No Alcohol Keto Crazy!

Holygoddess Posts: 52 Member
edited January 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all, Jenna here. Chronic heavy drinker and I am now On day 11 of no booze (Go Me!!!!) and have been doing Keto off and on for a long time. Now I also work out, training for a 5K and weight lifting as well as HIIT. Looking forward to making new friends, add me and lets motivate each other! Down 12lbs in 2 months! I’m Getting married this year and I must look good in my dress! Will it be easy? No. Will it be worth it? YES


  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    I do not want to discourage you in any way whatever. Just want to point out that that's quite a few new things to start all at once. Depending on the frequency and duration of your workouts, it could start toward burning you out in a couple more months. I'm simply offering a small caution from experience.
    At one time I started a strict low-carb diet, two different fitness boot-camp classes, running and tai chi all at the same time. That lasted 3 to 4 months before I dropped things one by one until I was following my diet very loosely and doing the more intense, but shorter duration, boot camp just 3 days per week. Shortly after that my weight loss just stalled out for about 9 months at which point I gave up on all of it.
    That rapid initial progress and new endeavor energy and enthusiasm is great, but it can be like trying to sprint through a marathon.

    12 pounds in 2 months sounds like a reasonable rate of loss so none of what I've said may apply to you. If so, awesome! and good job!
  • emily_platinum90
    emily_platinum90 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey there im in the same situation as you. This is my day 5 today
  • emily_platinum90
    emily_platinum90 Posts: 30 Member
    I dont know how to add ppl?
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    I dont know how to add ppl?

    From within a message thread, click on their picture. That'll take you to a page with the option to send a message or ignore. Click on their pic again to go to their profile, and there will be a button to add as friend. (this is for the desktop web site. I know nothing about the app.)
  • Holygoddess
    Holygoddess Posts: 52 Member
    I added her. I made three new friends woot woot! Down another 1.5lbs this morning! Hey Markus, I have been doing the gym with personal training since last April. I’ve been doing Keto on and off for years. The only new things are not drinking when I used to drink 3+ drinks daily, and running more because I’m going to do a 5K. Doing Keto while still drinking for me as a woman over 30 leads to 0 results. I’m finally seeing them now and I feel mental clarity, no hang overs, and better about my body and my self esteem. It is a change that has had positive effects. I will have normal struggles of anyone on a diet. My added struggles are being a registered nurse and working night shift. For some reason the only way management, coworkers, and patients know how to say thank you is by bringing in sugary crap. FYI if you love your nurse, a card or flowers is a wildly sweet gift (without the calories)!
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    Sounds like you have it well in hand then. Awesome!
    I have an unfortunate tendency to jump into things with both feet and then fizzle before I get to whatever the end goal was. So when you listed everything you're doing I assumed starting it all at once. I've been doing low-carb off and on for a few years (for diabetic blood sugar control) and just last week switched from off to on and came back to MFP, and joined Planet Fitness yesterday.
  • Holygoddess
    Holygoddess Posts: 52 Member
    Thank you, I will check these out! I appreciate the post! I’m looking forward to trying “Fat Bombs”
  • Holygoddess
    Holygoddess Posts: 52 Member
    Down another 1.2lbs today! Ordered Keto bread and pancake mix and 1 carb milk chocolate on amazon today! Acceptable snacks rock!!
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Thank you, I will check these out! I appreciate the post! I’m looking forward to trying “Fat Bombs”

    No problem. You're welcome. Fat bombs can be deadly in a good way (heh).
  • maobrien410
    maobrien410 Posts: 2 Member
    That is so awesome and congrats on the engagement! I recently started keto as well, after only a couple weeks in I can't believe how much better I'm feeling! Best of luck to you!