Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed Group) - Week 2



  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm having a hard time keeping up w/ these threads! I didn't do well w/ the challenge last week BUT I've probably done about 30 burpees already this week so I need to get in more!! Bootcamp involves A LOT of burpees!!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    On Tuesday I did 5 regular burpees (poorly, but I tried!) and 5 modified. Wednesday I tried to do all 10 regular, and got to 9 before my legs were jelly and I was laughing so hard I could only do the last one modified! I'm going to keep trying to do them the regular way the rest of the week, and improve the push up part :)

    Usually my water is easy (I drink between 15-18 glasses a day depending on how much coffee I've had), but last month was awful! I just kept spacing it when it was time to fill my cup back up, but this week has been back to normal and it's amazing how much better I feel :)

    Great job so far everyone! I'm proud of you!!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Yeah finally got the CCC sticker to work!!!!! Thanks Brownenhilary for posting the link again!!:drinker:

    You're SO welcome! I'm glad it's working.
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    Need to work on more burpees.....I am feeling them today in my legs for sure!!!!!! Small victory...went to my parents house to pick my dog up after work last night as they had been dogsitting when he was sick. They had Chinese take away from a local grocery store. I used to get stuff there all the time and eat it all. We split it along with some veges we had added and I ate really reasonably and w/in my calories (although it made me go over in my sodium). I was proud of myself for eating a fraction of what I would have in past I would have eaten (almost) all of that myself when I knew that it was enough for 2...or possibly 3 people in their servings.'s to ourselves and our efforts to make ourselves healthier!!!!
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    I've done 10 burpees today but hope to do 10 more tonight!! So I'm at 40/60
    I have a suggestion for a challenge: it's called a fire hydrant. You get on your hands & knees & lift each side of your leg while your knee is bending to the side ....trying to get it up to the level of your hip. Sounds easy but try doing 100 of them! Did this at the first boot camp I went to when I was really out of shape
  • 30 burpees down, 30 to go! Halfway there!!
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member
    Can I ask does anyone do the wii zumba game here? I'm not sure how to track it and I've been putting it as dancing general, any suggestions welcome :-)

    I track it as aerobics high impact, but I still think I actually burn more than what it says. I found this website That may help you too! Good luck with it! Isn't it a blast? I love my wii zumba game. Happy zumbaing! ~ cm
  • lildietitian
    lildietitian Posts: 45 Member
    loving this!
  • Well hello all my ccc friends!! I ha been kn since sauturday. My weekend family visit turned in to a mini vacation to Pensecola Florida! I haven't been tracking all week, but I know I got lots of water and excersie done on the beach ! I'm coming into this weeks challenge late but I'll try to do my best the next few days. Congrats to everyone !
  • I am not going to be able to do this weeks challenge :-( I have a shoulder injury from dislocation that stinks I wanted to do that...well I will have to do this challenge on my own once my shoulder :-(
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 192 Member
    YAY finished my burpees 60 done and done!! Bring on week three's challenge :tongue:
  • Hi CCC friends! Checking in for today! I drank 100 oz of water plus and kept up with my fruits and veggies!

    Jen - when we check in on Fridays do we also need to submit our new measures or just weight??


    Hope everyone has a happy friday!
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Done 10 burpees in the morning at 10 at night sine Tuesday... Granted they are the modified version but I'm going o
    To keep doing them so I will get better... My stomach sure is feeling it... Yippee!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I haven't done any of my burpee's yet! :sad: I'm in another challenge for August and it has me busy busy busy with different exercise, on top of my normal routine. lol I better hope to this.
  • chrisraem
    chrisraem Posts: 31 Member
    I've done 10 burpees thus far, planning on hitting them hard this weekend to get them done. Been working alot of doubles and back to backs so im dedicating this weekend to make sure I complete this week challenge. I'v been doing very well on the water drinking about 96 ounces a day. Still need to up my fruits and veggies intake..but still happy with my progress.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Morning everyone,

    So I weighed in and I have lost 6lbs this week, after only loosing 1lbs a week over the past 2 weeks I was pretty happy.

    Also I only have 10 burpees to go, may try and do these after the shred this morning :)

    Hope you are all getting on ok .
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Found this video...though it was interesting. It shows the difference between a squat thrust and a burpee (which till this video I thought were the same thing! lol)
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    No way am I doing that with a push up too lol unless I can do the push up dropped down to my knees lol I may have to try this for my last 10.
  • Cw: 302lbs no change this week