JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 20



  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    Gaia85 wrote: »
    Female, 5'6"
    Starting weight (Nov 2016): 202.2lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135lbs

    R16 SW: 159.6
    R16 EW: 157.6
    R17 EW: 155.4
    R18 EW: 152.4
    R19 EW: 149.2

    R20 GW: 148.0

    Targets for this Round:
    1. Drink 64 oz of fluids/day: xxxx
    2. Go to the gym, reach 10,000 steps or bike for 30+ minutes 6x this round: xx

    10/20: 149.0 :)/Finally met my fluid intake goal! Ate under calories but did not meet activity goal.
    10/21: 148.2 :o/ I can't believe there was another big drop so soon. I met my fluid goal again. I also walked over 16,000 steps and biked for over 30 minutes. Stayed under calories and actually met my protein goal! Good day. Having sushi tomorrow, yum!
    10/22: 148.8 :neutral:/It was too good to be true! Oh well, I'll keep chugging along. Ate under calories today by my estimate...had a slice of chocolate, hazelnut and marshmallow pizza from Max Brenner, so had to estimate. Walked 14,000+ steps and biked 45+ minutes and met my fluid goal. Now let's see if I can keep it up during the work days!
    10/23: 149.8 :(/And now I've gone above where I ended the last round, urgh! Well, I guess I'll keep chugging along. Didn't meet my activity goal today. Only got in 7000+ steps as the usually with my commute and a busy day. Stayed late at work today and ate the provided food. Stayed under calories and met my fluids goal. Here's hoping for a better tomorrow, scale wise!

    I don't even know how you get that many steps in on a regular basis. It's so hard for me to reach my goal. So KUDOS to you for the 7000+.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    edited October 2017
    Half way update: Had a major work event over the weekend so I haven't been to the gym. My eating on Friday and Saturday could have been better and am starting to get annoyed about having to lose the same two kilos every week. Frustration is a good jumping off point to make healthier habits though, right?

    SW: 90 kg (198.40 lb)
    GW: 59 kg (130.00 lb)
    Height: 160cm / 5'2"


    R19 - 65.5kg

    10/20 - 65.8kg - Ate at maintenance yesterday and needed a heavier carb day but am happy to see the bump up was quite small. I still don't trust that I'm in the 65s! Girls night tonight so expecting to be up tomorrow!
    10/21 - 66.6kg - as expected!
    10/22 - 66.6kg - it's been a mental weekend. Working til 11pm both nights. Not a spare second to myself. Need to go grocery shopping and make some time for exercise tomorrow.
    10/23 - 67.5kg - groceries done, lots of health food and no excuses. Glad to be back into a more normal routine. Not sure I'll make goal but would like to see my start weight for the round again.
    10/24 - 66.4kg - Only half a kilo until I'm back at my start weight for this round. Low cals and lots of water to make up for the weekend. It would be nice to not be battling against my weekends constantly. I see a frustrating pattern here!
    10/29 - Mini-goal: 64.8kg (142.85 lb)

    I have another 4 ounces to go to reach my start weight this Round too, so you are not alone about wanting to get back to your starting point. We've got this.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    R2 SW 221________________R12 SW 196.8
    R3 SW 217.4______________ R13 SW 194
    R4 SW 215________________R14 SW 193
    R5 SW 212________________R15 SW 190.6
    R7 SW 208.4______________ R16 SW 189
    R8 SW 204.4 ______________R17 SW 188.2
    R9 SW 203________________R18 SW 188.2
    R10 SW 203_______________R19 SW 188
    R11 SW 200.2_____________R 20 SW 186.8

    Started MFP at 242 on March 1, 2017. My goal is to lose 80 pounds then reassess, I have 25 left to go that is the short story. More importantly, I cheer the successes of everyone on this thread, sometimes I'm quiet but I'm here reading every success and struggle... what a wonderful group to belong to!
    Tomorrow will be a new chapter in our lives, this book is getting very interesting.... Cyranda

    10/20 - 186 ¡¡ʍol ʍǝu
    10/21 - 187.8 DH brought KFC home for dinner. I think it's still sitting undigested in my tummy. Stayed within calories but I think I absorbed all the salt judging from the weight gain. :smile:
    10/22 - 187.2
    10/23 - 188.4 OMG I need to stay away from alcohol! Sigh....
    10/24 - 188.4 I have a question - I've had one period in the last two years, but the last few months I feel like I'm bloated and that I'm going to have one. Has anyone had these 'ghost periods' after menopause?