FACEPALM. People who don't know what they're talking about AT ALL. I'm really just venting...



  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    This is why I avoid diet/fitness/nutrition small talk with 99% of the people in my life. People don't know what they don't know and it's easier to talk about more pleasant topics.

    I'm going to disagree on principle. The absence of discussing sticky topics is one of the large contributing factors to the polarization of society. It is very necessary to purge that release valve periodically. Like any muscle or skill what we neglect atrophies and dies.

    We are quickly losing the skill of conversation and the ability to agree to disagree.

    Common ground is easily sought and of much more importance than uncommon ground.

    I agree with what you're saying, I should have been clearer in what I wrote. I do discuss other "sticky topics" (politics, culture, religion) with people in my life, I've just found that diet/fitness/nutrition tends (with the people I know) to go round and round without it feeling very constructive. Unlike, say, politics, where I feel like I can better understand where someone is coming from after a conversation (even if we still disagree).

    I guess it's more interesting for me to have IRL debates that center on values and perceptions rather than "Well, Dr Oz swears that raspberry ketones work" or "my cousin lost 40 pounds after she detoxed" (not that all workplace diet conversations are like this, but all the ones in *my workplace* tend to be).

    I thought you were very clear, but I'm attempting to find common ground with you. This is key.

    With all things it is all about how you say it, and very little about the topic. Comedians and salesmen and masters of this craft.

    No, when I looked back at what I wrote in the context of your comments, I realized I didn't exactly *mean* what I wrote and I wanted to clarify. I don't think "pleasant topics" are the highest value (in the work place or generally) and if I read what I wrote, I would have concluded that is what I thought (I don't know if that is what you concluded, but I wanted to make sure).

    It may be that it has more to do with me than the topic, but I *feel* like when I discuss things like politics and religion with people I disagree with (or to explore whether we agree), it feels like there is more potential for understanding someone's value system and how they seem the world. There is more opportunity for potential closeness, for me to learn new things, or for me to be challenged.

    Now that I'm writing all this out, I'm willing to accept this has more to do with how I approach these different topics and conversations than something that is inherent to conversations about diet/weight loss.

    I think in all things it is more critical to understand why people think what they do. So in diet/nutrition it's "Ok you're doing low carb...Why?" The response you get is an indicator if people actually understand the information or simply parroting what they've heard. You only get an emotional rise in those who don't understand and now feel threatened as the potential of ignorance is exposed. There's nothing wrong with ignorance, yet the vast majority is terrified of not knowing - to the point most will openly lie rather than risk being outed from the masses.

    I'm going to split a hair that I think is a significant hair. People don't mind being ignorant; they mind having others think less of them. And being (or seeming to be) ignorant can provoke that response.
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    The ones who drive me crazy are the MLM "coaches" who give fitness and nutrition advice but have no training or education. These are the people who tout egg whites, using 3 lb weights, and calculating BMI with weight and height. Smh...

    What's wrong with 3 lb. weights?

    Or egg whites!

    I would agree with this hair split, but I find is fascinating why anyone would ever be concerned with ignorance. With the volume of data out there ignorance is simply an absolute. It is absurd to believe that we aren't ignorant of something. Even more absurd to be thought lesser because of this.
  • southrnchic479
    southrnchic479 Posts: 136 Member
    As I said before - getting on the scale every day is OKAY as long as you’re not changing what you’re doing on the daily because of it. If a person (like my boss’ wife) can’t understand that it’s normal for their weight to fluctuate, they will get on the scale, see they’ve gained 2 lbs, and then go “oh I need to eat less” when they’re already on a minimum of 1200 calories!

    The point is not “don’t weigh yourself every day” - the point is don’t let the number on the scale dictate your diet from day to day
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Yes, everyone sure doesn't know everything. What bothers me are the people who "think" that they "know" things, when they really don't, and they try and tell others how to do things. Come on,...think....fact or opinion? I'm not jumping on anyone here in this thread---just talking in general.

    I love when I learn something CREDIBLE from someone, or I read some credible info that I'm interested in. to me, it's just a matter of where your info comes from. Consider that pretty important.
  • southrnchic479
    southrnchic479 Posts: 136 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    Wow I hate that you had to hear such terrible advice no one should get on the scale everyday like that makes you obsessive. Also I personally don't believe excercising a lot and eating a little leads to healthy weight loss from my experience your muscles just shrink and your metabolism slows down and then you gain ALL the weight back again :| and you start to look jiggly

    Um, happily non-obsessive daily weigher here. I like seeing the trends precisely so I *don't* freak out when I get a random high day (or two or three). To each their own :ohwell:

    Good for you darling but it's not healthy for most people especially people trying to lose a lot of fat.

    It's not healthy for SOME people. Many of us weigh daily, make a note and move on with our day. I lost a lot of weight (50 lbs.) weighing daily without it becoming anything more than a useful tool.

    Yeah, this.

    For me it's healthier to weigh daily or close to it. When I don't is when I start getting weird about getting on the scale and overreacting to it.

    This is a great point. Yea I’ve actually been weighing myself every other day since then, and even though the scale really hasn’t gone down like it did in the first week (water weight), I can see my body is already reacting positively to the newly introduced calisthenics and upped protein levels over the past 3 weeks. I went from doing absolutely nothing and eating an unmonitored super high carb diet with empty calories all the time, and have truly only lost like 2 lbs in almost 3 weeks since I’ve made the changes, but I can see myself leaning out. I think half the battle sometimes (for me anyway) is trusting myself that I am indeed making progress despite the fluctuations on the scale. After New Years and all the holidays, I was getting dressed in the bathroom to hide from my husband, avoiding my reflection in the mirror so I didn’t have to look at my pudge, and now I’m not doing those things so that has to stand for something!! Sometimes I just have to say screw the number on the scale lol