"Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom " Group 7



  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Just got back from 40 min run/walk intervals. It was a little hotter than I'd like, but I got it done!! Hope to get some activity in tomorrow. Hope you're all doing great!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Thanks so much for the chart. Everyone is doing well.

    Just finished doing 30DS and burned 290 cals. Don't think I will get any exercise done tomorrow for hubby and I are going on a crop quad tour. Went over calories yesterday but are well within today. Hoping to have a good weigh in tomorrow. Was down a pound this morning so hopefully I can hold on to that.
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    We went to the beach today so I got a nice walk in. I was going to go to the gym and try and get a yoga class in but we came back from the beach later than expected.

    Talked to the dr. today. All my blood work came back normal. So her suggestions were To make sure to have at least 8 glasses of water a day up my cals and cut out sugary drinks not sure if I can cut out my one soda a day. I don't drink coffee and can't drink hot tes in the summer. Feeling a bit better so I hope that the increased water and higher net cal per day is helping with the tiredness
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Hey Girls,
    I am still stuck with studies but I decided to have some time of the day for me, to workout and take care of myself :)
    I started P90 on monday and have stick to the program so far.
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Hi girls! I have been so busy studying but I will be in touch more often.

  • mrsjohnson75
    mrsjohnson75 Posts: 182 Member
    SO happy to report that I broke my plateau and loss 1.8 pounds this week. So I'm at 151....**happy dance***. I think that increasing my fiber is what really helped me.

    I go on vacation next week......but I will stick with my plan. I'm so close to a normal BMI.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Congrats Ken.
    So glad to see you Chari

    I had my weigh in today and I was 147. Glad that it was a loss even though I increased my net cals. Got a nice walk in with my sister-in-law and the kids today.
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Didn't get in a gym workout but I had to go party shopping for my daughters 4th birthday party next weekend over 3 hours and 4 stores later. I put down 2 hours of walking what a workout both mental and physical.
  • amers55
    amers55 Posts: 46
    im really going through a stressful, emotional time, i really want to work out and eat right but right now with so much going on its really difficult to focus... my fiance moved 2 hours away from me and my daughter so he could figure out what he really wants to do with his life, and he isnt my daughters dad so it really hurts and i want to get healthy and fit... im good at bringing salad to work for lunch everyday and eat within my calorie range. i just need to find the energy to go to the gym or work out at home
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Well today was cleaning day at the house. I did get in an EA Sports workout on the Wii. I have had EA Sports for a while but really haven't used it. I started a 30 day challenge today so I want to stick to it this this plus doing the gym.

    Wednesday is my birthday so I may be over in cals but I will try to get a workout in the morning before we go out to eat.

    Amy - I am sorry to here that you are stressed. I hope that you can find time to workout. It makes me feel better after I workout. When I am stressed I through it all into my workout and that is what works for me.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    My weigh in on Friday was 155.

    Had a good busy weekend. Went on a quad crop tour on Friday. Ate and drank way to much. Was feeling very lazy and ill on Saturday so ate way to much junk. Played 3 games of slow pitch yesterday and now can barely move I am so stiff.

    Will get back at eating today and hopefully back to exercising tomorrow. I am off to Melville to get my kids today, I haven't seen them since Wed, have to get some work done on the Denali, and will go visit my dad. Then have supper with my mom for it is her bday today. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Char-good luck with studing
    Amers-keep your head high, I am sure things will come around for yoy
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Hey Girls!

    I was thinking about joining a big study group for this last exam I need to take but then I thought about the 5K we will have to pay and, well, I decided to take my exam in exactly 2 months but I wont join the group. I have studied a lot and I will really sweat it off these weeks coming. I know If I stay focus on my goals:
    - Study hard for the exam &
    - Commit to my Fitness Plans

    If I just keep working hard for both goals, i will build up my confidence and become free of this exam and my overweight.


    I have seen some new leaders in many groups of future hot moms and that makes me so happy cause I see this is working for so many Moms, specially the ones with a little bit higher numbers, Now I feel really motivated to conquer my goals too.

    These 3 weeks? out of the group I actually gain weight!! 0S7FD.gif
    Today I was 154Lbs
    I need to tell the truth so I can start over facing my truth.

    Today I had cereal with milk and blueberries total 250cal, but I feel so satisfied :)
    Girls, I am back. Thanks for keeping the group together.

    Heather, i believe you are in charge of the charts? Thanks a lot! Until Oct 8 I can't be a captain but I will sure hang in here.

    I am doing P90 In-Home Boot Camp. I started last week and plan to stick to it until I finish the program. Will take some pictures too ;)

    Amy, you are such a beautiful woman, be strong for your daughter, for yourself. Let's Focus in things we can change, the rest, let's God take care of ;) he know better than us sweetie. Hope you have a great week! As everybody else on this great group!

    Now, let's make this Dream happen....

  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Not a lot of time to post, but "no change" in the scale department. But I am down to only on pair of shorts that don't just fall off my hips :/
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hey ladies!! Still a few folks with no weigh in (guilty here, was on vacation!) but I'll go ahead and post the chart.


    Hope everyone is still doing well. My workouts definitely suffered while on vacation, but I tried to keep the calories under control.

    Chari--best for you to be honest with yourself and post a gain, that should help get you on track and hopefully you'll have a nice loss next week!

    I'm happy to continue being captain until Chari can make it back in October, as long as the group will allow me to stay on. You see, my goals have definitely changed from weight loss to weight maintenance for the next 6 weeks or so, and then a slow steady gain from there, as I recently found out that I'm expecting! :bigsmile: It's still early (just 6 weeks along) so keep your fingers crossed for me. So ladies--let me know what you think. If you want me to stay I don't think that my lack of weight loss and actual weight gain should count against our group, so I will message the head captain to let her know. Or if someone else wants to take over that's fine too--just let me know!!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Congrats Heather.
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Congrats Heather
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Ooooh, oooh! Can I change mine to 151.8? I finally broke my midway point this morning! Ate all but 95 of my 1950 cals yesterday and I think the biggest trick was hydration *DOH*!!! :)

    Either that or we can save it until next week, whatever the team needs more...
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Ooooh, oooh! Can I change mine to 151.8? I finally broke my midway point this morning! Ate all but 95 of my 1950 cals yesterday and I think the biggest trick was hydration *DOH*!!! :)

    Either that or we can save it until next week, whatever the team needs more...

    Sure thing! I've updated the chart with your weigh in. Amy and Jackie--you guys planning to weigh in? I looked back through the posts and didn't see numbers for you guys but I may have missed it.

    I also changed my goals on the chart to reflect my situation and have grayed out my box so that the overall challenge captain will remember not to count my weight changes against the group--I've messaged her to let her know the situation.

  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Heather: CONGRATS GIRLIE! Would love to keep you on, gains and all! Maybe we can just keep your same weight for all weigh-ins and only count a gain if it exceeds the normal medically recommended rate and only by the amount you exceeded. ie: say for example, you're prepreg weight was 142 and say by week 12 you're up 6lbs instead of the usual recommended 3-4. Then you'd record your weight as 144, but if you only gained the 3-4lbs, then we'd keep you at 142... make sense? Then again, I was a control freak when it came to pregnancy weight gain... I only messed up real bad (55lbs) the first time and swore never again. Paying for that one with a tummy-tuck on Friday :( Some women routinely gain 40-50lbs with each pregnancy & recover just fine though, the sad truth is many aren't that lucky.

    Google "pregnancy weight gain calculator" and I'm pretty sure it's BabyCenter or BabyCorner that has the most comprehensive one that takes into account your starting weight, height, and current week of pregnancy and can tell you if you are within your recommended range.

    Thrilled for you though!!!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Thanks, guys! Definitely excited. A big part of the reason I finally got my butt in gear and took off about 25 pounds since January was that I wanted a second pregnancy, but I wanted to start at a healthy weight. My first pregnancy I gained about 25-30 pounds so not too bad--unfortunately I was 25 pounds overweight when I started!! This time I'm generally happy with where I'm starting, and I'm at a healthy BMI, so I'm hoping to gain right around 25 pounds total.

    Thanks for the idea, Izzie! I made my "midpoint goal" be a gain of about 2-3 pounds at the end of the first trimester, which will be the end of September. My second trimester ends with the end of the challenge, and I'm shooting for approximately 3/4 pound gain per week on average, so a total gain of 10 pounds for my "final goal". Everything I've read said that you should gain 1/2 to 1 pound per week in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, so I figure 3/4 pound target is a good compromise. Right now I'm keeping my calorie goal at maintenance, but will bump up a bit in October if I'm not gaining. I'm pretty sure I had a gain last week (we'll see at this week's weigh in) because I was on vacation, and despite trying to stay within calorie goals I'm sure I underestimated some days.

    Thanks for the support everyone! Glad you don't want to kick me out!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: