, and other junk. Teach moderation. Try family bonding time by taking walks in the evenings or going out side a kicking a ball around. Good luck.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,579 Member
    FYI. For next time Multiple posting of the same topic is frowned upon on the sites.
    I tried to delete the one in motivation/support because I thought this group would be a better but it wouldn't allow me to. I tried right after I posted it.
    It can be deleted if you "report" it under moderation. Just give the reason why you want to delete it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
