Any ladies trying to lose 10-15lbs? Want some friends



  • sherrijohnson250
    sherrijohnson250 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me too. I would love help to lose 10 by Christmas
  • christyrusso
    christyrusso Posts: 1 Member
    Add me. I put on about 10 pounds that I have been struggling to get off. Would love to lose it before xmas
  • littlekibby11
    littlekibby11 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey girl!! I have the same goals as you! Wanting to shed off a few pounds before my vacation in December. Lol. Let's add each other!
  • emma13089
    emma13089 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm trying to shift that final 8-10lbs of excess fat thats remaining from my significant weight loss (22lbs) three years ago. I really need some pals to support me and keep my diet in check :) Feel free to add me, am new to this forum stuff but i need some accountability/support to get me through this final stage
  • angienofrills
    angienofrills Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone :) I'm also looking to lose 10lbs by Xmas! We CAN do this. When you get your head in the game it so satisfying to be eating healthily and seeing the weight come off!

    Over the past few years I have lost 4 stone (from max weight to lowest) with various diets and I find this by far the best.

    I started back again on August 28th and have lost 13lbs to date and would like to lose another 10 by xmas.

    I've also started exercising for the first time ever! I used to hate it with a passion and would do anything to avoid it, I would have preferred to starve myself than work out, but now having worked some videos in to my routine I can say i really am enjoying seeing my strength improve and the results are showing!

    We can do this guys!!!
  • doctorMICHY
    doctorMICHY Posts: 6 Member
    I’m with you also. I currently have 6 weeks to my holiday and if I could lose 10 pounds that would be fantastic. 19 lbs togoal.
    Anyone feel free to add me. Let’s get this motivation started!
  • ladyshellbelle
    ladyshellbelle Posts: 98 Member

    Im down to my last 14 pounds so would appreciate the help too, add me.

    Chelle x
  • curiousgp
    curiousgp Posts: 122 Member
    Me! 20lb goal. I need motivation to move during the winter months up north. I'm good about getting outside during the rest of the day - but when you leave in the dark and come home in the dark - motivation to be active pretty much is nil. I have a plan for the month and a few mini goals. I would love someone to check in with daily though - for motivation and general chit chat.
  • 13ashleyd
    13ashleyd Posts: 1 Member
    I am new here and I am wanting to lose some weight as well! If any of you women have some healthy recipes please share with me! My hardest part is sticking to healthy eating unfortunately :(
  • Lizi1308
    Lizi1308 Posts: 9 Member
    Me too! Count me in.
  • witchofthewater
    witchofthewater Posts: 8 Member
    I’m in a really similar place! Extra support always helps and girl support is honestly super powerful and motivating!
  • !!! Same!!! Add me!
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,282 Member
    Can I join? I'm on day 3 of my third or fourth attempt and I need to lose 20 kilos, so at least 40 lbs, but I'm aiming for 15lbs by 9th January, my son's wedding. ..
  • hqy2010
    hqy2010 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too! 10 by Christmas!
  • jak1979
    jak1979 Posts: 3 Member
    I also would like to join this. I have plateaud the last month and want to break out of that. Thanks for the motivation!
  • dkclayton60
    dkclayton60 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love some friends for support too! I'm down 20 and I will reach my goal if I lose the last ten pounds! But I need help! The holidays are horrible!!
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    edited November 2017
    Well I've still got 60 to lose but if you want you can add me. I'd love to give and get support.
  • DanielleFayeS
    DanielleFayeS Posts: 1,981 Member
    I'd really like to lose ~10 by Christmas and ~30 by Easter. I've been getting a lot more fit but having trouble getting the scale to move.
  • dailyzey
    dailyzey Posts: 82 Member
    I also need to lose 15 by the new year! Please feel free to add me. 5' 8 and 170 lbs currently but looking to get down to 155.
  • curiousgp
    curiousgp Posts: 122 Member
    Me! Goal of 20lbs. So far.....1/2 a pound lost, gained two, lost half a pound, gained one, lost two pounds. You get the picture!