Plant Based Diet?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    pzarnosky wrote: »
    For me, it's that good ole saying.... the proof is in the plant based pudding :smiley:
    I took two years to transition to full "vegan" or plant based. I watched FOK forever ago and of course jumped on the bandwagon. Then I fell off and got back on repeatedly. That let me test it for myself, for my health and what my body responded to the best. I've done simple CICO, Keto, and plant based and I can honestly say I have truly felt the best on a whole food plant based diet. It isn't always easy but it's worth it. For a lot of my life I struggled with digestive issues and the fact that ALL of my issues are completely absent makes it worth it. Add in the fact that I have been seeing gains in my running performance and there's really no question for me. Also another added bonus is that while I still log my calories sometimes, I don't really need to. The way I cook whole food plant based makes it to where I'm never hungry and have maintained my weight loss with no problem. I think it's more of an affirmation because I was thinking "I can't be this full and not be way over my calories."

    For me it's been a really positive change. The ethical implications also play a huge factor. I never really acknowledged what exactly might be going on in animal agriculture. Coming to terms with that. Watching the processes, made me sick to my stomach and pretty much wrapped up any consideration that I might eat any of it again.

    This all seems very reasonable to me. I'm not that different, actually, although maybe in a different part of the process. I just dislike claims that it's necessary for health or that everyone will feel better (because all diets claim this, and it's not true). I personally feel good eating mostly WFPB so can totally see others finding that (or 100%) a way of eating on which they feel good, or better, of course. But I've watched enough of those movies and read enough about nutrition that I get frustrated when I hear things (on all sides, really) that are not true or exaggerated or taken out of context. I'd really love a real discussion between people with different views on these nutrition things who are also willing to listen and acknowledge the points on the other side, as the vast, vast majority of it seems to be preaching to the converted (or assuming you are talking to people without knowledge, who don't know the obvious responses, which is one of my issues with What the Health).
  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    edited January 2018
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I think a whole foods, plant based diet can be healthy. Oreo is a vegan cookie

    Whether you consider oreos vegan or not is somewhat subjective. Many vegans don't consider them vegan, due to the filtering of the sugar through bone char. However, a lot of the knockoffs (newman O's to name one example) are fully vegan because they use organic sugar (in the US, organic sugar is never filtered through bone char).

    That said, I think the general statement that a vegan label on food is not a descriptor of health is an accurate one.
  • Tricia7188
    Tricia7188 Posts: 135 Member
    You could just try it for a while. Everyone hypes up a whole food plant based diet so much. Just give it a go! I enjoy the Starch Solution way of eating but there are lots of YouTube vids with tips.
  • Nicespice9
    Nicespice9 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also going to try a plant based diet. I was pescetarian for 11 years before I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I tried the low carb thing and added back chicken and turkey to my diet. My a1c went from 7.9 to 6.6, but now I have high cholesterol- a problem I never had before. Its disheartening. I have high hopes for the plant based diet improving my health. I'm 225, the heaviest I ever weighed. For 5'3" that puts my bmi at like 40. Anyway, best of luck to those transitioning/beginning.
  • MarcA1218
    MarcA1218 Posts: 570 Member
    That’s awesome! Thanks everyone- so far after a few days I am more confident in my choice.
  • ltomanek
    ltomanek Posts: 53 Member
    Hi there! I'm not vegan, but for the past 7 months a plant-based focused diet has ruled my life. The desire to eat food closer to it's original state (meaning less processed) was not an overnight decision.

    Like many, I have struggled my whole life with my weight. I started putting myself on diets when I was 12. I work in the healthfield now, so as I grew up, learning more and more about our bodies, how we respond to different inputs, I tried a wide variety of diet plans.
    Some we're so successful; short term dramatic results. However great I felt, they were not sustainable, and I gained the weight back.

    About 3-4 years ago, I had done a boot camp 3 x a week, and the trainer told me about the fruit/veggie cycles he would go on between 1-3x a year. Basically like a juice fast for 30 days. This got me into the world of eating whole food plants more often. I dabbled for the following year, only using the idea of eating only fruits and veggies for a cleanse.

    August 2016 is when it clicked. I had just had my birthday and was feeling awful about where I was physically. So I decided to start calorie counting. It had worked well for me in the past to lose and then maintain. And thus started my current launch into overall body health.

    By February 2017, I had lost 10-12 pounds, but had hit a plateau. July 2017 is when I decided to kick it into the next gear, 90% plant-based. I don't eat meat, but some dairy if it's already in my meal and there's nothing else. But I always try to limit it as it never makes me feel as well afterwards.

    I'm down 20 pounds from my initial weight, and I did it passively: hardly even focusing on loosing the weight, but rather eating well. I eat more calories now and feel amazing. Longer eye lashes, Healthy skin and nails that grow like crazy, better recovery times after my workout, and no stomach aches or sluggishness.

    I would always recommend people to focus on eating more fruits, veg, grain, etc. Good luck!
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    Good for you for checking our the +/- of Plant Based before jumping in. I'm vegan and love it, but wasn't sure before I switched my diet.

    If you're uncertain, maybe consider doing a day or two a week Plant Based just to see how you get on with it, to get a couple of recipes under your belt and to work out if you're going to really miss anything? It's what I did. In my head I made it a bit like the 5:2 diet, but instead of restricting, I did 5 week-days vegan, then had the weekend 'off'. I did that for around 2 months before making the switch to veganism for good.
    My husband's currently doing the same, just to see what he makes of it.

    1. I have so much more energy. I have 2 little boys (aged 2 and 4) who have me up at least twice a night and running around in the day and I work full time in a hospital. I don’t get ‘too tired’ or wish the kids would sit down half as much as I did before, and don’t feel as fatigued after a series of 14-hour shifts. The broken nights don’t seem to bother me as much and I’m less ‘foggy’ the next day.

    2. My skin’s better; less oily and fewer break-outs. My hair is softer and glossier. My breath is better in the mornings and I don’t get a ‘gritty’ feeling on my teeth. And my nails appear to break less often.

    3. I haven't had a cough/cold/virus/bug since making the switch to veganism (nearly 1 year ago), but all of my household who eat a 'normal' non-vegan diet have had multiple sniffles and bugs. And, as previously said, I work in a hospital. With all the sick people.

    4. I've lost roughly 2lbs a month of the past 12months, without having to restrict calories or up my exercise.
    If anything I've upped the calories I eat - I used to have around 1800 a day, now have around
    2500 on a normal day. And I wasn't 'big' either; BMI was 25 so pretty reasonable. (But this is totally not the case of all people on Vegan/PB diets, as most people I know seem to have gained!)

    5. No food-coma type feeling after a big meal.

    6. I now have the perfect excuse to not share Oreos.

    1. The amount of people who assume I'm going to try to 'convert them' or tell them what a horrible person they are because they do eat animal products; the assumption that I’m going to preach superiority or try to guilt trip them... Which I don't.
    If people what to know about why I’m vegan or what I eat, great. If not, that’s fine too. I don’t talk about it unless it’s brought up by the other person.

    2. The amount of education it took for me to know what I needed to up in my diet to cover the nutritional stuff I would have otherwise been getting from meat/dairy etc. That was a headache because I'm not really into nutrition.

    3. Lack of choices in shops and restaurants. The UK's a bit behind in most places >_<

    4. I’ve notice my tolerance for alcohol has dropped off massively. I used to have 2/3 glasses of wine with dinner on the weekend with my family. Now I have 1 small glass and I know I’ve had a drink. Might be coincidence, might not...

    Pretty much agree with all of that!
    The other thing I found was that all those little aches and pains I seemed to be getting faded away as well. I certainly lost weight on it, but that was because it was such a massive change for me that it forced me to think carefully about every meal.

    Still, I'm not on it now, purely because it was just too much hassle. Eating out became too prohibitive, and avoiding dairy milk all of the time became a real chore (Yes, I'm lazy!)

    Now, I just eat very little meat, but I do eat dairy. I do wonder if the real benefits come from switching completely though as a mostly plant based diet doesn't seem to have the same positive effect on me as switching completely. I guess we're all different though, and people will respond in different ways.

  • aylerz
    aylerz Posts: 27 Member
    I eat primarily plant based because I'm not a fan of most meat. Just don't like the way it tastes. I do still eat chicken and fish on occasion. I eat lamb once or twice a year as well because my husband is Persian and it's tough to have a meal with his family that doesn't include lamb :D

    The biggest pro for me is that I always feel full, and cooking is creative and colorful, which is fun. The biggest con is that the carb count can get really high, really quickly, so counting calories is essential, and looking at your macros becomes important to make sure you're getting enough protein. Plant-based protein is pretty easy, though. Tons of options.

    I try and stay away from dairy, which can get a little complicated on plant-based (lots of recipes call for cheese - so much cheese), but sticking to vegan recipes that don't call for hard to get or expensive ingredients tends to work for me! Plus, I've found that even if you're trying to stay away from dairy for a non-medical reason, a sprinkle of cheese on a soup or entree every now and then doesn't wreak havoc.