Late 20s / early 30s women



  • changing_becca
    changing_becca Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm about to turn 32 in April and just had a sweet surprise baby last year. It had been 7 years since my first kiddo was born so I honestly never thought we would get pregnant again due to infertility issues. But Surprise! Needless to say this pregnancy wasn't as kind to me as the first and I have really let myself go since the new addition. I need to lose 75 lbs, but my main goal is just to feel good and be more active. So, hook a girl up and be my accountabilabuddy. Working to get that hot mom bod that I have always wanted.
  • ms1allie88
    ms1allie88 Posts: 5 Member
    29 years old with roughly 50lbs to lose, feel free to add me!
  • pushingoars
    pushingoars Posts: 12 Member
    Hey I'm 29 with 100lbs that I want to lose overall. I am turning 30 this summer and would like to be in a better place physically and mentally when I reach that milestone. I am pretty good and dropping weight when I am actually utilizing fitness trackers and being accountable! Let's all hit our goals together! feel free to add me!
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 30 and have about 20 lbs left to lose. Would love some accountability partners. Feel free to add me!
  • elvie3evc
    elvie3evc Posts: 1 Member
    I stress eat! Planning for a wedding is SO FUN... (sarcasm). Need to cut down 40lbs... ugh. Help!
  • cutecolleen85
    cutecolleen85 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I am almost 33 and would like to lose about 20lbs or so. I would love some accountability partners so feel free to add me! :)
  • gemma968
    gemma968 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me I'm 32 and looking for support to do this again ☺
  • Skeen070
    Skeen070 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there! My name is Sam and I'm looking for some friends to help keep me motivated to log my food/exercise. I'm 28 years old and have been successful on here before...just need to get back into the swing of things! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • CaydensMommy
    CaydensMommy Posts: 315 Member
    Hello all! I'm 33 and would like to eventually lose 85 more pounds. Started back in September. Lost 40 by Christmas. But Christmas and New Year's gave me a small set back. So I'm back on it again today. Feel free to add me!
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    Yes! 29 here, turning 30 in August and hoping to get rid of as much weight as humanly possible with over 100 lbs to lose :( . Seems an impossible task to me, but hoping to improve my life and my health. Feel free to add open to any new friends :)
  • racheld0526
    racheld0526 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a newbie here! I just turned 30 and I'm trying to get back on track with health/fitness. I don't have much to lose, it's more about accountability and staying on track for me. I used to do an awesome 21DF motivational group and I'm looking for something similar (without having to fork over $130/month for Shakeology
  • Cynthiarocking12
    Cynthiarocking12 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello! I'm 31 years old and would definitely welcome the support and an accountability partner. I plan to lose 60 pounds.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • fifleswild
    fifleswild Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ladies!! I'm getting back on track after putting on weight in grad school and holding on to it for a little too long... I will be 30 next August and would love to look and feel better about myself than I do now! Add me!
  • HoneyQH
    HoneyQH Posts: 9 Member
    27 and a goal of 50lbs to lose. Looking for a support system but too shy to add people haha. :D
  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    Yeeessss! I’m 26 and I would like to lose 50 pounds and become waaaay more active by the end of the year!
  • Cynthiarocking12
    Cynthiarocking12 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello again! I've just created this specific group in hopes that some can join and support each other through our journey. It's about sharing our stories (if we like to of course), and truly encouraging each other to do the best we can do. My goal is to eat healthy, work out and lose 60 pounds.
    The group name is as follows:
    "Late 20s & early 30s (Women only): Buddy up - No regrets"
    Thanks! :#
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I am 26 years old going to 27 years old in August I want to lose 80lbs but I would be happy to lose 27lbs by my birthday because I lost over 30lbs before but then I stop and now I have gained the weight again at the moment I weigh 186.6lbs so if I do lose the 27lbs by my birthday I will be down to 159.6lbs. So if any of you want to add me then I would love that.
  • gillythyme
    gillythyme Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 31 with 33 lbs left to lose. Looking for friends and support as this is such a lonely battle. Please feel free to add me!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I'm 30 and have about 85 lbs to lose. I am starting the year strong and hoping to continue through the whole year making small changes.