JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 26



  • enlightenme2
    enlightenme2 Posts: 97 Member
    R23SW: 102.4 R23EW: 103.2 Loss: +0.8
    R24SW: 103.2 R24EW: 100.4 Loss: -2.8
    R25SW: 100.4 R25EW: 99.8 Loss: -0.6
    R26GW: maintain at 99
    Mini goals - drink at least 3l of water/day, do not eat below calorie allowance, avoid empty calories.

    12/19 - 100.4 - Out and about, I failed to eat proper food, salt-loaded snacks. I’m traveling today (no less than 4 flights!) so my goal is no snacks on flights! And healthy choice at client lunch.

    12/20 - 100.4
    12/21 - Travelling no time for weighing
    12/22 - 101.4 - Bad food choices yesterday, not enough liquids hopefully the situation will be redressed today
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Age 60, 5'4" [lost 1/2" somewhere, not the measurement I wanted to lose]
    SW 195 [joined MFP Nov 2015, lost 9.5# & got serious Jan 2017]
    1st Goal 150 in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet.
    2nd Goal 145 = normal BMI
    UGW Range 140 - 145

    My scale only has 1/2# increments, and I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. Comments reflect prior day. Previous round EW 160.0 LW 158.0
    R20 SW 166.0 10/20/17 (my round 1)
    R20 EW 166.5 LW 164.5
    R21 EW 164.0 LW 163.0
    R22 EW 162.0 LW 162.0
    R23 EW 162.0 LW 162.0 = included parade day & Thanksgiving, no food/drink logged :wink:
    R24 EW 159.5 LW 159.5 = walked Jingle Bell 5K in 44:37 & pace 14:22 / first time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything!
    R25 EW 160.0 LW 158.0
    Round 25 (previous round)
    12/09: 158.5 Little shocked by w-i, no wonder I still felt hungry last night. Net calories red (w/i 100) & 12c water. Walked dog 3.14 miles before work and helped decorate dept. for Christmas. Fitbit 15,471 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 41 floors.
    12/10: 161.0 Annnd it's bounce-back time. To be honest, I snacked with hubby after getting home late last night from classic holiday movie (A White Christmas) at theatre...he's used to eating after his shift ends at midnight, and I ate right along with him. Net calories red, sodium very red and 12c water. Walked dog 3.07 miles. Fitbit 16,142 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 17 floors.
    12/11: 160.0 Net calories green, sodium red & 14c water. Walked dog 3.56 miles. Fitbit 17,803 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/12: 160.0 All numbers red except sugar & 15c water. Walked dog 3.11 miles before work, landed on my backside b/c of snow-covered ice patch & switching to indoor workouts for winter. Sad dog. Fitbit 15,643 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 38 floors.
    12/13: 160.0 Net calories barely green, sodium not so bad, sugar red mostly from fruit, and 15c water. Walked 1 mile in workplace hike at lunchtime. Fitbit 13,953 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 33 floors.
    12/14: 160.0 Treadmill 3 miles / 50:35 and shoveled snow 1 hr. (est. 8") / thank heavens for kind-hearted neighbor with snowblower. Fitbit 18,353 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 39 floors. Net calories, sodium & sugar all green! 14c water, could've had more with all my activity.
    12/15: 160.0 Rest day after activity previous day. Fitbit 10,431 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 27 floors. Net calories w/i 100 green, sodium red & 15c water. Light on fiber lately, need to increase.
    12/16: 158.0 Getting enough fiber helps! :wink: Net calories green, sodium good, sugar red due to lots of fruit, fiber 30g & 17c water. Walked treadmill 3 miles / 51:43. Fitbit 14,520 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 (noon class) hours & 31 floors. Still fighting off a cold, lots of zinc & water today.
    12/17: 159.0 Hate this cold that's trying to get me! Shoveled snow 34 minutes. Fitbit 11,051 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 hours & 13 floors. Net calories, sodium & sugar green, fiber 20g & 14c water.
    12/18: 160.0 Still fighting off a cold, going to listen to my body, skip workouts & get more sleep. More important to fight off cold than get workouts in, especially being so busy with Christmas preparations. Keep pushing zinc tablets, extra vitamin C & water. Workouts will resume once (a) I feel better and (b) crazy busy-ness ends. Net calories barely green but sodium very red & light on fiber (again) / 12c water. Fitbit 8,247 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 17 floors.

    12/19: 158.0 Battling a cold, workouts on hold. At least Christmas decorations are almost done. Net calories red (barely), sodium green, fiber 20g & net sugar zero - how did that happen? 18c water. Fitbit 10,525 steps, 250+ steps 11/14 hours & 39 floors.
    12/20: 158.0 Net calories red, sodium green, sugar red mostly from fruit, fiber 20g, and 16c water / trying to flush my cold away. Workplace snowshoe hike at lunchtime / 0.42 miles. Fitbit 11,013 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 32 floors.
    12/21: 158.0 Little surprised / workplace Xmas party at lunch yesterday, then went overboard with Christmas peanut M&Ms while decorating at home. Still no workouts due to busy-ness and my cold. Fitbit 8,612 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 hours & 31 floors. Total guess for calories (did quick log instead of guestimating every bite) & 16c water.
    12/22: 157.5 Day off from work, finished cleaning & decorating. Gave in to leftover pizza hubby brought home, but limited myself to two slices. 14c water. Fitbit 7,696 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 hours & 15 floors.
    12/25 = Christmas / dinner w/ extended family / not logging food or beverages / Enjoy!
  • sheilajean58
    sheilajean58 Posts: 263 Member
    Round 26 - last chance for 2017 :blush:
    Started this year @ 112 lbs. Have been working on losing back to my normal weight of 104-107 lbs for the past 10 years!
    Goal Weight: 105 lbs.

    12/19 106.2
    12/20 105.6 - 1500 Calories! Having annual labs drawn today. The weight loss should improve by Cholesterol and A1C :wink:
    12/21 105.9 - Going to get my Dexa-scan today (osteopenia) but the report will also show my body fat percent.

    12/22 106.6 - ate >1900 Calories yesterday, dark chocolate, dried fruit with cashews and red wine were worth it.

    Weighed prior to the Dexa-scan middle of the day: 107.7 lbs. The great news was that my height taken at the appointment was unchanged. Body Fat on the home scale was 22% (usually 24% due to dehydration in the morning). Will be fun to compare my scale (22%) to my Dexa results.
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Jan 1 2017 226... I'm 5'6"
    Started R6 @ 177.1
    First Goal: 170 ✔️
    Next Goal: 159 ✔️
    Next Goal: Hit a healthy BMI 154.4'ish... Hit it twice, now to make it solid!!
    Hold steady aroung 159 through December.

    End of R25 155.4

    12/19 - 155.3 ... It's snowing!! Kinda dampers my lunch time walk and I forgot extra shoes. :/ SO will be planning dinner so we will see how I do. He's such a good cook.
    12/20 - 156.1.... Ooops.
    12/21 - 157.7 .... Busy, Cold, not enough Walking, Cookies.... Cheeseburger. Oh my!!

    12/22 - 158.2 (sodium?) Work Lunch - Family Party. Hoping to dance off a few pounds tonight. Last work day before Christmas!!

    12/25 - Merry Christmas!!
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    Back for another round. :) Need to get enough water each day, do some exercise, and get some decent sleep!

    SW: 174
    Round 12: 171.4
    Round 13: 168.6
    Round 15: 163.3
    Round 16: 164.4
    Round 18: 164.1
    Round 20: 165
    Round 21: 164.5
    Round 22: 164.1
    Round 23: 161.4
    Round 24: 159.9
    Round 25: 159.1

    12/19: 158.2 :)
    12/20: 158.7 1 out of 3 yesterday... I did get some good sleep last night. But not nearly enough water, no exercise, and a high calorie dinner. I feel even worse this morning. Just gotta hold on for a few days and then I have 11 days off from work! Don't know how I will manage 18 people at my house for Christmas eve, though... lots of water and vitamin C.
    12/21: 159.6 Was so busy did not get a chance to check in!
    12/22: 160.9 Oh boy. This is not a surprise! Had our dept. Christmas party last night. I don't think I need to go into detail. :s But... CHEESE! That is certainly my weakness. Today will be hard because I need to u-turn and get back on track. Hoping all the stuff I need to do today will keep me from eating mindlessly.
  • janc277
    janc277 Posts: 89 Member
    have some travel over the holidays so I will need to search for scales :)

    SW 146.0
    GW 135
    R25 SW 147.1

    R26 SW 146.8
    R26 GW 145.5

    12/19 146.4
    12/20 146.7 9 weeks of hitting the weights hard has left me pretty sore. Need to take some time off which means I need to be extra careful with food.
    12/21 146.3
    12/22 146.1
  • hedyk
    hedyk Posts: 185 Member
    Female, 5'4"
    Starting Weight: 135 lbs
    Goal Weight: 115 lbs - Met

    I met my goal weight a few weeks ago. My new goal now is to maintain to stay close to 115 on average. I've also decided that I'm going to allow alcohol in moderation & see how it goes.

    Goal This Round: Maintain 115 lbs Average

    12/19 • 117 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights. 1300 cal.
    12/20 • 115 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights. 1500 cal.
    12/21 • 115 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights. 1300 cal.
    12/22 • 115 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights. 1300 cal. My body seems to like this weight, which is a good thing :)

    Average: 115.5