The Keto Way

Looking for like minded individuals to share information and support.


  • Moscaros000
    Moscaros000 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for tips on how to keto!
  • trigwed25
    trigwed25 Posts: 1 Member
    Also trying keto lost 9 lbs in 4 weeks going great
  • Markeisha55
    Markeisha55 Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hello! I'm new to the Keto way of eating. I started on December 1st. I didn't stick to it 100% (good ol Christmas holiday laziness) but have managed to lose 13 lbs. I've read articles in medical journals, got info from some really cool FB pages & snagged some recipes from Pinterest (like pancakes...ahh) I knew there was life after carbs ;) Best of luck to everyone!
  • AlexMorganMc
    AlexMorganMc Posts: 42 Member
    Hi there! Just recently started keto to help with some medical issues, and honestly I'm amazed at how I feel so far. Feel free to add me if you're looking for a keto support system or if you want to look at another diary for ideas on how/what to eat. :-)
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi all! I've been eating the Keto lifestyle since October 1st. I've lost 30 pounds, but more importantly, my blood sugar readings are now normal. My blood pressure is now normal.

    If you're looking for like-minded people, join the Low Carber Daily and the Keto groups. They are both very supportive and have tons of tips and recipes. Good luck!
  • jmmj0823
    jmmj0823 Posts: 3 Member
    Started keto 12/26 still learning but 2 lbs down in 6 days... joined 10 gym yesterday first workout today!!!!
  • ricmac68
    ricmac68 Posts: 10 Member
    I follow a keto way of eating (formerly Atkins decade back) How I do best...breads and sugar and snacks don't agree with my body. I have lost over 300 lbs this time..years back was about 250-275 pounds. It does work.
  • Thr33N1N3
    Thr33N1N3 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm keto. I just started. Over 300 pounds and ready to fix my body.
  • shutterbugjan
    shutterbugjan Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there! I'm doing90 Day Keto Challenge, this is Day #1. Hey Moscaros000 look for 90 day Keto challenge group on Facebook for recipes, tips. Also Low Carb Challenge group.
  • milonedp
    milonedp Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2018
    Interested in learning more about Keto, specifically what would a typical week of meals look like. Anyone have good information like that?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    lots of keto and low carbers boards just do a simple search and voila.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    If you're looking for like-minded people, join the Low Carber Daily and the Keto groups. They are both very supportive and have tons of tips and recipes. Good luck!

    These two groups are really good. The both have lots of organized information in their stickies too. Great resources.

    Good luck.
  • lavadaguthrie
    lavadaguthrie Posts: 2 Member
    Hi There! My husband and I just restarted our keto journey this week and looking for others on the same path. Recipes and easy things to throw together are the hardest right now.