Lose 5 Pounds a Month August 2011 Challenge



  • rachelrox81
    rachelrox81 Posts: 26 Member
    Let's do this!!!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    @AmandaB4588, let me know how your C25k run goes. To tell the truth, I made up that interval because I couldn't remember what the actual weekly workouts were supposed to be around that level. After checking the C25k, I thought it might have been easier to try Week 3 - (R90s, W90s, R3m, W3m) X 2. But that would be backwards from where I am now, so I am going to keep pushing at it. Surely, I will be able to get there soon. Let's call it "Week 3.5", since once we do that, adding 2 min to 2 of the intervals should be reasonable (W4: R3m, W90s, R5m, W2.5m, R3m, W90s, R5m)... What do you think? Are you going to try this with me? Week "3.5", then week 4? I know if I can get into the habit of running again that I would be able to get past this stubborn 150 mark. The only time in my past when I actually dropped down to a healthier weight was when I was running. So... keep me accountable!

    I am a terrible emotional eater as well, usually after I put the girls to bed. My youngest one is sometimes a bit of a nightmare to get to bed - often crying, screaming and fighting. It completely wears me out, and the first thing I do when I get downstairs is go for the snack cupboard. I'm so worked up that I am looking for something to relax - I know exercising would be more productive, but it's hard to convince myself of that when I'm in the moment.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,108 Member
    Thanks ladies! :flowerforyou: Where I'm at, my birthday isn't til tomorrow, but I'll gladly take the early Happy Birthdays!! I weigh in tomorrow.. we'll see what happens :ohwell:
  • AmandaB4588
    I'm with ya! I will do Week 3.5 this evening.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Happy BIrthday Bru!

    If I don't do it right now while I am thinking about it I will space it out by tomorrow.

    I just bought and started reading "the Women's Health Diet" its from women's health magazine and has some interesting ideas and tips. I think I will share a tip a day on this thread.

    Today's tip

    Drink your milk. Think you are getting a nutritional boost from your morning cereal? Up to 40% of the vitamins in fortified cereals dissolve in the milk. If you don't drink the leftover milk you are not getting all the nutrients in the cereal.

    Have a great day!

  • afitchpatrick
    afitchpatrick Posts: 54 Member
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hi ladies soo good to see you again!

    Last two months were totally screwed up and stressful with classes and homework and stuff, but im taking a break from school for a while. We just started trying to get pregnant so we thought it was best to save money that we would normally be paying toward daycare and have me work only on friday saturday and sunday.... by the time i would have started school ill saved 25000 and daycare is going to cost me 10000 dollars plus gas money for commute an hour and a half to school by the time I ged done with school so we are saving all that money and using it for me to survive by my self while my husband goes off to PA School in 2015 when he is done with his batulare's degree.

    The rare night when I wasn't doing homework till midnight, I stayed up anyways and watched an hour or two of tv and ate ben and jerrys half baked icecream. That was my much needed relaxing time and all that I know That I could have found something healthier to snack on but I just craved icecream for some reason. .... so needless to say I gained 10 Pounds!

    I am looking forward to a fresh start. I will have 4 to 5 nights off every single week while still working 32-40 hours depending on how many boys we have at the boys residential treatment center that I now work at. A lot has changed since april when I was last on here for something other than to quickly check in. I went from flying j to working at flying j and a in home helper for two disabled people to working at BOTH of those places AND the boys home to working just at the boys home and its been a hell of a transition but im glad I made it. The hours are tons more predictable and I now have time to look after my house and my kids and most of all me. I have spent the better part of the week cleaning up my house cause its a disaster. but as soon as I can get it to the point where it is just daily maintenence Then i will begin walking again and once winter hits and my bonus room cools off I will begin my elliptical again up there. Im looking forward to this fresh start.

    August Begginning weight 160! Im hoping it comes off quickly my previous weight was 150
  • lwellis
    lwellis Posts: 1
    I need to be motivated so this challenge is terrific. Count me in!

    GOAL = 125 My weight on July 29 = 154


  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Happy Birthday Bru!!!
  • AmandaB4588
    Dmg--- didn't get to C25K Week 3.5 tonight after all. I was heading to my sister's house when I was rear ended earlier today. Nobody was hurt (except my car--- my trunk and back panel will need to be replaced) but I do have some pretty nasty whiplash. I am totally not looking forward to tomorrow, when my brother has promised it will be way worse! I was pretty pumped about getting back to C25K today but came home with a very sore neck and splitting headache. I took some Aleve and a looooooong nap so I am feeling a bit better right now. Still totally bummed about not getting back to C25K, though!! :grumble:

    Bru--- happy ON TIME birthday, today! Well, it's actually 12:23 AM where I'm at so I guess I got you the day before and the day after. Sorry for missing the REAL DEAL but I hope you are having a great time!
  • AmandaB4588
    Hey guys! I just started a youtube channel. I have had it for awhile (to creep around other people in the weight loss community--- LOTS of MFP people there!!) but I just uploaded my first challenge.

    It is a video response to a self challenge.

    Here is the link if you want to check it out: http://www.youtube.com/user/AmandaB4588?feature=mhee

    My next update will be on Saturday. I will mention MFP (and of course this group) in the next video.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,108 Member
    Aug 1st SW: 191.4
    Aug 4th 193.2
    Aug 12th
    Aug 19th
    Aug 26th
    Aug 31st

    TOM is still here, so I expected a gain, although deep down I wanted to be in the 180s by today. But I'm ok with that :)

    Off for the weekend, time to get things in order for my bday party Saturday. Toodles!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Today's tip

    Romp vigorously. One vigorous go-round in the bedroom blasts about 200 calories and doubles you heart rate. Do it twice a week and shed 6 pounds a year. Plus People who have sex once of twice a week have stronger immune systems than people who who have sex less than once a week. Plus a study of 1000 middle age subjects found those that had frequent orgasms had a 50 percent lower death rate. And another benefit...regular romps might make you brain grow. Sexually active lab rats showed spike in brain cells and neurons in the hippocampus the area for memory and learning. And finally people who reported have sex 4 times a week looked 10 years younger than they actually are according to a 10 year study of 3500 adults. (personally if you can have sex 4 times a week it probably means you have no kids and to me that means less stress and more sleep so I would look younger also)

    I did not make those up they are in the book I am reading right now.

    So everyone have a great night!

  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone I just wanted to share my good news : ) Now its not my weigh in day but I lost 2 pounds! Im so excited
  • TanyaR2
    TanyaR2 Posts: 7 Member
    Aug 1st- 136.9
    Aug 4th- 136.2

    First weigh in...a small change, but I'll take it!!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Terri, thanks for the tips! I hardly ever drink milk, but I should!... Are you sure my husband didn't put you up to posting Tip #2? :laugh:

    55, sounds like you're all set for your 'new' life! You're a brave one to go for your 3rd child. I'm done with 2. :tongue:
    I think the only reason I didn't gain 10 pounds during my MFP break, is that I was sick. But don't worry, you will lose those pounds quickly (as you have already seen!), and we'll be chasing each other again soon. I peeked at the scale today too, and seem to be losing already this week as well. Let's keep it up until official weigh-in day! (Or should I say "let's keep it DOWN"? :wink: )

    Amanda - how weird that you were in a fender bender yesterday too!!! Except in my case, it was me bumping into the car in front of me - ugh! Changing lanes, and so busy trying to make sure there wasn't a car coming behind me, that I bumped the car in front of me! At least it was at very slow speed, so hardly any damage. BUT... I have promised to keep you on track, so I expect to hear the results of your C25k Week 3.5! Get moving! I've been walking with a friend at lunch for 50 min yesterday and today, we include a fairly steep hill in our route, so it's a good challenge. My nights were busier than usual last night and tonight, so I'm glad I've been getting the walks in, because I'm not a huge fan of jumping on the treadmill after 9pm.
    Already told you this, but absolutely loved your Youtube video. Be sure to remind me when the update gets posted.

    Bru - we're having a party on Saturday too. Not sure how I'm going to stay on track. Are you allowing yourself a 'cheat' day for your bday?

    I've decided that my bday gift to myself this year is my weight loss. My bday is Dec 1, which is about 4 months away, so if I stick to losing 5 pounds a month, I will be at my goal of 135 (healthy BMI range) by my bday. I've updated my ticker to reflect this.
  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for the tip. I think I need to get kink:love: y tonight to burn some calories :love:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Must be because the kids are at the grandparents this week! Kind of been like our honeymoon...only at home!
  • AmandaB4588
    Terri, thanks for the tips! I hardly ever drink milk, but I should!... Are you sure my husband didn't put you up to posting Tip #2? :laugh:

    55, sounds like you're all set for your 'new' life! You're a brave one to go for your 3rd child. I'm done with 2. :tongue:
    I think the only reason I didn't gain 10 pounds during my MFP break, is that I was sick. But don't worry, you will lose those pounds quickly (as you have already seen!), and we'll be chasing each other again soon. I peeked at the scale today too, and seem to be losing already this week as well. Let's keep it up until official weigh-in day! (Or should I say "let's keep it DOWN"? :wink: )

    Amanda - how weird that you were in a fender bender yesterday too!!! Except in my case, it was me bumping into the car in front of me - ugh! Changing lanes, and so busy trying to make sure there wasn't a car coming behind me, that I bumped the car in front of me! At least it was at very slow speed, so hardly any damage. BUT... I have promised to keep you on track, so I expect to hear the results of your C25k Week 3.5! Get moving! I've been walking with a friend at lunch for 50 min yesterday and today, we include a fairly steep hill in our route, so it's a good challenge. My nights were busier than usual last night and tonight, so I'm glad I've been getting the walks in, because I'm not a huge fan of jumping on the treadmill after 9pm.
    Already told you this, but absolutely loved your Youtube video. Be sure to remind me when the update gets posted.

    Bru - we're having a party on Saturday too. Not sure how I'm going to stay on track. Are you allowing yourself a 'cheat' day for your bday?

    I've decided that my bday gift to myself this year is my weight loss. My bday is Dec 1, which is about 4 months away, so if I stick to losing 5 pounds a month, I will be at my goal of 135 (healthy BMI range) by my bday. I've updated my ticker to reflect this.

    I intended to get back to C25K yesterday then again today but I am in some pain from the accident. My neck and upper back are hurting, and I have the worst headache :sad: I stayed in bed for the better part of the day, then walked a 5k (walking only!) with my dogs so I could at least get some exercise in. After the walk, I didn't feel ANY pain in my neck or back at all! I thought the exercise "healed" me but it all came back an hour later. Is that normal?!

    I could swear the exercise helped. For that reason, the first time I get relief from this headache tomorrow, I am hitting the treadmill. I am not worried about hurting myself because the neck/back pain isn't THAT terrible--- just very uncomfortable. The worst part is the headache. I am not sure how long this junk is supposed to last but I hope it goes away soon!

    That's a lovely birthday gift for yourself! :flowerforyou: 135 by then would be freaking AWESOME. It is crazy to think that we could be where we want to be in as little 4 months if we just consistently work at it. You can do it!!!! Maybe I am getting a little ahead of myself, but I am so looking forward to the 130's chant :laugh:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    I went walking tonight! Im so excited. I walked for a total of 40 minutes. 10 down to my moms house and 30 around town after talking for a while. My first step in the right direction this summer.

    dmg that is amazing that you could reach your goal weight by your birthday! good luck and drag me with you haha.

    so if I loose 5 pounds a month i will be at my goal of 125 in march! so excited