Weight Gain on 1200cal and 5 Miles a day?



  • newmanc0299
    newmanc0299 Posts: 16 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    could be a couple things...holding onto water for repair of muscle with new running regimen...and if you're eating very low calories and then doing all of that running and not fueling that activity, you're putting a major stress on your body and raising cortisol levels which will inhibit and slow weight loss...my guess would be a combo of both things.

    Are you eating some of your exercise calories back to account for your running activity? 1200 calories assumes sedentary...if you're running 5 miles per day, you're not sedentary.

    I really just stick to the 1200 and don't really eat anything back...fitbit has a tracking part for daily calorie expenditure (so it creates a 1000cal deficit), and it tells me I'm in the target zone when I eat 1200 and burn off 2250 cal a day, which I seem to only be able to do with exercise.

    2 lbs a week at a normal BMI is a recipe for all sorts of badness.

    You'll need to adjust your expectations.

    good to know. thank you!
  • speedingticket
    speedingticket Posts: 73 Member
    Did you build up to 5 miles, 6 days a week? If not, please cut back and start building up slowly! You're at high risk of an overuse injury. If you did build up, then I would recommend looking into a proper running programme rather than just running 5 miles every day. It wont effect your weight, but it will improve your performance. And if you are gonna run 6 days a week, you might as well get good at it, right? I would also recommend adding in (or replacing 1-2 runs) resistance training. It will help you hold onto as much muscle as you can, reduce injury risk from running, and improve your running performance.
  • newmanc0299
    newmanc0299 Posts: 16 Member
    Did you build up to 5 miles, 6 days a week? If not, please cut back and start building up slowly! You're at high risk of an overuse injury. If you did build up, then I would recommend looking into a proper running programme rather than just running 5 miles every day. It wont effect your weight, but it will improve your performance. And if you are gonna run 6 days a week, you might as well get good at it, right? I would also recommend adding in (or replacing 1-2 runs) resistance training. It will help you hold onto as much muscle as you can, reduce injury risk from running, and improve your running performance.

    yes I did...in fact, I started last year around this time running 2-3 times per week and ended up with a stress fracture, so I've had to build up to it. Thank you for your help!!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I would suggest a fancy scale that measures BMI, Fat percentage, water percentage and muscle percentage. That way you can see if it is muscle gain or water

    Those scales are hugely inaccurate for measuring BF%. Consumer Reports won't even test or make recommendations for them anymore due to being so wildly inaccurate.

    They are known to be innacurate, but they can give you a point of reference. Just take the numbers with a grain of salt and focus on moving them the direction you need to.

    The only problem is that a lot of people don't know that and don't take the numbers with a grain of salt...tons of posts here in regards to "I've lost X Lbs but my scale says my BF% is going up...I'm losing all muscle...HALP!!!"
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    You've gained 32 pounds in 6 months? The weight gain in the last couple of weeks could be water weight related to the addition of running; however, 32 pounds is not water weight (without some major medical issues) if you've been at a deficit. Were you on 1200 calories/day from August until now? Have you been checked out by a doctor during this time?
  • newmanc0299
    newmanc0299 Posts: 16 Member
    edited January 2018
    mitch16 wrote: »
    You've gained 32 pounds in 6 months? The weight gain in the last couple of weeks could be water weight related to the addition of running; however, 32 pounds is not water weight (without some major medical issues) if you've been at a deficit. Were you on 1200 calories/day from August until now? Have you been checked out by a doctor during this time?

    let me explain a bit...I was running more in the past and before August, I was eating even less because I never felt hungry. and yes I have been on 1200 because I wanted to make sure I was eating enough, but I also have something called gastroparesis and I have it so badly that I couldn't eat vegetables until about 2 weeks ago, so a lot of my calories came from fruits and whole grains...I would eat broccoli with lunch and dinner because that is all I could eat. but yes, 1200. I am also borderline for hypothyroidism but not quite fully diagnosed.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    At 110lbs you were underweight, I hope that isn't your goal now...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited January 2018
    mitch16 wrote: »
    You've gained 32 pounds in 6 months? The weight gain in the last couple of weeks could be water weight related to the addition of running; however, 32 pounds is not water weight (without some major medical issues) if you've been at a deficit. Were you on 1200 calories/day from August until now? Have you been checked out by a doctor during this time?

    let me explain a bit...I was running more in the past and before August, I was eating even less because I never felt hungry. and yes I have been on 1200 because I wanted to make sure I was eating enough, but I also have something called gastroparesis and I have it so badly that I couldn't eat vegetables until about 2 weeks ago, so a lot of my calories came from fruits and whole grains...I would eat broccoli with lunch and dinner because that is all I could eat. but yes, 1200. I am also borderline for hypothyroidism but not quite fully diagnosed.

    So being hypothyroid has caused you to gain the 30lbs?
  • newmanc0299
    newmanc0299 Posts: 16 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    At 110lbs you were underweight, I hope that isn't your goal now...

    oh of course not!!!! I'm out of the performing arts career so I really don't have any pressure to be thin, anyway. I just want to be healthy, and I had no idea how unhealthy I was still, even in my attempts to be "healthier"
  • newmanc0299
    newmanc0299 Posts: 16 Member
    mitch16 wrote: »
    You've gained 32 pounds in 6 months? The weight gain in the last couple of weeks could be water weight related to the addition of running; however, 32 pounds is not water weight (without some major medical issues) if you've been at a deficit. Were you on 1200 calories/day from August until now? Have you been checked out by a doctor during this time?

    let me explain a bit...I was running more in the past and before August, I was eating even less because I never felt hungry. and yes I have been on 1200 because I wanted to make sure I was eating enough, but I also have something called gastroparesis and I have it so badly that I couldn't eat vegetables until about 2 weeks ago, so a lot of my calories came from fruits and whole grains...I would eat broccoli with lunch and dinner because that is all I could eat. but yes, 1200. I am also borderline for hypothyroidism but not quite fully diagnosed.

    So being hypothyroid has caused you to gain the 30lbs?

    I have absolutely no idea... It just seemed like the weigh just kept coming on, no matter how hard I've tried to stop it.