Maintainers Help Needed



  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    First and foremost, @nowine4me - it’s very humbling to see you asking this question as I see you as a beacon of honest truth and wisdom on these forums regularly.

    With that said, I am always an advocate of Time and strength training here. Surgery should always be seen as a last resort, after all other options have been exhausted. My next steps would be to start researching recomp, take lots of photos for progress comparison and start lifting heavy things!
  • renovagirl
    renovagirl Posts: 85 Member
    Here's the thing - if it's skin that has stretched and lost it's elasticity, no amount of recomp, lifting etc will help. Losing more weight will only make it worse (as others have said). I am a huge believer in doing whatever it takes to make yourself more comfortable/happy in your own skin. My vote (if we are voting) is to go onto, research plastic surgeon's and go on a few consults. Nothing wrong with a little PS IMO. And BTW - well done! You look amazing
  • Npegg
    Npegg Posts: 1 Member
    lift more, your doing great! you won't get "big" at all, just fill in the skin a bit, so I agree with the trainer a bit becasue I've been there. But, when will you be satisfied? I say enjoy the "journey" of your transformation because you obviously have done excellent!! You deserve to be happy and content with how you are because you have earned your way there. Now, you can maintain and polish your look. You look amazing! Good Job!
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    What type of professional would you see? I’m 5-7”, 134#, 24%bf age 52F. I’m at what is considered ideal for my stats. I lost 85# over 2 years via good diet, walking/running and lifting. Yet I still have very loose flabby bags on my belly, thighs and arms. It’s not improved in a year.

    Primary doc says stop losing
    Plastic surgeon says I need body lift
    Dermatologist says live with it
    Trainer says lose more and lift more
    Dietician has no opinion on the subject

    Personally, I think I look great in clothes. But would be very uncomfortable in front if anyone but my husband in a bathing suit. Thoughts?

    Your loose skin is a badge of honor in a strange way. I never plan to have mine removed, as long as I can keep the weight off! Be proud!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    If i ended up with loose flabby skin/boobs I'd get surgery. Howeeeever i would wait at least a couple of years after hitting my goal weight, and the bigger issue... Money.
    I would have to be incredibly well off to fork out thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery. If i had to scrimp and save to come up with the cash or take a loan out etc then i wouldn't even consider it. As it stands now i could think of a million better things to spend my money on.

    Long story short, i would do it, if i waited a good amount of time after reaching my goal, and i was a millionaire :lol:

    You're also one up on me, I wont even wear a bikini in front of my husband!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    Maintain and lift.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,164 Member

    Congratulations on your weigh loss and maintenance. Well done!

    You do seem to be worry about wearing a bathing suit in public , but why does it have to be a bikini? I really never understood the need and obsession about that kind of bathing suit when they are so many other choices. Have you consider a two piece bathing suit with a nice tankini (sp?) covering your stomach? Or a bottom with a nice swimming skirt. (

    I hope that the above link shows so you can have an idea of what I mean. Good luck with what ever decision you make.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    Hooray for March holidays. We are cruising the Caribbean the last 2 weeks.
    And yes, I will be a brazen bikini wearer.

    Are your sundresses for swimming in too? If not- get yourself some swimwear, and a cover up. B)

    Most people don't saunter around in their bikini, even in hot climates you usually need to be covered to get drinks and food.

    Your hesitation is as others have said is due to not being use to yourself so scantily dressed.

    Wear your sundress or swim wear around the house for a couple of weeks before you go away. It is not just about how you think you look staring straight in the mirror for 5 min, it is about how comfortable you feel in it, how easily you move, and wearing it with good posture and confidence.

    If you would have asked me a few years ago if, in my 50's I would wear a bikini I would have rolled around the floor laughing.

    In fact when I started aqua fit at 54 I was so self conscious I got a tri suit that covered me neck to knee with a zip up the front.

    When we went to the Med a couple of years later, modest swim suit.


    I hated the clingy wetness and difficulty changing it out.

    When we went to the Caribbean a couple of years after that, I was a bikini convert.

    I wore it at home so me and SO we're both use to seeing all the skin out of the bedroom.

    I thee w the darn thing on as soon as we got on the ship, so I wouldn't chicken out, and never looked back.
    I had 2, I think, so I could change them out, so much easier. That, and multi snorkelling trips a day, is what converted me.

    Yes I have saggy inner thighs, yes my arms wobble, and most definitely yes I am an apple with a B belly that will never look sleek. Ya know what, I don't care, and no one else does either.

    Now I have a collection of 6-7 bikinis and get teased ( lovingly) by friends all the time.

    Cheers, h.

    PS: I think you know me well enough that you have seen my progress pic while in maintenance, but I will post it all the same in the hopes it will encourage you.
    The left is at goal, and on that first Caribbean cruise. The others are progress over 2-3 years of gentle/slow recomp.

    The second pic is just so you can see, the cruise bloat doesn't deter.

    NB: the belly may look good-ish standing, sitting it folds in on itself and hide my belly button (2 bloops)

    You look absolutely amazing! OP,who cares what anybody thinks,you've done a great job with your weight loss,be proud!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,137 Member
    You're a fox "H". And wine or no wine so are you, OP! :sunglasses:
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,137 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hey @middlehaitch I'm in for the eye candy! (Planks excluded as gravity doesn't work *for* me there either.... :wink:)
  • BeccaLoves2lift
    BeccaLoves2lift Posts: 375 Member
    Hooray for March holidays. We are cruising the Caribbean the last 2 weeks.
    And yes, I will be a brazen bikini wearer.

    Are your sundresses for swimming in too? If not- get yourself some swimwear, and a cover up. B)

    Most people don't saunter around in their bikini, even in hot climates you usually need to be covered to get drinks and food.

    Your hesitation is as others have said is due to not being use to yourself so scantily dressed.

    Wear your sundress or swim wear around the house for a couple of weeks before you go away. It is not just about how you think you look staring straight in the mirror for 5 min, it is about how comfortable you feel in it, how easily you move, and wearing it with good posture and confidence.

    If you would have asked me a few years ago if, in my 50's I would wear a bikini I would have rolled around the floor laughing.

    In fact when I started aqua fit at 54 I was so self conscious I got a tri suit that covered me neck to knee with a zip up the front.

    When we went to the Med a couple of years later, modest swim suit.


    I hated the clingy wetness and difficulty changing it out.

    When we went to the Caribbean a couple of years after that, I was a bikini convert.

    I wore it at home so me and SO we're both use to seeing all the skin out of the bedroom.

    I threw the darn thing on as soon as we got on the ship, so I wouldn't chicken out, and never looked back.
    I had 2, I think, so I could change them out, so much easier. That, the slimey wetness, and multi snorkelling trips a day, is what converted me.

    Yes I have saggy inner thighs, yes my arms wobble, and most definitely yes I am an apple with a B belly that will never look sleek. Ya know what, I don't care, and no one else does either.

    Now I have a collection of 6-7 bikinis and get teased ( lovingly) by friends all the time.

    Cheers, h.

    PS: I think you know me well enough that you have seen my progress pic while in maintenance, but I will post it all the same in the hopes it will encourage you.
    The left is at goal, and on that first Caribbean cruise. The others are progress over 2-3 years of gentle/slow recomp.

    The second pic is just so you can see, the cruise bloat doesn't deter.

    NB: the belly may look good-ish standing, sitting it folds in on itself and hide my belly button (2 bloops)

    You're rocking those bikinis! Love it!
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    @cmriverside - that’s me at my current weight and in a flattering shot. Doing planks on the other hand, is not a great look. Luckily I don’t plank on the beach much. Hopefully time will be kind to me as it was for you.

    Girl I am at a good weight without excess skin and if I ever glance down my top while doing planks I am also full of disappointment :D

    How long have you been maintaining? I know diddly squat about it, but is it something that will rectify over time with a continued positive lifestyle?