Lose 5 Pounds a Month August 2011 Challenge



  • AmandaB4588
    I went walking tonight! Im so excited. I walked for a total of 40 minutes. 10 down to my moms house and 30 around town after talking for a while. My first step in the right direction this summer.

    dmg that is amazing that you could reach your goal weight by your birthday! good luck and drag me with you haha.

    so if I loose 5 pounds a month i will be at my goal of 125 in march! so excited

    That's awesome!! Stick to your plan, girl, and you can do it!
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    01/08/11 = 220
    08/08/11 = ?
    15/08/11 = ?
    22/08/11 = ?
    29/08/11 = ?

    i'm in for a big kick this month, here's to all doing the best we can

    5/8 not my officaila weigh in day but i've checked for something else and i am at 218, 2lb down
    off to my neices wedding later today so who knows what monday will tell...
  • deankaydee
    Count me in i weighed in at 172lbs on the 1st. Will let you know when I get to 167lbs pretty soon though :wink:
  • KatherineSLim
    KatherineSLim Posts: 18 Member
    I pound down :-)
    Feeling a little more energy too, bonus! And am starting to get out of the 'why bother' mindset I've slipped into lately....

    8/01: 155
    8/08: 154
    8/15: ?
    8/22: ?
    8/29: ?
    8/31: ?
  • njbooklover
    njbooklover Posts: 77 Member
    Weekly Weigh-in:

    7/28 - 218 and change
    8/4 - 218 on the dot
    8/11 - ?
    8/18 - ?
    8/25 - ?

    I think I lost about 1/2 a pound. This was my first week using the site. I adjusted my activity level and that dropped my calories for the day a lot. Next week should be better, but harder. LOL
  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    Hi, my start weight on Aug 1st was 196 and I have weighed in today and lost 2lbs (which I had put on last week eeeekkkk) xxx

    1/8 196
    5/8 194
  • Maghenta
    Maghenta Posts: 100
    Am so IN....
  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member
    I gained 2 lbs this week. Next week I'm expecting TOM. I need to go back to the gym......
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,108 Member

    Bru - we're having a party on Saturday too. Not sure how I'm going to stay on track. Are you allowing yourself a 'cheat' day for your bday?
    Well, I didn't log yesterday (nor will I tomorrow) if that's what you mean. But no, I do not do cheat days. If I want cake, I eat it, just in portion. I always do it in moderation, reguardless of the celebration, mine or someone elses' .. the way I see it : who am I seriously cheating if I have a 'cheat' day? Myself, why would I want to cheat myself?

    Does that make sense? Plus, I don't know how I would do if I gave myself such a day. I'd hate to see the scale afterwards!

    Ad thanks again for the birthday wishes! My day was great, especially when my aunt won her 10yr custody battle! It's been a LONG time coming! We literally danced the night away last night :) Today, I got to clean up the mess and tomorrow is the pool party. Just finished making 87 jello shots.. oh boy.. lol
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Went walking again today! 2 days in a row im doing great and I walked for 35 minutes this time. Its TOM Though so Im not expecting a loss... I wont be on till sunday night I work a double tomorrow and a day shift sunday so I'll see you then! Weigh in day is monday so I can get one more walk in on sunday before I weigh in. Have a great weekend everyone
  • StanziMasaki
    08/01/2011: 144.0
    08/05/2011: 143.7

    A small amount lost! Oh well~ Every little bit counts right? :D Hopefully I can lose even more by the end of the month!
  • AmandaB4588
    8/1: 155.8
    8/6: 156.8 :huh:

    I freaking gained a pound! I am not sure why. My neck is swollen from the car accident so maybe that's it--- what do you guys think? Or maybe my body is just acting a little funky.

    I followed my plan all week. I had one binge incident but those don't tend to be as bad when you only have healthier things in the house! :laugh: My binge consisted of popcorn (100 calorie bag,) fruit, and a piece of whole wheat toast; all in a matter of minutes! So despite losing control like that, I had the points for it.

    No matter what it was.... MOVING FORWARD!! I won't have a weigh in next week (will be out of town) so I hope to see a big number the week after.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    ARGH - after 3 BBQ's in 2 days, I have gained back all the pounds down that I was seeing last week when I was peeking at the scale. Hopefully if I really watch myself today, I can lose at least a bit of it before weigh-in tomorrow.

    Amanda, I hope you're feeling better. I'm guessing the endorphins released by your body from exercise are what made you feel better. I read this online (just a comment, not from a professional source): "It varies for everyone but in general the "high" you get can last up to an hour after a workout." Hopefully the extra weight showing on the scale is just from fluids from the swelling, and that you will be back down by your next weigh-in. Let me know when you to get to the C25k. I'm thinking of heading to the treadmill after this.

    Bru, I hope you enjoyed your bday and custody celebrations! My problem with 'party' environments is that I tend to snack all evening. A few tortilla chips with 7 layer dip here, a piece of cake there, some veggies and fruits so I don't feel so guilty, then some bites of cheese and pepperoni, and a few more chips, etc. I didn't drink to excess at least (3 coolers all evening), so at least any crappiness I am feeling is due to overindulging in food, not alcohol. My MIL came to the BBQ portion of the evening, then took our girls home with her for a sleepover, so I was able to relax in bed this morning which is a rare treat indeed.

    55, way to go on your walking! If you stay consistent and keep at it, I'm sure you will see a great result this week.

    Off to the treadmill, then a nice soak in the tub or at least a quick shower (depending on whether the girls are back or not)...
  • lilieslosinit
    lilieslosinit Posts: 101 Member
    Down 2 lbs this week! Great start to the 5lb challenge :) Hoping (and by hoping I mean working my butt off) for another pound this week!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    The girls got home before I made it to the treadmill, so I went after they were in bed. I did my "Week 3.5" workout for C25k, and actually managed to run all 4 of the 3 minute intervals. I did slow down from my regular pace for the last minute of the last interval, but at least I was still jogging! Amanda, you'll have to let me know how you do when you try it...

    Amanda - I love your new Youtube video! Your dogs are soo cute! My mom is babysitting my sister's dog while they are at a cottage, and I am going to see my mom tomorrow, so I'll take the dog for a walk while I'm there.

    Ok, I'm feeling good about not letting the weekend BBQ fiascos get me down. I'm back on track today, and will hopefully be able to post a loss tomorrrow. It's late here, so good night!
  • moyafigura
    moyafigura Posts: 140 Member
    8/01 = 142.0
    8/08 = 143.6 I'm not at home, weight on sister in laws scale, dont know if that is why there is a difference because i have not been over eating and have been exercising, cant wait to get home and get on my own scale to see the correct numbers :) hope next week will see it being down...
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Great job Dm!

    Another day of walking down! Walked for an hour and ten minutes then visited with my sister for a while and walked the two blocks home.. Normally I would have waited and had my hubby give me a ride since it was dark and that but I decided to walk home and catch him on his way out the door.

    Cant wait to weigh in im hoping to still see that 2 pounds loss that I saw before I went to work all weekend (they feed me too well haha)
  • hydranger
    hydranger Posts: 23 Member
    I've only lost 1lb but that's enough to be on target.

    08/01/2011: 143.00
    08/05/2011: 142.00
    08/31/2011: Will have to weigh in early coz going on hols on 29th
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    August 1: 119
    August 8: 116
    August 15:
    August 22:
    August 29:
    August 31:

    3 down, 2 to go.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Not a bad start - lost 1.5 lbs this week, I'm happy with that

    01/08/11 = 184.5
    08/08/11 = 183
    15/08/11 = ?
    22/08/11 = ?
    29/08/11 = ?