JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 23



  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Weight: 201 Lbs on March 14th 2017
    R14 HW 198.2 LW 192.6 Total weights Average: 194.9
    R15 HW 195.4 LW 191.8 Total weights Average: 193.7
    R16 HW 194.6 LW 190.8 Total weights Average: 192.8
    R17 HW 192.5 LW 190.8 Total weights Average: 191.7
    R18 - I followed the thread but didn't record my weights as I had no access to a reliable Scale
    R19 - HW 192.2 LW 190.4 - I Can't record Average as I didn't post for 1/2 of the days
    R20 HW 189.8 LW 187.4 Total weights Average: 188.9
    R21 HW 189.8 LW 186.8 Total weights Average: 188.3
    R23 HW 189.6 LW 186.8 Total weights Average: 188.8

    I was really upset and disappointed by my results in the last round. I'm gonna do my best to be MUCH better on this round.

    Goal for this round: Get back on track and see 186.something again.

    Weight on Nov. 18th: 189.6

    R23 (10th Round for me)


    11/19 - 188.4
    11/20 - 189.6
    11/21 - 189.4
    11/22 - 189.0
    11/23 - 188.4
    11/24 - 189.4 TOM
    11/25 - 189.2 TOM

  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    R22 * Start = 143.4 * Ave = 141.9 * Min = 140.2 * End = 141.2 *

    ROUND 23 Start = 142

    11/19 - 142.0 - ran 30 mins yesterday and under calories. This is the bounce, I get it.
    11/20 - 140.4 - ran 33 mins yesterday, plus 2 mile hilly hike and under calories.
    11/21 - 140.6 - calories almost even with .5 loss plan yesterday, small hike but that's it.
    11/22 - 140.6 - major calories-in mess-up yesterday, over maintenance by a couple hundred. Felt sick and emotional much of day. Holiday approach without contact or plans with 22-yo daughter is kicking my *kitten*. No workout.
    11/23 - 139.8 - woot first 130's weight since over a year ago!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Yesterday, ran and ate well under calories. Today, I plan to run and to eat at or below maintenance.
    11/24 - 139.6 - Ran 4.25 miles yesterday. Healthy gourmet dinner, every dish (except the lobster) had something from his garden in it. Calories 200 below deficit.

    11/25 - 139.4 - 30 mins on elliptical, under calories yesterday. Today: hike to the top of the little "mountain" on Angel Island, which will be easier without the 8 lbs I have lost so far :)

  • reede708
    reede708 Posts: 105 Member
    R22SW: 140lb ~ R22EW: 140.4lb ~ .4lb Gain

    R23GW: 138.8lb

    11/19 - 140.3lb
    11/20 - 140.3lb
    11/21 - 141.6
    11/22 - 140.1
    11/23 - 140.1
    11/24 - 141lb
    11/25 - 141lb
    11/26 -
    11/27 -
    11/28 -
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    My goal is to reach 10% body fat by year end... actually by 12/30 because that is when my Dexa is scheduled. I'm going to list weight and BF% based on my scale, which is going to fluctuate at times as diet changes. On some days - and I know when those are based on diet - it will be inaccurate.

    From round 22:
    Day - Weight - BF% - Comment
    11/9 - 149.6 lbs. - 16.8% - scale is reading higher than actual BF%

    11/10 - 148.4 lbs. - 15.9% - scale is still higher than actual BF%, but getting closer to actual

    11/11 - 147.2 lbs. - 16.9% - scale is higher than actual BF%, this time not expected

    11/12 - 148.6 - 16.8% - scale is still showing higher than actual BF%, still not entirely expected. I have a theory as to what is driving the incorrectly high BF%.

    11/13 - 148.6 lbs. - 18.5% - Yesterday was a re-feed / glycogen replenishment day. I'm surprised weight did not also increase, but expected BF% to be unreliable. I expect it to remain that way for the next 2-3 days.

    11/14 - 147.2 lbs. - 16.4% - Depending on whether I eat a lot of fibrous green vegetables today, BF% will either stay pretty stable by tomorrow morning or will decrease. I may find it hard to feel full without lettuce or green beans... but since scale BF% is just artificially high if I eat them and real BF% is not truly much different, I'm probably going to eat greens if I'm hungry anyway.

    11/15 - 146.4 - 15.6% - No veg yesterday, scale is closer to a correct BF%.

    11/16 - 146.2 lbs. - 14.9% - No veg yesterday again, and BF% is almost right where I would expect Dexa to come up. The idea that eating low carb green / fibrous veggies would affect the scale BF% so much is a relatively new revelation. Thinking back, the last Dexa was 0.3% lower than the scale on that same day (that is extremely close); and my scale is ALWAYS higher than any other measurement method or device - including other bio-electric impedance devices, which are always super low. When that last Dexa was taken and it was almost the same as the scale, I had not eaten plants for 45 days prior (except coffee, tea, and small quantities of seasonings and sauces). I still plan to eat some low carb (net carb) fibrous veggies while I continue to strive for 10% BF by 12/30, but will do take breaks occasionally to get a better idea of where Dexa will come in.

    11/17 - 147.8 lbs. - 13.9% - Slight weight increase, not sure why... probably water weight. Another day without veg and BF% is spot on as close as I'm going to get to being real. Tomorrow is going to be high again based on today's planned diet.

    11/18- 146.0 lbs. - 15.4% - Did not expect weight to decrease, but expected reported BF% to rise.

    Day - Weight - BF% - Comment
    11/19 - 145.8 lbs. - 13.5% - Did not expect BF% to drop this much this fast.

    11/20 - 147.6 lbs. - 16.2% - Both increases were expected based on yesterday's food plan. Should see decrease over the next few days until Fri. morning, which will go back up again.

    11/21 - 147.0 lbs. - 15.7% - Expected a small decrease. Expect another small decrease tomorrow.

    11/22 - 146.6 lbs. - 15.3%

    11/23 - 145.6 lbs. - 14.8% - Will be higher tomorrow.

    11/24 - 147.2 lbs. - 14.4% - Did not expect BF to decrease, but maybe that is delayed...

    11/25 - 145.8 lbs. - 15.2% - There is the delayed fat storage.

  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    Round 21 start: 168.3
    Round 21 end: 165.4
    Round 22 end: 163.8

    11/19- No scale
    11/20- 165.0 I hate weekends :/
    11/21- 164.8 Pffffffft :|
    11/22- 162.8 45 minute HIIT class does wonders!
    11/23- 162.4 Hanging on... :#
    11/24- 162.4 Kinda thought I'd move it down a little... maybe my body is gearing up for a whoosh :#
    11/25- 163.0 Aaaaaaaaaaagh. Been so on track with food and exercise :( I will not give into the weekend.
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    cjsacto wrote: »
    11/24: 162.5
    Well deserved. I guess it's a victory that I got on the scale. Today I got quite a bit of exercise and ate pretty perfectly. I don't want to let the holiday derail me.
    This mindset is exactly why you are going to be so successful! Keep at it! B)
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 661 Member
    11/19 258.2 I have been stuck for awhile give or take a couple of pounds. Time to get the needle headed in the right direction again. The holidays are a concern because I typically put on about 10 from Thanksgiving to New years and I can't afford to do that anymore. My goal this year is to actually lose 5 during that span, now thats gonna be a challenge. Have a great round everyone. :)
    11/20 257.1 yay getting ready for Thursday gotta get a couple off because I will gain them back on Turkey day. :)
    11/21 256.8 Prepping for the Thursday feeding, 11000 steps helped a bunch.
    11/22 256.8 Holding steady prepping for the Thursday feast; chicken enchiladas, spanish rice, homemade guac and chips, pumpkin pie, hows that for non-traditional haha.
    11/23 256.8
    11/24 258.6 Wow, to many carbs, to much sugar, I must say as I get older (53) i really can't do the heavy eating anymore like when I was younger which I'm sure is to my benefit. So, now I ask myself if this is true then why do I do it. yes why indeed. Time to get those 2 pounds off and eat like a grown up.
    11/25 259.0 If I get on that scale and see 260 again I will so freak out.