Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @cherlyng306 Welcome! Glad to have you join us on our journey.

    @happygirlxxx Way to go...a size 8!! I can't even imagine what it's like to shop in a normal store. You've earned it, enjoy it!!!

    @newjax2017 You are so right, never give up no matter how hard the struggle.

    @bapcarrier Like you, I don't always have time to respond to everyone but I do read each and every post and try to log on a few times a day to catch up. You are doing a great thing for the group with all that you do.

    @birgitkwood Thank you for sharing your experience with your rapid gain due to your buffet experience. I get that about buffets and wanting to get your money's worth. I will hope that a big loss will be my experience this week after vacation. Thanks for the encouragement!! I enjoyed vacation but got completely back on track yesterday now that I'm home. Life does happen.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @birgitkwood . I must say again how glad I am you are here and posting about your maintenance. I think it is so helpful for the rest of us, so we have an idea of what the future holds... and that the future is not so scary! You help keep me grounded.

    @bapcarrier I can talk the talk, I just can't always walk the walk. :smile:

    @b_lisieux You are so supportive. Thank you.
  • brilessmith
    brilessmith Posts: 16 Member
    @happygirl it is easy to sabotage ourselves. I do it all to often myself. I wish I had the answer for you, but I don't. Just keep plugging along and don't fall off the wagon just because of one mistake.
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @newjax2017 You may not feel it but as a somewhat relatively new person to this thread I see that you DO walk the walk. Look at your overall weight loss! You sell yourself short with your victories.

    @Nikion901 I do believe most people are good. What a sweet person to stop to see if you needed help. Maybe someone once helped her. We should all pay it forward as they say. And, good job getting further on your walk before you had to stop!!

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

  • samiyha
    samiyha Posts: 19 Member
    This week has been terrible. Can’t keep my calories low and weight is up 2 lbs. ugh!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... I'm in new territory, the next 10's down ... and it's taken me 6 months to get there.

    This year has been one of new territory for all along because I started the year at the lowest weight in 14 years, when I had been successful in losing about 26 pounds following WW. ... a weight loss I was not able to maintain but had been able to get 'back down to' several times over these years. That's why I was feeling pretty pleased with myself when on Friday I ran into a former co-worker who last saw me before that WW loss 14 years ago ... and I knew I was down close to 40 pounds from the last time we saw one another.

    Thus, today, I am feeling optimistic and hopeful that I can end this year in another lower territory ... one bite at a time.
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    Sunday Share - I was unbelievably hungry yesterday. I reflected on the conversation here about why we undo what we have gains (or should I say losses). I do believe it has to do with rewarding myself for doing so well. I was craving chocolate and bread. I made it up til bedtime, then I grabbed a chocolate bar I had in the cupboard .. but not before reading the wrapper and checking my food log. I decided that I could have it. Ultimately, if I am going to keep the weight off I have to eat "normally". I count this as a success as I did not wake up ready to go buy a bag of those evil chocolate Kisses I was inhaling a few weeks ago.

    Random acts of kindness -- I am touched by your experience Nikion.

    Be well everyone.
  • goodreadsgal
    goodreadsgal Posts: 248 Member
    Hi there. Can anyone join in. I love that this is an active thread. So many start off great then no responses

    I am 62 years young with 90-100 to lose. Restarting tomorrow morning and will join in the daily challenges

  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    @ Nikion901 Thank you for sharing your story. I actually went for a walk instead of staying inside.
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @samiyha We all have up weeks. Just stay on track. It's a new day. You've got this!
    @Nikion901 You SHOULD feel optimistic! I love your goal!
    @tdunnegan You are so right, in order for this to work long term, it has to be a plan that we can live with. Anyone can "diet" for a certain period of time but when it's going to take a while, then whatever plan we do needs to be sustainable for the long haul. I eat normal foods as I always did, just less of it or I tweak recipes to be fewer calories. I journal it all. Had I really wanted that candy bar, I'd have eaten it, just made sure I counted it in my journal. If you deprive yourself, no plan will ever work over the long haul. I think that's what is different for me this time around. I eat whatever meals I'd normally eat but I count them. I did WW for so long and learned then that "no food is forbidden". It's the amount that you eat, and of course, you neat to eat your calories in nutritious foods with some treats in there when we want them or there's an occasion. Nothing is taboo!
    @jamiewilldo Welcome! This is a great thread. Good luck on your journey. I've had similar experiences with other threads where there are posts for a while and then it dies. You won't have that happen here. Everyone is so supportive and motivated.

    I logged on this morning and you know how your "favorites" boards show up under the star? I normally click on that and there are the new posts on this thread. Well today when I did that, there was a thread called 100 lbs to lose but it only had 8 pages. I panicked and thought something happened to this thread so I did a search and found it again. That was weird. It's never done that before. I would hate to lose this group!

    I had a good weekend. I actually took some time just for me/us. I didn't do chores or errands or anything that I didn't have to. It was a nice break. I had a total on track weekend after our vacation and stayed below my calories. Today it's back to normal. Hope everyone had a good weekend and a great Monday!
  • verybusybee
    verybusybee Posts: 131 Member
    I had an okay weekend. I did take time for myself and my boyfriend and I relaxed on Sunday. We are almost always on the run with baseball or football so we took this weekend off. I did well eating Friday and even most of Saturday but Sunday I bombed. I was way under my calories but ate way to many carbs. I also didn't exercise. The sinus infection I was fighting turned into a cold and I really didn't move from the couch. I am back on track today not letting one day get me down. Still trying to kick the cold though.
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    @jamiewilldo Welcome!

    @b_lisieux Appreciate the reply. I normally don't forbid anything, but my chiro is suggesting I try anti-inflammatory which means no sugar no grains. Surprisingly I'm doing all right -- especially with no grains. I bought the zoodles yesterday to try out as a replacement for pasta.

    @verybusybee Glad you had some downtime! Hope that cold heals quickly.

    @Nikion901 So glad you crossed paths with an old acquaintance who got to really see how MUCH you've lost!! Sometimes we lose sight of how we've changed...

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    Wow, so many posts. I'm having a bit of trouble catching up after a busy weekend.

    Anyway, I had a terrific day in terms of exercise. I'm at 13,000 steps and already burned a total of 3,000 calories (according to my fitbit) and it's only 5.15pm.

    Here comes my dilemma: I've only eaten 821 calories until now, and I'm totally not hungry, I'm sure I'll eat a small snack later, but I'm definitely not going to eat another 900 calories to reach the 1,700 calories that I have in my food plan.

    Any suggestions??
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    ihp2015 wrote: »
    Wow, so many posts. I'm having a bit of trouble catching up after a busy weekend.

    Anyway, I had a terrific day in terms of exercise. I'm at 13,000 steps and already burned a total of 3,000 calories (according to my fitbit) and it's only 5.15pm.

    Here comes my dilemma: I've only eaten 821 calories until now, and I'm totally not hungry, I'm sure I'll eat a small snack later, but I'm definitely not going to eat another 900 calories to reach the 1,700 calories that I have in my food plan.

    Any suggestions??

    It won't hurt you NOT to eat the 1700 ... aim to get over 1000, or, as MFP suggests for a woman, 1200 ... However, if you had adequate calories before this day, and will again after this day, it won't hurt you a bit nutrition wise ... afterall, our metabolism does NOT run on a 24 our clock! ...

    That said ... 3,000 calories from 13,000 steps seems high ... I'd check the settings for that ... here's an article I read about it that prompts the questioning of that many calories ...
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    aeloine wrote: »
    JW, did @RobinsEgg lose the 100 pounds?

    @aeloine ... I thought you were asking someone with the initials "JW", so I was letting that person answer you ... :) ... and then I realized you actually meant 'just wondering' .... so the answer is no, not at the time she stopped posting to MFP. As far as I know, it was because other health issues cropped up and she became temporarily disabled. The last time I spoke with her, it was through a Social Media page we belong to and her updated profile picture showed and much slimmer and healthier looking RobinsEgg ... so maybe she has reached her goal.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    aeloine wrote: »
    JW, did @RobinsEgg lose the 100 pounds?

    @aeloine ... I thought you were asking someone with the initials "JW", so I was letting that person answer you ... :) ... and then I realized you actually meant 'just wondering' .... so the answer is no, not at the time she stopped posting to MFP. As far as I know, it was because other health issues cropped up and she became temporarily disabled. The last time I spoke with her, it was through a Social Media page we belong to and her updated profile picture showed and much slimmer and healthier looking RobinsEgg ... so maybe she has reached her goal.

    Aww, thanks for the updates, @Nikion901 !! I wish her the best!
  • verybusybee
    verybusybee Posts: 131 Member
    @ihp2015 I wouldn't fret if one day your are under your calories. I would say it is good to listen to your body, if you aren't hungry don't eat. I would suggest a snack and depending on if you are only county calories or doing low carb etc I would try for something a little more fulfilling maybe with more carbs or fat.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Monday Check - In!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend, fun and full of healthy choices!!

    Mine was not that bad … I did not diet per se, but did not go over my calories too bad and did workout for an hour on Sunday.

    Thank you all for your comments about the overeating once I get to my lowest weight … I don’t know either why, but I would like to research why do we do this to ourselves … its bizarre! One of my MFP friends shared this article today and I thought it was perfect timing:

    And ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 vacation starts now!! :smiley:

    I will try to log to MPF while away and make as healthy choices as possible!

    Don’t think I will have a scale for the next couple weeks so most likely will skip the challenge until back.

    See you soon MFP friends!
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @happygirlxxx Have a fantastic vacation!!!