What's YOUR biggest pet peeve while working out at the gym?

I have a few, but the highest ranking one to me would have to be - People inturrupting me while I'm working out. Unless i act like a complete *kitten* and scare them off, i usually engage in what they have to say, thus losing my pump and or start to get cold because some person wants to strike up a conversation about something meaningless while I'm "in the zone" Lol.


  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I too hate to be interrupted. I run so I've often had people motion for me to take out my buds only for them to ask me if I'm almost done with the treadmill (when there are others available).... that's when I put my buds back in and resume running without answering them.

    When you see me wiping down the equipment, you'll know I'm done. SMH.

    I've gotten to the point where I just motion to let them know that I'm not stopping and whatever they have to ask me, it's going to wait. Because just like weight training, you get in a zone when running and lost momentum when interrupted.

    My other pet peeve is people who don't wipe down their equipment. Not so much the cardio equipment, but more so the weight machines. If your sweaty *kitten* has been sitting or laying on anything - wipe it down! That's gross to skip that part.
  • ThinGoldLineNS
    ThinGoldLineNS Posts: 265 Member
    I've paid for a membership and the staff bug me every single time I'm "in the zone" to "bring a friend"! If I wanted to bring a friend, I would have now leave me the H!&% alone!
  • ServusChristi
    ServusChristi Posts: 98 Member
    People putting there towel, water bottle, etc on some piece of equipment like it's their own personal table. Like a ritual, the same piece of equipment, every time. Inevitably, on my day for that body part.
  • aniracace
    aniracace Posts: 39 Member
    Those annoying people who race you to the machine even though it's VERY CLEAR that you're about to use it.

    Also when you're using a machine and some rando comes up to ask "if you're finished." Like yes, I am finished. I just wanted to sit here so nobody else could use it, thanks.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member
    Three main things... Weight droppers- every once in a while, dropping a bar bell full of plates happens, but repeatedly? Loud and obnoxious.
    People who sit on machines with their phones. And no, it doesn't take ten minutes to change a song on your playlist.

    Three- Men who make it a point to not move out of your way. Stand in the area of traffic flow next to machines and make you go around them, even when you say excuse me.
  • porcelanmermaid
    porcelanmermaid Posts: 60 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is the last couple times I was at the gym, I go at like midnight because I hate people, I had a group of 4-5 tall thicker guys who literally stayed within 15 feet of me and none of them were working out they we're just constantly looking at me. I told the guy at the desk that they were making me uncomfortable but nothing was done and they ended up leaving when I left. I like going to the gym and not feeling like I'm about to be a missing person..
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    None...I haven't belonged to a large commercial gym in a long time. I belong to a small private gym and there's never any more than 3 or 4 other people there at one time and I often have the place to myself on Sunday mornings.

    It is primarily lifting focused and pretty much everyone does Olympic movements so nobody is crying about weights being dropped and thinking the place is the library or something...that's what bumper plates and Oly platforms are for.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    When I drop candy all over the floor of my basement or worse, gym floor :s .. especially Nerds and Pixy Stix dust.. it's the worst.

    LOL... It would definitely be annoying if I walked over to my gym(in my apartment) and there was someone else there
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    People who do supersets when the gym is busy and don't know what supersets are, they just hog 2 pieces of equipment. And people who don't de-rack their weights.

    I swear most of the time there will be weights on a bar with nobody around, I don't know how to tell if someone just forgot to take the weights off or if they are doing some superset on the other side of the gym or went and got a drink of water or something. At least put a towel there or something.

    I usually give it a couple minutes before I move in but I'm not exactly sure what the etiquette is. But if the gym is busy I have a low amount of patience for people.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    When there is a WHOLE row of open machines (lets say stair machines) . . . you are on the end one and someone comes and gets on the machine DIRECTLY next to you!! Dude there are no less than 15 open machines . . . you can't leave one in between us?? Ugh!!

    This is a tricky one because while it bugs me at my one gym, at my other gym, I totally get it. My main gym, most of the cardio machines have their own television attached so this doesn't happen too often. However, at the gym I go to with my husband and sister (Planet Fitness) they have a long row of about 20 big flat screens that are always on the same channel. So I've noticed people pick their cardio equipment based on what television it's in front of.

    Also, if you're like a lot of people, you have a favorite machine which could also be the case for the person hopping on next to you.

    Not saying you're wrong for feeling that way @danibadgley13 because you're completely entitled and warranted - just though I'd give some perspective that I've kind of picked up on.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    Roadie2000 wrote: »
    People who do supersets when the gym is busy and don't know what supersets are, they just hog 2 pieces of equipment. And people who don't de-rack their weights.

    I swear most of the time there will be weights on a bar with nobody around, I don't know how to tell if someone just forgot to take the weights off or if they are doing some superset on the other side of the gym or went and got a drink of water or something. At least put a towel there or something.

    I usually give it a couple minutes before I move in but I'm not exactly sure what the etiquette is. But if the gym is busy I have a low amount of patience for people.

    I'll bite... what's a superset?
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I have a gym in my house - which rocks. I hate it when I get interrupted (my family has been told that I'm not to be bugged, unless the house is on fire). That being said, I ignore people that ring my doorbell, I don't answer my phone (unless it's my Dad - he's elderly and lives far from me - or my daughter - she's away at school). I am okay with my cat trying to interact with me when I workout - she's too darn cute to get angry at.
  • AlainaKayy
    AlainaKayy Posts: 206 Member
    The gym that I went to had age restrictions for certain machines, and they would constantly ask for my ID to see if I was old enough. Like, yes I understand I look young. But every time I come in? really? :/