JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    @joan6630 Hey, remember that Beck's rule to sit and eat?
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    4am! Guess who’s being sick again :(

    Seriously considering just not eating anymore. Fed up of eating meals knowing that it won’t digest.
    Couldn’t get a GP appt today but scan and consultant at 3.30pm so will ask them then.
    I’m just so tired and worried baby isn’t getting enough :(

    Oh no Bex!! Can you try "drinking" your meals -- like high protein shakes or something?

    I don’t think we’re supposed to drink protein shakes due to the high protein content!

    I’m not leaving the appt until they sort something because this has been going on for weeks now and now it’s just getting worse with the vomiting!

    This has definitely been the pregnancy to end all pregnancy’s lol I am NEVER doing this again!

    Oh you must be so uncomfortable. Have you considered cutting down your intake...maybe even to just a bite of food every hour...(good food, not Oreos, lol). And if not protein drinks, a small fruit smoothy? Hopefully your consultant will have some ideas for you in order to keep you and the baby fed. We'll be here waiting for you!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    @joan6630 Hey, remember that Beck's rule to sit and eat?

    Yes .... I know !! But the bad part is that once I start binging ...... anything I read goes out the window! Still working on this though! And I bought a new book today about emotional eating. At least I need to be aware of my problem with this! But had a much better day today.
    Anxious to see your quilt! I am finishing the last 4 blocks on my king size one, then ready to pin and start quilting it! I may still put a border on it yet ... trying to decide. Might put a piano border on it, or just a plain border.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - log everything I eat :neutral: Will do this after I post - wrote down the ingredients
    - stick to food plan :neutral: I realised partway through the day that my food plan wasn't realistic and was based on an unhealthy attitude about 'making up for' the previous day. So I changed the food plan... And then stuck to the new one (in fact, I didn't eat everything on it)
    - remember to tick off food as I eat it :neutral: Struggled with this one - started well but then forgot
    - take medium portions of main & small portion of dessert and NO CHEESE (at friend's for dinner) :smile:
    - ask friend for recipe to log it :smile:
    - no alcohol (buy tasty soft drink instead) :neutral: This is the one I changed in my plan - not realistic to think I will not drink while three friends do. So I cut back on dessert
    - 30+ minute lunch break :smile:
    - leave work by 6pm LATEST :smiley: 6.10... forgot I had a call at 5.30

    Today's commitments:

    - log everything I eat
    - stick to food plan
    - remember to tick off food as I eat it
    - do exercise DVD after work
    - be in the green (without eating back exercise kcals)
    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - leave work by 5.30pm LATEST
    - spend quality time with boyfriend (without checking phone)
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    I am really struggling this week. Gone from 298.5 - 255.5 since October and been pretty positive the whole way but this week I just want to curl up and sleep. I am convinced I haver SAD disorder as things feel so much easier when it's sunny lol
  • Nito95
    Nito95 Posts: 44 Member
    @Tracie_Lord Try 5000iu vitamin D! I think that's supposed to counteract SAD somewhat.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Wednesday:
    1. Log accurately. ❌
    2. Outline week 4 plans. ✔ Check essays for most serious errors. ✔ Call 10 parents. ✔ Continue writing weekly post. ✔ Print progress reports. ❌ EMAIL PARENTS. ✔
    3. Complete all learning habits: Duolingo, ✔ blog post (Five Reasons I Love Theater) ❌ script review, continue writing The Thing. ✔
    4. 2 sets body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 40 sec wall sit, 70 sec plank, 40 sec flexibility, 30 sec balance, 15 side leg lifts). ❌ 5k steps at school. ✔ Good to have my not-a-Fitbit back!
    5. Give Life Savers and thank-you card for A. to librarian. ✔ Email PSC to check on anything else I need to do about the masters program on that end. ✔
    6. Prep lunches and breakfast for Thursday upon return from school. ✔ Prep Soup Plus for dinner Thurs/Fri. ✔ No gym this week.
    7. Tea, snack, HAIR PINS, CONTACTS to rehearsal. ✔ Steps to 11k. ✔ Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 15 minutes after return from rehearsal. ✔

    JFT Thursday:
    1. Log accurately.
    2. Finish Week 4 plans. Finish and post weekly post. Input Reflections 4-5. Print progress reports. Attend meeting during planning.
    3. Complete all learning habits: Duolingo, blog post (Five Reasons I Love Theater) script review, continue writing The Thing.
    4. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 40 sec wall sit, 70 sec plank, 40 sec flexibility, 30 sec balance, 15 side leg lifts). 5k steps at school.
    5. Glue promo article to construction paper and have laminated. Arrange for official transcript to be sent to masters program.
    6. Prep lunches and breakfast for Friday upon return from school. No gym this week.
    7. Tea, snack, HAIR PINS, CONTACTS to rehearsal. Steps to 11k. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 15 minutes after return from rehearsal.

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    End of 2017: 174.6
    Jan 31 goal - PREVIOUS:
    171. That's a 1.5 lb/week drop from a start of 175, which makes the math a little easier!
    Jan 31 goal - REVISED: 172. *sigh*
    Goal for 1/29: 173. Today: 174.8

    So I'm glad the weight is going down, but now there's a new worry. Nothing major! But I haven't been able to do much dedicated exercise this week because we're in dress rehearsals for the play. I'm concerned that what I'm really seeing is just the water weight loss because I'm not exercising as much. I do get my 10k steps in, but it's pretty much just walking at school and pacing nervously backstage! It's not like I'm going for a jog or anything. So I guess I'll just have to ride it out and see what happens next week. Fingers crossed!

    BTW, I nailed my scenes last night. We have a fabulous show. I hope lots and LOTS of people come to see it and we get good buzz and sell out! :D Not really likely, as that really only seems to happen with musicals, unfortunately. But it'd be nice!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Wednesday, 1/24/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :)
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :)
    4. Go to the gym (30 min circuit, 30 min treadmill) :)
    5. Complete 2 orders from my shop :)

    JFT (Thursday, 1/25/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Go to the gym (30 min circuit, 10 min elliptical, 10 min bike)
    5. Complete 3 orders from my shop
    6. Laundry
  • DRBuchholz
    DRBuchholz Posts: 55 Member
    Just for Wednesday, Jan 24
    Be at the gym at 5 made it by 510
    Run/walk treadmill yep
    Breakfast yep
    Prepare Lunch yep
    Work yep
    Steps yep
    DATE yep
    Note - I'm going to try to stay green but eating out is hard to figure out calories and I'm not going to ruin my date worrying about it. great date

    Just some news
    I upped my allowed calorie intake based on some advice from friends and what a couple other places calculated as what I need. Maybe this will help with the binges.

    Just for Thursday, January 25
    Training session at gym
    Stay green.
    Walk/run 7 miles to make 100 miles for RTY
    Make steps
    Bedtime routine
    In bed by 10
  • jschoenfeld01
    jschoenfeld01 Posts: 12 Member
    Just for today 1/24
    Write down what I eat in my little pocket notebook. :)
    Choose a salad for lunch and a healthy option for dinner. I don’t have them prepared so I’ll have to eat out. :)
    Meditate prior to gettting out of the car when I get home. <3
    Journal prior to going bed :)

    I’ve decided to not give myself a sad face if I don’t complete a goal- instead I’m treating myself with empathy and grace. I don’t need to beat myself up.

    My JFT 1/25
    Write down my food intake.
    Healthy choices for lunch and dinner. I’m going to a potluck meeting for dinner so I will be bringing something healthy.
    Make at least 2 new connections at my potluck meeting.
    Journal prior to going to bed.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    @joan6630 It seems I'm forever trying to keep my protein up. I do notice that when I'm closer to my protein goal, I do not binge. I've read that I should set my protein goal at a gram per lb at goal weight. So, my goal weight is 150 and my protein goal is 150 grams. I'll have to try the yogurt or eggs in the evening b/c I tend to be reaching for carbs at that time.

    @Sa1936 Try not to feel down on yourself. We've all been there. This thread is awesome and I'm sure you'll be able draw some inspiration from it. I was going to suggest packing a healthy filling snack for the ride home from work or maybe have something waiting for you when you get home.

    Someone asked about RECIPES...90% of mine come from Allrecipes.com and I save all the recipes I like on their site. I always read the first 3-4 reviews. Even though I have many cookbooks, I'm not using them the way I used too.


    Crockpot stew tonight-no mashed potatoes for me!
    Drink water-64oz min. I'm hoping to take this off my list soon as I'm pretty sure I can maintain it.
    Track all my meals today. Start cutting back on carbs & increase protein - goal 150 grams.
    30 min walk with dog in neighborhood.
    Gym-weight machines.
    Cleaning house-continue tossing, cleaning & organizing-tackling the dreaded snacks & cookbook cabinet :wink:
    Read today's Simple Abundance.
    Afternoon, meditate 25 mins.
    Finalize details for volunteer efforts. Try saying "No" once in a while!
    10pm bedtime-read book, no device.
    Fitbit increased to 20,000 steps-set in app.
    I've stopped sneaking food-amazing how when you talk about it, it can help you get back on track.
    Lunch with a friend today-I've logged Thai plate onto my food tracker.

    Yesterday, I went to my first appointment with a chiropractor. What a freaky experience. I go again tomorrow but I'm going to have to be brave. I believe that carrying around the extra 50-60 lbs is causing my spine to be out of alignment and thus pain in other parts of my body. Judging by the amount of cracking sounds (which are not actually cracking) I was pretty unbalanced.

    If any of you see a chiropractor and would like to share your experience, please do so. I welcome any feedback. I would love to be healthier as I approach my 50's.

    If I can maintain a healthy habit for 5 days in a row, that would be great.
    If I could maintain the same healthy habit for 5 years, now that would be awesome!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,526 Member
    Recap W 1/24
    1) Walked 3 miles on treadmill before work / 51:19 :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 13,343 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours (hair appt) & 27 floors :smiley:
    3) Net calories green / monitor the usual / >12c water = Net calories <100 red, sodium & fiber excellent, protein ok & 15c water :smiley:
    4) Evening: hair appt & at least 2 things on to-do list = Like slightly new style & felt productive at home...quit to-do's at 9 p.m. to wind down :smiley:
    5) Floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 = Yay, 3x done! :smiley::smiley::smiley:

    JFT R 1/25 - Skipped treadmill before work (see #3), amazing how much better I feel with enough sleep
    1) Meals & snacks prelogged / trying new recipe for dinner: chicken & broccoli twice baked spaghetti squash / stick with plan / net calories green & monitor the usual
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Workplace hike at lunchtime (not enough snow for snowshoes)
    4) Evening: no choir, so 2 quick errands on way home & at least 2 things on to-do list
    5) Unwind 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (treadmill F a.m.)

    Found interesting info on sleep in MFP Blogs. Lack of sleep really makes us behave in unhealthy ways. http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/body-sleep-deprivation-infographic/
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Checking in from Wednesday:

    So I'm glad the weight is going down, but now there's a new worry. Nothing major! But I haven't been able to do much dedicated exercise this week because we're in dress rehearsals for the play. I'm concerned that what I'm really seeing is just the water weight loss because I'm not exercising as much. I do get my 10k steps in, but it's pretty much just walking at school and pacing nervously backstage! It's not like I'm going for a jog or anything. So I guess I'll just have to ride it out and see what happens next week. Fingers crossed!

    Fantastic that you are enjoying your play and getting the scenes down. That takes a lot of work and determination, especially when you have so many other responsibilities outside of the theater--I'd be a puddle of tears by now. It sounds like it's a worthwhile endeavor for you. Also, I want to encourage you to cling to the fact that your weight is going down! Shoo Negative Nelly out the door! Ain't got no time to entertain her :) Focus on the process--continue drinking water, bring healthy snacks, walking, and resting...just for today, you can't do much else so enjoy the fact that what you can do you are doing WELL! (You indicate your desire to log food accurately---is there something you can do to make this happen? Prelogging what you know you are going to eat, and then adding to or modifying later that night?) (When is opening night?) Your excitement regarding the play makes me smile :smile:

    Peace and joy!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,526 Member
    Nito95 wrote: »
    @Tracie_Lord Try 5000iu vitamin D! I think that's supposed to counteract SAD somewhat.

    I take 5000IU of vitamin D daily...it helps with SAD (I live in a northern climate with short winter days) and for bone density, especially important for women.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Recap W 1/24

    Found interesting info on sleep in MFP Blogs. Lack of sleep really makes us behave in unhealthy ways. http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/body-sleep-deprivation-infographic/

    I read the article. I'm not surprised how connected sleep is to a healthy body and mind, but it is interesting to see just what is affected...like the blood vessels, etc. I think my hormones are what change my sleep pattern...can be very frustrating when I enter into a little/to no sleep cycle. Melatonin and Sleepy Time tea don't seem to make a difference. My mind just whirls a way! Heck, I've solved the world's problems several times, lol!!! Thanks for the link. And wow! You really knocked out your Wed. goals.

    Peace and joy.