Still confused



  • phwdjones
    phwdjones Posts: 37 Member
    Just LOL. God is punishing me
  • phwdjones
    phwdjones Posts: 37 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    phwdjones wrote: »
    This hive mind thing you guys engage in is very similar to reddit posters, it’s quite funny.

    When I log I leave out a meal here or there. I don’t know if you were aware, but food packaging LISTS THE CALORIES OF SAID FOOD. Thus, you can quite easily do a piece of simple mental arithmetic to figure out whether said food will push you over your daily intake. I’m quite easily able to remember the calorie and macro count of certain foods after logging them hundreds of times over, perhaps the rest of you are incapable..

    So none of you ever do this, I suppose? Your logging is water tight, every grain of salt counted?

    Edit: rest of my post wasn’t included. I ate under 2000 yesterday and am back to 189.

    I can fully accept small weight fluctuations but not ones like this

    You are the one asking for help. If we can't see everything you are eating, and how many calories total, that's a pretty big piece of information that's missing.

    And actually, yes, my logging is pretty water tight in terms of things that contain calories, because I like to have solid data to assess. Not on a short term 'omg freak out at the scale' single data point level, at a long term level of weeks and months. I like to be able to assess my calories in vs my calories out to see if my weight loss trend is where I expect it to be, so I can make appropriate changes if need be, based on the trend.

    But you just don't seem to be getting that weight fluctuates, sometimes a lot, and that scale weight is affected by a whole raft of things. I'm up 300 grams today since yesterday, and 500 grams since the day before that. I'm not freaking out, because I understand natural fluctuations and what caused that spike, and I know it wasn't too much food.

    Stop reacting to single data points. Stick to a sensible deficit and reassess in 4-6 weeks.

    ETA: you know that the contents of a package of food can be off by as much as 20% by law, right? If you are relying on what packets say, and assuming they contain the weight of food they say they do, that right there can add up to a significant amount of calories.

    Also, if you want people to help you, maybe try not insulting them.

    Actually I was the one who was insulted, if you read the other posts you can see that. That’s what I was referring to with the hive mentality statement.

    But yeah, forget it

  • dimaslopes
    dimaslopes Posts: 36 Member
    one last thing from me: anxiety leads to cortisol in your blood which dampers fat burning mechanisms, therefore it leads to more anxiety to form a vicious cycle
    so stop fretting over every little (kilo)gram