30 Day Shred Group- August



  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    I'm only on L1D2 and my knees hurt during the jumping jacks. This is so discouraging! I am a very active person and used to all the other moves, including squats. I've never had a problem before with my knees....maybe it is just more high-impact than I am used to. But it is discouraging! Anyone else have this problem?

    It's hard on your knees, it's not just you =) I dislocated my knee 6yrs ago, and it's been fine since, but when i started to do 30 DS that knee started to hurt big time. I'm in physical therapy for it now, and so I decided to re-try the 30DS again... I guess we'll find out how my knee is on day 11 (that how far i got last time with my knee)

    I don't have knee problems, so forgive me if this isn't helpful, but sometimes when I'm doing the jumping jacks and I'm just worn out, I start to side step with my lower body rather than both legs going out from the middle. Not sure if that would lessen the impact. And, according to chiropractic advice, there's also wrapping to stabilize and icing for 20 minutes afterward. Of course, if your knee is too damaged, I would think that the risk of making you completely immobile wouldn't be worth pushing it too far if it's really painful :-(
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    Day 3 complete! And I must say that I can't stand Jillian! Stupid jumping jacks and butt kicks! I did notice today though I was able to do the butt kicks all the way through so that's great progress just in a couple of days. I have bad knees so I can't always do the jacks. I run in place instead. All in all, I'm loving this dvd. I do however do a supplemental workout to go with it, just cause I'm a junkie...can't wait until the 30 days is over, I think I'm going to reward myself with a sexy outfit and take my husband on a date!
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    I completed Day 3 Level 1 today.

    This was my first time doing the workout after work...BAD IDEA! I was sooo burnt out. I usually excersize before breakast at the crack of dawn (Its the way we did it in military school and works best for me) and that is what I will try my best to stick to.

    I'm doing good with calories and I'm trying to cut back on carbs. I've also replaced all of my pastas, breads and cereals with whole grain products. Baby steps...
  • sportysmurf
    Hi Ladies

    Day 7 today for me...I decided to move onto Level 2, which I did and completed. Crikey that was HARD....but I did it and Im glad!! I'll go back to the gym tomorrow morning and do my cardio as its my day off and I cant see me doing it today. Its a STUNNING spring day here today, the sun is out and its lovely and warm (inside), all my washing is done, housework done, grocery shopping done and now exercise done.... and now just about to make lunch and watch Dr Phil. Perfect day!!

    Have a great day everyone x
  • FullmetalAlchemistMommy
    Day 6 of level one completed today. My endurance is getting so much better, I had my personal best for the pushups, 10 for each set! I'm looking forward to the next 4 days to see how much better I get. Hope you ladies are doing well.
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    Day 3 Level 1 completed this evening. I noticed 2 major things: I am ready to go up in weights from 3lb to my 5lbs...will do that tomorrow. The other thing is that my shins are really starting to get sore. I believe I'm not practicing any kind of correct form and once I started landing toe-ball-heel it really helped. They seem to do most of them on their toes. I also noticed that I was able to get through everything without stopping tonight, except the damn jumping jacks!
  • pjm1806
    pjm1806 Posts: 41
    Did day 3 and I feel better than yesterday. I did some modifications and tried to do most of Natalie versions. My lest favorite part is def strength in 3rd circuit. Anything else is fine. I am not going thru it easily but I love cardio. For me it feels like a break in the whole work out. And I don't know why but I really don't like the warm up. Just def not my thing.

    Tomorrow will start trying to do regular push ups. That I struggle with. I hope to get done at least first rep Natalie and second Anita.

    The worst thing about the whole workout is that my thighs are hurting every time I walk on the stairs.

    Also going to start 6weeks 6pack in the 20th of august. Anyone in??
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    Level one day 3 done... Already seeing improvement!
  • jnlk80
    jnlk80 Posts: 19 Member
    Day 4 level I DONE! It seems to be getting harder????
  • beccaellena
    beccaellena Posts: 21 Member
    Day 3 done! I don't know why I have so much trouble with it , I do martial arts on top of it o.o But it's exciting to know it will help with cardio and fat burn so I'll do better at kickboxing!!!! My mom's on day 3 as well and she never exercises but she makes it through the entire thing without pausing
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    day 4 complete
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    I started level 1 yesterday :)
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I am in I have to get cleared on the 10th though
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Mine arrived finally yesterday, might be a few days behind but am starting it tonight.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Day 4 done! I went to do another round, but I just couldn't even get through the warm up. So I did a few mins of hardcore fast knee kicks instead.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day one complete!

    Ok so I was going to start on the 1st and I kept putting it off and putting it off. FINALLY this morning I talked myself out of sleeping through yet another workout and I'm so glad I did!!! I forgot how freaking awesome I feel after doing the shred. It's on!

    JSYK, this is my 2nd round of the shred - I've increased my hand weights from 3 lbs during the first round to 5 lb this round. Not as hard as I thought it would be! And because I'm really a sucker for punishment - I have added 2 1/2 lb ankle weights too. Also, I'm going to be doing it as level 1, 2, 3, rinse repeat - rather than the 10 days straight at each level. I don't want to scare you, but I don't think I can do another 10 days straight at level 2. lol That was the hardest level for me, Jillian even made me cry one day during that level. :o/

    I am not a morning person nor have I ever been one that could stick to a morning workout, but I LOVE doing this in the a.m. It makes me feel so great the rest of the day.

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    ETA: Level 1 HRM Calorie burn: 236
  • elliej3
    elliej3 Posts: 29
    Day 4 DONE! Felt so much better today than the past two days, and i did it early in the morning so now its out the way. I hope that my endurance keeps up and that by day 12 (I wont have the dvd with me through days 7-11, but ill still do the shred on level 1) i'm ready for level 2! Well done to everyone so far <3
  • erinoldham19
    day 4 complete, didn't sleep well last night and woke up with back pain only trouble i had was doing reverse crunches and bicycles (altho i have always had problems with bicycles) anyway another day is done.. great work everyone we are that much closer to getting our shred results..
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Finished Day 3 this morning (not good for me - afternoon is better as I run/walk in the am and I'm beat) but will try to get in another session this afternoon to stay on track (had a crazy day yesterday!)
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Morning ALL!

    L1D9 done! I had my own upper body session at the gym and went and did the lunge/raise thing with 10's so I know I can do it in the gym... why is it SO hard with 5's in my own basement? (although I will say it's just easier to do the ant. raises w/o lunging!)
    I definitely feel more energy! I run 7-10 miles on Saturdays, so I already thought I had LOADS of energy, do HIIT and lift so I was a little skeptical that this was going to do much. Was I SOOOO wrong!

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue: