Dry January!



  • eddie_fields
    eddie_fields Posts: 55 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    Day 7 today...making it to Sunday was the key to the streak staying alive because there are no alcohol sales here Sunday. Haven’t been too much off a struggle yet but as the newness of the challenge wears off it will get tougher. This thread has helped a bunch so thank you all!

    I actually just moved to South Carolina from Cocoa Beach. I had three liquor stores within walking range to my house. That was very tempting lol. I successfully completed dry January 2016 there but temptation got me after that. I love the sunshine state though!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,095 Member
    One more day down. Surprisingly, craving free...which is good. This is going much better than 2016.
  • KentuckyAHA
    KentuckyAHA Posts: 13 Member
    Week 1:-
    Mon, Tues & Wed- alcohol free
    Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun - NOT alcohol free, not MUCH alcohol but, alcohol nevertheless!
    It really is habit with me, I'm afraid, can't seem to help myself.
    Will try to do better in week 2.
    NOT a very good start.

    @karenwatkins22 you can do it!
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    So far so good! Only was tempted once, was in line to check out after a long run. The checkout line was right next to the craft beers :/
  • Skyweigh
    Skyweigh Posts: 113 Member
    I'm on Day 7, with no fear of temptation ... I'm very happy with this choice. I've been reading This Naked Mind by Annie Grace, although I feel so sure of myself at present, I probably don't need the extra motivation ... but it doesn't hurt and it is very informative.
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Went to the pub today for a work assignment and had alcohol free beer!!!
  • purpledoll173
    purpledoll173 Posts: 34 Member
    I stumbled at my first big challenge - Saturday night in the pub. Met up with friends who had been drinking all day and thought one or two wouldn't hurt. Ended up drinking until 2am, and wiped out the possibility of doing anything on Sunday. I think abstaining during the week made the hangover hit harder than usual.
    Firmly back on the wagon now, and have set a reminder on my phone for next weekend, to remind me how terrible I felt!
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Congratulations to everyone who 1) has made it thus far, 2) has not quite made it, but is willing to keep trying. We are, as @thiswillhappen points out, 7/31ths of the way there.

    And, don't think of it so much as giving up alcohol as adding more capacity for chocolate.
  • ku1980rose
    ku1980rose Posts: 7 Member
    This weekend was hard. I performed in a 24 hour musical Saturday and really wanted to celebrate and relax after, but I didn't. Went to eat with my husband and chose water. Luckily, he's not a drinker, so that helps, but I fear for the day I go hang with friends at a sports bar! I'm just going to avoid that until February! We can do this!
  • eddie_fields
    eddie_fields Posts: 55 Member
    Day 8 and still rolling. Good work and luck to all of you still hanging in there!
  • KentuckyAHA
    KentuckyAHA Posts: 13 Member
    @dkabambe GREAT WORK!!