Pregnancy – August 2011



  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member

    so great news all around. Glucose test results = normal :drinker:
    Baby kidney measurements now in the normal range so no need to go back every 4 weeks to the specialist - YAY !!!!!!
    Now, if I could only stop waking up at 4am.........

    Lucky! I'm super jealous! Congrads! :flowerforyou:
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm trying to think of a present for my daughter to give to her the day the baby is born. I already got her a big sister t-shirt and a charm necklace..but i'd like to get something just for her to make her feel special on that day..however, my brain just won't work! I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but she is also getting another baby sister from her dad..only 6 weeks after ours is born, after being an only child for 11 years! So, I'd really like to make it something special! Any suggestions for me?

    Today marks 30 days left til my c-section date!!!!! Can't wait :o)

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    I was going to suggest a baby doll until I got to the part where she is 11. LOL, not sure how much she'd appreciate it :laugh:
    But maybe some girlie stuff - nail polish, lip gloss, etc. A journal might be nice, too, with a cool pen. If she likes reading, a book that she enjoys could also be a hit. My daughter loves to "escape" to her room and listen to the radio or CDs, so a small cd player/radio might also be appreciated.
  • cdriggs702
    cdriggs702 Posts: 2 Member
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Rachel - I went with the doc who had been my pediatrician as my daughter's ped when she was born. When he retired I wasn't thrilled with the other providers at the office, so I asked around with friends who had kids the same age and got a referral to a doc I love. She is quite busy, and sometimes I have to wait a while, but for me, it's more important to have a doctor who will listen to me and not discount my concerns than to get in right away for a checkup. She does have her books open at least 2 months out so I just plan ahead and call early. One big thing, though, is that she seems to keep a few spots available each day for urgent visits. If you think your child has strep or something, you don't want to be waiting for a week to get in!! Hope my rambling helps a bit.

    Jen - I agree, yuck! I don't think people realize that the lancet actually has blood on it, it would be almost the same as sharing a needle. I had a point where I wanted to check my blood sugar (don't recall why, I think I was wondering if it was low right then) and my SIL said I could use her tester. I asked for a new lancet and she gave me this blank look, like she was wondering why I could possibly want a new one when she'd only used the other a couple of times (which is even gross in my opinion). Good for you for sticking up for your health!

    AFM - first NST and IFA were today. It took about 30 minutes or so, probably a little longer since baby moved away from the heart monitor and they had to shift me and it around. I get to go in every week, but at least now I know what to expect.
    Done with class for the summer, but I have the final (take home) to do by friday morning. Then I won't have class until Aug 22. Two whole weeks to just relax and veg! yay!
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    elizabeth- you and your little one are in my thoughts also :flowerforyou:

    am heading to the north end in boston tonight to eat at davide, which was recently on gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares!! am so excited :happy: Am also having a much better day than yesterday after a great sleep
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm trying to think of a present for my daughter to give to her the day the baby is born. I already got her a big sister t-shirt and a charm necklace..but i'd like to get something just for her to make her feel special on that day..however, my brain just won't work! I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but she is also getting another baby sister from her dad..only 6 weeks after ours is born, after being an only child for 11 years! So, I'd really like to make it something special! Any suggestions for me?

    Today marks 30 days left til my c-section date!!!!! Can't wait :o)

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    I was going to suggest a baby doll until I got to the part where she is 11. LOL, not sure how much she'd appreciate it :laugh:
    But maybe some girlie stuff - nail polish, lip gloss, etc. A journal might be nice, too, with a cool pen. If she likes reading, a book that she enjoys could also be a hit. My daughter loves to "escape" to her room and listen to the radio or CDs, so a small cd player/radio might also be appreciated.

    I think the journal is a cool idea. Also if shes into crafts or being creative maybe you could introduce her to an easy form of scrapbooking, where she could take pics of the baby/her and the baby and find creative ways to display them in her scrapbook
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm trying to think of a present for my daughter to give to her the day the baby is born. I already got her a big sister t-shirt and a charm necklace..but i'd like to get something just for her to make her feel special on that day..however, my brain just won't work! I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but she is also getting another baby sister from her dad..only 6 weeks after ours is born, after being an only child for 11 years! So, I'd really like to make it something special! Any suggestions for me?

    Today marks 30 days left til my c-section date!!!!! Can't wait :o)

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    I was going to suggest a baby doll until I got to the part where she is 11. LOL, not sure how much she'd appreciate it :laugh:
    But maybe some girlie stuff - nail polish, lip gloss, etc. A journal might be nice, too, with a cool pen. If she likes reading, a book that she enjoys could also be a hit. My daughter loves to "escape" to her room and listen to the radio or CDs, so a small cd player/radio might also be appreciated.

    I think the journal is a cool idea. Also if shes into crafts or being creative maybe you could introduce her to an easy form of scrapbooking, where she could take pics of the baby/her and the baby and find creative ways to display them in her scrapbook

    Seconding the journal/scrapbook idea, very cute and she'll be "involved" with the baby too.

    Maybe you could give her a handmade "coupon" for an afternoon with you in the near future. Once you can leave the baby with family for a few hours, you and her can go to a movie or get your nails done or something. Just the two of you. This will give her something to look forward to during the baby mayhem period :happy:
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm trying to think of a present for my daughter to give to her the day the baby is born. I already got her a big sister t-shirt and a charm necklace..but i'd like to get something just for her to make her feel special on that day..however, my brain just won't work! I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but she is also getting another baby sister from her dad..only 6 weeks after ours is born, after being an only child for 11 years! So, I'd really like to make it something special! Any suggestions for me?

    Today marks 30 days left til my c-section date!!!!! Can't wait :o)

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    I was going to suggest a baby doll until I got to the part where she is 11. LOL, not sure how much she'd appreciate it :laugh:
    But maybe some girlie stuff - nail polish, lip gloss, etc. A journal might be nice, too, with a cool pen. If she likes reading, a book that she enjoys could also be a hit. My daughter loves to "escape" to her room and listen to the radio or CDs, so a small cd player/radio might also be appreciated.

    I think the journal is a cool idea. Also if shes into crafts or being creative maybe you could introduce her to an easy form of scrapbooking, where she could take pics of the baby/her and the baby and find creative ways to display them in her scrapbook

    Seconding the journal/scrapbook idea, very cute and she'll be "involved" with the baby too.

    Maybe you could give her a handmade "coupon" for an afternoon with you in the near future. Once you can leave the baby with family for a few hours, you and her can go to a movie or get your nails done or something. Just the two of you. This will give her something to look forward to during the baby mayhem period :happy:

    Maybe a relativly cheap yet good quality digital camera. I would have loved having a camera when I was 11!!!
  • MissCleopatra
    Thankyou all sooo much for your kind words and support - what an amazing thread! .. Im so glad i found you all! :)

    Its so nice to know there are other MFPers who understand what it is to be pregnant whilst trying to control weight and/or keep healthy.

    We're off on a road-trip to Southern Ireland tomorrow, for 12 days (grabbing the opportunity before our little boy is born!). Im kinda worried b/c i wont be able to keep my food diary properly as will only have broadband if we find the odd cafe/bar with Wi-Fi, as we're staying out in the sticks with no connection... I just hope and pray this 12 days wont end up with a huge gain b/c i cant log cals properly :S

    Anyway, hi to everyone! .. and good luck to all :)) xxx
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Drs appt today was uneventful. Had my first internal check- no dialation, but I have been cramping since she checked. Head is still high.

    Go back tomorrow for ultrasound, and after to see the OB to "decide" if the baby is too big to deliver or not. I can do it!! I don't care how big they think the baby is.
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Has anyone heard from Tari (Mamarandall)? She was being induced on 7/27 and I don't think she has checked in since then. I am just hoping that she is enjoying her babymoon and has forgotten about us.

    i was wondering the same thing! hopefully everything is ok

    The last I heard from her was the day before induction. I'm sure she's doing fine and just loving on her baby!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Drs appt today was uneventful. Had my first internal check- no dialation, but I have been cramping since she checked. Head is still high.

    Go back tomorrow for ultrasound, and after to see the OB to "decide" if the baby is too big to deliver or not. I can do it!! I don't care how big they think the baby is.

    I cramped a little after each check too...I think it must just scramble up the insides! And good for you! I personally think that my body wouldn't make a baby too big for me to deliver. I don't really agree with the fact that they try to decide whether or not you can deliver a baby vaginally- alot of the time they're wrong about the size anyway! I mean, all babies didn't die before c/s were invented. Mothers out on the congo squat by a log and give birth to their 6lb baby or their 10lb baby with pride! That's just me and my opinion and I know there are certain circumstances where a woman has a very small pelvic region and seriously cannot do it, but for the most part, I think it's achievable! My mother is a 4'9" petite woman and gave birth to 4 of us ranging from 7lbs to 11lbs! If she can do it..I know I can! And YOU CAN TOO! Whoo hoo! ( I'm done rambling for the day) haha!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Hi ladies,

    This thread is moving too fast for me. ;o) The baby has been consuming my life. Which I guess is a good thing. :o)

    Rachel: I hope you have good news with your ultrasound. I would always cramp after being checked too. You are so close. I can't wait to see your LO.

    Edan is doing well, I just wish she would sleep more at night. I have never done well not getting enough sleep. So I am struggling. I usually had to have at least 8 hours. Haha, that isn't happening at all now. I just hope I can keep going this way, or that Miss Edan will go a bit longer before needing to eat at night. At least she hasn't done the every hour thing for a few nights. That was a killer. I do try to nap in the day, but that is easier said than done. I do need to not worry about all the housework, but I do. I also can't relax enough to sleep much. Sheesh. At least I get a little bit in the day.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!

    Susie is starting to sleep for 3-4 hour blocks which makes me super happy. We have had people "helping" us with the baby since she is born. Bf went back to work today and I was happy to try out my first day alone with the baby. She has been wonderful until 6pm when she commenced with a 2 hour upset fit. She was not hungry, she wanted me to hold her in a certain way and rock her in a specific fashion (and heaven help me if my arms got tired and I stopped). I have enjoyed the day! And I get to repeat for the next 4 days! (bf will come home for dinner on sat and I am taking her to see him at work on sunday)

    Hope everyone is well!
  • drakeswife09
    drakeswife09 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi all! I would love to join this forum. I am in both the A and B category. Been trying to lose some weight since January and so far I've lost about 15 pounds. Just joined MFP in July b/c I have been stuck on my weight loss for a few months, not gaining, but not losing any either. Just recently moved into the B category so hopefully the C category is just around the corner. Until it comes though, I would still like to lose some. I just really want my pregnancy to be filled with healthy eating and exercise. I will look up the other forum also. Thanks!
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Welcome drakeswife! (And any other newcomers I missed)

    Rachael - If you are not adverse to it (and neither of you are super heavy sleepers), I found that I got a lot more sleep when I nursed the baby in bed at night. We'd fall asleep there in bed, and when baby woke up to eat again, I just rolled over and switched sides. Co-sleeping is not for everyone, but I don't know how I would have made it through without! (Especially with active toddler during the day too). Also, you hear this all the time, but it's true: nap when she is napping during the day. Even a 20 minute catnap can make a difference in how you feel! She'll grow out of this before you know it, so hang in there!

    Maureen - yikes! the 2-hour fussies can be a challenge! Glad she's been good the rest of the day. Sounds like you're starting to feel better, too. Yay!

    AFM - haven't been able to get comfortable all evening. Weird leg cramps (not the charlie horse type I get at night), and feeling like baby is everywhere. I have no room to breathe!! Hoping a good-night's sleep (and getting to sleep in) will help!
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Great ideas! I like the camera/scrapbook idea..I think she would enjoy that! Also, the "mommy coupon" is too cute, definitely going to make one! Thanks!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Second childbirth class is tonight :smile:

    I am dreaming a lot about delivery lately. I think it's because in all honest, I am a bit nervous about it. But only the delivery, not becoming a parent or bringing my little man home, just how delivery is going to go. Hubby says he feels the same. Hopefully the more classes we have the better we will feel.

    Danielle- I felt nervous about it too and just went in with the attitude that it was happening no matter what so I may as well have an open mind.... still very nervous... you are going to do SO awesome. If you can relax during and just focus your adrinaline will pick up and carry you through. Don't worry, you will rock!

    Thank you for this! That's what I am trying to do as well. Classes are def. helping though. :smile:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Victoria- Yay for passing the glucose!

    Rachel- Sorry for the uneventful appointment :frown: Will you know more after your US and such I think it is today?
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Thanks guys for your comments.

    Forgot to mention- found out yesterday that I have bladder infection NUMBER 5 of this pregnancy. I have never been prone to them before!

    Anyways, gotta run, will check in tonight and let you know anything I find out from the ultrasound, etc.

    Have a great day everyone!!