For good this time! / Anyone doing Keto?

Hi all! I've successfully lost a lot of weight before (at my best I had lost 111 pounds) but over the past 5 years have gained much of it back. I'm finally in a good place mentally/emotionally/physically and am ready to get back at this. I would like to lose 75+ pounds. I'm trying Keto for now to see if it will help with some health issues that I have. I would love to connect with new friends whether you are Keto or not. Let's make this OUR YEAR to succeed! :)


  • obamajojo123
    obamajojo123 Posts: 13 Member
    I'd really love to
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Hi Sunny and Obamajojo - I’m currently also on keto — it’s the only diet that’s worked for me. Let’s do it!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Keto, primarily for migraines, but always up for new friends.
  • rockyjuneau2532
    rockyjuneau2532 Posts: 3 Member
    I am doing Keto in combination with Intermittent fasting and some longer term fasting. Typically I fast for 16-23 hours a day. Have completed 2 x 48 hour fasts since December 1/2017. I am down 24.6lbs so far. Lost track over the holidays oops.
  • ravingsounds
    ravingsounds Posts: 3 Member
    Huge keto advocate right here I’ve lost over 50 pounds on keto and intermediate fasting and only eating 2 meals a day.
  • Galpin2016
    Galpin2016 Posts: 5 Member
    New to keto......but having success! Lets do this!!!
  • jillyjjac
    jillyjjac Posts: 7 Member
    You've got this! I don't do any of the fancy fasting but I've lost 20 lbs in a few months! It's actually pretty easy with preparation! You go girl!
  • gaby_gz1988
    gaby_gz1988 Posts: 18 Member
    I started Keto yesterday.. kinda. I still eat a few vegetable carbs, but I’m okay with that! I just want to be healthier and see if I can reverse some of my health issues this year. I am also doing intermittent fasting. I fast for about 14 hours every day. Anyway, I would love to be friends :)
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I started keto in October, but it's more of a "lazy" keto. Lol! Loving the changes to my body.
  • sunshinetami
    sunshinetami Posts: 10 Member
    I started Keto yesterday! You can add me as a friend :)
  • Raquelo1
    Raquelo1 Posts: 2 Member
    Started keto 1/1/18 and have lost 9lbs. Best thing I've done and has worked for me. I'm also in the 60-70 lbs range to lose.
  • mic1018
    mic1018 Posts: 70 Member
    I started keto/low carb on January 1st and have lost 10 pounds as of today! I am loving it. I realize some of this probably water weight...but as long as that number keeps moving down...who cares?!? LOL Best of luck with your goals! There are tons of great low carb recipes out there to help you get through this!
  • mathanraj1206
    mathanraj1206 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi can you advice me on gaining weight??