Less alcohol- January 2018- one day at a time



  • donimfp
    donimfp Posts: 795 Member
    Nashville update: Not one drop of alcohol on day 1 of the trip. Been in and out of four bars and my friends have had four or more drinks each. I don't mind if they drink, I just choose not to. It is getting easy- I agree with @erikNJ !
    Something in my brain has changed. I dont even want a sip. Now, I'm back at this gorgeous condo, and the girls are out finding food. They've got the munchies. I am really happy right now. Xoxo

    You ROCK! I was feeling so tempted to cave but no way after reading your post! Thanks for the inspiration!!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    Day 24 for me. My "final exam" for Dry January will begin tomorrow (Thursday) and end Sunday. Big girl's trip to Nashville where the sole intent is drinking, dancing and eating. I will do my very best to do mostly dancing!! Maybe I"ll look up Tim McGraw (he's been sober for nine years) and see if I can hang out with him and Faith.

    Happy for all of you who are on track with your personal goals. I only lost a few pounds myself this month, but the overal feeling of calmness is a noticeable improvement. Very little mood swings, much more patient, clearheaded, and happier than in previous months. Best part zero hangovers for 24 days in a row. I must say for me that is the best feeling and reward. I'll be checking this thread for motivation. Xoxo

    Good luck Julie! You’ll be great! Your resolve is strong and I bet you learn that you have fun sober and you’ll be the one feeling awesome every morning!! Do you like coffee? I know it’s not a substitute for wine, but getting an amazing flat white, or special coffee in the morning could be a great treat. Try and keep perspective on everything you’re gaining. The only thing you’re losing by not drinking is a headache, remorse and lots of extra calories :) xo

    Thanks for the wise word! You're so right. I am learning that I can still have fun being sober. I do love coffee and will get a beautiful cup in the morning. And hooray- no headache for me. Xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    Nashville update: Not one drop of alcohol on day 1 of the trip. Been in and out of four bars and my friends have had four or more drinks each. I don't mind if they drink, I just choose not to. It is getting easy- I agree with @erikNJ !
    Something in my brain has changed. I dont even want a sip. Now, I'm back at this gorgeous condo, and the girls are out finding food. They've got the munchies. I am really happy right now. Xoxo

    You ROCK! I was feeling so tempted to cave but no way after reading your post! Thanks for the inspiration!!

    Stay strong, my friend. It is really so exciting in a way to abstain because I still had a great time and loved the music. Thanks for your inspiration! You ROCK too!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Oh wow...I thought I was the only person on earth trying to cut back.
    But lookie here, at all of you great inspirations.
    I write down at the end of every day either NA ( no alcohol ) or a number with the drink name listed. Also on the same calender I write my work out for that day. For me seeing it in black and white and being honest with myself is very gratifying and so far successful.
    In 2018 by week I have gone from 7 to 5 to 4 DRINKS and this week since Sunday only 1 DRINK. YAY
    And I have noticed a huge reduction in bloating of my abdomen. GREAT JOB EVERYONE.

    Awesome job! It's nice to see a running tally of all the NA days. There's that app also called Dry January where you can log your NA days and see that calendar fill up with teacups (symbol for alcohol free day). Keep it up!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    JenT304 wrote: »
    Thank you for this thread. It has been most inspiring to read every morning. Along with the book, "Drinking: A love Story" which I saw on here already, I highly recommend, "Drink: The intimate relationship between women and alcohol", by Ann Dowsett Johnston. The way alcohol has become marketed to women is truly eye opening to read about. Whole sections in the liquor store of wines called, "Mommy's Time Out, Mad Housewife, Skinny B*tch" and on and on. Ann intertwines her own struggles with alcohol along with research. It is a compelling read. This thread has helped me cut back on alcohol more than anything else I have tried. I am very grateful for it.

    Thank you for the recommendation. I will add them to my list. I am reading This Naked Mind and almost done. It has definitely been what I needed to be free of alcohol. I also have the book, "Blackout, Remembering the things I drank to forget", which was recommended her on this thread. These are on my Nook on my tablet. I will check for the others on my Nook. Last year I bought a book and never read it, because I was drinking heavy and didn't want to face it. The name of that book is, "The Alcoholism & Addiction CURE-Addiction Ends Here".

    I finally bought This Naked Mind.

    Excited to start it.

    The only other book ive read on the topic of alcoholism was a few months ago- Drinking: A Love Story. Its a pretty compelling memoir and one that got me thinkibg seriously about my own relationship with alcohol. < I dont want to end that relationship, but i do want to repair it.

    I just finished reading The Love Story book. It was compelling, because I sadly saw a lot of her actions mirrored my own. I wonder how the author is doing now. I think the book is about 10 years old. I will try the Blackout book you recommend. Thanks for your insights. The more I read, the more validated I feel about alcohol's effects on my body.
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,500 Member
    To those wondering about the author of Drinking: A love story, Caroline Knapp, sadly, she died at age 42 from lung cancer. She was a wonderful writer. She also wrote a book called, Pack of Two, which details how after she got sober, she adopted a dog and it is a sweet story about the relationship and love between a dog and their human.

  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Nashville update: Not one drop of alcohol on day 1 of the trip. Been in and out of four bars and my friends have had four or more drinks each. I don't mind if they drink, I just choose not to. It is getting easy- I agree with @erikNJ !
    Something in my brain has changed. I dont even want a sip. Now, I'm back at this gorgeous condo, and the girls are out finding food. They've got the munchies. I am really happy right now. Xoxo

    That is so awesome @JulieAL1969 !! Glad to hear you’ve been able to stick with your goals! :blush:
  • islandbeez
    islandbeez Posts: 162 Member
    NormInv wrote: »
    Day 25 - check....wow I am amazed at not having had a drink for this long. Good job self!

    Great job, @NormInv ! And thanks for the morning chuckle!
  • justlog
    justlog Posts: 125 Member
    Nashville update: Not one drop of alcohol on day 1 of the trip. Been in and out of four bars and my friends have had four or more drinks each. I don't mind if they drink, I just choose not to. It is getting easy- I agree with @erikNJ !
    Something in my brain has changed. I dont even want a sip. Now, I'm back at this gorgeous condo, and the girls are out finding food. They've got the munchies. I am really happy right now. Xoxo

    Kudos to the huge victory!
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    Goal — January under 7 drinks a week- for my health.....my mind.....my body....Freedom from alcohol ruling my life!

    1/1 =alcohol free
    1/2 = 4 wine spritzers
    1/3 =alcohol free
    1/4 =alcohol free
    1/5 =alcohol free while my husband must of drank almost 2 bottles of wine....I wasn't tempted, which was great!
    1/6 =alcohol free while my husband must of drank almost 2 bottles of wine
    1/7 =alcohol free while my husband must of drank almost 2 bottles of wine-I copy and paste! Rerun! :) I feel that now I don't even want one drink as it is never enough...I always want more! I will see how long I can be FREE from alcohol. Losing weight and feeling great!
    1/8 =DITTO...I slept better last night--had an Atkins bar around 8...maybe that was it...I also had to go to my guest room again for my husbands snoring started again! :)
    1/9 =DITTO and lost another pound---Wow! 7 days alcohol FREE!! This is the longest I have gone for years!
    1/10 =8 days freedom
    1/11 =9 days freedom- looking forward to reading my new books...This Naked Mind and Blackout-Remembering The Things I Drank to Forget...
    1/12 =10 days clean! My hubby only drank during the day, not last night. He didn't snore last night, so I didn't have to go to our guest room to sleep. Read the first 2 1/2 chapters of This Naked Mind and finding it interesting.
    1/13 =11 Days freedom! It is actually getting easier at this point...I just ordered some liver detox....
    1/14 =12 Days freedom! It really helps to have all you on MFP for support! Thank you all!! :)
    1/15 =13 days---Wow! I am finally sleeping in my own bed now because my husband cuts off his drinking at night and he doesn't snore so loud to make me go into our guest room! LOL! He didn't like me going into the guest room, so he cut down... :)
    1/16 =14 days freedom! 2 weeks!! YAY! I have to note how yesterday was a bit interesting when my hubby just bottle a bunch of wine and said to me, "Taste this, it is better than the usual Concord that we make". I told him immediately that I was just drinking green tea and it wouldn't taste good. I was so glad that I was drinking tea, as I would have been tempted to taste it. I feel that if it happens again that I am prepared now and will decline. I am going to tell him today not even to ask me to taste. :)

    1/17 =15th day freedom! Had another great morning of working out...ready to play some music!
    1/18 =16th day freedom! I am going for a month!! I joined the "Alcohol Experiment" Super informational...I have been just reading and listening..this weekend I am going to start writing in the journal. I recommend this to you all, if just to read and listen to all the interesting information.
    1/19 =17th day- my husband drank through the day until bedtime and I had to go to the guest room to sleep because he snored again. A definite pattern of loud snoring when he drinks wine at night. I caught up in the "Alcohol Experiment" yesterday and started writing in it. It really is helping me in so many ways. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be able to go through it, and I highly recommend it. There is no pressure about your alcohol intake.
    1/20 =18th day of freedom from alcohol addiction. My mind and body are really loving it. Yesterday was my first social event to go to. I had no problem in saying that I wasn't having any wine, when asked twice. I said I was on a cleanse and I have to stay away from the sugar. My doctor did say that I have to stay away from sugar last year, as I have a hereditary condition called GSID-Genetic Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency. I have been following the diet fine, except for the alcohol, until now. I have even another reason to stay away from it.
    1/21 =19th freedom day
    1/22 =20th day...a tempting day in that I just don't feel up to doing much. Previously, this is when I drank. I am hanging in there.
    1/23 =21st day...did intermittent fasting and just love it! Started a Thread on Challenges!
    1/24 =22nd day of freedom. I went way past my goal of under 7 drinks a week. I have no cravings and am loving my life without alcohol.
    1/25 =23rd day of freedom! I finished This Naked Mind last night! Such a great book! I will continue to refer to it!
    1/26 =
    1/27 =
    1/28 =
    1/29 =
    1/30 =
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    Nashville update: Not one drop of alcohol on day 1 of the trip. Been in and out of four bars and my friends have had four or more drinks each. I don't mind if they drink, I just choose not to. It is getting easy- I agree with @erikNJ !
    Something in my brain has changed. I dont even want a sip. Now, I'm back at this gorgeous condo, and the girls are out finding food. They've got the munchies. I am really happy right now. Xoxo
    erikNJ wrote: »
    This is just getting easy now. I have been to a bar every single weekday this week and how many alcoholic drinks have I had? ZERO. Just waters

    Awesome!! to both you and ErikNJ! I feel that my brain has changed as well. I don't even care about alcohol. I haven't been to any bars surrounded by drinkers, but have been to a birthday party where most where drinking alcohol. So glad that you two are sharing this! It is such an encouragement for others!! XOXO
  • jenifer7teen
    jenifer7teen Posts: 205 Member
    edited January 2018
    JenT304 wrote: »
    To those wondering about the author of Drinking: A love story, Caroline Knapp, sadly, she died at age 42 from lung cancer. She was a wonderful writer. She also wrote a book called, Pack of Two, which details how after she got sober, she adopted a dog and it is a sweet story about the relationship and love between a dog and their human.

    Yeah finding out she died several years after getting sober (from smoking/lung cancer) made me wonder how realistic sobriety is for people with certain mental/enotional/addiction issues. She went from anorexia, to alcohol, smoking... i too was anorexic, then a smoker (i quit in my late 20's), then alcohol and sex became problematic. Now its really JUST alcohol and its not causing other problems except my knowledge that in the long term my body will be negatively impacted. Etc
    I am currently doing some counseling with my husband (we do this periodically) and my thetapist kind of suggested it may be a legitimate way i cope with some of my mental darkness. Even from a young age i would count the number of starving children who died each day, or feel guilty for being alive while othets suffered in war zones or through horrific abuse. Even today a simple tragic news story can send me into an existential crisis and endless philisophical analysis that usually ends in "f-it, there is no god who will save all the dying children, and i am powerless too.... i guess i will have a drink to turn the volume of those thoughts down."

    I guess i see alcohol as no different tgsn someone who might take any form of medicine to help with mental issues. Ideally id like to not be one of those people but at a certian point we have to be realistic.
    Anyway, i still found her book to be provocative and even profound. But i cant help but wonder what she might have written 10 years later ( had she lived longer).

    Did she really find the mental/emotional root of her addiction and remove it, or would it just sprout something new in a later season of life?
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    JenT304 wrote: »
    To those wondering about the author of Drinking: A love story, Caroline Knapp, sadly, she died at age 42 from lung cancer. She was a wonderful writer. She also wrote a book called, Pack of Two, which details how after she got sober, she adopted a dog and it is a sweet story about the relationship and love between a dog and their human.

    Yeah finding out she died several years after getting sober (from smoking/lung cancer) made me wonder how realistic sobriety is for people with certain mental/enotional/addiction issues. She went from anorexia, to alcohol, smoking... i too was anorexic, then a smoker (i quit in my late 20's), then alcohol and sex became problematic. Now its really JUST alcohol and its not causing other problems except my knowledge that in the long term my body will be negatively impacted. Etc
    I am currently doing some counseling with my husband (we do this periodically) and my thetapist kind of suggested it may be a legitimate way i cope with some of my mental darkness. Even from a young age i would count the number of starving children who died each day, or feel guilty for being alive while othets suffered in war zones or through horrific abuse. Even today a simple tragic news story can send me into an existential crisis and endless philisophical analysis that usually ends in "f-it, there is no god who will save all the dying children, and i am powerless too.... i guess i will have a drink to turn the volume of those thoughts down."

    I guess i see alcohol as no different tgsn someone who might take any form of medicine to help with mental issues. Ideally id like to not be one of those people but at a certian point we have to be realistic.
    Anyway, i still found her book to be provocative and even profound. But i cant help but wonder what she might have written 10 years later ( had she lived longer).

    Did she really find the mental/emotional root of her addiction and remove it, or would it just sprout something new in a later season of life?

    These are thoughtful questions. You are not alone in having these types of existential thoughts. Only wish I had the answers.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Yesterday I did a 30 minute strength training work out in the morning before work. When I got home I told my husband I wanted to go for a run and he laughed and joked about me being addicted to my new home gym. I told him that I just didn't have time in the morning to do both cardio and strength training and I really wanted to make up for it. He asked me what I did before I quit the gym last month, I said that I just dealt with short work outs. Then I thought about it a realized that I would come home and drink and just do nothing. This goes back to my original posts about having "too much energy" when sober. I'm definitely finding more healthy ways to help with that extra energy and am loving it!!