JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member

    5) Be sweet to hubby all day...this will test me

    This made me LOL for real! I feel your pain.... :mrgreen:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    JFT (1/27/2018):
    1. Stay in the green :( That 8:00 pm stomach rumble got me again. Damn.
    2. 5 servings of freggies :)
    3. Increase protein :)
    4. WATER! At least eight 8oz glasses of water. Use lemon or citrus juice for flavor :)More than yesterday, so I'll take it as a small victory in the right direction.
    5. Finish moving clothes to the new dresser ;) closer. just going through to see what fits and what doesn't now.
    6. Update Beck's Index cards and review them as needed
    7. Read today's Simple Abundance, Beck Diet Solution and Soulful Simplicity before bed :)
    8. Listen to Optimal Living and Optimal Health Daily podcasts :)Listened to a really good podcast yesterday that I saved and am going to listen to again. I didn't even realize it, but I think I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). I used to get it every winter and took measures to combat it before it really set in. Then my job got so stressful I blamed my depression on that. Now I have no stress (not a lot anyway) at work and I've been really, really depressed. The minute I heard this podcast a lightbulb went on! Oh my goodness. How does a person forget about a thing like this? I'm going to be upping my game to get more sunlight and Vitamins...
    9. Finish my "This week..." list. Tomorrow will begin a new week and a new list :)
    10. Turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Do not dwell in the what if's but instead focus on what IS...the present moment. :(Did not do so well but it's something I have to remind myself of every day...

    This week, I will:
    • Color my hair
      Declutter one space (cupboard, drawer, closet, shelf, desk, bar area in basement) :) Decluttered spice cabinet, baking cupboard and shelf in cupboard by stove.
    • Update my bullet journal's to-do list I really enjoy doing this. It's time where I just sit quietly and think and draw my lines and write my notes. I added a "Books to Read in 2018" page yesterday and also added February's month view, week views and a February To-Do list. I added a few quotes I like too. I'm going to page through the book I ordered on Amazon for ideas to add to my notebook.
      Pay bills :) Done
      Find one new crockpot recipe to make this week Chicken, veggies & rice tonight in crockpot
    • Continue working on baby quilt *Priority*

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    1/27 Saturday JFT:

    ✔Breakfast w/ family
    ✔Manage Saturday Chores
    ✔Work on Research -❌ Analyze 13 glycopeptides➡️Analyzed 5 :grimace:
    ✔Continue to add to "Baby Shopping List"
    ✔Place an order for a few baby items
    ✔Catch up on JFT
    ✔Dinner by 8 pm
    ✔Bedtime by 11 pm

    1/28 Sunday JFT:

    ▪Breakfast w/ family
    ▪Enjoy a relaxing morning
    ▪Research work - Analyze 25 glycopeptides
    ▪Stay focused on Research work
    ▪Run by grocery store for dinner supplies
    ▪Dinner by 7 pm
    ▪Bedtime by 10 pm
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Good morning my MFP JFT friends! Happy Sunday.

    Tomorrow is my 6-year follow up with the oncologist. For some reason, this year I'm scared. I'm not usually really scared about it. I've never felt like the cancer might be back before, but this time I'm kind of nervous. I've got swelling in my arm and in my armpit on the side that I had the tumor and the lymph nodes removed, so it's making me nervous. Makes it hard to do anything for very long, because my right hand is swollen and sore. Actually makes it so I can't work on quilting, writing, or really anything for very long without my hand hurting!

    Anyway, I would appreciate any prayers or positive vibes sent my way for tomorrow's appointment. It's just been on my mind a lot.

    Just for Sunday:
    1. Eat healthy and log food
    2. Five servings of freggies
    3. Increase protein, decrease carbs
    4. WATER
    5. Go to gym to get out of house and work off some anxiety
    6. Prep for tomorrow, today
    7. Review index cards
    8. Put together my "This Week, I will..." list
    9. Bed sleeping by 10. Unplug at 9:00 and read out of book, not Kindle.
    10. NO Snooze button tomorrow!!!

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

    Don't look back...you're not going that way!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    I forgot to mention that today my DH and I have been together for 5 years! So I'm making him his favorite dessert which is suuuuper high in calories. I'm going to have a small slice but it's going to kill my calorie intake unless I do some serious work at the gym. Lol. But he's worth it and the pie is really yummy so I'm not going to deprive myself of it. I would feel weird if he ate it and I didn't. Plus...I just want to. Lol. But yay 5 years! The time has flown by!

    Congratulations on 5 years! And may you have many more.
    Peace and joy
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    JFY (Saturday, 1/27/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :/ Only made it to 7.
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :)
    4. Go for a walk :)

    JFT (Sunday, 1/28/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Groceries :)

    Well, 7 glasses is a win in my book! But it is satisfying when you reach that daily goal. Are you reading this on Sunday? Quick, grab a cup of water and you will be down one more, lol!!!
    Peace and joy
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    5. Research previous idea for storage containers made of fabric :) Used the cut off legs and pockets from hubby's destroyed pants and some spare upholstery fabric. There's enough for three more bins.

    Is this the kind of fabric containers you are looking for? Ive made several of these - they go together really fast. They don't hold much though ... so not sure if this is something like what you are researching?.


    I really enjoy watching this gal...she's like the opposite of Jenny Doane, personality wise, whom I like a lot as well. But I've learned a lot of tricks from her.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    For 1/27, JFT
    I am going to ride my bike 5 miles :p Thanks to my personal throw down to @joan6630!!!!
    I am going to drink 8, count 'em, 8 cups of water
    I am going to log all my food
    I am going to eat well
    I am going to finish eating by 8pm
    I am going to start the baby quilt (using one of MSQ's pattern)

    Y'all have a blessed and restful Sunday.
    Peace and joy!

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good morning my MFP JFT friends! Happy Sunday.

    Tomorrow is my 6-year follow up with the oncologist. For some reason, this year I'm scared. I'm not usually really scared about it. I've never felt like the cancer might be back before, but this time I'm kind of nervous. I've got swelling in my arm and in my armpit on the side that I had the tumor and the lymph nodes removed, so it's making me nervous. Makes it hard to do anything for very long, because my right hand is swollen and sore. Actually makes it so I can't work on quilting, writing, or really anything for very long without my hand hurting!

    Anyway, I would appreciate any prayers or positive vibes sent my way for tomorrow's appointment. It's just been on my mind a lot.

    Lot's of prayers coming your way! What time is your appointment? I'll try to cover you in prayer while it's going on!
  • clairelouisey
    clairelouisey Posts: 68 Member
    1. Stick to calorie goal :)
    2. Do fitness class :)
    3. Do yoga class :)

    1. Stick to calorie goal
    2. Go to yoga class
    3. Go to personal training session
  • juliettehirt
    juliettehirt Posts: 6 Member
    Yoga is so good for you! What kind of class are you taking?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    So I realized that I had added ingredients into the recipe calculator wrong! If I get to the gym and do some walking and some strength then I should be in the green! This actually made me really happy! I didn't want to lose my streak!

    Second the tip on working another muscle group.

    Also, when I had a PT he used to weight train me until I was jelly! Leg day was awful, wobbling out the gym. However, (and I thought it was horrendous at the time) after leg work outs he used to make me cycle on a bike, no resistance but had to keep the speed up to 70 rpm. And do this for 15 mins!
    He said trust him, and I did. It got all the blood flowing through the muscles which helped with recovery. although they still ached they weren’t half as bad!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    So I realized that I had added ingredients into the recipe calculator wrong! If I get to the gym and do some walking and some strength then I should be in the green! This actually made me really happy! I didn't want to lose my streak!

    Second the tip on working another muscle group.

    Also, when I had a PT he used to weight train me until I was jelly! Leg day was awful, wobbling out the gym. However, (and I thought it was horrendous at the time) after leg work outs he used to make me cycle on a bike, no resistance but had to keep the speed up to 70 rpm. And do this for 15 mins!
    He said trust him, and I did. It got all the blood flowing through the muscles which helped with recovery. although they still ached they weren’t half as bad!

    I'll try that! If I wake up super early again tomorrow I'm going to go before the DH wakes up because he takes my car to work so I have to take his junky one whenever I go. Lol. Plus, I want to get it done and out of the way because I have a lot to do tomorrow. Lol.

    Thank you for the tip!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Feel like I’m ending the weekend on a positive. Wasn’t perfect but I achieved everything I wanted to so not worrying about things that could have been better.

    Recap weekend goals

    - get some exercise both days ✅
    - get some rest both days ✅ nice nap Saturday, early night tonight!
    - Sort out post and paperwork - file, throw, shred not just organise into piles!! ✅ feels amazing to have tackled this at long last
    - Type up documents ✅
    - Buy cake decorating bits for kids’ birthday parties ✅
    - Batch cook veggies ✅
    - 10k steps both days ✅
    - Water!!!! And not just coffee ✅ but there was also a lot of coffee!!

    Goals for tomorrow 29/1
    - exercise before kids get up
    - 15k + steps
    - 2ltr + water
    - stay within calorie goal
    - letter for class parent
    - email to year group parents
    - guided reading books
    - contact twinning schools
    - order dvd of daughter’s show

    Wishing you all a great week x

    Look at you being amazing! You did so well! All that work and you still got the 10k steps! I'm really impressed! Awesome job! And you're starting the week off on the right foot by going to bed early!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    JFT, SUnday
    1. go to the gym - no excuses :) Went to the gym in the morning, a short walk in the afternoon, and back to the gym in the afternoon with hubby :)
    2. drink water :)
    3. think before I eat. Am I hungry, or just stressed, emotional :) Yesterday's episode made me really stop and think, and realize the triggers I have for emotional eating. Being aware of them will really help me I think.
    4. log all food :)
    5. get back on here - be accountable :)

    A much better day today. The book I am reading is so good. I don't have time tonite, but will try and post some of the key things she talks about.

    JFT, Monday
    1. log all food
    2. go to the gym
    3. meeting with accountant to take in taxes. Hoping everything is there. if we eat lunch out, make smart choices
    4. remember my red cup - drink 8+ cups of water
    5. get back on here be accountable

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member

    Tomorrow is my 6-year follow up with the oncologist. For some reason, this year I'm scared. I'm not usually really scared about it. I've never felt like the cancer might be back before, but this time I'm kind of nervous. I've got swelling in my arm and in my armpit on the side that I had the tumor and the lymph nodes removed, so it's making me nervous. Makes it hard to do anything for very long, because my right hand is swollen and sore. Actually makes it so I can't work on quilting, writing, or really anything for very long without my hand hurting!

    Prayers for you my friend that everything will turn out OK. <3 Hugs