30 Day Shred Group- August



  • nicolegetsfit
    Day 2 kicked my butt! I wasn't that sore yesterday after doing the workout, but I definitely felt it today. Still going strong though. :)
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    day 3 complete :)
  • redneckbettie
    redneckbettie Posts: 20 Member
    completed day two!
  • sportysmurf
    Hi everyone :)

    I've just completed Day6 L1 - I can keep up much more now and it seems to go so quick! I went to the gym this morning also and did a bit of cardio there. I'm really loving this shred...had a sneak peak at Level 2 and Im glad its a few days away for me as it looks hard out. Something to look forward to ;)

    I cant see any difference to my bod yet, but Im sure that will come....its very exciting and the before and afters posted by others are really inspiring to me and keep me going.

    Im from NEW ZEALAND...and its bloody cold here at the moment. Cant wait to get the t shirts and shorts out for Summer!!

    See you tomorrow everyone x
  • erinoldham19
    hello everyone.. getting ready to do day 3 once my daughter wakes up.. i can feel things aching from head to toe, i def haven't noticed any changes yet, even with my food picking.. usually once i get in a workout routine/challenge id eat healthier but i keep picking at not so good things.. i always say thats it no more junk and without thinking correctly i throw something oh so yummy and oh so bad for me down my throat..

    anyway i'm going to try the, "thats is no more junk food" thing again today..

    hope you all have a great day shredding!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Went for a 4 mile run then cam back to do L1D8. I actually completely ALL of the anterior raises! I wear an insulin pump and need to take it off for this workout. All the jumping makes it jiggle too much.

    BTW, Erin, you make a beautiful bride!
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    Day 3 complete, I did day 2 last night and decided to try day 3 this morning, definitely have more energy in the am, may start doing it every morning, my shoulders are definitely sore.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I need to do mine in the AM too ( haven't yet.. but will!!) as I know it makes such a difference in my day-- internal motor seems to rev at a higher level!! Plus, then I can park my butt somewhere at the end of the day when the kids are in bed.. :)
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    I'm only on L1D2 and my knees hurt during the jumping jacks. This is so discouraging! I am a very active person and used to all the other moves, including squats. I've never had a problem before with my knees....maybe it is just more high-impact than I am used to. But it is discouraging! Anyone else have this problem?
  • mmlovers90
    I did day one yesterday. Definitely felt it last night, especially in my legs. It was all I could do to keep up and I had to "cheat" a little on those last abs because I simply couldn't do them. Felt like vomiting and crying but I finished! :) Yeah me! Felt pretty rough this morning. Course it doesn't help that this is tech week for the show I am in and we have 5+ hour rehearsals each night where I spend most of the time standing. Oh well! No excuses, I'm going to do this thing! :smile:
  • dids01
    dids01 Posts: 93 Member
    me and my daughter are going to start it later today as its too hot at the moment
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    L1D3..... Trying to get the motivation going to do this! My quads are killing me!
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    And yes, jumping jacks are EEEEEVIL. I used to not have a problem, but since I had kids.. well, let's just say that my pelvic floor isn't what it used to be!! But, my 2 year old doing some of the stuff with me tonight.. what a perfect reminder of one of the reasons not to make excuses anymore.

    OMG - I'm right there with you on the jumping jacks....even the jump rope! What the heck?!? No one really prepares you for what happens to your body after you have kids. lol
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Just finished D2 L1-- and feel a little more jittery than I did yesterday! Of course, I did a 2 mile interval walk BEFORE I did it ( as a warm up), so I'm pretty much done for the day. I don't mean exercise either.. DONE. Lets hope this passes!!:sick:

    As a bonus-- My jumping jack issue ( and jump rope.. and butt kicks...) wasn't as bad today!! Not sure if that's because I did it earlier in the day, so there's less moisture to be magically found in my system! lol.. ( I swear, I go RIGHT before I start to get rid of it anyway!!)
  • laurenelizaberry
    laurenelizaberry Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in! I didn't start on the first but I started on the 2nd :) I am new to this thread and need some support to get through these 30 days haha. Day 2 workout starting in 30 minutes...
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Day 3 finished! Most of the soreness is gone, yay!
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm in. I've had problems starting and stopping with this DVD so maybe being part of this group will help me stick to it!
  • starberi30
    I'M IN!
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Happy Hump Day everyone! And boy, isn't it.. L1D3 and it feels like it has gotten just a little harder every day. I've read posts though that that's expected and that in days 4-6 there's a bit of a downhill march so that's very encouraging. I'm right on track, apparently :wink:
    Today my muscles felt a little weaker, so my squats weren't quite as deep, and I had to put my weights down a couple of times during the presses and raises. I did feel like I was a little more conditioned to the cardio and had a strong finish on that front that I was proud of.
    I'm already imagining that I will need to do another 30 day stint (or more ;P) to really achieve the results I would like to see, and I've been going back and forth on whether I'd do it back to back, or take a week off, or what? I am currently planning to do it straight through, everyday, 30 days in August.

    I have a question though and would like to hear what everyone's thoughts are. Do you think it's more important to master the exercises in the lower level before moving on to the next level, or move on after 10 days regardless? I can kinda' see it from both sides. If you move on too soon and can't do some of the higher level moves, or are having to pause more, or modify a lot more, is this still a better work out than really doing the lower levels moves at their full intensity? I know you NEED to move on at some point to increase the challenge. You can't just get comfortable and camp out at level 1! :laugh: I just thought I'd see if anyone could share what they think about that.
  • FullmetalAlchemistMommy
    I'm only on L1D2 and my knees hurt during the jumping jacks. This is so discouraging! I am a very active person and used to all the other moves, including squats. I've never had a problem before with my knees....maybe it is just more high-impact than I am used to. But it is discouraging! Anyone else have this problem?
    I have the same issue. I have not always been active, and part of that has been because of my weight, but I am more active now than I have been since I was a kid. Having said that, my knees have always been an issue, and I actually I just had surgery on my right knee this past march. Jumping jacks hurt both of my knees, so I modify then. My heart rate is still up, I'm terrified of throwing my knee out and being out of commission for a few days, so I would rather be safe than sorry. The push ups are hard for me as well, since I am not quite strong enough to do the regular ones, but wearing knee braces gives me some cushion so it doesnt hurt so bad. Push yourself fir this workout, but don't push too hard if it hurts, or else you won't be able to do much of anything.