Lose 5lbs + in January 2018



  • pmrhart
    pmrhart Posts: 8 Member
    Starting weight - 184 lbs
    January starting weight - 176.0
    January goal - 172.0
    Ultimate goal - 135 lbs

    Jan 1st - 176.0
    Jan 7th - 175.9
    Jan 14th -
    Jan 21st -
    Jan 28th -
    Jan 31st -
  • AndreaARMYY
    AndreaARMYY Posts: 5 Member
    Starting weight - 183 (11.15.2017)
    January starting weight - 174
    January goal - 169
    Ultimate goal - 114

    Jan 1st - 174
    Jan 7th - 172.5
    Jan 14th -
    Jan 21st -
    Jan 28th -
    Jan 31st -

    Total loss for January - 1.5/5
  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    JennH517 wrote: »
    Happy New Year, everyone!

    Lots of new faces in the challenge this month, that's great! Hope we see you all the way through to your goals.

    I'm entering my second year of MFP and Samantha's monthly challenge threads!

    As usual, I'm up and down. That's how I roll. As long as I trend downward over time, I'm good with that. In fact, I've often joked that my progress graph looks like a sawblade. Here's a picture of it.

    For all you newer folks ... and some of you long-timers, who get discouraged when a daily weight goes up instead of down, feast your eyes on this:


    This is my graph since beginning on 12/25/2016. Spikes in late June when I was on vacation, and a bit over the holidays, but the rest of the time it's just up and down, but as you can see, over the long haul it goes down.

    I weigh daily and average weekly. It's not everybody's cup of tea, but it does show a more accurate picture of long-term trends, rather than a single snapshot of one day out of a week. If I weighed once a week and that day happened to be a 'heavy' day, I might get discouraged more easily.

    Not telling anyone what to do - just offering some food for thought :) This is what works for me. Your mileage may vary.

    Highest weight ever: 254 in October 1999.

    Lowest since 1999: 195.

    Original starting weight: 243 in 2015.

    MFP Starting weight December 25th, 2016: 233

    Goal: 180 in however long it takes.

    December 25th to December 31st: 206.9
    January 1st to January 7th: 207.2

    Loss for January: 0.3 GAIN

    MFP Loss: 25.8

    Total cumulative loss since mid 2015: 35.8 lbs.

    Until next week...

    Move more, eat less.


    I'm so proud of you Jenn. Your posts always motivate me...woosh!
  • melissacorpus9
    melissacorpus9 Posts: 31 Member
    Start weight (January 1): 219.2
    January goal: 210
    Ultimate Goal: 150
    Weigh in day: Saturday’s

    January 6th: 216
    January 13th:
    January 20th:
    January 27th:
  • Fatandsassy224
    Fatandsassy224 Posts: 27 Member
    Starting weight - 231 lbs
    January starting weight - 222.5 (Weight from Dec 29th. December loss of 5.7lbs and holding onto some water weight from Christmas.)
    January goal - 215 (Might be a little unrealistic as I am starting weight lifting next week and I expect some newbie gains, but who knows.)
    Ultimate goal - 155lbs (maybe)

    Jan 1st - 221.3
    Jan 3rd - 219.5 (Finally got rid of the remaining water weight from Christmas, yay!)
    Jan 7th - 218.1
    Jan 14th -
    Jan 21st -
    Jan 28th -

    Total loss from December's last weigh in - 4.4 lbs
  • kmrob2
    kmrob2 Posts: 42 Member
    Starting weight - 212 lbs
    January starting weight - 191.8
    January goal - 186
    Ultimate goal - 150lbs

    Jan 1st -191.8
    Jan 7th -189.6
    Jan 14th -
    Jan 21st -
    Jan 28th -
  • ktehi
    ktehi Posts: 28 Member
    Starting weight - 193
    January starting weight -
    January goal - 5lbs loss
    Ultimate goal - 154

    Jan 1st - 190.4
    Jan 7th - 189.4 (-1lb)
    Jan 14th -
    Jan 21st -
    Jan 28th -

    Total loss for January -
  • Kohanai
    Kohanai Posts: 172 Member
    Because I honestly can't figure how to edit my 1st post via mobile...

    Starting weight - 244.8
    January starting weight -244.8
    January goal -239.8
    Ultimate goal - 200

    Jan 1st -244.8
    Jan 7th -243.4
    Jan 14th -
    Jan 21st -
    Jan 28th -

    Total loss for January -
  • meldusa21
    meldusa21 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm keen to join!

    Starting weight - 77.8kg (172lbs)
    January starting weight -73.1kg (161lbs)
    January goal -
    Ultimate goal - 60kg (132lbs)

    Jan 1st - 73.1kg (161lbs)
    Jan 8th - 73.7kg (163lbs).....I'm hoping that's muscle haha
    Jan 14th -
    Jan 21st -
    Jan 28th -

    Total loss for January -
  • maryanosike
    maryanosike Posts: 78 Member
    Starting weight - 178 lbs on Dec. 26, 2017
    January starting weight - 178 lbs
    January goal - 173 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 130 lbs

    Jan 1st - 178 lbs
    Jan 7th - 178.5 lbs
    Jan 14th -
    Jan 21st -
    Jan 28th -

    Total loss for January -