JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 23



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,752 Member
    Ready for Round 23.

    11/16 - 145.0 at 7:00 a.m.
    11/17 - ???
    11/18 - 144.8 at 5:00 a.m.

    Starting weight: 192.2
    Start this round: 144.8
    Goal this round: 142.0
    UGW: 135


    11/19 - 145.6 at 4:30 a.m. :s
    11/20 - 144.8 at 4:30 a.m.
    11/21 - 146.0 at 7:00 a.m. Egads!
    11/22 - 146.0 at 7:00 a.m.
    11/23 - dun...dun...dun
    11/24 - 146.4
    11/25 - 146.6...so the wrong way!

  • lajeanneh
    lajeanneh Posts: 175 Member
    SW: 235.5
    EW Rd. 13 231
    EW Rd. 14 229.1
    EW Rd. 15 226.6
    EW Rd. 16 227.1
    EW Rd. 17 224.4
    EW Rd. 18 222.2
    EW Rd. 19 222.4
    EW Rd. 20 222.2
    EW Rd. 21 222.0
    EW Rd. 22 221.3
    Current Goal: 212.5
    11/19 225.1 So sick. Eating everything! Don't even care right now. Tomorrow I will do better. Today is better than yesterday, but still struggling to control myself. I hate being sick, and slide back into bad eating habits to comfort myself.
    11/20 225.1
    11/21 225.5 I'm forcing myself to look at this number and see where I'm heading. Hoping for the wake up call to finally go off again.
    11/22 222.9 Much better! Hoping to still manage to get to my end weight from last round. With Thanksgiving around the corner, I feel that may be a lofty goal, but I'm going to try!
    11/23 222.9 Here we go, it's going to be a temptation filled day!
    11/24 222.9 Managed to get through the day without gaining anymore weight!! Now to get through the weekend! Let's see if I can drop this down some.
    11/25 222.9 Still here.
  • Gaia85
    Gaia85 Posts: 190 Member
    Female, 5'6"
    Starting weight (Nov 2016): 202.2lbs
    Goal Weight: 135lbs

    R16 SW: 159.6
    R16 EW: 157.6
    R17 EW: 155.4
    R18 EW: 152.4
    R19 EW: 149.2
    R20 EW: 146.8
    R21 EW: 145.0
    R22 EW: 145.6

    R22 GW: 144.xx

    11/19 - 146.2 :(/It's been a rough few days. Today was also not great in terms of food. It's all these social events that are happening. Tomorrow will be a good day. Tuesday is a work happy hour. Wednesday should be good. And then...Thanksgiving.
    11/20 - 145.6 :neutral:/Hopefully, I can make my way down again, even with Thanksgiving and such. Ate well today. Feeling bloated and moody in anticipation of TOM.
    11/21 - 142.6 :)/Well, this is a surprise! Had pub food and drinks today.
    11/22 - 141.8 :)/This is nice. I ate within calories today.
    11/23 - 142.2 :neutral:/Won't complain. Ate a lot today for Thanksgiving...and a lot of desserts.
    11/24 - 144.4 :(/Well, I'm not surprised. Now time to recover!
    11/25 - 144.4 :(/Hasn't budged yet. Continued to eat within calories today. 11/22 was such a tease!
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    SW: 185.5

    Round 8 SW: 185.5
    Round 9 SW: 182.5
    Round 10 SW: 181.5
    Round 11 SW: 181.0
    Round 12 SW: 179.0
    Round 13 SW: 178.0
    Round 14 SW: 178.5
    Round 15 SW: 178.5
    Round 16 SW: 179.5
    Round 17 SW: 180.0
    Round 18 SW: 180.0
    Round 19 SW: 178.5
    Round 20 SW: 179.0
    Round 21 SW: 179.0
    Round 22 SW: 183.5
    Round 23 SW: 181.5

    Goal Weight: 180.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 128.0

    11/19 181.5
    11/20 181.0
    11/21 181.0
    11/22 182.0
    11/23 182.0
    11/24 185.5
    11/25 didn't weigh

    Days without binge eating: 6