what have YOU given up to help attain your fitness goals?



  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Meat sausages lol, if I fancy them now I will have veggie ones :) Also me and my OH used to have a cooked breakfast ever Sunday I no longer do that. Also I try not to eat pork.
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    Regular soda altogether. I freakin LOVE soda. But like 10 glasses a day is a whole lot of calories I didn't need (jesus, I just did the math...YIKES), plus wayyyy too much sugar and sodium. Especially for a drink. I drink Coke Zero occasionally now. It's great, sometimes I drink it with dinner but other than that it's water and diet peach tea all day, and Crystal Lite too sometimes.

    Also, never ever just eating what I want whenever. Every night before bed I plan exactly what I'm going to eat the next day and put it in. Tracking after you eat means not being able to take back something you ate that made you go over your calories or sugar, carbs, etc. It's so much easier because when I'm hungry I know exactly what to make rather than standing in front of the fridge for five hours and eventually throwing a terrible frozen dinner in the microwave. I try to stick to fresh stuff.

    I'm glad I'm not so crazy about bread because my mother always bought wheat breads and I always liked it better than white bread, so it wasn't too hard to not eat it lol
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 166 Member
    I gave up my belief that I could never lose the weight...63 down from my heaviest, 38 down - and counting - since Jan, 27 to go...

    I gave up the thought that I would never be in any kind of decent shape... and ran a 10KM in April and another one in June (right after getting over pneumonia) and... a half marathon in June.

    I gave up my fear of failure and replaced it with a celebration of even the smallest successes.

    I gave up the massive health risks that come from weighing nearly 63 lbs (at my heaviest) more than I do now and gained a sense of self-worth that I never believed possible.

    Win-win-win-win :)
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 166 Member
    I gave up my belief that I could never lose the weight...63 down from my heaviest, 38 down - and counting - since Jan, 27 to go...

    I gave up the thought that I would never be in any kind of decent shape... and ran a 10KM in April and another one in June (right after getting over pneumonia) and... a half marathon in June.

    I gave up my fear of failure and replaced it with a celebration of even the smallest successes.

    I gave up the massive health risks that come from weighing nearly 63 lbs (at my heaviest) more than I do now and gained a sense of self-worth that I never believed possible.

    Win-win-win-win :)

    And Crystal... thanks for asking the question!!! Things that make you go hmmmm.... :)
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member

    I've just applied sensible rules of moderation. So long as I keep under my calorie/fat/fibre/protein/carb goals, I'll eat and do pretty much anything I want.

    Having said that, I've lost my sweet tooth somewhat and have fewer sugary things, but I just don't fancy them any more; it's not like I'm giving them up.
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    now that i've read other replies, i guess food stuff i don't really see as a sacrafice since i haven't given up anything, just watch my portions and make trade-off's if i want a bigger portion of something and that's reality for me, i'm short (or fun-sized) and have a slow metabolism so if i eat the portions I'd like i would be bigger and fatter that didn't make me happy!

    i also i really love coming up with healthy versions that are yummy when cooking and shopping, it's creatively challenging for me!
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    I gave up all ceral except for shreded wheat,
    milk went to silk, unsweetened pure almond
    All fast food
    reg coke to cherry coke zero :D
    alochol, which is a really great thing :D to give up i mean
    sugar to truvia
    all bread
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    I haven't given up sugar completely but over the years it has been something I feel I've been consuming less and less of. Being on Atkins for as long as I had been made me realize what sugar was doing do my body.

    Most recently (within the last year) I've given up diet soda and, for the most part, carbonated beverages in general.

    Even more recently than that I've given up (again, for the most part) caffeine. When I have coffee, it's only decaf now, and instead of it being a daily part of my routine, it's now an occasional "treat". This of course might change come cooler weather, but in the middle of a Florida summer it's just not something I can be bothered with.
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    Sugary drinks!! Only drink water now and its cut down the cravings to almost nothing!
  • Crystalchaos72
    I gave up my belief that I could never lose the weight...63 down from my heaviest, 38 down - and counting - since Jan, 27 to go...

    I gave up the thought that I would never be in any kind of decent shape... and ran a 10KM in April and another one in June (right after getting over pneumonia) and... a half marathon in June.

    I gave up my fear of failure and replaced it with a celebration of even the smallest successes.

    I gave up the massive health risks that come from weighing nearly 63 lbs (at my heaviest) more than I do now and gained a sense of self-worth that I never believed possible.

    Win-win-win-win :)

    This is so inspiring! YOU ROCK! Congrats on your attitude.......LOVE IT......and I hope everyone knows they CAN do this!!
  • Ping_A1C2U
    I've given up or drastically reduced:
    High Blood Pressure
    Empty Calories
    High Blood Sugar
    Inches from my waist line
    pounds from my weight
    Eating out (reduced)
    Being sure I would always be fat
    Being sure I could never run
    Being sure I could never enjoy being healthy

    But i've gained:
    Years on my life expectancy
    Independence from Insulin
    Reduced diabetes medicine
    Smaller Clothes
    More compliments, you know, the sincere ones. "Wow, you've really lost weight" not "you are cute for a big guy"
    My daughter's adoration and pride
    An unexpected role as an inspiration in the lives of others (friends more than family in this example)
    Normal Blood Sugar
    Normal Blood Pressure
    Knowing what it feels like to jog
    Knowing what it feels like to finish a 5k
    Discovering that eating healthy is fun and not a punishment
    Discovering that changing your lifestyle is easier than going on a diet
    Unexpected praise and admiration from my Doctor
    Youth. There is so much joy in knowing that you can accomplish many things if you just put the effort into it. It reminds me of being a kid and never expecting to fail - it makes me feel like a kid again.
  • riverweed
    Mayonnaise! Even the "reduced-fat" ones. So secretly pleased that my choices here and there have helped my boyfriend associate my lifestyle to healthy-eating. Next up would be peanut butter! (At least not the way I'm eating them now, i.e, off the jar in front of the telly...)
  • Crystalchaos72
    I've given up or drastically reduced:
    High Blood Pressure
    Empty Calories
    High Blood Sugar
    Inches from my waist line
    pounds from my weight
    Eating out (reduced)
    Being sure I would always be fat
    Being sure I could never run
    Being sure I could never enjoy being healthy

    But i've gained:
    Years on my life expectancy
    Independence from Insulin
    Reduced diabetes medicine
    Smaller Clothes
    More compliments, you know, the sincere ones. "Wow, you've really lost weight" not "you are cute for a big guy"
    My daughter's adoration and pride
    An unexpected role as an inspiration in the lives of others (friends more than family in this example)
    Normal Blood Sugar
    Normal Blood Pressure
    Knowing what it feels like to jog
    Knowing what it feels like to finish a 5k
    Discovering that eating healthy is fun and not a punishment
    Discovering that changing your lifestyle is easier than going on a diet
    Unexpected praise and admiration from my Doctor
    Youth. There is so much joy in knowing that you can accomplish many things if you just put the effort into it. It reminds me of being a kid and never expecting to fail - it makes me feel like a kid again.

    THIS IS AWESOME TOO!!!!! LOVE it and a SUPERSIZED WAY TO GO to you!!!!!
  • lorenzamoreno
    well lesoning to my kids they think its all in my head im 222 and they say why do you want to loss your find i want to find a nice man and they say no im to old 50yr so what do you think and eating papussa portorican food.
  • ToningtheButt
    Taco Bell I used to eat it every week...1 taco is not enough so I just left it alone, I dont crave it anymore its been almost a year.
  • patrick323
    1, Like so many...(it's sad how much soda is promoted and readily available): Soda for sure. I went from very very little water and probably 5 to 6 cans of soda on days (often) when I just didnt bother to even keep track....to 6 to 9 cups of water a day and once every 2 days I do have one can of soda but only if i'm well, well, under my calorie goal.

    2. Comfort. I dont enjoy a gym atmosphere. the majority of my working out is outdoor activities (swimming, hiking, walking, tennis) and it's been over 110 degrees here for the last week and over 100 every day for nearly 2 months. I complain about it CONSTANTLY but I finally gave in and just ..bear the heat. I do, however, have to be extra careful not to overdue it in such temps. Today we had power outages while I was doing one of the p90x videos and despite wanting to toss in the towel I worked through it. Bikram P90X? haha
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I used to eat pizza once a week, and ate out numerous times in a week. After work and cleaning, walking the dog, I was exhausted. Now, I cant be lazy. I have to cook. :( lol
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i havent actually given up anything, but theres a lot of things i only have very rarely now, and things i avoid where i can

    such as = real butter,cows milk, sugary drinks, white bread, milk chocolate, cheese
  • JoelleMonique
    I've given up having seconds (some time thirds) at dinner.