30 Day Shred Group- August



  • i haven't been able to put the scale away, granted i have stopped stepping on it 20x a day.. anyway has anyone else had a wgt gain since we started? i know it was mentioned we would gain just wondering if anyone else did. if we did we are supposed to keep our heads up right? our bodies are so mean to us..
    i know results wont happen over night but man i wish they would..
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Hi Everyone! =) I noticed there was a July group that went really well! And didn't see an August group yet. Never too early to start! =)

    Is anyone interesting in started the 30DS in August?

    I'm going to start on the first again! I started back in July & only made it to day 11, because of an old knee injury acting up again. What's your story?!

    Lets cheer each other on! We CAN do this & we'll all make it through!

    Also! If you feel comfortable you can take a before picture and measurement before you start. You don't have to share if you don't want to, but I've seen a lot of pictures with GREAT progress, so this way you can see for yourself how well you did when the 30 days is done! =)

    Hi everyone! I started 30DS yesterday and am keen to link up with others doing it to see how everyone progresses. Haven't taken photos yet but will soon :) I'm certainly sore! ;)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Day 3 done (L1) !!!! Once I got going, it wasn't as hard as it was yesterday either!! AND, doing it first thing in the morning really does help with my jumping jack issue. Another reason to get my *kitten* out of bed in the am!!
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Completed L1D4. Go Team August!! We're doing it! :happy:
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    Day 3 completed. So, I skipped a day, should I just be a day late with it or should I do the skipped day tonight so I'm on track? Opinions?
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    day 4 complete! each work out is slowly getting easier :)
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    I am so excited I read that someone did the shred twice in one day, that never occurred to me to try but, yesterday was my day 3 and I did it first thing in the morning and after work in the evening. I felt tired but great, my arms already feel stronger!!!!! Unfortunatley I didn't get up this morning but I'm not sure I should do doubles every day any way . Happy Shredding everybody!!!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Wow, twice in one day? that seems a bit extreme, but if it's working for you . . . I did the shred just now, my first time doing it during the day and not after cardio. not surprisingly, it was much easier to do all the cardio with fresh legs. I pushed it and burned more than usual. now let's hope my cardio later isn't too sluggish! this was level 2, day 2 for me.
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    i haven't been able to put the scale away, granted i have stopped stepping on it 20x a day.. anyway has anyone else had a wgt gain since we started? i know it was mentioned we would gain just wondering if anyone else did. if we did we are supposed to keep our heads up right? our bodies are so mean to us..
    i know results wont happen over night but man i wish they would..

    I only did day 3 today, so I haven't experienced weight changes. But I wouldn't be surprised that as you gain lean muscle, you might gain a little weight before you start to loose. That muscle will increase your metabolism and you'll start to loose later. Are you sticking with a lower calorie diet as well? I would only weigh myself once a week in the a.m. It usually doesn't help to get on more than that due to water changes. Keep it up!!!
  • pjm1806
    pjm1806 Posts: 41
    Day 4 done.
  • jnlk80
    jnlk80 Posts: 19 Member
    Day 5 Done L1
  • L1D4 done! Yeah! In some ways it is getting easier and in others, it was pretty hard. I think walking 1 1/4 mile a day PLUS driving my kids 130-150 miles a day for activities, PLUS 4-5 hours of rehearsal each night where I am on my feet the whole time, PLUS 30DS is taking it's toll. Should be easier next week when things calm down. I'm not quitting NO MATTER WHAT!!! :)

    CONGRATS to all of you who have managed to keep on track so far. This is HARD WORK! :wink:
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    I completed Day 4 Level 1 today.

    Worked out at the crack of dawn. I'm going to try and stick to early mornings because it works best for me.

    Level 1 Most Favorite Exercise: Butt Kicks and Bicycle Crunches
    Level 1 Least Favorite Exercise: Side squats with arm raises. (I've gotta work on my form with these)
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Day 3 completed. So, I skipped a day, should I just be a day late with it or should I do the skipped day tonight so I'm on track? Opinions?

    IMHO, as long as you're still feeling motivated and checking in here, it's fine to be one day behind. There are several people in this thread that are ahead or behind a few days. We're just trying to keep each other motivated to keep doing it, I think. :smile:
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    JSYK, this is my 2nd round of the shred - I've increased my hand weights from 3 lbs during the first round to 5 lb this round. Not as hard as I thought it would be! And because I'm really a sucker for punishment - I have added 2 1/2 lb ankle weights too. Also, I'm going to be doing it as level 1, 2, 3, rinse repeat - rather than the 10 days straight at each level. I don't want to scare you, but I don't think I can do another 10 days straight at level 2. lol That was the hardest level for me, Jillian even made me cry one day during that level. :o/

    Hey, I was already thinking about doing it a second time, and I had even thought that the second time I might cycle through them like that as well. Did you take a break between doing the 30days the first time and the second 30 days? Also, if you think about it, let us know what you think of cycling the levels like that. Thanks!
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Did day 3 and I feel better than yesterday. I did some modifications and tried to do most of Natalie versions. My lest favorite part is def strength in 3rd circuit. Anything else is fine. I am not going thru it easily but I love cardio. For me it feels like a break in the whole work out. And I don't know why but I really don't like the warm up. Just def not my thing.

    Tomorrow will start trying to do regular push ups. That I struggle with. I hope to get done at least first rep Natalie and second Anita.

    The worst thing about the whole workout is that my thighs are hurting every time I walk on the stairs.

    Also going to start 6weeks 6pack in the 20th of august. Anyone in??

    I really want to do the 6 week 6 pack too. I'm not sure if I'll be ready by the 20th though. I'll let ya know.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    ATTENTION..... We're already at 277 comments, and we're only on day 4 for most of us... which is GREAT... But we're only aloud 500 comments per post and we still have about 26 days left of the Shred.

    I just wanted to let people know after the 500 comments I plan to make another post called "30 Day Shred Group- August (Part 2)".
    That way we can all still keep in touch and keep motivating one another after this post is filled. =)

    Everyone is doing so wonderful! Keep it up girls we CAN do this! =D I know it hurts now, but we'll get past this! And in the end the results will be soooooo worth all the pain & sweat =)

    I'm attempting to do Day 4 tonight, again, without a fan. My little monster decided to misplace the chord for the fan, and I've been sweating like crazy while doing it the last 3 night... I've discovered that I'm tired of JM, so I put the dvd in my laptop and let it play, that way I can work out while watching a movie to take my mind off of the pain, and I don't have to listen to her either =D It really works! Plus time flies that way too!
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    I hurt my neck :( so I'm taking today off. Please don't kick me out of our group!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I hurt my neck :( so I'm taking today off. Please don't kick me out of our group!

    LOL nobody's kicking you out of the group =P Everyone needs a day off now and then. Especially if they have an energy.
  • latasharae
    latasharae Posts: 18 Member
    L2D4 complete, today was a little harder for me but i can feel a diference in my arm strength already. I did get on the scale and i gained a pound, i'm eating healthier too... For now on im only weighing in monday mornings. That way i wont get discouraged thru the week.