JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 25



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,185 Member
    @ehseeker Maybe muscle recovery??

    @clynnwoodard What a beautiful bride and that bouquet!! WOW!!

    @a13justmee NSV’s are nice but personally I like seeing those numbers go down! Having been REALLY overweight for so many years, I always fail to see the changes in the mirror. Pictures work better and eventually you will get those NSV’s too. Do you take pictures once a month on the same day?

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,185 Member
    I am really late today!!

    Female 5’1” Age 67 y 9 m
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5 SW
    Rnd 10 167 AW 165.3
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5 AW 155.6
    SW Rnd 20 155.5* AW 155.3
    SW Rnd 21 154.5 AW 152.15
    SW Rnd 22 152.5 AW 152.2
    SW Rnd 23 151 AW 150.2
    SW Rnd 24 150 AW 148.8
    SW Rnd 25 147.5

    12/09 147 I have a full day ahead and do not feel well! Stupid cold or allergies??
    12/10 147.5 Crazy busy yesterday! Community breakfast bingo, three basketball games, Christmas lights at the museum, dinner at a casino buffet before free music in the lounge. Did not drink enough water!! And I’ve pretty much lost my voice.
  • Leopatra15
    Leopatra15 Posts: 3 Member
    First time here....
    Sw 73kg
    Cw 68.8kg
    Gw 63
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Finally getting around to posting n this thread:

    My goal is to reach 10% body fat by year end... actually by 12/30 because that is when my Dexa is scheduled. I'm going to list weight and BF% based on my scale, which is going to fluctuate at times as diet changes. On some days - and I know when those are based on diet - it will be inaccurate.

    Round 22:
    Day - Weight - BF% - Comment
    11/9 - 149.6 lbs. - 16.8% - scale is reading higher than actual BF%

    11/10 - 148.4 lbs. - 15.9% - scale is still higher than actual BF%, but getting closer to actual

    11/11 - 147.2 lbs. - 16.9% - scale is higher than actual BF%, this time not expected

    11/12 - 148.6 - 16.8% - scale is still showing higher than actual BF%, still not entirely expected. I have a theory as to what is driving the incorrectly high BF%.

    11/13 - 148.6 lbs. - 18.5% - Yesterday was a re-feed / glycogen replenishment day. I'm surprised weight did not also increase, but expected BF% to be unreliable. I expect it to remain that way for the next 2-3 days.

    11/14 - 147.2 lbs. - 16.4% - Depending on whether I eat a lot of fibrous green vegetables today, BF% will either stay pretty stable by tomorrow morning or will decrease. I may find it hard to feel full without lettuce or green beans... but since scale BF% is just artificially high if I eat them and real BF% is not truly much different, I'm probably going to eat greens if I'm hungry anyway.

    11/15 - 146.4 - 15.6% - No veg yesterday, scale is closer to a correct BF%.

    11/16 - 146.2 lbs. - 14.9% - No veg yesterday again, and BF% is almost right where I would expect Dexa to come up. The idea that eating low carb green / fibrous veggies would affect the scale BF% so much is a relatively new revelation. Thinking back, the last Dexa was 0.3% lower than the scale on that same day (that is extremely close); and my scale is ALWAYS higher than any other measurement method or device - including other bio-electric impedance devices, which are always super low. When that last Dexa was taken and it was almost the same as the scale, I had not eaten plants for 45 days prior (except coffee, tea, and small quantities of seasonings and sauces). I still plan to eat some low carb (net carb) fibrous veggies while I continue to strive for 10% BF by 12/30, but will do take breaks occasionally to get a better idea of where Dexa will come in.

    11/17 - 147.8 lbs. - 13.9% - Slight weight increase, not sure why... probably water weight. Another day without veg and BF% is spot on as close as I'm going to get to being real. Tomorrow is going to be high again based on today's planned diet.

    11/18- 146.0 lbs. - 15.4% - Did not expect weight to decrease, but expected reported BF% to rise.

    Round 23:
    Day - Weight - BF% - Comment
    11/19 - 145.8 lbs. - 13.5% - Did not expect BF% to drop this much this fast.

    11/20 - 147.6 lbs. - 16.2% - Both increases were expected based on yesterday's food plan. Should see decrease over the next few days until Fri. morning, which will go back up again.

    11/21 - 147.0 lbs. - 15.7% - Expected a small decrease. Expect another small decrease tomorrow.

    11/22 - 146.6 lbs. - 15.3%

    11/23 - 145.6 lbs. - 14.8% - Will be higher tomorrow.

    11/24 - 147.2 lbs. - 14.4% - Did not expect BF to decrease, but maybe that is delayed...

    11/25 - 145.8 lbs. - 15.2% - There is the delayed fat storage.

    11/26 - 145.2 lbs. - 15.7% - Did not expect another rise in BF%, but I can only assume it is continued delayed fat build. Tomorrow will be higher probably of both weight and BF.

    11/27 - 146.4 lbs. - 17.0% - Increases expected.

    11/28 - 150.4 lbs. - 14.6% - Had a spontaneous free meal yesterday and paying for it with weight gain - meal itself was probably around 4-5 lbs., including water in food... so this is about right.

    Round 24:
    11/29 - 149.4 lbs. - 14.9% - For this round, I'm going to make a few changes. I'm not sure exactly what to expect at the beginning, but should have lower BF% by the end of the 10 days.

    11/30 - 146.2 lbs. - 14.9%

    12/1 - 144.4 lbs. - 14.7%

    12/2 - 144.8 lbs. - 13.3% - I'm thinking this is about right again for BF%, but let's see if that holds for the next few days without changes that affect the scale calculation.

    12/3 - 142.2 lbs. - 16.1% - BF definitely reading too high, but not sure why this time.

    12/4 - 143.2 lbs. - 16.2% - Definitely unexpected BF... consistent with yesterday, but still incorrectly high. Unsure why.

    12/5 - 140.4 lbs. - 14.9% - Some time in the bathroom this morning revealed what I think is causing the suddenly abnormally high BF% (no, not pregnant, lol). Solved part of the issue this morning, but still some to go.

    12/6 - 140.2 lbs. - 12.9% - Before measuring today, spent a bit more time in the bathroom getting rid of more of what is causing the false high BF% readings.

    12/7 - 141.4 lbs. - 13.1%

    12/8 - 139.8 lbs. - 13.5% - I was expecting to start this round with some wonky numbers; but end up close to accurate and drastically improved weight and body fat %. Ended up losing 10.6 lbs.; about 3-4 lbs. of which was fat. I struggled in the first couple years of dieting where tracking calories didn't work and nobody could figure out why; but much learning and experimentation and I consider myself to know my body very well now and can call myself a very advanced dieter. That said, the 10% body fat goal by 12/30 is still going to be very difficult and a tight goal... but I believe it is possible.

    *Next round will once again start with some high and wonky numbers at first and end up drastically better by the end.

    This round should start with some high and wonky numbers, but should be drastically better by the end.

    12/9 - 139.4 lbs. - 13.9% - Surprised it isn't higher, but might catch up.

    12/10 - 150.0 lbs. - 13.3% - Weight has caught up, body fat should increase soon, I would expect.

    12/11 -

    12/12 -

    12/13 -

    12/14 -

    12/15 -

    12/16 -

    12/17 -

    12/18 -
  • Calimackey
    Calimackey Posts: 441 Member
    12/09 139.7
    12/10 141.2. AAGGHH
    12/11 141.2