Maintainers weekly Check-in December 2017



  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member
    Hello! I'm new to this board, but it seems extremely friendly and could be helpful.

    Name: Stephanie
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'3"
    Total Weight lost: 24 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 7 Months
    How long in maintenance: 2 Months
    Maintenance weight range: 110-115

    I'm getting these off of MFP, but I wasn't weighing regularly until August
    Average weight recorded from January: 136
    Average weight recorded from February: 130
    Average weight recorded from March: 128
    Average weight recorded from April: 128
    Average weight recorded from May: 128
    Average weight recorded from June: 126
    Average weight recorded from July: 126
    Average weight recorded from August:126
    Average weight recorded from September: 119
    Average weight recorded from October: 113
    Average weight recorded from November:113

    Week of...
    3rd December: 112.4 (December 1st - will weigh again Friday)
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:
    31st December:

    Success/struggles of the week: Struggled some over Thanksgiving b/c I am all or nothing. I did well this past week, even though it included a family potlock. I still ate more than I should, but I tracked it all, which I normally wouldn't have done, and still stayed within my overall calories.
  • kalchthaleri
    kalchthaleri Posts: 231 Member
    Name: Ingrid
    Age: 46
    Height: 5'4
    Total Weight lost: 215 lbs.
    Time it took to lose: 3 years
    How long in maintenance: 11 months
    Maintenance weight range: 128-135

    Average weight recorded from January: 135
    Average weight recorded from February: 132
    Average weight recorded from March: 132
    Average weight recorded from April: 132
    Average weight recorded from May: 132
    Average weight recorded from June: 130.6
    Average weight recorded from July: 131.5
    Average weight recorded from August: 128.75
    Average weight recorded from September 128.24
    Average weight recorded from October: 125.87
    Average weight recorded from November: 123.62

    Week of December 1: 123
    Week of December 8:
    Week of December 15:
    Week of December 22:
    Week of December 29:

    Struggles/successes of the week:

    Terrible week. Big set back.

    I got the flu or something on Friday night. Aches, fever, chills. Had to work all weekend though. Ate bad things on Saturday and Sunday. Way over my calories on Sunday. But I was just craving and craving. Couldn’t exercise at all until Wednesday. Did well with eating on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday though. But as far as exercise on Wednesday I just felt up to walking.

    It’s Thursday night as I write this. I did very well with eating today and felt up to exercise but only at about 70% effort level. Got on scale today just to see and I was 131 lbs. I am devastated and so scared for tomorrow.
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    edited December 2017
    Name: Micmac1007
    Age: 35
    Height: 5’3”
    Total Weight lost: 45 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 9 months
    How long in maintenance: 1 year, 1 month
    Maintenance weight range: 117 - 123

    Only started on Happy Scale in August - using the average weight recorded on the last day of each month.

    Average weight recorded from August: 118.6
    Average weight recorded from September: 121.1
    Average weight recorded from October: 118.4
    Average weight recorded from November: 121.2

    Week of...
    3rd December: 121.0
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:
    31st December:

    Success/struggles of the week: End of year work obligations put all my routines out the window. Lots of stress. Worked from home a couple days. Stress + laptop on the EIK counter... tough to avoid overeating to avoid tough project work when the fridge is 3 steps away for 12 hours...

  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    @kalchthaleri It will be ok! You will even things out over time. Just be gentle with yourself. *hugs*
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    @sofchak I know what you mean. Weekends and evenings are the hardest time for me because I am home.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Name: Jen
    Age: 46
    Height: 5'2.5"
    Total Weight lost:145lbs
    Time it took to lose: 2.75yrs
    How long in maintenance : Since 4/14/17
    Maintenance weight range: Would like to stay under 122 at morning weigh-in.

    January avg weight trend: 126.8lbs
    February avg weight trend: 126.1lbs
    March avg weight trend: 124.6lbs
    April avg weight trend: 122.9lbs
    May avg weight trend: 123.4lbs
    June avg weight trend: 122.6lbs
    July avg weight trend: 122.3lbs
    August avg weight trend: 118.9lbs
    September avg weight trend: 119.1lbs
    October avg weight trend: 118.6lbs
    November avg weight trend: 118.8lbs

    Trend week of...
    24th November: 118.1lbs
    1st December: 117.6lbs
    8th December: 116.8lbs

    Successes of the week: Been fairly good about my strength exercises lately.

    Challenges of the week: Pretty dehydrated from a cold. I should be pushing more fluids, but I just don't seem to want them. Trend has dropped because scale weight was 113.9lbs this morning. I don't expect that to continue, though, as the treats at school started yesterday. Two chocolate dipped pretzels and some fruit salad jumped my daily cals up by a couple hundred. It adds up so quickly!

    I am struggling with not over-indulging at school and being stubborn about trading out evening snacks to make up the difference. I wound up walking longer than usual last night to balance out the numbers, but missed my stretching session and was late to bed. (Have been short on sleep all week. No wonder I got sick!)
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    @CoachJen71 - it’s such a difficult decision to work from home. So relaxing to hang in pjs all day, but then I have the fridge nearby to contend with all day.

    Alternatively, I can go to work and hang out on the walking treadmill while I take calls and negotiate contracts. Burn calories, away from the fridge and get my work done...

    Decisions, decisions...
  • kalchthaleri
    kalchthaleri Posts: 231 Member
    edited December 2017
    Name: Ingrid
    Age: 46
    Height: 5'4
    Total Weight lost: 210.5 lbs.
    Time it took to lose: 3 years
    How long in maintenance: 11 months
    Maintenance weight range: 128-135

    Average weight recorded from January: 135
    Average weight recorded from February: 132
    Average weight recorded from March: 132
    Average weight recorded from April: 132
    Average weight recorded from May: 132
    Average weight recorded from June: 130.6
    Average weight recorded from July: 131.5
    Average weight recorded from August: 128.75
    Average weight recorded from September 128.24
    Average weight recorded from October: 125.87
    Average weight recorded from November: 123.62

    Week of December 1: 123
    Week of December 8: 127.5
    Week of December 15:
    Week of December 22:
    Week of December 29:

    Struggles/successes of the week:

    Terrible week. Big set back.

    I got the flu or something on Friday night. Aches, fever, chills. Had to work all weekend though. Ate bad things on Saturday and Sunday. Way over my calories on Sunday. But I was just craving and craving. Couldn’t exercise at all until Wednesday. Did well with eating on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday though. But as far as exercise on Wednesday I just felt up to walking.

    It’s Thursday night as I write this. I did very well with eating today and felt up to exercise but only at about 70% effort level. Got on scale today just to see and I was 131 lbs. I am devastated and so scared for tomorrow.

    So it is Friday. Weigh in was 127.5. Not as bad as yesterday. But still, I am sad.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Name: Orphia
    Age: 50
    Height: 176 cm
    Total Weight lost: 36 kg
    Time it took to lose: 12 months
    Been logging since April 2015
    Date began maintaining: April 2016
    How long in maintenance: 20 months
    Maintenance weight range: 63-65 kg

    Average weight recorded from January: 62.8 kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 63.5 kg
    Average weight recorded from March: 63.2 kg
    Average weight recorded from April: 63.9 kg
    Average weight recorded from May: 63.5 kg
    Average weight recorded from June: 63.6 kg
    Average weight recorded from July: 64 kg
    Average weight recorded from August: 64.1 kg
    Average weight recorded from September: 64.4 kg
    Average weight recorded from October: 65.5 kg
    Average weight recorded from November: 65.6 kg

    Moving Average Week of...
    2nd December: 65.5 kg
    9th December: 65.3 kg

    Still over my goal range, though I’m under my calorie limit every week.

    Did a 30 km run yesterday, and running, swimming, or walking daily, so gaining muscle / losing BF.

    Not sure if I need to adjust my goal range.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    @kalchthaleri I am sorry things are so hard. You will get through this, and the weight will even out! *hugs*
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,916 Member
    Name: Summer
    Age: 59
    Height: 5'1.75"
    Total Weight lost: ~32 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 4 months
    How long in maintenance: 10 weeks
    Maintenance weight range: 99-101

    Average weight recorded from October: 103.9
    Average weight recorded from November: 100.9

    Avg 29 Oct - 4 November: 102
    Avg 5-11 November: 101.8
    Avg 12-18 November: 100.7
    Avg 19-25 November: 100.0
    Avg 26 Nov thru 2 Dec 99.8
    Avg 3 Dec - 9 Dec 99.1

    Success/struggles of the week/month: 10 weeks in and still adding week to week,but now I am also starting to account for hard workout days vs rest days. It is encouraging that I think my TDEE might be continuing to rise as I keep adding. My workouts have not really changed except maybe to have a little more NRG so it must be that overall my activity level and cal burn is a little higher in the day to day activities.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Name: Brenda
    Age: 48
    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight:194 on 9/6/2016
    Time it took to lose: 37 weeks
    Total Weight lost: 64 pounds on 5/27/2017
    How long in maintenance: 28 Weeks
    Maintenance weight range: 130 or below

    Average weight recorded from...

    Week of:
    Dec 2.....128
    Dec 9.....128
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    Name: Micmac1007
    Age: 35
    Height: 5’3”
    Total Weight lost: 45 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 9 months
    How long in maintenance: 1 year, 1 month
    Maintenance weight range: 117 - 123

    Only started on Happy Scale in August - using the average weight recorded on the last day of each month.

    Average weight recorded from August: 118.6
    Average weight recorded from September: 121.1
    Average weight recorded from October: 118.4
    Average weight recorded from November: 121.2

    Moving Average at end of week ...
    3rd December: 121.0
    10th December: 120.6
    17th December:
    24th December:
    31st December:

    Success/struggles of the week: same struggle with end of year deadlines fast approaching.

    Snow put a hamper in usual training plans for Saturday so spent most of the day today indoors - luckily I didn’t eat the house. I’ll call that a win.

    Tomorrow is our 6 year wedding anniversary so we are going to an all you can eat Rodizio to celebrate... let’s see how that plays out for next week’s weigh in....

  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    @sofchak Happy anniversary!!
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    @pkweier Good for you for getting out! No hiking for me this weekend. Just Xmas shopping and chores.
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    Thank you, @CoachJen71! We had a very nice lunch - neither of us were willing to even try to count the calories for that all-you-can-eat meal. Lol.

    Now back to normal for both of us - Maintenance for me, 1-2lb weekly deficit goal for him. ;)
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    Height: 171cm
    Age: 31
    Total Weight lost: 48kg
    Time it took to lose: 1 year
    How long in maintenance: 1 year 7 months
    Maintenance weight range: 73.3kg and below

    Average weight recorded from January: 72.8kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 72.3kg
    Average weight recorded from March: 72.7kg
    Average weight recorded from April:72.5kg
    Average weight recorded from May:72.7kg
    Average weight recorded from June: 74kg
    Average weight recorded from July: 73.9kg
    Average weight recorded from August: N/A
    Average weight recorded from September:74.8kg
    Average weight recorded from October: 73.8kg
    Average weight recorded from November: 74.4kg

    Week of...
    3rd December:75.4kg
    10th December:72.8kg
    17th December:
    24th December:
    31st December:

    Success/struggles of the week:
    Erm it is what it is. Can not say that I am complaining. We'll see how true it is after next weeks weigh-in. Having said that, it seems that I feel fuller quicker than usual this week.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Name: Dalon
    Height: 74"
    Total Lost: 220 lbs
    Time to lose: 2 years
    Maintenance: 2 months
    Range: having to gain 30 lbs per dietitian and MD
    Average for nov: 180

    Week of 10th 177.8