Sisterhood HCP Week 4

Sorry I'm so late in starting this thread. It's been a zoo already this morning, and I'm on mountain time, sorry.:wink: So here's to a new week, thank God. I thought it would never get here.

Foxy Loxy -- same. She's still getting over being sick:sick:
Me -- same. I thought I'd gain with the stress of the mother-in-law:laugh: No Excuses! On to a new week!!!!:bigsmile:

Today's quote:
Too often we lose sight of the simple pleasures. Remember, when someone says you can't do it or crushes your ambitions, it takes 42 muscles to frown, but it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and b*itch slap them up side the head. Unknown:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Sorry I'm so late in starting this thread. It's been a zoo already this morning, and I'm on mountain time, sorry.:wink: So here's to a new week, thank God. I thought it would never get here.

    Foxy Loxy -- same. She's still getting over being sick:sick:
    Me -- same. I thought I'd gain with the stress of the mother-in-law:laugh: No Excuses! On to a new week!!!!:bigsmile:

    Today's quote:
    Too often we lose sight of the simple pleasures. Remember, when someone says you can't do it or crushes your ambitions, it takes 42 muscles to frown, but it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and b*itch slap them up side the head. Unknown:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I am down three pounds!!! One more to go before I have lost 2-0!!!!!

  • txjenn1
    Good morning everyone! I hope you had as much fun this past weekend as I did! My friend from out of town came to visit, which meant eating and drinking (alcohol treats). So...the bad news is that I didn't lose any weight this week, but the good news is that I managed to maintain.

    I'm back on the straight and narrow this week. :wink:
  • mom2one
    I am down three pounds!!! One more to go before I have lost 2-0!!!!!

    Congrats!!!! :drinker: Keep up the good work
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Wow, we're on week 4 already! Congrats to all of us for sticking with this group! I :heart: this group!

    Can't weigh in today as I am at home sick. I weigh in at work on Tuesdays so it will have to wait until tomorrow if and WHEN I get back to myself. I sometimes wish I owned a scale at home but I know I would be on that thing every single day (obsessive much?). How do you guys handle the scale (those of you who own one?). I've heard people who say they like that they weigh every day - keeps them accountable, but I'm afraid that the number would just consume me.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    cant believe its been a month congrats to all on the with the weight loss and/or the mainting dont think mainting is bad it means u didnt gain. so i just took my 30 minute walk with my mother today and then i weighed in:

    1 and 1/2 pounds lost (although it records as one which is fine better less than more so i dont cheat my weight loss) :drinker:

    i will admit i was a little dissapointed i wanted to reach ten pounds for the month and then i thought that may not be realistic but if i can get another 2 then wow. i think i was mostly dissapointed because i worked extra hard this week more than the last three (more walking more time and stuff)

    but then i told myself duh thats another pound off my body i wont ever see again, be happy i earned that pound. :love:

    So one pound lost and 7 total so far for the tortoise who is gonna win this race :bigsmile:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Pep, I LOVE your new picture! The last one looked so sad. Hooray for your weight loss!!! Congrats sweetie!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I've lost 3 pounds since last Tuesday... Yippeeeeeee!!! The only bad news that I have to report today is that I hurt my right shoulder playing volleyball last night. It didn't start to bother me until late last evening, and then this morning getting dressed started to feel painful. Hopefully I just tweaked it a little and it will get better soon-I have Core Synergistics today, and I need that shoulder.

    Great news-my husband is coming home today!!! His plane was delayed 36 hours, so instead of getting here yesterday he flew in this morning. He'll be home (hopefully) before noon!!!:bigsmile:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    thank you soooo much lucky thats so sweet and thanks for the praise it means a lot. yes new pic for new attitude maybe ill do it monthly and by the time these pounds are completly off ill be grinning so wide ill look like the joker :bigsmile:

    I've lost 3 pounds since last Tuesday... Yippeeeeeee!!! The only bad news that I have to report today is that I hurt my right shoulder playing volleyball last night. It didn't start to bother me until late last evening, and then this morning getting dressed started to feel painful. Hopefully I just tweaked it a little and it will get better soon-I have Core Synergistics today, and I need that shoulder.

    Great news-my husband is coming home today!!! His plane was delayed 36 hours, so instead of getting here yesterday he flew in this morning. He'll be home (hopefully) before noon!!!:bigsmile:

    so happy for you must be in heaven about your husband (where was he stationed? how long is he back for?) congrats on the 3 pounds you must share your secrets lol ok as for the shoulder dont over do excerice like focus on cardio or legs one week of not doing arms wont kill you and its a lot better then hurting it further (god i miss volleyball havent played in years)

    i think i got my 30 day shred today but i have a paper due later tonight and have made a decision not to open it until i finish my paper as a reward...unfortunetly if it is my dvd i cant do it tonight seeing as i dont get out of class until 9 ish and home until 10:30 maybe tom ill do bonus excercise and do it (if it is my dvd lol)

    hope everyone is well :drinker:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I am down 3 lbs. I am down from 205 last week to 202! I am so ready to be under the big 200. I just can't wait. Then the trick is keeping it off. I also am only 1 lb away from the big 20 lbs lost. I am just so happy with my progress! Congrats to everyone! This group is great. I think of you all as my friends in the computer. Pep your new picture is great! Miss Resa congrats that your hubby is home!
  • 4EverFit
    Wow, this group is amazing! Congrats LuckyLeprechaun--20 pounds is quite a milestone. SOOOO jealous!

    I'm down about a pound. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts about snacking in the evening--it has helped soo incredibly much! I have more willpower than I thought. I have been trying to keep the tv from telling me when to go to bed and stop eating--these past few days have been extremely successful. Thanks! This is such a supportive group--I love it.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    I didn't lose anything this week. :grumble:

    YAY for those of you who did!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • tidwelljw
    Hey ladies.....Seems like we're doing pretty good staying together! Congrats to the ones that have lost. a zero weight loss is better than a positive gain! My check in as of this morning was down 2 lbs from last week. I am getitng back into my P90X and I know it's a lofty goal but I am hoping to be down 5lbs next week. I plan on working out like crazy ( I gotta make up for the week I took off to start my competition)! Hope every has a good food and excerise week!
  • tidwelljw
    OH......I meant to mention this earlier, Pepamint I can already tell a difference in you face from the other pics that you had up! You face looks slimer.....keep up the good work!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    thompson thank you so much
    OH......I meant to mention this earlier, Pepamint I can already tell a difference in you face from the other pics that you had up! You face looks slimer.....keep up the good work!

    hey tid was wondering where u were congrats on the two pounds....your sweet about the picture but its not recent its from two years ago all my recent ones arent of me smiling (i can post one up now to show u what i look like but i may not be smiling so dont get mad) then u can tell me if its slimmer :bigsmile: although i am noticing a difference face and body wise i got bones starting to poke out and a waste again and some muscle in my arms (slow and steady right)

    i did get the 30 day shred just took a look at it and really want to do it lol (thats so not me)
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    ok for all of you as of today my profile pic is what i look like (took it about an hour ago) hope you are all happy thats the best smile your gonna get :bigsmile: look im getting cheekbones...ok that isnt staying up for too long the other one of me smiling is gonna go back to being the main pic in two days so for now enjoy let me know what you think again that is a pic i took today February 10, 2009

  • tidwelljw
    You know what might be a good idea...if we all post pics of what we look like now, or some kind of current pic. That way in a couple of months we can all look back and laugh at how we used to look! Anyone else wanna do it?
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    You know what might be a good idea...if we all post pics of what we look like now, or some kind of current pic. That way in a couple of months we can all look back and laugh at how we used to look! Anyone else wanna do it?

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    well since this is a pic of me today (what do we think since i did it for all of you - and smiling) im game but i can make it just one of the two (is that ok???) smart idea before and after (scary) we arent doing full body are we even scarier :sick: But i am game if everyone else is.
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    I'm so proud of everyone! I can't wait to get on with this new week. I've really surprised myself at how upbeat I still am. Normally I'd be cryin in my beer about not losing any, but I'm just ready to start new. I guess the pep talk about no excuses helped. Oh wait, you thought I said all that for the group? No, silly:bigsmile: apparently I needed to hear it the most.:wink: Plus tomorrow I should get my 30 day Shred in the mail. I'm so excited. Weird I know, I never would have been excited to get my butt kicked, but now I am. I'll let you know how it goes:wink:
    I guess if ya'll really want to I'll post a pic too. Do we have to do full body? That could be too much of a slap to the face!?!? Whatever:ohwell:
    Yes Pepamint, the pics you have up are fabulous darling:wink:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Part of the P90X program I'm doing includes taking before pictures, 1 month pics, 2 month pics, and then your 90 day pics. I've been too much of a chicken to do it, because I really am afraid of what I look like in a photo right now. I guess if everyone else is brave enough to do it, then I can get motivated and start that camera rolling... I can put it on a disk and hide it from everyone who knows me in town, right? Maybe I should come up with an alias and say that I live in another state. That way I can deny it's me if I am ever recognized by some freak chance:bigsmile: