JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 26



  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    Back for another round. :) Need to get enough water each day, do some exercise, and get some decent sleep!

    SW: 174
    Round 12: 171.4
    Round 13: 168.6
    Round 15: 163.3
    Round 16: 164.4
    Round 18: 164.1
    Round 20: 165
    Round 21: 164.5
    Round 22: 164.1
    Round 23: 161.4
    Round 24: 159.9
    Round 25: 159.1

    12/19: 158.2 :)
    12/20: 158.7 1 out of 3 yesterday... I did get some good sleep last night. But not nearly enough water, no exercise, and a high calorie dinner. I feel even worse this morning. Just gotta hold on for a few days and then I have 11 days off from work! Don't know how I will manage 18 people at my house for Christmas eve, though... lots of water and vitamin C.
    12/21: 159.6 Was so busy did not get a chance to check in!
    12/22: 160.9 Oh boy. This is not a surprise! Had our dept. Christmas party last night. I don't think I need to go into detail. :s But... CHEESE! That is certainly my weakness. Today will be hard because I need to u-turn and get back on track. Hoping all the stuff I need to do today will keep me from eating mindlessly.
    12/23: 160.3 Drank a lot of water yesterday, did a lot of running around. Still managed to eat cookies while baking with my son last night. Woke up feeling old this morning. Not in a vain way... just more like... crap, I'm tired! I think my body is not liking food as a coping mechanism anymore because yesterday (post-cheese and wine party) I just felt horrible! I think I did have a true hangover! :s
  • I been bad and overate the last few days...will start fresh tomorrow. Probably. xD

    12/19 - 148.5 lb
    12/20 - 150 lb
    12/21 - 149 lb
    12/22 - x
    12/23 - 150 lb
    12/24 -
    12/25 -
    12/26 -
    12/27 -
    12/28 -
  • hammycakes
    hammycakes Posts: 388 Member
    Round 18 average weight 176.6
    Round 19 average weight 176.5
    Round 20 average weight 175.8
    Round 21 average weight 174.3
    Round 22 average weight 172.6
    Round 23 average weight 174.3
    Round 24 average weight 173.7
    Round 25 on vacay
    Round 26: tbd!

    Starting weight: 198
    Start this round: 173.4
    Goal this round: keep my average from last round? or less!
    UGW: +/- 145

    12/19 173.4
    Welp, it's the turning of the year, right around the corner. Definitely don't want to get into the "do whatever I want until New Years" state of mind. The next 10 days will be challenging.
    I had a rough eating day today, I have a head cold and I think I ate to try to feel better. Not that that works! but tomorrow is another day!
    Plan for tomorrow: stick to the plan. Drink all the water, and extra hot tea if I'm feeling snacky. Chewing gum. Brushing teeth after meals. Ugh, what else..

    12/20 173.4

    12/21 173.2
    Hosting a holiday party!

    12/22 174.5 not too bad for party aftermath.

    12/23 forgot to weigh! plan for today: lots of fruits and vegetables, and lots of water.
    Need to come up with a plan for the brunch tomorrow. And then stick to it.

    12/24 Brunch at family friends, followed by dinner at the fam's house!
    12/25 Dinner at the in-laws!
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,196 Member
    Goal this round = maintain -- my birthday is Friday and then Christmas. I don't plan to overdo the goodies, but I do intend to enjoy.

    Goal 140 by 2/17; UGW 130 by 6/30
    5'3", 64 yrs.
    Weight 2/2015 - 218
    Lost 68#, regained 12 (to 156) on metabolism reset 11/16-6/17.
    R15 end weight 151.2
    R16 end weight 151.4
    R17 end weight 151
    R18 end weight 150.4
    R19 end weight 149.6
    R20 end weight 149.3
    R21 end weight 149
    R22 end weight 148
    R23 end weight 148.4
    R24 end weight 149
    R25 end weight 148.4
    R26 goal 148.4 (maintain)

    12/19 - 149
    Not a surprise - we went out for lunch yesterday and I know my sodium was high and I feel bloated.

    12/20 - 149
    Definitely retaining water - I feel bloated.

    12/21 - 148.6
    That's better.

    12/22 - 148.6
    Going out for birthday lunch today, but I have my order planned - broiled seafood, veggies, and probably a dessert, no bread or potatoes. If the rain holds off I'll go for a walk later - had a good one yesterday. Thanks @quiltingjaine for remembering. :-)

    12/23 - 148.6
    Very happy with this since I had a major pig out yesterday - lunch out, with dessert - reasonably healthy but lots of calories - and then had a piece of cake and some other goodies later (hey, birthday stuff!) and had about 900 extra calories. I expect to bounce up tomorrow, but I'm ok with that. I'd just like to finish the round where I started. I'm not a sweet freak, but I do plan to have some fun!

    12/24 -
    12/25 -
    12/26 -
    12/27 -
    12/28 -

  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    Little dehydrated I think. 2nd day in a row of intermittent fasting and healthy smoothie for lunch to save room for holiday dinner (and wine)!

    SW 155.7 35.5% BF (July 19, 2017)
    GW 125-130, 21% BF
    Round 17 136.6 29.3% BF
    Round 18 138.0 28.5 % BF
    Round 19 135.1 27.0% BF (but had a couple extra days in there)
    Round 20 133.6 27.4% BF
    Round 21 133.0 26.2% BF
    Round 22 132.5 26.2% BF
    Round 23 133.3 24.4% BF
    Round 24 133.1 25.3% BF
    Round 25 135.0 26.9% BF

    Goal this round: Maintain. Since it is the holidays and I’ve been carbo-loading for my running, I think I am going to try to maintain this round at my Round 24 average after a little water retention at the end of Round 25.

    12/19 135.3 26.7% BF Ran 3.2 mi + PT
    12/20 133.2 26.1% BF Ran 3.2 mi + PT
    12/21 134.0 26.0% BF Ran 6.0 mi
    12/22 133.6 26.0% BF water walking/swimming + strength + PT
    12/23 132.0 26.2% BF run 7 mi + strength + PT + yoga
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    Round 25 started at 146 and went to 143LB
    12/19: 143
    12/20: 143
    12/21-12/23: 143
  • swopen
    swopen Posts: 165 Member
    SW: 269.4 (9/12/17)
    Highest: 279.8
    CW: 244.2
    R17SW: 264.2 R17EW: 262.0 Loss: 2.2
    R18SW: 262.0 R18EW: 256.6 Loss: 5.4
    R19SW: 256.6 R19EW: 251.4 Loss: 5.2
    R20SW: 251.4 R20EW: 247.6 Loss: 3.8
    R21SW: 247.6 R21EW: 248.4 Loss: +0.8
    R22SW: 248.4 R22EW: 241.2 Loss: 7.2
    R23SW: 241.2 R23EW: 242.8 Loss: +1.6
    R24SW: 242.8 R24EW: 243.0 Loss: +0.2
    R25SW: 243.0 R25EW: 244.2 Loss: +1.2

    R26GW: 242.0

    12/19 - 247.0 - I'm so tired of struggling. I cannot wait for the holiday season to be over for no other reason than I will not be so busy and can focus on my food and exercise again. Work Christmas party today (so restaurant food for lunch) but I have my run tonight. Hopefully that will help counteract the food.
    12/20 - 246.6 - Food, again, not good. And I had a terrible headache last night and was feeling down, but I made myself do my C25K W3D2 run. My body didn't want any part of it, but I powered through. My legs were burning from my knees down and I felt like I couldn't get enough water into my body. But, when I was finished, I kept walking for 35 minutes to 1-stretch out my legs and 2-it just felt good. If I can at least use SOME self control on my food, I feel like I'll make some actual progress again.
    12/21 - 246.4 - Working on it.
    12/22 - 247.2 - Did my run but late night snacking got me
    12/23 - 249.4 - Ugh, TOM. Not great in and of itself, but also making me make bad choices.
    12/24 -
    12/25 -
    12/26 -
    12/27 -
    12/28 -
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,821 Member
    Average weight per round
    R11 = 145.18 .....................R12 = 143.40
    R13 = 141.88 .....................R14 = 141.40
    R15 = 140.16 .....................R16 = 140.04
    R17 = 139.75 .....................R18 = 139.02
    R19 = 138.75. ....................R20 = 138.02
    R21 = 137.86......................R22 = 137.68
    R23 = 138.42......................R24 = 138.38
    R25 = 137.66 :)o:)<3

    I shall endeavour to be mindful about eating. With a birthday, hen do, wedding and Christmas in the next 10 days I'm going to have to be otherwise this new low is gonna evaporate!

    12/19 - 136.4 - a new low :smiley:
    12/20 - 137.2
    12/21 - 138.8 - Hen do last night, eat loads of lovely food. I'll eat clean today.
    12/22 - 138.0 - didn't eat clean....I think that's going to be a recurring theme over the next few days.
    12/23 - 138.4 - Wedding done, now just need to get through Christmas without too much gain.
    12/24 -
    12/25 -
    12/26 -
    12/27 -
    12/28 -
  • avasahka
    avasahka Posts: 91 Member
    Hello! This will be my first round ever, and I’m so excited to join in!

    OSW (4/25/17): 320
    R26SW: 265.4

    I’m leaving in the morning for a 2- or 3-day road trip to my home town for the holidays. The next 10 days will be a triple challenge for me, as my weaknesses are travel, holidays, and family. I’m going to rock this!

    12/19 - 264.5
    Yay! Starting strong! I haven’t left for my road trip yet though. Best laid plans, right?? Haha! Oh well, more time to prepare healthy food for the road!

    12/20 - 264.5
    No problem here! I drove for 5 hours yesterday and while I didn’t completely follow my food plans for the day, I did take frequent breaks to stretch and walk around. I was also really diligent about hydrating and not mindlessly snacking. Now to keep it up for the longer haul today!

    12/21 - 263.0
    Happy surprise loss! Yesterday’s drive was about 12 hours. I had a hard time staying within my calories, but I allowed myself to go over a bit because I felt legitimately hungry and decided to listen to my body. I also prioritized water and tons of breaks for walking around. I have 5-6 more hours of driving today, depending on mountain road conditions. Can’t wait to get there tonight and see my family!

    12/22 - 263.0
    Made it home! I’m about to go meet my brother for breakfast, and I’m going to do everything I can to stay on track!

    12/23 - 263.0
    Went a bit off course yesterday, but I’m happy it didn’t seem to affect my weigh-in today. And I’ve made up for it today by sticking to the plan while relaxing!

  • Morrighan_632017
    Morrighan_632017 Posts: 77 Member
    Love this challenge! You guys help me keep up the motivation to make the right choices each day (and goodness knows this is the 10 days I'm gonna need it the most).

    Historical Start weight: 252 lb.
    End weight Rnd 24: 225.6
    End weight End 25: 221.6

    Short term weight goal: limit the holiday gain to 0-5 lb gain BUT be realistic and forgiving if it end up being more.

    Short term life goal: have am excellent holiday season :smiley:


    12/19 - 220.2 - NSV - after what feels like weeks of eating sandwiches and previously made meal preps from earlier this month, I finally had time to make dinner after work. Usually it's draining but it's nice to not have to microwave dinner.
    12/20 - 219.6 - NSV - steps in, only gave into the cookie cravings a few time.
    12/21 - 218.8 - let the wooing begin!! Whatever, I haven't seen the 218 on the scale for over 10 years so I'm pretty damn proud at the moment, and you can't bring me down today. Don't worry, it'll go up at Christmas cause I'm going to eat all the turkey and I'll also be petty happy with myself then too.
    12/22 - 219.6 - looks like I'm regulating and this also probably marks the start of the alcohol consumption bump (I do hope the concerned wooing folks are feeling better now ;) ), seems even one drink spikes the scales which is normal for me. Since I'll be having a few for the next few days I'm expecting the rest of this round might be gains, which is fine, it's the holidays and I'll be back to a regular routine again in January.
    12/23 - 220.2 - the alcohol bump continues, to be expected, but I got my steps in so I'm satisfied.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    MFP Starting 2012 & 2015: 201
    MFP Starting 2017: 184

    Round 16 SW: 175.0
    Round 17 SW: 173.5
    Round 18 SW: 173.0
    Round 19 SW: 170.5
    Round 20 SW: 166.5
    Round 21 SW: 167.0
    Round 22 SW: 164.5
    Round 23 SW: 161.5
    Round 24 SW: 161.5
    Round 25 SW: 160.0
    Round 26 SW: 160.0

    12/19: 160
    I'd be higher but I was too nauseated to eat yesterday. I feel fine today (it was a reaction to an antibiotic) but it gives me a chance to reset. I've hard a hard time since Thanksgiving, with holiday gatherings and all. For the rest of the month I just don't want to lose ground and I'd love to see several days under 160.
    12/20: 160.0
    Pleased not to see a bump today. Did pretty well with my day overall.
    12/21: 159.5
    My lowest weight so far, I saw it so briefly back in Round 24. This time I want to keep moving in the right direction! Did well today, resisted all the goodies left in my inbox.
    12/22: 159.0
    I know it's early to claim this, there are still fluctuations to come, but this weight puts me in the "normal" BMI category, and I've been happy about it all day. This is a major goal a long time coming.

    12/23: 159.5
    Totally normal fluctuation, I hope I stay in this neighborhood. Had a good day, no sugar, ate well, good on protein, a little exercise, 2L water.
  • reede708
    reede708 Posts: 105 Member
    Round 22 SW: 140lb
    Round 23 SW: 140.3lb
    Round 24 SW: 140.2lb
    Round 25 SW: 136.9lb
    Round 26 SW: 137.4lb

    12/19 - 137.4lb
    12/20 - 138.8lb
    12/21 - 138.9lb
    12/22 - 138.4lb
    12/23 - 139lb
  • rtls
    rtls Posts: 285 Member
    R14 SW-160.38
    R15 SW- 158.4
    R16 SW- 155.98
    R17 SW- 154.66
    R18 SW- 153.12
    R19 SW- 152.68
    R20 SW- 150.7
    R21 SW- 149.82
    R22 SW- 148.94
    R23 SW- 148.94 (no loss last round)
    R24 SW- 147.84
    R25 SW- 146.3

    Current weight- 145.86
    10 Day Goal: 144.XX ? I would love to lose weight over the holidays, but I think maintaining is probably more achievable. I'm still going to give it a go though.

    12/19- 145.42 I'm doing ok with sticking to my calorie goal, but I need to find time to get back to exercising.
    12/20- 144.76 DH and I agreed to fill the stockings this year with a few pieces of really nice chocolate rather than filling them to the brim with tons of sweets and treats. Less temptation in the house is a good thing.
    12/22-144.76 My joints have been aching and swollen for the past 2 days. My sodium hasn't been high so I'm guessing I just need more water.
    12/23-146.3 Far too much Christmas cheer followed by late night snacking.

  • hedyk
    hedyk Posts: 185 Member
    Female, 5'4"
    Starting Weight: 135 lbs
    Goal Weight: 115 lbs - Met

    I met my goal weight a few weeks ago. My new goal now is to maintain to stay close to 115 on average. I've also decided that I'm going to allow alcohol in moderation & see how it goes.

    Goal This Round: Maintain 115 lbs Average

    12/19 • 117 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights. 1300 cal.
    12/20 • 115 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights. 1500 cal.
    12/21 • 115 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights. 1300 cal.
    12/22 • 115 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights. 1300 cal. My body seems to like this weight, which is a good thing :)
    12/23 • 115 • Ran 3.5 miles & lifted weights. 1600 cal. Day 1 of traveling. Ate way too many sweets.
    12/24 • No Scale. Day 2 of traveling. Walked 3 miles. 1150 cal. 2 servings of alcohol. Ate clean.

    Average: 115.4
  • BobWw2017
    BobWw2017 Posts: 356 Member
    R24 SW 191.4
    R25 SW 190.6
    R26 SW 189.2

    R26 Goal <= 189.2

    This round I'm going to try to keep within daily calorie limit, even when the refrigerator is full of leftover turkey. It'll be a real challenge to maintain where I am, but I find coming here daily really helpful.

    12/19 189.6. Yesterday was kind of a lazy day. If I’m going to make a move down most of it needs to be done in the next few days.
    12/20. 189.4. Every day I’m staying in this range is great!
    12/21. 189.4. Couldn’t ask for any better with the way things are going
    12/22. 188.6. I’m watching the food calories, but when it comes to the wine calories, I’m well up on the naughty list.
    12/23. 189.4. There have been years where I have really stacked it on over the holidays. It doesn’t look like this is going to be one of them. Just a matter of keeping it in check the next couple days then I’ll have a great place to start the downwards trip again.
    12/24. 189.6. Really glad to have held it in this range to this point.

  • Lauburn12
    Lauburn12 Posts: 44 Member
    This is my first day and my first challenge, starting at 169lbs, highest I have ever been.

    SW: 169
    GW: 130

    R26 GW: Maintain (for the week that's in it) or -1lb

    12/19 - 169lbs
    12/20 - 166.6lbs my body must be in shock!Whoop!!
    12/21 - 166.2lbs Need to have more water- feel really dehydrated this morning
    12/22 - 165.4lbs I’m so shocked! But I think the reality is I binged for about a week before I started this challenge but happy it’s moving. Out for Christmas drinks tonight so not too sure if tomorrow will be good!
    12/23 - 165.4lbs happy with this as I was out last night but I am definitely more mindful of what I’m eating/drinking because of this challenge. I would be happy to finish at 165 by the end of this challenge to set me up for the new year!
    12/24 - 167.2 oops getting a bit slack with my tracking and ate loads of cheese last night. Won’t be able to weigh in for a few days but want to wish everyone a Happy Christmas x
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,361 Member
    I hope everyone has a wonderful end to the year

    SW, 212 -
    Loss BY AVG weight 19.4lbs.
    Loss BY SW --- 18 lbs

    spoiler Contains my Average weights and my total losses in each round from R8 - R25
    R08, Avg weight - 203.4 Total Down 8.4lbs
    R09, Avg weight - 201.4 Total down 10.4lbs
    R10, Avg weight - 201.1 Total down 10.7lbs
    R11, Avg weight - 200.2 Total down 11.8lbs
    R12, Avg weight - 197.7 Total down 14.3lbs
    R13, Avg weight - 198.4 ^^^ gone up
    R14, Avg weight - 197.2 Total down 14.8lbs
    R15, Avg weight - 197.9 ^^^ gone up
    R16, Avg weight - 196.4 Total down 15.6lbs
    R17, Avg weight - 196.3 Total down 15.7lbs
    R18, Avg weight - 196.5 ^^^ gone up
    R19, Avg weight - 196.1 Total down 15.9lbs ~~~ started eating higher to save my hair
    R20, Avg weight - 194.5 Total down 17.5lbs
    R21, Avg weight - 194.8 ^^^ gone up
    R22. Avg weight - 194.8 ~~~ stayed the same ~~~ but I've stopped losing my hair
    R23, Avg weight - 193.3 Total down 18.7 lbs
    R24, Avg weight - 192.3 Total down 19.7 lbs
    R25, Avg weight - 192.6 ^^^ gone up

    R26 SW - 194

    My goal for R24, R25 R26 is for my average weight to drop under 192 lbs

    UGW 140

    18/12 - 194 - R25 .. showed me a new low and two freaky highs .... I am 10 (or so) days away from TOM so I am hoping that's what the issue is!!

    19/12 - 194.4 <<< another WTH moment ... I have no idea whats with these gains. Just hoping it levels out soon!!
    20/12 - 192.6 - It was just pointed out to me that Indian take away is quite salty and that may have been the reason for the big raise, this drop today (after drinking my water yesterday) maybe says that's true.
    21/12 - 192.6 - still drinking that water and hoping I get back to the 191 that showed last round!
    22/12 - 192.4 - xmas shopping, ate out
    23/12 - 193.6 - xmas shopping , ate out
    24/12 - 194 - expected!
    25/12 -
    26/12 -
    27/12 -
    28/12 -

  • CynthiaByrne
    CynthiaByrne Posts: 344 Member

    ROUND 22 starting weight 185.6
    ROUND 23 starting weight 184.7
    ROUND 24 starting weight 184.2
    ROUND 25 starting weight 184.4
    ROUND 26 starting weight 185.8

    12 / 19 - 185.8...Maintaining my weight at 185. I'm becoming more aware, so maybe I'll start losing?
    12 / 20 - 184.5...Heading into Christmas with a lower weight would be good.
    12 / 21 - 186.4....Had a Choir Practice/Christmas Party last night....too many nibblies' = weight gain!
    12 / 22 - 185.8... OK, that's a bit better, but I need to pull up my socks if I want a loss over Christmas
    12 / 23 - 185.4.....Christmas dinner tonight with Step-daughters & Son's in law
    12 / 24 - 189.0.....Guess I enjoyed myself a little too much? Luckily I have no other dinners to attend
    Christmas Day -
    12 / 26 -
    12 / 27 -
    12 / 28 -

    My ultimate goal is 170lbs, so any loss is a good loss.

    "It won't be easy, but it WILL be worth it!"

  • Day/Weight/Comment

    12/19…162….if I can stay in this 2 pound bounce around that I have been doing since joining the challenges will be good through the end of the year. The last 2 holiday parties the 29th & 30th (at my house and all the cooking etc.) The other 2 on the 24th & 25th shouldn’t be quite as bad. (hopefully).
    12/24….161 cooking today for part of the family….one Christmas celebration and then travel tomorrow and more eating…..on the plus side I haven’t had any Christmas candy yet.