Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    P.S. glad your husbands appt went okay and you’re happy with the cardiologist. What does a stress test involve? Xxx
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    Goals for today accomplished. Night everyone! o:)
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited December 2017
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Thursday
    1. Water :)
    2. Continue tidying studio. The quilt is calling. :) and it's now in my machine!
    3. Slow cooker dinner :)
    4. Brush and floss :)
    5. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Friday
    1. Water
    2. Recycling
    3. Groceries
    4. Walk if hubby gets home at a reasonable time
    5. Pool
    6. Brush and floss
    7. Bed by 10:30
  • mamaof3boys18
    mamaof3boys18 Posts: 8 Member
    edited December 2017
    My life is super super busy with three preteen boys in sports, I am always on the go and workout time for mommy isn't even a consideration right now. This is tough b/c I LOVE working out, but I'm up at 3:30 each morning and finally crash EXHAUSTED at 9 each night. Let me mention, I teach first grade, which helps me get my steps in...lol..but accounts for some of my exhaustion! So my goals will seem small and silly, but one step at a time, one day at a time. I'm hoping this accountability will help with my journey. So since working out is out for this portion of my life, I can "easily" focus on food. Here are my simple goals for today:

    Friday 12/29. Drink 48 oz of water or green tea
    Stretch 2x today
    Eat sugar ONLY with lunch (not all day long like usual!)
    Finish the valley loop on fit bit 3x this week=17k a day
    No pop for breakfast
    5 - 1 minute wall sits
    Eat all my calories between 11:30-3:30

  • soulraver
    soulraver Posts: 17 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    soulraver wrote: »
    soulraver wrote: »
    Im hoping to join in :) I love this idea!
    Just for Today
    1. Stick to 1200 calories
    2. No junk
    3. Workout (i can already cross this one off!)
    4. lots of water

    I totally smashed today :) So freaking happy with myself.

    Tomorrow will be exactly the same goals.
    1. Stick to 1200 calories
    2. No junk
    3. Workout
    4. lots of water

    So you’ve done it for the one day.

    No reason why you can do it again!
    You know it’s achieveable now!

    Thanks So Much Bex!!!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,600 Member
    So, looks like I'm going to have to dust off the treadmill tonight....you know, put away the sweaters that are hanging on it, dust off the controls, move boxes piled on it...

    Me too! I had to dust the controls, replace the batteries and move boxes stored on the treadmill. :blush::D
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,600 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I've been trying to fight off a cold, and it just keeps getting worse. Which makes me grumpy and frustrated! I have been drinking orange juice, which I know is adding to the scale, and have not been to the gym since before Christmas. So I'm going to try and take it easy today, and just rest, and drink more water instead of orange juice.

    And for those who asked, my husbands appt went OK. They are going to do a stress test and a echocardiogram on January 5th, so hopefully that will all be OK. But we liked the cardiologist, and feel very comfortable with him.

    What worked to minimize my cold: Zinc tablets (I've used Walgreens brand and Zicam) throughout the day, extra vitamin C pill with every meal, lots & lots of water and hot tea to flush my system, and as much rest/sleep as I could before the holidays. I took a break from the treadmill too, to let my body fight the cold without extra stress.

    Glad for the news about your hubby, I will keep you both in my prayers. (((hugs)))
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,600 Member
    Recap R 12/28 - Slept instead of treadmill before work, still getting back to normal routine. :# I will get back on treadmill this week, I promise. Today's workplace snowshoe hike has been canceled b/c wind chills are below 0 degrees F. We may get several inches of snow this afternoon, so maybe shoveling can be my workout. :p = Only had maybe 1" fluffy snow & hubby left note before going to work he would shovel when snow flurries stopped & he returned home. And he did. <3
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 9,124 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 34 floors. :smiley:
    2) Net calories green / drink > 12c water = Net calories & sugar red, but most of sugar was fruit, not treats, so that's an improvement. :p 12c water. :smile:
    3) Evening: no choir rehearsal / boil eggs / make Italian veggie pasta soup / do at least one thing on short to-do list = Eggs & soup done :smiley: / short list now shorter :smile: / oldest brother called, he'll be in area Friday for x-country skiing (he's training for American Birkebiener, which he's done > 25 times!) & we'll meet up in evening :smiley:
    4) Floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 = As much as I did NOT want to: Done :smiley: / done :smiley: / just :smiley:

    JFT F 12/29 - Getting back into my groove. :smiley:
    1) Walked 3 miles on treadmill / 51:07 before work. :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green & > 12c water...may be hard to do, since oldest brother wants to take me out for dinner
    4) Be productive at work...so easy to slide by this week

    That's enough for a Friday. Have a great day, everyone!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    12/29 Friday JFT:

    Well today is going to be a day of "get done what I can." My youngest woke up from a late nap yesterday running a 102.7 °F temp. So off to the hospital we went. They checked for strep, flu and pneumonia.........luckily nothing. Turns out he just has a common cold :joy: Fortunately we were home by 10 pm. Our focus will be cleaning up everywhere and keeping him cozied up on couch to recover. Hopefully no one else comes down with anything. Beyond that, I think I'm just going to do some cleaning and organizing.

    I heard an interesting talk on KLove radio that has inspired me. They were talking about resolutions and how people say "on this particular day I'm going to change everything." Then it becomes overwhelming and things fall to the wayside. So instead on getting back to prenatal exercise schedule on Monday, I've decided I'm going to ease back into my exercises starting today. :blush:

    ▪Woke up late
    ▪Relaxed and caught up with some blogs, Lol :lol:
    ▪Be nurse to my little one :love:
    ▪Clean up and organize (office and closet)
    ▪Elliptical (ease back into it)
    ▪Dinner by 7 pm
    ▪Bedtime by 10 pm
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    JFT F 12/29 - Getting back into my groove. :smiley:
    1) Walked 3 miles on treadmill / 51:07 before work. :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green & > 12c water...may be hard to do, since oldest brother wants to take me out for dinner
    4) Be productive at work...so easy to slide by this week

    That's enough for a Friday. Have a great day, everyone!

    I got on mine last night and seriously was only able to go for 15 minutes! I was disgusted with myself! How pathetic is that?! I just tried to keep reminding myself that it is 15 minutes more than I did the day before... I cannot even imagine doing this much before work! You are a Rock Star!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Just for Thursday:
    :) 1. Journal every bite.
    :) 2. Increase water intake
    :) 3. Leave work at 4:30 and do not take work home with me
    :/ 4. No social media after 8:00 p.m. (except MFP if needed) Got caught up reading some of my home emails.
    :s 5. No ice cream tonight with husband Does cheesecake with raspberry topping count?
    ;) 6. Treadmill for 30 minutes. Only made it 15 minutes before my knee went out on me.
    :) 7. Read the final chapters of the mystery I've been enjoying Starting a new one tonight. I have read like 5 mysteries since I resigned from my old job! Very cool....
    :) 8. Prepare for tomorrow, tonight - coffee maker, pack lunch, set out clothes, pack work bag
    ;) 9. Unplug one hour prior to bed. Gratitude Journal. Read Simple Abundance Chapter Did not unplug but did write in gratitude journal and read Simple Abundance Chapter.

    JFT - Friday 12/29
    1. Journal intake and stay in the GREEN
    2. HYDRATE. Drink five 16 oz bottles of water today.
    3. Remember to take Fish Oil and Calcium supplements tonight
    4. Treadmill - Beat last night's time (should not be hard to do since last night's time was so pathetic!)
    5. No ice cream tonight with husband
    6. Listen to Optimal Living podcasts
    7. No early bedtime since it is Friday, but still write 5 things I'm thankful for in gratitude journal and read Simple Abundance
    8. Perform at least one random act of kindness today
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,600 Member
    JFT F 12/29 - Getting back into my groove. :smiley:
    1) Walked 3 miles on treadmill / 51:07 before work. :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green & > 12c water...may be hard to do, since oldest brother wants to take me out for dinner
    4) Be productive at work...so easy to slide by this week

    That's enough for a Friday. Have a great day, everyone!

    I got on mine last night and seriously was only able to go for 15 minutes! I was disgusted with myself! How pathetic is that?! I just tried to keep reminding myself that it is 15 minutes more than I did the day before... I cannot even imagine doing this much before work! You are a Rock Star!

    15 minutes is a good start! And it's certainly better than nothing. :D Last January, I was lazy and wasn't walking on the treadmill at all. I had to start slow and work up to where I am now. Baby steps.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    I got on mine last night and seriously was only able to go for 15 minutes! I was disgusted with myself! How pathetic is that?! I just tried to keep reminding myself that it is 15 minutes more than I did the day before... I cannot even imagine doing this much before work! You are a Rock Star!

    Last august I joined a gym, and I could not even do 10 minutes on the treadmill!! Now, I can easily do 60-90 minutes. So even though you say it was only 15 minutes, that is a awesome start!! Think of how far you will be next year at this time!!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    edited December 2017
    JFT Friday
    1. Gym at 9:30 for strength class ✔. Treadmill to 8k ✔. Get to 10k by 6 PM around the house.
    2. Prelog food ❌. Eat only what's already been logged into MFP ❌. Stay within calorie goal.
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo ✔. Run lines ✔. Practice piano 20 min.
    4. Get in touch with B and see about making plans to get together. ✔
    5. Grade late work from the end of the semester.
    6. Request unofficial transcript.
    7. Call Disney to add a person to a dining reservation.
    8. Check pantry; update the grocery list. Semester 2 starts next week.
    9. Begin re-reading Ready Player One.
    10. Put dishes away. ✔
    11. List 5 things I'm thankful for. (stolen from @OConnell5483)
    12. Clean the small bathroom. Make the bed in the guest room.
    13. Teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 10:

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    Jan 1 goal: 169.6 - 7 lbs, should be ~1.5/week

    Today: 175.6

    Well, while I was absolutely miserable yesterday, I had a whoosh as a result of staying in bed for most of the day. I didn't go to the gym but I did pace the house enough to get my 10k steps in. Still don't think it was worth it :P

    Given how little I've run my lines for the play, I was really happy that went as well as it did. I should be able to be off-book when we start up again.
    I got on mine last night and seriously was only able to go for 15 minutes! I was disgusted with myself! How pathetic is that?! I just tried to keep reminding myself that it is 15 minutes more than I did the day before... I cannot even imagine doing this much before work! You are a Rock Star!

    Every little bit helps. Right now I'm working toward being able to run a mile without stopping. You may want to see if it's more effective to go longer at a slower pace. Baby steps! Small changes are often more sustainable. You got this!

    PS - what mystery are you currently reading?
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member

    @clicketykeys I've read that muscle weighs more than fat, so maybe that what is causing a higher number on the scale.
    Today: 181.6: YOWZA. So I think most of that is probably water weight, but it's definitely discouraging. The thing is, I've trimmed up a LOT, and I've got some definition in my arms and shoulders that I'm really enjoying. Which is great, don't get me wrong, but the thing is, I need to make sure that I don't let that become a distraction and start backsliding.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    JFT F 12/29 - Getting back into my groove. :smiley:
    1) Walked 3 miles on treadmill / 51:07 before work. :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green & > 12c water...may be hard to do, since oldest brother wants to take me out for dinner
    4) Be productive at work...so easy to slide by this week

    That's enough for a Friday. Have a great day, everyone!

    I got on mine last night and seriously was only able to go for 15 minutes! I was disgusted with myself! How pathetic is that?! I just tried to keep reminding myself that it is 15 minutes more than I did the day before... I cannot even imagine doing this much before work! You are a Rock Star!

    That’s a good start!!
    Do you remember that 40 min video I posted with the 3 sets of cardio and then strength?
    I could only do the first set to begin with! 2 weeks later I did 2 sets and I reckon had I not got pregnant I would be killing it right now and have an amazing *kitten*! :sweat_smile:

    How many mins did you do yesterday? 0?
    If so then you’ve already done 15 times better than yesterday!

    Keep at it! Bet you any money that in 2 weeks you’ll be doing more than 15 mins!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    1. rest to try and get rid of this cold :) I rested a lot yesterday --- and feel SO much better today! Still not feeling great, but compared to yesterday, a big improvement!
    2. try not to snap at hubby and daughter. Rest instead :) Laid in bed and worked on business expenses - something I just hate doing! But watched "shark tank", and drank my Orange juice, and got a lot done
    3. drink water :)

    JFT, Friday
    1. drink water
    2. eat as healthy as possible, but focus more on getting over this cold

    @Bex made me realize yesterday that success is NOT about what the scale says. SUCCESS is measured in so many ways. (thank you Bex!),
    SO I am doing what @Bex suggested -- list FIVE things I HAVE accomplished this year. I would love to have you guys all do the same --- we have ALL been so successful, and again, I cannot thank you guys for the help in all of us improving our selves!

    This is some of the things I have accomplished this year

    1. Starting weight January 2017 was 217.7. Today, my weight is at 196. Down more than 20 pounds! Even though that is more than I was in October (I was at 188), I have to still consider this a success!
    2. I now go to the gym on average of 5 times a week. I used to HATE going to the gym
    3. I started out on the treadmill doing less than 10 minutes -- and was so out of breath. Today, I can easily do 60-90 minutes on the treadmill, while chatting with the friends that I have made at the gym
    4. My speed on the treadmill when I started was about 3.0, with the incline at 0. Now, I can easily set my incline at 10.0, with speed set at 4.0 . (All the while, talking with the new friends I have made at the gym)
    5. I consistently get on MFP -- thank you guys for that! If it were not for this thread, I probably would have quit last April, and most likely gained back what I had lost

    SO look for a new thread on January 1st!! A new fresh start!! Next year, I am going to get those last 25 pounds off, and reach my goal. Not only the goal on the scale, but I plan to also list non-scale victories I want to do next year!

    So glad you got your mind in the right frame!
    Sometimes it takes someone else to see it and say something because you can’t see it yourself!

    My five achievements are:

    1. From the start of January to mid May I lost 8lbs! (Then became pregnant)
    2. Consistently stuck at something for a YEAR even in the hardest times!
    3. Made some amazing friends! (I don’t really have friends IRL)
    4. I’ve actually started to come out of my depression. Not sure how I’ve managed it but I certainly don’t think I feel as bad as I used to!
    5. Grown a baby! Without losing the plot too much haha :sweat_smile:
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    @clicketykeys I've read that muscle weighs more than fat, so maybe that what is causing a higher number on the scale.
    Today: 181.6: YOWZA. So I think most of that is probably water weight, but it's definitely discouraging. The thing is, I've trimmed up a LOT, and I've got some definition in my arms and shoulders that I'm really enjoying. Which is great, don't get me wrong, but the thing is, I need to make sure that I don't let that become a distraction and start backsliding.

    Probably not, unfortunately. For the same volume, muscle doesn't weigh significantly more than fat, and it takes awhile to build muscle - especially for women.

    Additionally - today I was back down a significant amount. So that adds to my hypothesis that it was water retention! ;D lol how I *wish* it was that easy to lose several pounds of fat! but alas, biology! my old nemesis! *shakes my fist at the sky*

    I like weighing every day because it helps me get used to those jumps. Where I get nervous is when I see a slow upward trend over several days or a week. The "critical creep," I call it.