JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @clicketykeys I'm ingrigued by your idea of freezing coffee in ice cube trays. Do you mean, regular coffee or like flavored coffees, cappucinos, etc? What do you mean cook them down? Also, HOORAY for a wonderful opening night, being AWESOME in your role and how cool it is that your parents were there and you didn't even know it! Front seats too! I'm proud of you and don't even know you! LOL!

    I've done it with both regular and flavored. Not with cappuccino, though I don't see why it wouldn't work. By "cook them down" I mean setting them on to simmer for awhile to make them more concentrated. I found that when I just froze the coffee normally, if I then made it into a frozen smoothie, the flavor seemed weak (to me).
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited January 2018
    Weekly weigh-in


    Starting weight Jan 1, 2017: 217
    Starting weight Jan 1, 2018: 195.5
    1st Goal weight:175
    2nd goal weight: 170
    (5'11" tall, 66 years old)

    Progress so far:
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6
    June 1: 200.4
    July 1: 199.2
    August 1: 195.6
    Sept 1: 192.8
    October 1: 191.8
    November 1: 187.7
    December 1: 187.0

    January 1, 2018: 194.5

    January 6 195.5
    January 13: 193.8
    January 20: 192.4
    January 27: 191.6

    These are my January goals
    1. Lose 3 pounds - goal weight 191
    2. 8 glasses of water at least 5x a week
    3. log all food at least 5x a week
    4. exercise at least 5x a week
    5. gratitude journal at least 5x a week
    6. get on here everyday to be accountable

    Borrowed from several another MFP posters:
    If I don't do what I can today, I won't be able to do what I want tomorrow.
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Friday
    1. Water :)
    2. Mom's 9:30 :)
    3. Pick up packaging for shipping quilt :)
    4. Call Mark :/ see #6
    5. Hubby's specialist appt. :) I guess all I can say is he went. He isn't a guy that's very proactive with his doctors and as a result he now needs to do a load more tests which he's griping about.
    6. Dinner with D & A :) Enjoyable evening but hosting wears me out, as much as I like it. I made pizza from scratch and chocolate avocado mousse.
    7. Brush and floss :)
    8. Bed by 10:30 :) in bed by 10 actually
    JFT Saturday
    1. Water
    2. Call Mark, write note/card, package quilt for mailing on Monday
    3. Dinner at Subway (?)
    4. Research previous idea for storage containers made of fabric
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited January 2018
    @joan6630 @cschmitz110515 Look at you guys, you goal accomplishers. I'm so proud and you should be to!
    @HGSmith0920 Way to resisting the fast coffee and saving on so many fronts!
    @clicketykeys Great idea with the 'leftover' coffee. Congratulations on opening night. Question.... Was your cast dinner cancelled?
    @sarah74_vt Great crossing off your lists. I love when I see things on other people's lists that I should get at.
    @OConnell5483 I checked out that Midnight Quilting. She's hilarious and I love her vibrant colours.
    @Bex953172 Be good to yourself. What on earth are you doing washing the yard down when you're this far along and not feeling well? (((((Bex)))))
    @DRBuchholz Isn't laundry so much more a chore when you need to take it out? The only good part of that is it's all done when you get back home.
    (((((all))))) have a great weekend. I need stop procrastinating and get to my list. :)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Sorry this is SO big - but here is what I've been working on.
    @bcTRAI - do you have any suggestions as to what to do for a border?? I thought about piano keys, but hubby thought it would look too busy. This one I am keeping - thinking it would be very cheerful on our bed during the summer months.
    Love to have any suggestions.
    Sorry this is off topic -- but not really, as this keeps me from eating :)

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I'm currently sitting the laundromat. I hate this place! Lol. But it's better than having to go back and forth between my house and my mother's to do laundry. It takes waaay less time. It's just incredibly boring. Lol

    So as much as I gripped about sitting in the laundromat I did get a bunch of stuff done. I worked on my budget some more and paid a bunch of bills. I also stopped for a small cup of coffee on the way there. It was only a dollar and I needed it because it was right after lunch and I was just so tired. Lol

    I ended up going to the gym today! I'm so proud of myself! After the laundromat I found that I had an extra 2 hours in my schedule so I used them to go walk on a treadmill. It was really nice. I listened to a sermon from one of my favorite speakers and I hid the clock, calories and distance. I find that if I can see them then all I do is think about how much longer I have to keep it up. So if I hide it with a towel or my tablet then I can walk forever! I walked for 40 minutes and got home in time to take a shower before the DH got home. Now I am on schedule!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @joan6630 You are doing amazing this month! Look at those pounds coming off! And the quilt is beautiful! I think just a simple border would look good on it because there is so much going on it!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @bcTRAI My husband is the exact same way about doctors appointments! I usually try to go with him. I add the things that he neglects to tell the doctors. Lol. The only one I dont go in with him is his therapy appointments. Those are private to him.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    @clicketykeys Great idea with the 'leftover' coffee. Congratulations on opening night. Question.... Was your cast dinner cancelled?

    Kind of. It was just with the women of the cast, and two of the three did a reply-all to say they couldn't make it (though one was going to try to stop by and say hello for a few minutes) and the third replied just to me and said she couldn't come, so I emailed everyone back saying "we'll have to schedule another one!" well the one who said she was going to drop in DID drop in because she didn't realize that everyone else had cancelled - but I ended up having my Soup Plus at home rather than the delicious (but much carbier) vegan beet-bean-quinoa burger at the restaurant. So there wasn't anyone there for her to say hello to ;D

    @HGSmith0920 That is so pretty!!! And way to go on getting yourself to the gym! :D
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MY OH MY.....I haven't posted on JFT since Tuesday 1/23! I had a lot of reading to catch up on! You all are sooo amazing and I'm proud to be apart of such a devoted group!! @HGSmith0920 I'm so happy to see you back :joy:@Bex953172 I'm sorry you've had a rough pregnancy (Have you tried an extra 150 mg of B6 vitamin? It helps with nausea, I can't make it through pregnancy without supplementing my prenatal vitamin with an additional B6 vitamin.) All the quilts are sooo beautiful!!

    Small update:

    This week has been incredibly busy!! The semester of has started up again at the university so I am going back into the lab every week. It is only 6 hours a week so that is not too bad. However, I really dislike to bus bc students are inconsiderate, Lol!! Good news though, the university has given me a special parking permit which allows me to park right up to the Chemistry building where my lab is located (this starts Wed. 1/31) so no more bus this semester!! :joy: I've been very consumed with my research work this week bc I had a deadline for a paper last Thursday. Luckily it all worked out but it kept me busy!! Outside of the research work, we have been visiting daycare facilities :flushed: It makes me just want to return to a full-time stay-at-home-mom again! My husband and I are very picky but we both feel like God has favor on us and the right one will come along. We found a tentative daycare but we are not a 100% on it yet. Not to mention, my husband's work has been consuming both of our time this week due to his meetings, etc. With all the ciaos of this week, my hormones have taken me for an emotional roll coaster ride. I actually lost my appetite a bit over the last few days and I've been overwhelmed with everything! However, everything seems to have turned around today, thankfully!! Yesterday I decided that I would have a "Zen" day!! No one was to ask me to do anything, or complain or whine, etc bc I did not want to "deal" with any of it; I just wanted to de-stress. Well, I feel like it worked. My appetite is back on track today and the little guy is back to his normal movements (which makes me very happy!!). So.....moving on!

    1/27 Saturday JFT:

    Breakfast w/ family
    Manage Saturday Chores
    Work on Research - Analyze 13 glycopeptides
    Continue to add to "Baby Shopping List"
    Place an order for a few baby items
    Catch up on JFT
    Dinner by 8 pm
    Bedtime by 11 pm
  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    Report 1/26
    Log :)
    Get back on here and be accountable :) a little late, but I’m here.
    Read in the afternoon many many documents to learn my new job :)
    Fast til noon :)
    Weigh in! :)

    Skipping Sat, since it’s late. Today wasn’t bad. Spent a lot of time outdoors since it was warm! Lots of walking. Made a yummy curry. I should get up and clean, but being lazy now.

    JFT 1/28.
    Fast til noon
    Make bean soup for weekday lunches
    Bake muffins for the kids to eat
    Tidy up house since my mother is coming over
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @MLHC1 Thank you for the welcome back! I wasn't sure if you were still here because I didn't see any posts from Wednesday until now! I'm so glad you to "see" you! I'm glad that you took the "Zen" day. It seems to have worked wonders on you! I glad that you got the parking permit too! I remember when I was in school I risked getting a ticket because I used to park in the teachers parking lot that was way closer to my science building then the others were. Lol. I dont think I ever ended up getting one though! I hope that you get all your school work done and that your husband's work schedule calms down a bit!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    @MLHC1 Thank you for the welcome back! I wasn't sure if you were still here because I didn't see any posts from Wednesday until now! I'm so glad you to "see" you! I'm glad that you took the "Zen" day. It seems to have worked wonders on you! I glad that you got the parking permit too! I remember when I was in school I risked getting a ticket because I used to park in the teachers parking lot that was way closer to my science building then the others were. Lol. I dont think I ever ended up getting one though! I hope that you get all your school work done and that your husband's work schedule calms down a bit!

    This university won't even let you on campus as a student if you do not live on campus. They log your license plate in their system and have parking booths at every entrance that run your license plates. It helps keep traffic down so maintenance people, faculty, employees, etc can get around on campus. However, during your third trimester they let you on campus. Luckily I'll be done with my school work before the baby is due. My mentor professor has arranged everything to be done by the first of April. Although, that really shortens the length of time I have to complete this research project, Lol!! Things are stressful for me and my hubby bc of all the changes (new baby, my schooling, our kids schooling and his company changes). But that's life!! :blush:

    Thank you for your support and I'm glad you're back!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited January 2018
    JFT, Saturday
    1. go to the gym - don't let this habit go away. So easy to hit the snooze :/ Had trouble sleeping last nite, so skipped the gym to sleep in
    2. drink water :/ Not as much as I should have tyoday
    3. log all food :):/ Only reason there is a happy face is because I owned up to it and logged it all.. Yes .... all 2100 calories today! Emotional, stress eating
    4. grill some chicken on my new indoor grill that hubby got me! So far ... we love it. A nice, easy way to prepare meat without starting the big gas grill outside. :)
    5. oranize/declutter one thing. Tomorrows goal is under hubby's bathroom sink, and my sock drawer :) Going to go NOW and do the linen closet!
    6. do 1 hour of charity sewing before I start my own sewing. I know the cancer center really needs those hats, so I need to make this a priority. It is amazing what I can accomplish in just one hour :/ No charity sewing, but working on my other quilt
    7. try and plan at least 2 days worth of meals :/
    8. if it is nice outside - work in the yard a little :/ Cleaned house instead. Just really tired and stressed today
    9. weigh myself, and report on here. Hoping for some progress this week .... but if the scale does not reflect it .... I still feel like I had a better week. :) At least the scale was nice to me today
    10. get back on here -- be accountable :)

    After a horrible evening of giving in, tomorrow is a new day
    JFT, SUnday
    1. go to the gym - no excuses
    2. drink water
    3. think before I eat. Am I hungry, or just stressed, emotional
    4. log all food
    5. get back on here - be accountable
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I know you guys that have been with me on these threads for a long time know that I have a 39 yr old daughter with schizoaffective disorder (which is combination of mild schizophrenia and bipolar). She is on disability, but does try to work some (she has a masters in occupational therapy, so hard for her to accept this illness). She moved into her own apartment going on 3 yrs now, but we have to pay a lot, as disability only goes so far.

    She has a charge card, which is suppose to be only used for emergencies, like gas. I had it almost paid off, when just last month, almost $800 in charges ... mostly starbucks coffee.

    Before I met my husband I wasn't taking my medication the way I was supposed to and opened two credit cards and maxed them both out in about 2 months. Mostly on stupid things like clothes and buying food for my friends. I had no way to pay it back because most of my money was going to rent. I ended up meeting my husband and getting the help I needed. I then moved back home and my mom pretty much took control of my money. I was working a full-time job at a convenience store near me. She opened an account at a local bank in only her name and deposited my checks into it. In less than a year I got both cards paid off and learned how to deal with money properly. Now I work from a pretty strict budget that gets everything paid.

    Mental illness is really hard, especially on the ones we love. I know that when I wasn't taking my meds and even before I was diagnosed my mom had no idea what to do with me. We think that I've had my illness my whole life. I was a rough child and they weren't sure what to do with me. But they loved me and they helped me. Once I was diagnosed and knew what I was dealing with mom did all sorts of research to help me and a lot of what she has told me over the years has really helped me through some rough times. My husband also helped by paying close attention to my moods and mannerisms to see if my meds needed tweaking.

    I'm not sure if this helps at all. But I'm proud of you for recognizing what you need to do to help yourself. We can only control ourselves. So make the best of what you have. We love you here and if you ever want to talk and you dont want to do it here, feel free to message me.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited January 2018
    @joan6630 I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through. Just remember you are an excellent mother for caring for your daughter the way you do!! I know God has many blessings in store for you just keep doing the right thing, in His time you will be blessed. Trust me there are many parents out there that do not care the way you do!! Focus on the fact that that in it's self is a huge success!! I understand how difficult emotional eating can be. Stay strong and say a prayer; maybe distract yourself with a fun movie to try and cheer yourself up! Sometimes I'll set up my laptop in the bathroom on a chair, light some candles, (have a cup of chamomile tea or pour a glass of wine (when not pregnant)) and soak in an aromatherapy bath while watching a movie on my laptop!! It really helps me escape reality for a little while. Like @HGSmith0920 said, we are all here for you and feel free to reach out anytime.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    Before I met my husband I wasn't taking my medication the way I was supposed to and opened two credit cards and maxed them both out in about 2 months. Mostly on stupid things like clothes and buying food for my friends. I had no way to pay it back because most of my money was going to rent. I ended up meeting my husband and getting the help I needed. I then moved back home and my mom pretty much took control of my money. I was working a full-time job at a convenience store near me. She opened an account at a local bank in only her name and deposited my checks into it. In less than a year I got both cards paid off and learned how to deal with money properly. Now I work from a pretty strict budget that gets everything paid.

    Mental illness is really hard, especially on the ones we love. I know that when I wasn't taking my meds and even before I was diagnosed my mom had no idea what to do with me. We think that I've had my illness my whole life. I was a rough child and they weren't sure what to do with me. But they loved me and they helped me. Once I was diagnosed and knew what I was dealing with mom did all sorts of research to help me and a lot of what she has told me over the years has really helped me through some rough times. My husband also helped by paying close attention to my moods and mannerisms to see if my meds needed tweaking.

    I'm not sure if this helps at all. But I'm proud of you for recognizing what you need to do to help yourself. We can only control ourselves. So make the best of what you have. We love you here and if you ever want to talk and you dont want to do it here, feel free to message me.

    Thank you. I know how very hard mental illness is, and I respect and am so proud of anyone having to deal with it. It is not easy, and something no one asks for, including my daughter. I am proud of my daughter, but unlike you, she refuses to let us help her much. We have tried to give her cash, and have her work off a cash-only, but everything we do seems to backfire. That is the hardest part ... I have so little that we can do. She is 39, and was really not diagnosed until she was 24, so she was much older, and that makes it hard for her to fully accept this - she thinks everyone else is wrong. But thank you so much for your story. I am so proud of you .... you know what to do to keep yourself healthy, and are doing just that.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    JFT 1/27/18

    1. Up by 7:45 :D5 am actually
    2. Make DH lunch :)Did this and he was very appreciative
    3. Coffee/quiet time/MFP :)Did this at about 545am. Lol. Made myself a nice breakfast though!
    4. Stretching video :)Ended up starting a new yoga series on Youtube
    5. Type up budget :)Did this! Going to set up my new printer on Monday and then print it out to hang on the fridge
    6. Call my cousin about cabin prices :/I really really hate talking on the phone so I put off until tomorrow.
    7. Do some yard work and clean out the car :)It felt really good to be able to be outside again! And my Dad was wonderful and took a whole bunch of garbage to the dump for me so that I'd didn't overload the garbage can. Lol
    8. Clean out fridge :)My fridge looks so bare now! But I was able to reclaim a bunch of my tupperware
    9. Do laundry :)Did this. See my laundromat post from earlier
    10. Pay bills :)Did this while at the laundromat.
    11. Talk to T about getting haircut :)Did this but she's not feeling well so hopefully by the end of next week I can get it cut. It's just getting way too long
    12. Spend an hour job hunting :/Didnt do this either. I HATE job hunting. I always get so discouraged. Tomorrow I am going to update my resume and send it to my friend to check it out for me.
    13. Dinner/dishes :):)It was just some heated up leftovers with salad. Tomorrow is a special day for us so I'm gonna spoil the DH with a really nice dinner.

    Was another really good day and I got a lot done! Even managed to squeeze some gym time in there. It was really nice, although I might have hurt my back. Right now, the DH and I are watching the NHL All-Star Skills Competition. I want to stay up until at least 11:30 to see if I can actually sleep tonight but I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open and it's not even 10 yet! Lol. Well onto tomorrows list!

    JFT 1/28/18

    1. Church
    2. Run to the store
    3. Gym
    4. Update resume
    5. Clean the shower!
    6. Food in the crockpot by 2
    7. Call my brother for his birthday and my cousin about the cabin!
    8. Make dessert
    9. Nap!!
    10. Dinner
    11. Dishes
    12. Bed (depends on how I sleep tonight. Lol)

    I hope everyone has a great night! See you in the morning!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    Thank you. I know how very hard mental illness is, and I respect and am so proud of anyone having to deal with it. It is not easy, and something no one asks for, including my daughter. I am proud of my daughter, but unlike you, she refuses to let us help her much. We have tried to give her cash, and have her work off a cash-only, but everything we do seems to backfire. That is the hardest part ... I have so little that we can do. She is 39, and was really not diagnosed until she was 24, so she was much older, and that makes it hard for her to fully accept this - she thinks everyone else is wrong. But thank you so much for your story. I am so proud of you .... you know what to do to keep yourself healthy, and are doing just that.

    I wasn't properly diagnosed until I was 23. I was diagnosed as a whole bunch of other things before it was determined that I had bipolar. All through high school, I knew that something was wrong. But I was too stubborn to seek help. I think a lot of people who deal with mental illness see asking for help as a weakness. I know that I did. I eventually got so fed up with the depression side of my illness that I knew something had to change. I hope that sometime soon your daughter gets fed up like I did.