Do You Have A Tattoo?



  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    I have 2 tats....both strategically hidden with bikini lines. I have got both between the ages of 17-20 and am now 28, I have no regrets, I love them both!!! And although hidden, mainly for work purposes, I will show them to anyone proudly.
  • harm_ny
    harm_ny Posts: 21
    I have a medium one on my right wrist. It's the silouette of my instruemnt and its mouth piece crossing. I've had it four years and it's held up really well, especially as it's red and on a "bad" spot (I guess inside of wrist is not the best place for a tat?). I am ready to get another one (a private one ; ) and will get the wrist one touched up when I do!
  • ZumbaQueenKelly
    I have one tattoo on the back of my right shoulder. It's 3 hibiscus flowers, blue, pink & orange. Everybody tells me it's big for a first tattoo. I don't regret it at all, but I don't think I would get another one only because of the pain. I don't tolerate pain very well at all!
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    I have one on my lower back that is pretty long and about 3-4 inches in height (better known as a "tramp stamp"....LOL). I would like to have more, but not likely to happen.

    Some that I would like are a Goth Tinkerbell...maybe on my shoulder and a Tazmanian Devil about an inch or two on my calf with "Shortee" underneath. My husband says I'm Goth deep down (:laugh: ) and I love Tinkerbell so that would have meaning - I had a Chihuahua for 10 1/2 yrs named Taz and my nickname has been Shortee for a very long time so there is meaning for that as well.

    Someone mentioned getting one behind the ear and those are pretty neat to see. I have a friend that just had the first initial of her maiden name tattooed behind her's very nicely done!
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    Please tell me why or why not?

    Are you happy with it? Do you have more than one? Is it large or small? Privately located or loudly, proudly displayed?

    Do you regret it? Would you do it again? Why or Why not?


    I have a total of 3 tattoos right now, and plan on many more. Each of them could be considered "large", two of which are proudly displayed and one privately located.

    Do I regret it? Not in the slightest. To me my tattoos, even though there is one I no longer relate to in the same way I did when I got it, tell a story of my life, and provide me with a reminder of the journey that I have been through. If i had the opportunity to go back in time and look at wither or not I would still get them, I would say that yes I would still get them. Again, they tell a story about who I am and what I have experienced, and I would not trade that for most anything.
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    i have two love them both no regrets:smile:
  • lifeisadancefloor
    lifeisadancefloor Posts: 91 Member
    I have 5! I have a small dancer on my foot, a star with leopard print inside about the size of a tennis ball on my back, the words Life Is A Dance Floor on my lower stomach, a bunch of small stars on the right ribs, and rose caught in a web on my inner left forearm! I love them, don't regret them. Plan on getting more once I reach my goal weight :)
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    I have 5, my oldest one being 17 years old and i dont regret any. In fact a work in a very conservative law firm in Toronto, Canada and I just wear a cardigan at work although the one on my ankle and left forearm are generally visable. i have never been treated differently or prejudged because of them.

    right ankle - ying yang
    right ribs - words "sine minu" from family crest translation is "withour fear"
    left arm from wrist from forearm - stars in purple, teal and hot pink with script "Remember the moments" through the stars
    left arm from shoulder to elbow - arm band and a lady representing the aquarius symbol pouring water which turns into a storm (just got this one 5 days ago :)
  • dragonflytequila
    Yes I do have a tattoo's I have 4 of everyone of them....wear them poudly each one means something special to me....I do not regreat none of them...I even design one for my daughter, which she has on her back.

    One -is when I lost my job of 12 yrs,daughter went,off to college,lost 3 family members to cancer,&jumped out of a plane
    - a rose when my daughter was born
    -journey symbol
    - another rose
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I have eight and no regrets at all. I have my husbands name and a heart on the base of my neck. I have a pair of cats eyes in the small of my back, a tribal aka tramo stamp! LOL. I have a butterfly on one calf, a care bear on the other, a lions head that says virgo on my left shoulder and a tinkerbell on the left boob. I do want one more. I would like to have a small one on the inside of my wrist.
  • stixandrocks
    I have 3 1/2 tattoos and I am planning on another one as soon as I'm done with the 4th one. I got my first one when my daughter was six and I felt like a hypocrite because if she wanted one I would say no yet I had one myself (and wanted more! They are addicting). So when my daughter first started talking about getting a tattoo at the age of 15 I had already given my response plenty of thought.

    I gave her example after example of people she knew who didn't regret getting a tattoo but did regret WHAT they got. I then told her that if she saw a design she loved and still loved it after SEVERAL YEARS, I would take her myself. Sure enough, she went through so many phases - butterflies, hearts, flowers, musical notes, etc. and when she came across the design 6 - 8 months later she would say, "I can't believe I wanted that as a tattoo!" I would always respond the same way,"See? Aren't you glad you didn't get it?"

    She did end up getting a tattoo when she graduated from High School. I was so impressed with how personal it was and how much thought she put into it (every detail had meaning) that I took her to the tattoo shop myself. It's been several years now and she has no regrets ... yet. ;)

    Hope that helps!
  • KristaWeiss
    KristaWeiss Posts: 233 Member
    I have 8, the most recent is my big beautiful angle wings with my sons name and birth date. My back is covered, one on my hip, and 3 on my ankles. They are all part of what makes me, me and I don't regret a single one. I have about 20 hours in and $2,500 worth of ink overall.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    HA! Funny. I see so many old people where I swim who have lots of them, and the look of the tattoos sure don't improve with age!
    No, and that's one reason :laugh:

    Plus IT HURTS! I have an aversion to physical pain. Besides that I honestly can't think of anything I would want permanently on my skin.
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    I have a dove with an olive branch on my foot. I like it. I'd never get another, but that's only because it hurt more than I really expected (again, it was on top of my foot, the most painful place) I've never had a reason to cover it up, but it it's easily covered with socks, and if I really ever need to, I've found a few cover ups that work too.
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Thanks to all of you! I appreciate all of your comments and you sharing your tattoos with me! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Kassielin13
    I have 2 on my back. 1 small and 1 that takes up my entire lower back. My small one, I really regret! I got it at 17 "In Memory" of someone very dear to me that passed. However I never had it finished with the words "In Memory" so I regret it. I didn't like the way the tatooist was going to do the lettering so I just never had it finished. It was a phase of my life that I really don't ever want to think back on. And that is why I regret it. My 2nd...Well it is what some call a "tramp stamp", I am by no means a tramp but it was a design I had made on my own. I love it!
  • DST513
    DST513 Posts: 140 Member
    yes i have 4. I just love the way it looks...
    one is on my left wrist(fiance name), the other is on my right hand very small(cluster of stars), the next is on my upper bacck(big butterfly that has the words around it"free to be me"), and last is my right butt cheek(chocolate dripping cherries).

    I so want a few more!
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    I have two and neither are easily hidden. One is a burst of 21 stars from my neck to my left breast. You can see it in everything except for turtlenecks and being as I'm in Las Vegas, nobody wears turtlenecks! And the other is a family tattoo and it's a phoenix on my right arm.
  • candykay89
    candykay89 Posts: 110 Member
    Yes, i have two tattoos. They can be hidden if i feel like it, i do not regret getting them and i will be getting another one with my son when he gets home from Afghanistan. I love them and have no regrets as they all have meaning to me.
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    I have 1... its on my left shoulder blade...Blue and green flaming heart type deal. I got it when I was 18... my sister took me down and paid for it while on vacation visiting her... She wasn't happy that I had my BF's (ex by then) initials on me.. or that my best friend that put it there with a needle, pencil lead and tooth paste. lmfao. LAME, I know.. lol So she paid to have it covered. My only regret is not picking something that truly meant something to me. I covered up one tattoo that sucked with another tattoo that doesn't mean anything, that I picked off the wall at the tattoo place. I take that back... it does mean something... Means my sister loves me enough to drop cash to cover up my then 18yr old stupidity.. :)