Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Evamutt I applaud you for staying uder 1300kcal! Good job!

    Food is a real struggle for me at the moment. Last year this time I started working out and was on such an obsessive mission to get in shape, that my appetite just disappeared and for 3 months I would lose weight consistently eating I think around 1200kcal/day (wasn't tracking) and super healthy, mostly porridge, frozen fruits and fish (really my body was having some weird phase haha ).
    Now I miss the obsession, I still want to lose 10kg, but I got comfortable already as I am (which I hate to admit). Been watching a lot of Gary Vaynerchuk motivational videos and trying to apply them to weight loss :D gotta turn this stagnation into progress.
  • DJRaymond
    DJRaymond Posts: 8 Member
    From 189lbs to 153lbs in 6months!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Congrats @ DJRaymond!

    @gymprincess1234 I'm glad you're no longer in that obsession cycle, that doesn't sound very mentally healthy for the long term.

    @Evamutt That picture is too cute! I took a leaf out of your book and submitted an application to be a dog walker at the local rescue :)

    @gemwolf110 Thank you! We miss you around here. How's the job treating you?

    @jdelaroy Sorry yesterday was rough. My SO didn't get home until after I was in bed either. He's basically in an exhausted daze and desperately needs a vacation but can't take one since he needs to meet his year end hour goal. I'm genuinely concerned about burnout but I don't know how to bring it up to him.

    TGIF!!!! This weekend is definitely looking up. Tonight we have movie night with some friends. Tomorrow I'm going to catch up on cleaning and go pick up our table and chairs. Sunday I'm going to hopefully volunteer for a few hours at a conference and spend the rest of the day relaxing :) Most importantly I'm going to stay busy.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Rachel0778 I know it's not healthy, but I have that sort of personality, all or nothing, so now being somewhere in the middle does more damage mentally than the obsessing. Can't win :D

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    Great on the dog walking Rachel0778! it's so rewarding. Nice to hear from you gemwolf110. I tend to be like that too gymprincess, but I've been working on it for a long time
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Last year I also was more settled, had a whole 9 months just to focus on finishing undergrad and working out. Now this time it's a lot of moving countries, continents, planning of internships and arranging scholarships. The fitness side just gets pushed in the background.
    My Vancouver uni offers free gym, swimming pool and sauna next door to my housing, that should make things easier. Absolutely can't wait for 1st of January, so excited that new year, moving day and new workout routine will happen all in one day. Not to mention all the awesome hikes I'll get to do in British Columbia :)
    So these 8 weeks left I am just doing my best to get back into deficit
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    Our thanksgiving dinner with my study group was really good. Great speakers too. I had 2 small servings of dinner & half of a square of carrot cake I made. I hope I don't get sick after I go to bed, tho it was all home made & I didn't eat a lot. There's another lady there who also lost 50 lbs using mfp & both of us were saying how were used to eating mostly green all day lol. There were ppl there who haven't seen me since I lost wt who don't come to our current group. They called me skinny but when I look in the mirror, I still look overweight. Anyone else still feel like you didn't lose any weight? I especially feel fat since I stopped going to HIIT class but I still work out without the class. Got a little flabby but haven't gained wt. sigh
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited November 2017
    Evamutt wrote: »
    Anyone else still feel like you didn't lose any weight? Got a little flabby but haven't gained wt. sigh

    Me, totally!
    I have lost 50lbs too and I think I am so used to my current figure, that this has become the new 'fat me'. I find it mentally impossible to wear clothes that still fit me. I have this beautiful long lace dress, but when I put it on, I feel like I'm back +50lbs again..I know I don't have a healthy relationship with food and body image, but I'm hopeful one day when I'm more comfortable in my own skin, it will get better.

    Good morning!
    Yesterday went grocery shopping and counted the total kcal of everything I have at home, divided by my 1350kcal and so now I won't buy any food for 2 weeks. If this strategy works, it will save me money and -2kgs :smiley:

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    good strategy gymprincess. I still cook other things for my hubby, but not much. He got so used to eating what I eat & just adds some things that he wants to his diet. I rarely deviate from cooking some ground turkey, chicken & sometime beef patties ahead of time & we eat those with veggies. Sometimes he'll have rice with it. He does pick up food for himself, mostly burritos. He makes his own breakfast which is different from mine but it's SO freeing not to have to cook all this food I cooked for so many years when my kids were home.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    I find it very challenging to lose fat whilst living with someone else. I have trouble dealing with my food, not to mention watching or being able to smell someone else's meals.

    Made it through today on 1349kcal , success! B)
  • anneh1021
    anneh1021 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m looking for some support and motivation as well! This is such a mental game for me, but I am determined to make lasting habits!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    anneh1021, welcome!

    Morning everyone! Day 3 of being back in the deficit, woohoo! I mentally feel I'm finally back in the mindset! Plus, the not buying new food is making me eat healthier as well. :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt It's so great that your hubby is on board with healthy eating! I know how you feel. I've been told I look small and fit, but especially since I'm still considered overweight on the BMI scale I have a hard time wrapping my head around that.

    @gymprincess1234 Wow that's quite the self control! Although now that I think about it, when I was in grad school I did something similar. Not quite to that level of detail, but I just bought what I needed for that week and nothing more since I couldn't afford it. I ate a LOT of peanut butter sandwiches, pizza, and $1 frozen meals in grad school and still managed to lose 30lbs. It just goes to show it's all about intake level.

    Welcome @anneh1021!

    I can't believe it's already Monday. I thought I was going to have a lot of extra time on my hands this weekend but that did not end up being the case! Friday night we had friends over and were up well past midnight. We had so much fun! Saturday I didn't wake up until 9:30. Who am I?!?! That literally never happens. I ran errands, grocery shopped, and started food prepping and then it was time to pick up my "new" kitchen table. We also used the truck to pick up a ladder and other things we needed around that house. By the time we were done running around it was 7o'clock! Where did that day go?! Sunday I ended up cleaning the house for over 5 hours and sewed on some straps for our bench covers so the dog couldn't knock them off as he is apt to do. We also listed all of our banged up furniture online and we were shocked that people actually wanted it! It helps we live in a college town, but we unloaded a lot of junk! I got some reading in, but not as much as I had planned on.

    I am a little disappointed in myself that I didn't make time to workout or even go for a walk. I was just so busy doing stuff I had to do that when I did finally have down time I had no interest doing anything else. Plus, its finally gotten COLD in MN :( I'm starting to get really concerned since my eating habits and exercise have tanked since we got the new house that I'm falling into bad habits. I woke up early this morning to get a workout in and I prepped healthy food again but I feel like I said that the last 2 weeks and it still went to crap!

    I was also originally planning on not buying a tree until after Christmas during clearance season...but I really REALLY want one and I found a decent one for $100. I may just cave and get it. Sigh...I'm not doing well on being healthy or sticking to my budget right now. I hope it's just because of the transition adding a lot to our plates and that it doesn't constitute a new habit trend :(
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    I did look at my bank balance last month and counted that I spend way too much on food. As I don't buy clothes or other stuff, cause I have to fit my life in 2 suitcases and I don't want to buy more than just basics till I lose at least 1 more dress size, I have been rewarding myself with a lot of food and a lot of expensive food, totally not what my student wallet should be buying.

    So far the strategy is working. I have stuck to the kcal and not even logged the walking I'm doing so I'm not tempted to eat workout calories. I only bought zero Coca Cola today, cause I had a very bad and stressful day, I knew I would overeat or buy something on my way home, so better drink that. I can't drink more than 2 glasses any ways, cause my teeth get sensitive or I'm just afraid to get acid reflux and gastritis again ( which I'm 4 months free already! :) )

    By the way, as I'm moving to your side of the pond in 8 weeks, when does USA do winter sales? Or is it just boxing day and nothing more in January? I want to go to some of the Seattle outlets as that's the closest to Vancouver.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gymprincess1234 I have no idea what Canada does but it in US it's almost constant sales. In 8 weeks, the after the holiday sales will still be huge, I imagine it's likely similar in Canada :)

    One of my SO's coworkers has a tree we can have, YES!!! At least my financial budget is saved even though my food budget from this weekend was rough. I stuck to my guns yesterday, got out for a walk in the snow, and didn't overeat. This morning I voted (MAKE SURE YOU VOTE LOCAL U.S. FRIENDS!), got a long dog walk in, and am looking forward to crossfit tonight. Happy Voting Day!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited November 2017
    Snow! Where in the US do you live @Rachel0778 ? I can't wait to go home for Christmas, it's always snowing :) Btw, I love how extra you Americans are about all holidays :D

    I'm starting gym from next week, France has got too cold for my hikes and I have no luggage space to buy warmer layers. Can't wait to burn the uni stress and some extra calories!

  • Bustass2016
    Bustass2016 Posts: 6 Member
    I'd like to join too. Sometimes I lose my motivation and don't log on for awhile.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited November 2017
    @Bustass2016 I lost mine as the journey seemed to be so slow and long, but then got back on here, back on logging, wrote a list of reasons why I started and how I want my body and health to be, and voila, I'm back on track and motivated as on day 1! You can do this!

    It's so quiet here this week, and I'm so back on the obsessive mission to reach GW by Christmas, that all I want to do is talk weight loss and fitness all day! :D
    It's day 5, 44 more to go. I feel leaner, proud that I've stuck to kcal limit, haven't bought any extra food for a week! That's very impressive for me and my bank balance is thanking me. :smile: Measured myself today, but it's too soon for the cm to shift, so I'll just keep patient.
    I have another strategy, I converted my 7kg into calories (24500kcal) and at the end of every day I write in a table how many are there left to burn. This way, as I don't have a scale, once I go down every 3500kcal, I know I've lost 1kg. :) For each kg I'm rewarding myself with a gift. The first one is the over the knee boots I've been looking at for about a month. Don't really need them, but it was a NSV to be able to put them on, so it's more of a reminder that if you really want to do something, and you hustle, you can get it.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @ bustass2016!

    @gymprincess1234 I'm in Minnesota, so I'll be your just to the south neighbor :) I agree that it is really quiet here this week!

    So I have a post-Halloween party this weekend and I was all set and ready to go with my costume. And friends reached out wanting to do a group costume last minute. They all want us to dress up as a different Brittney Spears music video. And they nominated me to the "Slave for You" VMA Brittney. Seriously, take one look at that barely there midriff baring costume. *kitten*!

    I am not in midriff bearing shape, nor have I ever been. I don't want to be the only one not participating in the group costume, but I can't even begin to describe how not comfortable I am in that little amount of clothes. I'm bringing a suit as a backup to maybe be "Me Against the Music" Britney for when the first costume doesn't work. *Sigh* Why can't I just be the completely covered not at all sexy Stay Puff Marshmallow Man like I originally planned? This is going to suck....
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    hahha Looked up the costume , I would just pick something myself!