January 2018 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,415 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 are "screw shoes " like "hooker heels"?

    I think that depends on how fast you can run or how much money you make. :tongue: :grin:

    Let's just say if they work as advertised, I'm not retiring them after all.

    So much to say... And yet every time I type it out... It's just too much. :blush: ne'ermind.

    Ha ha me too!

    Hahaha where is @LaDispute57 (aka @LoneWolfRunner) when you need him!
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    January 2018 runs:

    I'm being a (30 minute) pacer for parkrun (5km) on Saturday.

    It will be my first time as a pacer, so I set up my Garmin to give me alerts if I go slightly over or under 6 min per km, and did a practice run this morning.

    Did it today in 29:45. Hopefully will be even closer when I'm running on the exact course where I know the km markers. I've got 2 people wanting to follow me to get under 30 minutes, so the pressure is on! :smile:

    From my meager experience pacing to a goal race time: The Garmin gets you close, but you fine tune with target times by kilometer. Okay, I was targeting per mile; but that's what I had to work with as course markings. For a 5K with a course marker every kilometer, you target 6:00 for 1K, 12:00 for 2K, and so on. When you inevitably miss the target on an intermediate marker, you adjust a little faster or slower, depending on which direction you miss.

    If 2 people are depending on you to beat 30 minutes, being off target to come in at 29:45 is much better than being off target to come in at 30:15. I was 55 seconds faster than my target 1:40 when I paced a half marathon, and the guys who were depending on me to beat 1:40 didn't mind in the least. (I was a bit embarrassed that I couldn't adjust better in the last mile, short of stopping and waiting when the finish line was in view.)

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »

    In other news, today a check for $100 arrived in the mail. No letter accompanied the check, but it was from USATF Niagara Region and had "Runner of the Year" written in the memo field. So I would say it's now official that I am the 2017 USATF Niagara Region Masters Runner of the Year. Yeah, I backed in because Paul from Buffalo didn't run the last race; but I'll take it. In 2018, somebody better than me will be paying enough attention to win this series.

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    edited January 2018
    (duplicate post deleted)
  • weat0043
    weat0043 Posts: 172 Member
    Jan.18 - 4.2km another warm spell coming up, supposed to be +3°C on Saturday! I'll definitely be making up some KM this weekend, we have to dog sit and this dog loves his walks.
    MTD - 32km
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,415 Member
    @MobyCarp - Congratulations! I am also so happy that quad is making some progress!
  • Starflight00
    Starflight00 Posts: 112 Member
    HRKinchen wrote: »
    I ran my first EVER nonstop 5K today!!!


  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Welcome @lonestarbabe to the fastest moving thread on MFP.

    Good luck in your race tomorrow @hjeppley !!!

    @rheddmobile – your story of the woodpecker reminds me of the robin I once heard screaming in terror as our cat destroyed his mate on the ground in front of him. I have never heard such a noise from any creature, and it was REALLY clear to my untrained ear that this was a frantic screech to all other birds in the neighbourhood to stay well clear.

    I did a short run this morning, my legs were good to start with but I REALLY struggled the last half mile. I don’t know if this is the lasting effects of blood doning Wednesday night, but it wouldn’t surprise me. I’m only a littl’un so taking a pint out of me hits me hard. Hopefully I’ll feel better for a longer run tomorrow (my weekend runs tend to be non-fasted as well which should help)
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    January Running Challenge
    Goal: 90 km
    Ran: 58.1/90 km

    19/1/18 Run 10 km
    17/1/18 Run 7.3 km
    13/1/18 Rest day
    12/1/18 SL A Circuit training
    11/1/18 Run 8.3 km
    10/1/18 Run 7.5 km
    9/1/18 Run 5 km SL B
    8/1/18 Run 4.4 km TT 1hr BM 30m
    6/1/18 rest day
    5/1/18 Run 7 km
    4/1/18 SL B
    3/1/18 Run 5.3 km+3.3km
    2/1/18 SL A Walk 9 km
    1/1/18 Walk 6 km

    SL~ Strong Lift
  • Starflight00
    Starflight00 Posts: 112 Member
    First training day of 10K yesterday. I was supposed to run 10 minutes moderate, 10 minutes hard and 10 minutes easy. Those 10 minutes hard really kicked my butt. Legs were sore, I was panting and counting seconds. 10 minutes easy I basically walked to stay in the target HR zone. Wish I looked up a bit more, the stars were beautiful.

    And today my right knee hurts. I've bad knees, every time I get up the stairs at home, my knees makes more noise that the stairs lol. Maybe I should consider physiotherapy... Any tips?

    January goal: 30km
    January 7 - 3.29/2.04 - 3.29/2.04
    January 9 - 3.44/2.14 - 7.73/4.18
    January 12 - 3.48/2.16 - 11.21/6.34
    January 14 - 3.47/2.16 - 14.68/8.5
    January 16 - 3.47/2.16 - 18.15/10.66
    January 18 - 3.52/2.19 - 21.67/12.85

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @hjeppley I'm probably a bit late, after all the socks advice you've already got. But in addition to wearing socks with wool, I also liberally apply (bike) chamois bike to my toes when I know I'll spend a few hours running in the wet, I like to think that helps prevent blisters as well.

    @HRKinchen Congratulations on running 5km non-stop, a great accomplishment!! It's amazing how much a little difference in speed can help :smile:
    You can work wither on speed or distance now, depending on what you like. You probably shouldn't start doing speedwork at the same time that you increase distace, if you don't want to risk injury. As your long runs get longer, you'll probably notice you are able to do your short runs faster at the same level of effort, even without dedicated speedwork.
    I know a lot of people use this training programme to go from 5km to 10km: "bridge to 10k".

    @Marissaxzxzxz Scary that your house got hit by lightning! I remember 20 years ago my computer power supply was killed by a thunderstorm, but I think that was just a spike in the network, not lightling actually hitting our house.

    @LaurenFOB2301 All the best for your race tomorrow :smile:

    @7lenny7 I assume once you screwed your shoes (:mrgreen:), you can't run on asphalt any more with them? I imagine having all those hex-heads under the sole would feel very uncomfortable?
    I'm really glad I only have to worry about ice a handful of days per year. On regular snow my trail shoes do the job well enough in their original state, as long as I'm willing to run slow and pay a bit of attention.

    @Orphia All the best for your race as a pacer tomorrow! Does your parkrun always offer pacers, or is it something you offered to do for some runners you know?

    @ceciliaslater Frustrating when work interferes with exercise :wink: I'm glad you felt better later in the day and had a chance to go for a run.

    @lonestarbabe Welcome to the challenge!

    @bossymom15 Sorry about your foot. I hope it's nothing serious, and that with a bit of rest you'll be fine soon.