January 2018 Starting Simply Keto

sweet1at71 Posts: 1 Member
edited January 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Happy New Year! Starting Ketogenic Lifestyle would love to make new friends doing the same thing. Welcome!


  • mrajon12
    mrajon12 Posts: 11 Member
    Did Keto successfully in 2016. Maintained with a little fluctuation in 2017 by eating nonsense, LOL. Starting 2018 right by being back on the Keto Bandwagon!

    Current Weight: 168lbs
    Goal: 135lbs
    Originally: 245lbs
  • ebuswell4
    ebuswell4 Posts: 3 Member
    Happy New year, I as well as starting keto. My first day will be tomorrow. I spent all day researching and planning my week and meal prepping. I feel I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm 29, I'll be 30 in May and I want to lose 60-80 pounds I'm currently at 245.
  • Smarttasha
    Smarttasha Posts: 11 Member
    Hello all i have had great success with Keto and would love to help anyone that might need help adapting to keto.
  • ptkpres24
    ptkpres24 Posts: 1 Member
    What's a good resource for meal options for the keto diet?
  • mrajon12
    mrajon12 Posts: 11 Member
    Honestly, Reddit’s Keto section is an amazing resource! Not to steer anyone away from the message boards on MFP but it’s the truth! Lol
  • August2444
    August2444 Posts: 31 Member
    New to keto here too. I'm on day 2.
  • Melina8007
    Melina8007 Posts: 1 Member
    Smarttasha wrote: »
    Hello all i have had great success with Keto and would love to help anyone that might need help adapting to keto.

    Hi, I would want to start Keto. I actually dont know how to avoid rice and wheat
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi all you Keto Newbies! Welcome! For some excellent support and encouragement, as well as yummy recipes, I suggest joining these two groups: Low Carber Daily Forum & Keto Group. Browse through all the past discussions and you'll find just about any answer to any of your questions. Wonderful tool! Again, welcome!
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    Melina8007 wrote: »
    Smarttasha wrote: »
    Hello all i have had great success with Keto and would love to help anyone that might need help adapting to keto.

    Hi, I would want to start Keto. I actually dont know how to avoid rice and wheat

    Hi Melina! It was hard for me also. I was more of a pasta and white bread eater though. At least rice and wheat are a tiny bit better. Not much, but a bit. I just knew I had to do something. Past dieting attempts just made me get fatter. I would start off great and lose a good bit in the first couple of weeks, then slow right down. I would try eating less and less calories, until I was hungry all the time! Then eventually I gave up and gained whatever little I lost back and more.

    With Keto, I had to really take that leap of faith. The first week was hard because I really wanted bread and/or pasta. But I trucked through it, and by the second week, I still thought about those foods, but no longer craved them. Now, they no longer take up space in my brain. I eat more now. I just ate 2010 calories yesterday, and lost 1.4 pounds! In total, I've lost 33 pounds since the first of October on the Keto lifestyle. This with no exercise!

    I was diagnosed as a diabetic 2 years ago. I was also put on high blood pressure medicine. Today, my A1C is normal, my blood pressure is normal. My morning fasting blood sugar readings are below 100 mg/dl. My arthritis hasn't acted up in months. I'm no longer out of breath when climbing stairs. I could go on and on the benefits that I've noticed since being Keto.

    So really think if giving up wheat and rice is worth your health. It was for me. Good luck in your choice! Check out those groups I listed above. Lots of valuable information and tips in them!
  • lbrown1171
    lbrown1171 Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning everyone....today is my 1st true day on the Keto diet, I didn't plan well yesterday so it didn't go so well (forgot my food at home and was snacking in the office all day). Today I have my food and I meal prepped last night for the rest of the week. Hope everyone has a great day.